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Lv 621,702 points

Seiko .

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  • A question for Trump supporters. Please answer honestly.?

    Do you truly feel that anyone who takes issue with Trump is being paid off or a Jeb Bush supporter? These seem to be the go-to responses I find people getting whenever they support one candidate of many.

    Is this what you feel? Something you can prove to us? Or is it just the easiest way to dismiss conservatives who have a hard time believing Trump given his seeming lack of substance and recent conversion to a particular strain of populist conservatism in time for an election.

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Why are unions so angry?

    Why am I seeing all these union workers so angry that it is up to employees whether they want to join a union or not? As I understand the unions aren't being dissolved or banned from businesses, it is just being ensured that employees can choose whether or not they wish to be a part of it.

    Do union leaders realize they look as if they are trying to restrict people's freedoms?

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Quick survey on immigration?

    As there has been a great deal of confusion among some when it comes to the subject of legal, law-abiding immigrants, and those who ignore the process and cut in line, breaking the laws and feeling entitled to residence. I felt it interesting to know if clear thinking on the subject is in the minority or majority.

    -Are you aware there is a difference between LEGAL immigration and ILLEGAL immigration?

    -How did you come upon your conclusion that they are different or the same?

    -What is your political party/ideology?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Asian History Month ignored?

    Why does it seem like everyone obsesses over Black history month but completely ignore Asian history month? Is there a reason that celebrating Asian people and their achievements is not considered worthwhile. Or are Asians just not so obsessed with having a month devoted to them that they whine if everyone doesn't celebrate with them?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you throw a fit and block people who disagree with you?

    It seems frequently when I answer a question a liberal poses on here they get upset and block me. I am wondering just how many of the crowd on here is this overly sensitive to viewpoints that aren't in lockstep with their own.

    Do you throw a fit and censer dissenting opinion or do you know how to avoid knee jerk emotional reactions?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If you had to guess, how much do you think the Cain accusers were paid?

    We know that at least two of them have been having money trouble, so even without the actual numbers, how much do you think was spent to hurt, and eventually end this year's campaign of a black men who would dare to not be a liberal?

    If you are too incompetent to write fiction books is the next best thing to fabricate a story about a conservative and make a quick buck thanks to an eager media?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do people realize that just because less jobs are being lost that doesn't mean everything is better?

    I have noticed people pointing out now that less jobs are being lost now than they were before, and they attribute this to Obama.

    In that same sort of thinking, if I pick up a wet sponge and squeeze it to the point where it is still damp but not dripping like it had been before does that mean that the sponge is as soaking wet as it had been thanks to me? Or does it just mean that with how the sponge is being held and squeezed, that is the amount of water it can still hold?

    Do people really think that it was the president's actions that prevented jobs from being lost at their highest rate or do they realize that eventually the workforce would shrink down to match the poor economy and not just keep dropping down to a complete 0?

    4 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Best Choice of President?

    Twilight Sparkle? Pinkie Pie? Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? Rarity? Applejack?

    Please list: Your political leanings, your choice in candidate, reasons as to why she should run.

    Please no rude comments but if you do, I forgive you.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Crash course one what Glenn Beck has been explaining, is this the chance for libs?

    This week there is a crash course on what Glenn Beck has been discussing. Are some liberals going to be open minded enough to take a look actually see what he says? Or will they going to rely on reports on it from MSNBC and Jon Stewart?

    Since liberals are so caring and intellectual I am sure they are going to actually watch instead of just dismiss him as stupid right?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are people so confused over the ground zero mosque?

    Why is it on here and on the news that I hear so many people acting like those against the idea of building the mosque are actually saying that they shouldn't be allowed to, that it should be illegal?

    People who are against the mosque realize that it is legal for it to be built but feel that it is terribly insensitive and offensive yet people are still treating this like those people are against the constitution?

    Are the mosque supporters still not understanding what others are saying or are they using a strawman argument so they don't have to address the issue?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do people like Jared think that they win arguments by ignoring dissenting opinion?

    Do people on yahoo answers think that blocking any opinions that differ from their own think that they win arguments that way? Most recently I was blocked by a user named Jared, apparently he didn't like my answer so he blocked me so I can no longer answer his questions in the future.

    Y/A Conservatives and Liberals, do you try to win people over with your words or is winning for you covering your ears and shouting "I'm not listening!"

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do liberals block me?

    Why has it been that a handful of liberals in the answer community block me when I don't answer how they like? Wouldn't actual discussion prove to be better than ignoring any dissenting opinion? What's the point of even getting on here if they are going to block all conservatives, just to get their ego stroked by agreeing with others?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why were the deaths of Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd treated so differently by the media?

    Why is it that the media was so kind regarding the death of Robert Byrd but much more critical of Strom Thurmond after his death?

    Is it ok to attack one just because he was conservative even while the other had been a member of the KKK?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will Democrats be able to take their party back?

    The Democrat party has been hijacked by the far-left. While before it was only a noisy fringe now it seems to be the guiding force for them. Will Democrats ever be able to become more moderate as they used to be? Or will they forever more be a party that believes itself to be the mainstream as they travel further and further to communism?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do liberal democrats mean?

    What do liberal democrats mean when they say that their side is the well educated one while the conservatives are anti-intellectual and avoid college?

    Do liberals just attend more but graduate much less? Or what is it?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If pro-abortion people are so upset about the Tim Tebow commercial?

    Why don't they pay someone to air a counter-commercial to it to celebrate abortion instead of life? They could show happy families who are enjoying their big screen tvs or cars that they afforded due to killing their unborn baby.

    That way both sides can be represented.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are pro-abortion groups so upset about the Tim Tebow commercial?

    Are they upset their college team lost?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago