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  • Is this "ignoring" someone in this scenario?

    So i work in a big open office area. I'm fairly new and don't know many people that well yet. There's one guy in the office who sometimes makes loud conversational statements ("i think i'm going spaghetti tonight" or "what should i watch when i get home?") that are never directed to me or anyone really, so i'm not sure if i'm expected to respond or if not responding would be thought of as "ignoring" him. Or would it be rude to respond to him and try to start a conversation?

    I hope this makes sense, i am not a very social person so i guess i tend to overanalyze things.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • can someone give me advice about my mom? please help?

    So this has been going on for a couple of years now. My mom constantly asks for small favors (like getting her food or retrieving something from another room). She'll ask even if we are in the middle of something and she herself is doing nothing that would prevent her from getting up and doing it on her own. If we don't give in and do it she refuses to do it on her own, saying we are just being selfish and uncaring. She berates my sixteen year old sister by calling her lazy and saying if she loved her she would do it. It's gotten to the point where she will not do even simple chores around the house, claiming "no one helped her when she was making an effort" so she just gave up, which is not true.

    Are we being the petty ones here? How would you guys handle this?

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Training my dog to behave around guests?

    I'm trying to train my dog to behave politely when someone comes in the front door. How can I let guests know they need to ignore her before she has a chance to freak out? My main issue is people who are frightened of dogs and jump around or yell at her when they enter the house. Also, does anyone have any general tips on this type of training?

    2 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • all is well book or movie?

    What is the book or possibly movie where an Indian (or similar?) guy explains his life motto is "all is well?" Later he repeats it while (I strongly suspect) attempting to protect himself from some kind of supernatural evil.

    I know it's not a lot to go on but it's all I remember and it's driving me crazy. Tried googling it, no luck.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • crush on my kind of ex's step-dad?

    okay, kind of a weird situation. I call him my ex (we'll call him Jim) for lack of a better word but what actually happened is we went out once and he never called me back. I didn't know Jim's step-dad (we'll call him Eddy) was actually his step-dad until like, that night. Eddy is actually Jim's ex-step-dad, he divorced Jim's mother a while ago. They still live in the same building. I had a thing for Eddy for a long *** time before Jim even came into the picture. I haven't seen Jim since, but I see Eddy all the time. We're not friends, but we're civil. Am I insane for still liking him? I know nothing good can come of it. I would never in a million years have agreed to have anything to do with Jim in the first place if I knew. Also, nothing happened- we drank beer and watched half a movie. It was a miserable night.

    Singles & Dating8 years ago
  • is my boss crazy.............?

    My boss constantly calls me just to bullshit about stupid customers. She asks the manager of the store next to us to do manual labor and give her free stuff all the time. She calls the assistant manager of our store 6 or 7 times a day just to talk. She gives the third shift woman **** all the time because she doesn't reveal personal information (family, friends, life, etc.). She called me today to let me know she increased my hours about 10 per week without asking me first and gloated because the woman who lost the hours needs new brakes. If someone asks for time off she says no, and if they actually put a foot down and say "I'm taking time off" she hassles them about it. She constantly (as in every day) buys hundreds of dollars worth of groceries using coupons. She has left the store while on the clock to grocery shop.

    I get it, I'm perfectly happy to have a job and have no complaints about it. My boss just seems legit insane to me and I wonder if I'm the only one.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Analyze my boss please?

    my boss told me (in november) that the current assitant manager was stepping down, but continuing her job, in early spring. she said i was her number one choice between myself, a *****, and a retard old man, for the position. my question is, could she hire someone to work the position when i am willing and able to work it? i am a gas station cashier, non-union, and we currently have enough people covering the shifts.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • read this in middle school...?

    i read this book in middle school and i remember it from time to time, just never the title or author. it was a fantasy that seemed similar to chronicles of narnia (as i recall). there was something about a staircase possibly inside an oak tree? it may seem weird but the one scene that kinda stuck with me was a woman was nursing her baby in front of these kids and an older (probably eldest) brother was embarrassed by it. i think there was something about an uncle who may have been evil.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • i was way in the wrong?

    okay i need people's opinions on if they would personally forgive this.

    about six months ago a friend of mine came down to stay in our hometown for two weeks (she lives in ny now, i still live in ct where we grew up). she has a small child. she didn't think she could make the trip because no one would be able to put her up and no one could give her a ride both ways. i told her she could stay at my place and i could give her a ride at least one way. at the time i was twenty, living at home with a job and license but no registered vehicle. my parents seemed cool with it right up until four days or so after she got down here (i drove up to ny to get her in my parent's car to pick her and her kid up) when they told me we absolutely could not bring her home. my dad told her while i was at work and then basically kicked her out. luckily she had a sister she could stay with. i saw her once when she picked up a bunch of **** she had forgotten when she bailed from my place. my parents told her i hadn't even asked. she tried to text me a few times but i never replied. i used this as an excuse to break ties with her because i was afraid she was telling people secrets i had told her (this is not an excuse but that's why i did it. i no longer believe it was happening). i was totally selfish and immature and a complete ***** but now i MISS HER LIKE CRAZY!! she was my best friend and the last one i had (i cut ties with the others for the same reason).

    my question is this: if a good friend did this to you, and then apologized months later , could you ever forgive them? and if you could forgive them how likely it is you would remain friends? i'm so embarrassed that i treated her this way i can't even think about it.

    and i know it's unlikely (probably impossible) but B if you're reading this and you recognize the story i hope you know how guilty i feel and please please give me a chance to tell you that.

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • agh frustrating advice please?

    i have had a crush on this guy whom i know through my brother. they are not exactly friends but the point is we all run in the same circles. i'm turning 21, i met him when i was like 16. he's hot, that's why i was attracted to him at first (i didn't know him all that well). long story short, nothing ever came of it. now i'm at college. i very rarely run into him anymore.

    my problem is that i can't seem to get over this guy. every time i meet somebody i'm interested i compare them to him (the guy i knew five years ago not the guy he is now). and they never measure up. i don't want to wait for this guy. i hate feeling like this it makes me feel like a stalker. i want to meet somebody and actually follow through, but lately i feel like no matter what i'll end up alone because i can't get over him. I NEVER EVEN HAD HIM!! WTF?? has anybody ever felt like this before? it's not really even a crush anymore. i admit that i don't like him and don't want to date him but every time i meet someone it's "his eyes aren't as blue" or "his taste in music isn't as good" and **** along those lines.


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • question for guys- opinions?

    okay, i just want a few opinions here. i'm going to present a scenario here. i know i said guys only but if you happen to click on this and you're a chick, feel free.

    i have friends that are girls and friends that are guys but i've never really had a boyfriend and my friends that are girls say it's because i act like "one of the boys". here are some examples (they're opinions): i wrestle with my dog. i roll my own joints. i drink beer. i don't dress like a girl (most people label me "grunge" if that helps, mostly because of the bands i listen to though). i don't usually wear make-up (sometimes eyeliner though). i think i'm attractive but i just don't play it up much. i guess i'm just too lazy.

    they've been saying this for a while, things like "if you acted like a girl guys would like you more". i thought they were being catty but it's getting me down. i just want to know from a guy's perspective if a girl who acted like this (me) would be a turn-off to guys or if they would be okay with it. also if you would look at me and think "oh well she's probably a dyke" please mention that. i'm fine with how i act and dress but i don't want to be a third wheel you know?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • polite to invite my ex?

    me and my ex recently split up (a few months ago). the split was mutual and we're still friendly. we have two school age children (13 and 15).

    he is now seeing a woman, whom i know but our children have never met. would it be the right thing to invite both of them to the independance day party i'm having tomorrow? it's not really a party, just a family barbecue. i don't think it would be appropriate to not extend the invitation to his girlfriend, but i'm also unsure if my children should meet her for the first time in this situation. i'm open to suggestions and i wouldn't mind inviting her, i just wanted opinions. i haven't discussed it with my ex.

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • do people enjoy a lot of plot twists?

    i mean a ton. like this guy goes to his grandmother's funeral but it turn out she committed suicide but actually the nurse was written into her will so she killed her but then the doctor was the nurse's boyfriend and convinced her to do it then married her and murdered her for life insurance and he ends up being the main character's second cousin so he was really the person who could say to pull the plug and he poisoned her so she would go into a coma and then had the nurse pull the plug when in reality the house the grandmother lived in was haunted and so she came back from the dead and pointed out the real killer, who was the main character who paid off the doctor to kill the grandmother so he could get the house which is built over an underground diamond mine.

    do you get what i'm asking here? how much is too much exactly? i want to write a suspense story but i don't want to go overboard. scale of one to ten (1 being none 10 being a plot twist every new chapter), how much plot twists can you appreciate before it starts to get old. unless it never gets old.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • atheists on r/s section?

    why are you guys bringing religion down all the time guys? people let you reject god. why do you have to rub it in everybody's face. your questions are like the equivalent of going to someone's funeral and laughing about being alive. not cool man. atheists always rave about like "being equals" and how religion seperates people. well, you're not being very accepting either.

    i've said my piece. fight me now.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • getting over this guy?

    i have had something on a crush on this guy for a few years. we don't talk much. i wouldn't even really call it a crush- i just think he's cute. anyway i'm sick of wasting my time. i know i'm never going to say anything to him. any tips on forgetting about him?

    he works at the grocery store i shop at, also, so i see him a couple of times a week. should i change grocery stores too? i don't think i should have to cause i'm not trying to run away but if people think i should i will.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago