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Love animals, Member of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, also own a Bengal cat. Like outdoor activities, stock market, follow current events, am a Christian.
What course of action will the BAR Association take against attorneys that have swindeled me?
Two attorneys have been involved in major deceit and caused me much financial harm. I would like to report them to the BAR association for investigation. Is it worthwhile?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoAn attorney I hired failed to respond to a complaint. Am I to believe what he says about this? Read on please.?
I have applied for mortgage mods many times. Rejected. Then got a foreclosure notice. Brought it to attorney call him Cd. There was a complaint filed that needed to responded to in 7 days. I rushed it over to CD and he said he would take care of it. He did not and then said he would put a call into the banks attorney. Came back and said the banks attorney said he would push for a short sale. I wait. Hear nothing. Then today get a letter that a writ was filed stating that there was never an answer to the complaint. I call CD, so he puts a call into Bank Attorney. Meanwhile I go to the courthouse.They say CD did "O." I am very upset w/CD and once again had call into BA (Bank Attorney) and came back and said same thing BA is going to push for a short sale. I respond if he was going to push for that , why did he file this form. I decide to call bank, no record of anything like this, bank says I can do short sale form, BA has nothing to do with whether I can apply for short sale or not. OK, now CD has used a lot of precious time. Bank Attorney won't talk to me, says I am represented and all must go through CD. Yet, can I trust CD, someone is lying, is BA lying. I need to move on this. CD makes light of paperwork and is acting like this is a good ol boy network. Am I being taken for a ride by CD or BA. Any insight? Should I dump the whole thing and get another agent. CD is a lawyer and real estate broker. By the way has lost some of my paperwork too. He does seem to have some connections. Any guidance here? Any insight would be helpful.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoHow do you make sure you get a deficiency judgement waived in a short sale?
Is this something that needs to be done by an attorney or does the realtor somehow put this in the listing agreement.
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate7 years agoIs it better to do a wash sale and sell the stock and buy it back than ride it down and back up?
This has often been my glitch in the trading scenario. I often find myself stuck in stocks because I am "waiting." Sometimes I have waited way too long and wonder if I am hindering myself.
1 AnswerInvesting7 years agoWhy don't parents correct their kids in a library, store or restaurant for hollering and running wild?
I sit here in the library as I have often done, trying to read, research and work. It always amazes me how parents let their kids run wild, yelling at the top of their lungs without correcting them. They are not corrected by the librarian either. There is clearly a sign in the library to keep conversations to a minimum, yet this is ignored. What ever happened to manners?
1 AnswerRunning7 years agoWhat do you think of Oprah Winfrey's latrest comment that Obama is racially targeted?
She also added that racism will go away when the old people die. Talk about hateful and rude.
4 AnswersTalk Shows7 years agoHave you ever felt like you have lived in one place too long and yearned to try a new place.?
I have lived in the northeast most of my life and always loved it, but feel the need to move on. I recently went to visit a new town in the south and felt so refreshed and want to try something new. Curious to know if any of you ever felt this way, what you did and what the outcome was.
3 AnswersNew York City8 years agoWhat is taxable to the homeowner in a short sale?
Example Amount to reinstate mortgage 30,000
amount of principle and interest owed 200,000
client sells home for 210,000
Does client walk away w/10,000 and bank absorbs 30,000?
Does 200,000 plus amount to reinstate mortgage get added together, for this case we have 230,000 subtract out the 210,000, left w/ 20,000. Is client now responsible to pay taxes on the 20,000?
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate8 years agoRosarians, what is your all time favorite rose?
6 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoWhich states/towns do you find A Framed homes popular?
I love the look of the A Framed timber homes that look like ski chalets. I went to western NC thinking I would find them there, but instead saw mostly cottages. What spots other than CO would I be likely to find these type of homes. I just love them!
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years agoWould you get a second opinion from another eye Doctor regarding glaucoma?
My mother really didn't have problems with her eyes and last year went for a regular exam, no problem. Then she went to another Doctor this year because the first didn't accept Medicare. The second Doctor sent her to a Specialist to check for glaucoma. She preformed many tests. Then said, she didn't like that my mom didn't see a couple lights and had another instrument at another office and wants my mom to come back and do all the same tests over again and use this other instrument and said it had to be done right away because if it is glaucoma she needs to start these drops right away. Having worked in the insurance industry, this seems inappropriate and very fishy. Why go to a specialist and then she doesn't have the correct instrument and then go do the same tests all over again plus one more? If she knew what the office visit was about why not send her to the office with all the instruments the first time? It smells fishy to me and almost like double billing Medicare. What do you think?
2 AnswersOptical8 years agoIs it true that for tax season 2012 you only need to enter the grand total of stock proceeds and cost basis?
A CPA told me that since the cost basis is now reported to the IRS that you only need to enter the grand total of cost basis and proceeds and that it wasn't necessary to enter each individual stock anymore. Since I am now doing my taxes and TAXACT isn't pointing me in that direction, I wonder if what the CPA told me is correct.
2 AnswersInvesting8 years agoDoes anybody know which climbing roses or ramblers grow well in Florida?
I am trying to help a friend decide which roses will grow in Florida. He has amended his soil. I am aware Florida is a tough place to grow roses in due to soil conditions. He wants very tall climbers or ramblers. I understand the zones, but know that is not all that it takes to grow them successfully in certain places. I was looking at Pinky for one and a couple others. Any luck with anything down there?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoWhat do you do with a friend that you feel you are always walking on eggshells around?
I really like a friend, but she is always difficult to please.Tonight she asked me to come over for a drink. I stopped off to get food thinking I was doing her a favor, instead she got mad and said I should have known since she said she was tired to come right over and not dilly dally and that she did not want it to be a long night. I thought I was doing her a favor by getting snacks. I can't win with her and I cannot read people's minds. Do I continue with this friendship? It seems to be getting one sided.
1 AnswerFriends8 years agoWhat is your best organic spray recipe for a rose against fungus, mildew, blackspot?
I have read garlic oil, neem oil, baking soda mixtures work well. What do you use per 8 0z mixture? Do you have any success stories?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago