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  • Friction help in physics, dire need?

    . A block with initial velocity 4.0 m/s slides 8.0 m across a rough horizontal floor before coming to rest. The coefficient of friction is:

    (A) 0.80 (B) 0.40 (C) 0.20 (D) 0.10 (E) 0.05

    I don't know how to find it without the weight given. Please and thank you!

    1 AnswerPhysics6 years ago
  • Mixed hair SOS!!?

    I'm 16, mixed with black and white, so my hair is very curly. I started straightening my year all the time around 2 years ago. My hair has been damaged since then, but nothing totally major, split ends, etc. But just recently, within the past 2 weeks, I noticed my hair falling out--a lot. I straighten my hair once a week and leave it for the whole week, washing it on the weekends. Well, last week, when I washed my hair, I didn't notice it to be a whole lot thinner. This week, today, when I washed my hair, it was A LOT thinner. I don't know what started this! I'm very worried and I have resolved to stop straightening my hair for a (long) while, but what caused this? And how can I help my hair grow back quickly?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Can you put new covers on books easily?

    I've had a bible for a while. I got it when I was younger, so it got tossed around a lot and the cover is dirty and stuff. Is there an easy way for me to put a new hard cover on it? The inside is in good condition.

    It's a small book and the pages are very thin.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Should I drive an SUV to school?

    My family has three cars right now: my dad's new car, which I'm not allowed to drive, his old car, and a huge, white 2004 Chevy Suburban. My mom hates driving the Suburban, so she drives my dad's older car, but that leaves me and my sister with only the SUV. Would it be weird if I drove that to school? I'm really tiny (5'1"), but I don't people would really appreciate the irony--but I don't want to ride the bus. So should I take the SUV and endure the judgement?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What's the worst/stupidest thing you've done while driving?

    I'm pretty much just trying to make myself feel better x) I'm just now learning to drive, and I was on the road going over a bridge, which made me nervous. Secondly, my grandpa was in the seat next to me, told me to go right, but he meant left, so I turned my signal on left because I knew what he meant, but by the time we had reached the stop sign I had forgotten which way I was going and defaulted to left because that's what I had heard him say. So I turned the opposite direction of my turn signal. They live out in the country, though so it wasn't super bad, but I felt like such a stupid idiot. Anyway, any stories from when you were just starting out, or later?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why do I have to pee so much? Should I be worried?

    I've been trying to convince myself that it's a not a problem, but it is sort of becoming one.

    Normally I don't drink a lot of water, so, normally, it's not a problem, but now that it's summer time, I've been drinking more (like a glass at every meal, plus a glass of juice or tea or something in between), and with every glass I think I have to pee two or three times. It comes on really suddenly, and then after I pee, I almost always have to pee with equal urgency around ten minutes later.

    So what's the problem? Is my bladder just small and not used to being full? Do I have an overactive bladder? Should I just cut down on the water?

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • Would you marry someone like or with similar qualities to your father?

    I love my dad, and strangely I find myself unconsciously attracted to guys who share qualities similar to him--smart, tall, blonde, same demeanor etc.

    Is that creepy? My dad is pretty much the best dad ever, but I don't want to marry him. Is this a common thing? Is there a reason behind it?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Feminists are stupid, do you agree?

    I agree feminism itself, but I will not call myself a feminist because they are all stupid. I agree that women are often treated as lesser than men by men, and that they are afforded lesser rights than men.

    But could feminists just shut up and do something about it? They're not staging any protests or doing anything but complaining, really--honestly, did MLK complain about not having equal rights? Did the women of the past complain about not having voting rights?

    And the main their main argument is that they /deserve/ better treatment, regardless of their actions. I think its bad and sad and disgusting that women get raped for their clothing choices, etc., but ultimately, they're the ones responsible for themselves--they can't control anyone else's intent, rapists, unwanted potential suitors in bars, whatever. They're not doing anything at all period to prevent their mistreatment. So they should all stop being whiny, sniveling losers and start standing up for themselves!

    Am I so wrong for thinking this?

  • What shoes can I wear with a black sundress?

    I want to dress it down.I have black sandals and brown sandals, but I don't want to go all dark. I was thinking maybe white or black Vans? Suggestions??

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Is Can You Feel the Love Tonight from The Lion King a sex scene?

    The movie came out when I was younger, so I never really thought about it until I went on YouTube it was all over the comments. I don't think it is, or was really intended to be. It's suggestive, but they didn't do anything anyway. And who really knows the mating habits of lions? Anyway, is it, or is it not?

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What shoes to wear with a white crop top and a skater skirt?

    Yesterday I went to a show with my parents, so I just wore some old sandals, but I didn't think it looked that great. I want to wear the outfit to school, but I don't know what shoes to get. The crop top is white with short sleeves and the skirt is a darker blue with white dots on it.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Rude or not?

    In my first period, this girl brought my teacher something from Starbucks (I don't know why, I hate that teacher). My teacher eats all healthy, so she was like "Oh, no I don't want it, thanks anyway". The girl looked upset, but my teacher was pretty much unfazed. I mean, it's okay to be on a diet, but if someone goes out of their way, can't you make an exception? It bothered me.

    2 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Help? Can someone revise this sentence for me?

    This is a topic sentence is a research paper I'm writing, so it needs to be good:

    Vonnegut composed his novel for catharsis.

    I feel like it sounds clunky and unsophisticated. I want to say something like "Vonnegut's composition catharized his emotions" but catharized obviously isn't a word. Help me out? Should I just leave it the way it is?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Can I wear Converse high tops with shorts?

    I need some new Converse and I have an outfit that would look really cute with high tops. But its getting closer to shorts season, and I don't want to not be able to wear my new shoes. Do you think I'd be better off getting a regular pair? Are high tops with shorts a total faux pas?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Research Paper thesis help?

    I read Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut for a research project that I have to do. This is what I have so far for my thesis:

    Kurt Vonnegut created his character Billy Pilgrim, the main character of Slaughterhouse-Five, in order to experience secondhand the emotions that he himself felt during WWII. Billy’s mental instability due to his constant war flashbacks and flash-forwards leads him to invent a fictional planet in order to rationalize his experiences and reconcile with his situation, demonstrating the lengths to which humans will go in order to [handle their emotions] and the destructive effects of war on the human psyche.

    This is what I want to say, but I don't think it's clear enough. I need to stuff about Vonnegut to connect to the stuff about Pilgrim, because they are the same person, but I can't figure out how to word it. Help me out?

    And please don't say "do the work yourself". I'm trying to really, I just need some help and I can't ask my teacher until tomorrow.

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • How would you structure a critical review essay?

    I have to write one for my Junior English class... This is first really big paper I've ever had to write. I think my teacher said she wanted around five pages.

    We're also supposed to provide an outline. If the whole essay is five pages, how am I supposed to do that? I was thinking five paragraphs, but a paragraph per page would be ridiculous, obviously, and from the research we've been doing and the examples we've been looking at, there are a whole bunch of paragraphs.

    I'm really confused. How do I structure my outline and my essay?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • My parents pretty much ruined my 16th birthday?

    I turned 16 in January. It wasn't bothering me at the time, but they didn't get me anything I wanted. I wanted simple things like to go shopping, to get my nails done, to try bubble tea... But my dad literally flat out said no when I asked. Instead he got me earrings that I like but I won't ever wear and tickets to some stage show in downtown Atlanta. My parents were talking about plans and I went into my room crying for no reason (they didn't see) because I don't want to go, I didn't want them to spend their money on something expensive that I didn't want. I just wanted something simple, but my dad (not my mom really) thought he knew better, and even though it was MY 16th birthday, he didn't care. And I feel really bad for not liking what they got me, but I didn't want it, I still want those little things. Should I tell them?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • How do you solve for x in this equation?


    I can't remember how to solve for x with fractions. Help please? I know it's really simple.

    3 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Is lead or leads correct?

    I'm writing a thesis for my English paper, but I'm not sure which is correct:

    Billy Pilgrim's mental instability due his constant war flashbacks /lead/ him to invent a fictional planet


    Billy Pilgrim's mental instability due to his constant war flashbacks /leads/ him to invent a fictional planet

    I'm thinking the latter because I'm referring to his mental instability which /leads/ him to invent a planet. Which is correct?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago