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I'm an aspiring poet/novelist. I hope you enjoy my work that I will either post on here or link to some other website. I prefer to read my poems aloud and then post links to YouTube. Here is one poem: I try to be emotionless and without feelings--with varying levels of success--because these make life more difficult, hence "TheBeast" "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" That's why my user name is TheBeast. Like everyone else, I have gone through painful experiences in my life, and to protect myself from further hurt, I have decided to make a beast of myself. A very effective outlet for me is writing all that I feel down.

  • Which of these 3 tattoos should I get (on my chest)?

    A, B, or C?

    I'm having a difficult time choosing since they all look nice to me. I kinda designed them myself (more like put together, though).

    Thanks for your input!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Which of these 3 tattoos should I get (on my chest)?

    A, B, or C?

    I'm having a difficult time choosing since they all look nice to me. I kinda designed them myself (more like put together, though).

    Thanks for your input!

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • what is form function mapping in second language acquisition (linguistics)?

    I'm studying for a test tomorrow and I'm stuck on this study question. I can't find the answer on the internet either and would be grateful if somebody could help out.


    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • when writing poetry, can you end a sentence with a personal pronoun like "he" or "she"?

    Here's an example

    The angel looked at He

    Wondering why the man loved She

    He replied, "No love is greater than We"

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • How long does it normally take until the Yahoo! Answers staff responds to an email?

    I sent an email to the yahoo answers team's direct email adress:

    The reason being that I have a question regarding the deletion of a resolved question some very sensitive information I posted a year back that have come back to haunt me and this won't stop until that question is deleted from yahoo's archives

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Have you ever gone such a long time without getting laid that in the end, you just don't care give a ****?

    After going out for a long time, you give up hunting for chicks (perhaps at bars/clubs). You say to yourself "screw it" if I'm destined to be celibate for the rest of my life. I'll just find hobbies. And the funny thing is you do find hobbies, and in the end, you couldn't give any less of a ****

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • do you ever feel like your life is irrelevant?

    Like if you exit this life, it don't mean jack ****. Like your entire existence and contribution to the world is diddley squat? Like, in the end, all this crap doesn't matter whatsoever, in the grand scheme of things

    11 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • What's the name of this thing in your body where you feel feelings and crap from?

    For the first time, this organ is doing other things other other than pumping blood. It's starting to feel things for a member of a strange species of human called "females".

    I believe this inconvenient feeling is called love or some crap. What is this thing that these feelings are coming from?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • is there a song that reminds you of someone you lost and it just rips your heart out?

    "Misty Mountains Cold", soundtrack to The Hobbit:

    The last time I was with her was late at night at the cinema watching The Hobbit. We were holding hands almost the entire time thinking that no power in the world would ever break that grip. When the dwarves sang this song, we both got goosebumps because of how hauntingly beautiful the song was. A perfect moment. At that moment, I never thought that night was the last night I'd ever see her.

    Now I listen to this song alone at home, and it hits me in the heart like an oncoming train, leaving me trembling--scarce able to hold the tears. So great is the heartache.

    Oh well, I thought It would be somewhat comforting to know one is not alone by sharing similar stories.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I sent her a message telling her how I feel, but she flat out rejected me?

    I wrote her that I had feelings for her. More than I've ever had for any other girl. I told her to tell me if she likes me or not and that if she doesn't like me, I'll never text her or call her again and that I'd leave her in peace. I told her its OK if she doesn't feel the same way and that I would live with it but that it would suck. She replied back and said that she thought we were only gonna be friends, that she has no deeper connection with me.

    Here's the exact reply I sent her this morning verbatim:

    "Alright. Now I know. $h¡t. It sucks for me, but like I said, I'll live with it. But hell, in the end, rejection is a part of life. Thanks for letting me know, though. 'He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man'. Have a nice day"

    And now, true to my word, I'll never text or call unless she does so first, since she made it crystal clear I'm not her type. What do you think of the whole thing?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is this a douche way or a G way to act if a girl never texts you first and you wanna tell her how you feel?

    I'm about to text her this:

    "I really like you. More than I've ever liked any other girl. Do you understand that at all? If you are not interested in me, that's OK. Just tell me. It will suck really hard. But I'll live with it. Do you or do you not like me? The ball is in your court."

    What do you say?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • why do people participate in these clownish presidential elections?

    I see all these US voters arguing over who's the better candidate. Participating in a clownish charade set up by their corporate masters who have mostly financial interest at heart. Only a choice of two men with similar agendas, but hundreds of choices of ice-cream? Democracy? Hmmm. Why pigeon-hole the vast political spectrum into two parties that are really not that different? It's like asking what's better: an a*** or a d***.

    But maybe I'm wrong? Can someone explain the mentality behind this (travesty or not)?

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • If i factory reset my PC after upgrading to Windows 8 from Windows 7, which version is it going to rest to?

    Will this upgrade override even the factory settings provided by the computer manufacturer?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Is expecting the very worst the best way to safeguard your heart from hurt?

    Because when you expect the worst in a given situation, and never having your hopes up, it will be impossible to get hurt. For instance, when you are getting a girl's number, even as she's writing it down, maybe it's best to assume that she will never answer your text or call. I'm saying this because I got rejected for the 3rd time in as many weeks, and plenty of times before. It's a perpetual cycle of rejection. Each time is as painful as the last. So I'm trying to figure the best way to end the painful feelings. What's your take on this outlook?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • if I upgrade to Windows 8, what happens in I factory reset my laptop?

    I bought a laptop a month ago and I got an offer from Microsoft to upgrade for a tiny fee (as has everyone who has bought a new computer recently). Now, I normally factory reset my computer every year or so. The PC cam pre-installed with Win 7. So after the Win 8 upgrade and say I later need to restore to factory settings on my PC, will it restore to Win 7 And if so, can I then reinstall Win 8 with no additional charge?

    5 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • This is my letter of disassociation from a religion. What do you think?


    I, John Doe, with much forethought and reflection over an extended period of time, has come to the indubitable conclusion that it is within my interest and that of everybody else’s—inside and outside The Watchtower Organization—if I dissociated myself from Jehovah’s Witnesses. As is readily evident to all at this juncture, I am not fit to be religious in any way, shape or form. This decision is mine and mine only. I am also well aware of the ramifications of such a decision: loss of, or severely limited, contact with family and friends from within the congregation, that is, becoming dead to all and becoming a social pariah, considered worse than any worldly non-believer. This reality I have come to accept and have abundantly understood. The reason for my departure is that I do not have reason for belief in any religion. I cannot give credence to any religious belief on the surface of the earth. In essence, I have come to be an uncompromising atheist. As I have alluded above, this letter serves as irrefutable evidence that I have requested to be taken off any congregational and organizational membership list or records. John Doe is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Signature: _______________________________

    Date: _______________________________


    And should my convictions concerning God and religion be erroneous, then well, you won. Otherwise, the only afterlife, paradise or eternity that is real (disregard the semantics) is that we are all made from stardust. The atoms that comprise us will live on in other manifestations of matter for all eternity.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Live by the bottle, die by bottle?

    I'm one sad bastard. No friends, no girlfriend and family lives half a world away. Saturday night, I'm alone quenching my sorrows with the help of two dozen bottles of 7.2% ABV beer. At this point, the most appealing way to die is by alcohol poisoning and after a month or so, I'm sure my wish will come true. It's not that I want to commit suicide, it's just that alcohol is the only thing that makes my horrible life better. I guess I'm not really asking a question on this forum, but am making a plea for help as a last ditch attempt.

    I'm a young man. 22 years old. Studying at university with hopes and dreams. But loneliness is my companion, especially as I see all the youths my age head out to clubs, pubs laughing and having the time of their lives. I'm home alone, in my dark room. Laptop screen illuminating my cold, tired teary eyes. As I type this, I reach for another gulp of beer and I spiral further down into despair and wonder why no one loves me, in spite of their telling me how nice I am. I think of my mother and I can't help but let the tears stream down my face as I think of how she would feel if she knew how her first born son is doing half a world away. I'm 22 years. And I don't think I will make it to 23. Does anyone really care? I guess not, but I just wanted the world to know that yet another young man leaves this world unloved, without friends, his whole future unrealized, his whole dreams of making the world a better place crushed. The teardrops drop to the keys on the laptop and trickle down. I press the "submit" button and the only place I know to turn to is Yahoo Answers.

    Does anyone really care?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • So I drink heavily and I couldn't care less about my liver?

    If I had a knife I would stab the hell out of this damn liver of mine right now, because being sober is overrated. I would rather die young and drunk than sober and old as fuuuuuuuuuuuukkkk. Isn't this the right way of thinking?

    4 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago