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  • Which Big 12 football team has the worst fans?

    And why?

    My criteria for a bad fans:

    *Leaves at halftime because their team is down by three or less touchdowns

    *Acts immature/hostile toward visiting fans

    *Obnoxious vising fans

    *Merry-time fan

    *Sore looser/sore winner

    *Unaffiliated fan (not as big of deal)

    My criteria for a good fan:

    *Loves their team, win or loose

    *Hospital toward visiting fans

    *Subtle visiting fan

    *Doesn't blame one player for the team's loss

    If you have different criteria that's perfectly fine. Don't let my criteria change your answer. I just thought I would try to give the answerers an idea of what I thought of as a good or bad fan.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • How much of a difference to jammer swimsuits make?

    I have never swam competitively but I have been swimming for fitness off and on for about two years. Anyway, you could say that I have recently caught the swimming bug. I haven't swam in anything but my good ol' board shorts so far. I'm wondering if I should even bother spending the 40 bucks on the jammers. I like the idea of being able to have better balance, being able to swim laps easier, and having more endurance. I'm not too modest; so don't care what I look like. So, should I invest in the jammers?

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving8 years ago
  • Are there any black people that think Zimmerman acted in self defense?

    From what I'v seen black people almost unanimously think that Zimmerman killed Martin in cold blood. I honestly don't think that black people would feel the same way if Martin was white. I feel like black people are making themselves look stubbornly biased and even a bit dishonest. I know that some of you are just going to decide that I'm racist for making this observation. All I can do is tell you that I'm not.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Eve and the Tree of Knowledge?

    If Eve didn't have knowledge of good and evil, then how would she know that it's evil to disobey god and eat from the tree of knowledge? Good and Evil might also translate to something like "everything." Still, if Eve didn't have knowledge of anything then how would she know it's bad to disobey god or listen to the serpent?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does anyone even like Sonic's newer hot dogs?

    I think everyone around here that I have mentioned them to will not get them. Maybe they're more popular in other parts of the country. Maybe it's just my age group. I suppose that Sonic must sell some of them.

    Also, does anyone on this planet like sauerkraut?

    If you do like these hot dogs, I'm curious how old you are, where you're from, and which one/ones that you like. That is if you don't mind.

    3 AnswersFast Food8 years ago
  • Do non-Americans think that Americans get offended when they're called "yanks"?

    I hope I don't end up seeming like a stereotypical dumb American for asking this question...

    The question is pretty straight forward. I ask because the only time I ever see or hear non-Americans referring to Americans as "yanks" its always with a snide tone.

    Does the world not know that Americans have accepted the reference, and even embrace it. After all, we have the song "Yankee Doodle" and the baseball team named "NY Yankees".

    Are non-Americans mindful of the fact that "yankee" is completely inoffensive to Americans?

    I have been to the UK and been called a yank. The person calling me a yank always seemed to expect me to be offended. Rather than being offended I was confused. If the people calling me a yank goal was to confuse me, then I must say they succeeded.

    I understand that every country has it's dummies. Maybe the few people I ran in to didn't understand that "yank" was inoffensive. Maybe I'm the dummy for not knowing that the rest of the world knows that the term yank is inoffensive.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Should I be my niece's godfather?

    I am a closet atheist... In case you don't like reading much, that should sum up my situation pretty well.

    If you don't mind reading...

    My family is deeply religious. If I come out to my family as an atheist, I will loose their respect, break their hearts, even be disowned all together, etcetera. I love my family, they mean everything to me, and I have my reasons for being slow to tell them I'm an atheist.

    Anyhoo... My brother is excessively religious, and he wants me to be his daughters godfather. Since I am an atheist, I don't really think that I am exactly a Christian's ideal godfather. My modesty compels me to tell him that I am not the right guy for the job, but my love for my family keeps me from telling him why I'm not qualified. My brother would be crushed if I declined his offer to be his daughters godfather.

    On the other hand, I know that I know more about religious philosophy than anyone else in my family. If my niece had a philosophical question about religion, I'd be the guy to ask. If I accepted my brothers offer, I could be a great godfather in a philosophical or scientific sense. Though I couldn't companionably give her pro-religious advice.

    I think that declining my brothers offer to be his daughter's godfather would mean that I'd have to come out as an atheist and loose the huge part of my life that is my family.

    Tell me what you think!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do conservatives think that the popular vote is what gets a president elected?

    I keep hearing from conservatives that Romney is ahead in the polls (even though Obama and Romney are pretty much tied) as if that meant that Romney had a chance of winning the election. Are conservatives not aware of the electoral college and how it works? I'm singling out the conservatives because I hardly ever see the liberals pointing at the popular vote polls.

    If you don't know how presidents get elected please look it up! You can start here.

    If you are conservative and you do know about the electoral college, then this question is intended to help you realize that Romney is probably going to loose the election, and that the popular vote really doesn't matter all that much. These things are facts. There's no sense in lying to yourself right?

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Are people who want more gun control a bunch of silly geese?

    In 2007 41,059 people died in car accidents. There are about 13,000 deaths per year from people falling. There about 12,700 deaths per year from accidental poisoning. In 2007 12,632 people died from gun-related homicides. In case you're thinking to yourself "but those other things are all accidents" apparently there are around 16,700 homicides per year that don't involve guns.

    I'm ranting because I'm tired of this talk about an assault weapons ban.

    You'd say "but you don't need an assault weapon". To that I'd say "I don't care. I wan't one." Do you think that me having an assault weapons makes me a murderer? If not then why do you not want me to have one? What good would it do to make it to where one can only obtain an assault rifle by going about it illegally? Would an assault weapons ban really keep people who tend to do things illegally from doing something illegally? People who are crazy enough to kill people with an assault weapon are probably crazy enough to make a pipe-bomb, molotov cocktail, etc and kill a bunch of people with that.

    Oh look what I found on Wiki: "That study by Christopher S. Koper, Daniel J. Woods, and Jeffrey A. Roth of the Jerry Lee Center of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania found no statistically significant evidence that either the assault weapons ban or the ban on magazines holding more than 10 bullets had reduced gun murders." and "Generally, the research found no impact of these bans on violent crime rates,.. (another book)... provided some evidence that Assault Weapon Bans slightly increased murder rates."

    Sorry for the long rant, but I had to vent or I was going to explode!

    I guess my question is: What the hell is wrong with the people that want more gun control? If you happen to be for an assault weapon ban will you at least consider the other side of the argument?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • If Obama wins this next debate will Conservatives be willing to admit that he won?

    Or will they be like they are regarding the VP debate and refuse to admit defeat?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Christians Right voting for Romney?

    Fellow Republicans,

    We all know that Romney is a Mormon. Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet.

    I looked into it and you might want to check what these verses say about false prophets and their followers before you vote!

    Ezekiel 22:27; 2 John 1:7; Lamentations 2:14; Jeremiah 5:30; Mathew 7:15; Mathew 7:21; Mathew 24:4; 2 Peter 2:1; Revelation 22:18; Romans 16:17; Timothy 4:1;

    If god doesn't like false prophets or their followers, then should we really be voting for a follower of a false prophet as our countries leader? Obama's policies may be considered un-Christian, but at least he doesn't follow a the teaching of a false prophet, right? I mean the bible says more about how following false prophets is bad than it does about how being gay or getting an abortion is bad.

    Besides, he is a MORMON. Have you ever read about what Mormons believe? Mormons cant be too smart if they actually believe that stuff...

    Just saying... In this day and age, it not always easy for good Christians to follow their faith. Romney following a false prophet is not something that a good Christian would just sweep under the rug.

    So, I guess the question is: Even though you agree with more of Romney's policies, should you vote for him even though he lives a mislead religious life that is explicitly forbidden by the word of God, or do we just pretend that he isn't a Mormon?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What do you think of my Halloween fun-house analogy?

    There are two fun-houses, and you have to go through one.

    One fun-house has a bunch of supernatural stuff such as ghosts, devils, demons, the summoning of "evil spirits", pentagrams, curses, and things of that nature. You are told that the evilness is overwhelming and is sure to get the best of you. If anything is going to make god angry with you and make you into a tool of the devil it would be this fun-house. Oh, and praying is against the rules. No praying in this fun-house.

    The other fun-house has empirical things. In this fun-house I would have all sorts of deadly animals, armed psychopathic killers, creepy child molesters, and other living specimens. I would also have questions that you have to answer. If you answer correctly then you would be safe, but if you were incorrect then it could set of canisters of poisonous gasses, set off explosives, release deadly viruses, etc... To make it interesting you are allowed to pray in this fun-house.

    I think you get the idea.

    Religious people: Do you let your religious convictions threaten your earthly life and take you through the empirical fun-house?

    Non-religious people: Do you believe that there isn't a god strongly enough to risk pissing god off by going through the supernatural fun-house? (Of course you would... lol)

    NOTE: No cop-outs, exceptions, altercations, or anything else that would mess up the analogy.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If someone were to kill some of the more prominent members of the Westboro Baptist Church?

    ...would you be willing to help pay for this brave person's court cost, lawyer, bail, fines, etc.? I think it's called a "Legal Defense Fund". One could be set up in advance just in case some tactful person does decide to go through with it, or if they just get sued for assault, or something. It'd probably end up being an excessively large LDF so it'd be like an incentive, bounty, or a reward.

    I know that right now it's probably best to just ignore them (which I'm not really doing) because they thrive on attention; but I also know that religious people and atheist alike don't want these people around. We're all so sick and tired of them! I have thought about it and, mostly because they have the law on their side, killing them is only way I can think of to stop them.

    Am I on to something, or should I go back to the drawing board? Is setting up an LDF in advance illegal? Could we say that the WBC tends to sue a lot; therefore the LDF wouldn't really be set up in advance of anything because, either way, the WBC is almost definitely going to sue good people in the future? Any other good ideas out there? Anyone wanting to brainstorm for no real reason? Not that I dwell on this very often, I just am watching too much YouTube today... lol.

    Also, I'm not electing myself to kill the WBC. There are probably some pissed off war vets out there would would be better qualified, and more than willing to do this noble deed. It could even be a team of people or something.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Which is harder, coming out as a gay or coming out as an atheist?

    I'm not gay but I am an atheist. I have been wanting to tell the family that I am an atheist. My family would rank about a 7 on the religiousness scale of 1 to 10. Since they are religious they are pretty intolerant of atheists.

    They don't seem to hate gays per say, but they are pretty narrow-minded and hard-headed on the issue. I have a great aunt who is probably a closet lesbian, and the family's attitude toward her is "I hope she stays in the closet", which is terrible.

    Which reminds me that sometimes I suspect that they have a pretty good idea that I'm an atheist.

    I'm just curious what the Yahoo Answers world's opinion would be on the subject.

    To the person who is mad that I asked this question: F**k off please!

    To the religious person: Don't tell me that I need Jesus or something like that.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do you think that Obama will beat Romney by more or less than he beat McCain?

    If you think that Romney will win, please don't answer this question; because you are an idiot and your opinion doesn't matter to me.

    If you are sane, I would like to know why you think what you think.

    I feel like it's worth mentioning that, if this were a perfect world, Ron Paul could have a chance to run against Obama. I just really just don't think it is going to happen.

    13 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What is the best method for testing welds?

    What method would be the best balance between time, thoroughness, and cost? What method of testing would you like best if you had plenty of time? What method would you like best if you were in a hurry? What method would you like if you were broke? What method would you like best if you were rich?

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago