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  • Birth control side effects?

    After having my period this month I started my regular pack of pills (sprintec which is a generic for ortho cyclen) and today was the first day. I took it a few hours ago and now I'm feeling nauseous. They never bothered me before I've been on the pill for 4 years. but I did run out of pills 4 days before I actually started, so am I nauseous cause its been a while since I've taken it? Will I adjust back soon? I am worried because I'm an emetophobic and being nauseated or puking scares me. Please no negative answers, thank you fr your time.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Best tips for dieting?

    I am 18, female and a type 1 diabetic. My doctor told me I am 11 pounds over weight. I am 5'5 and 151 pounds. He told me to go on a low carb diet and exercise which I have been and I have gained a pound! Its only been 5 days but still I am saddened by this. I am eating low carb foods, working out 30 minutes a day and drinking 8 glasses of water. What can I do to achieve better results? What are the best work outs, foods, and methods? Please no rude answers I know I am over weight. Thank you for your time.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • When someone gets out processed....?

    Isn't the army supposed to provide you a way back home? My father was out processed and they bought him tickets there and back. But my husband is in Fort Sill and they flew him all the way out there but he called and is coming home next week but he said they told him he had to find a way back. We live in eastern Kentucky which is over 3 states away from where he is and cannot afford the $1000 plane ticket or $200 bus ticket. We were told they would pay both trips and everyone else in my family that has been out processed had theirs paid for.

    7 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • How long does it take to get out processed from the army?

    My husband went AWOL because of an injury that the army would not attend to or allow him a medical discharge. He broke 2 bones in his right foot and 3 in his left (stress fractures) so he just left, he is on his way to Fort Knox today to be out processed and was told it would be relatively fast where he is checking in on a Tuesday. But he called me just now and said a Sergeant told him it would be 6 weeks. Based on his situation how long will it really take? Please no negative answers not everyone wants to be a soldier it takes certain people to take such a role and his feet are in rough shape (swelling ocassionally) I have nothing against the Army its just not for us. Thank you.

    4 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Flea larvae in eye help please?!?

    This is so gross but after watching the show Monsters inside Me I freak out over everything. So I found a flea on my dog and of course pulled it off and rubbed it and then popped it to make sure it was dead. When I did this the white larva substance that it was carrying went into my eye. So naturally I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and splashed water in my eye then applied some eye drops. Will I be okay or should I clean it with salt water? Will this create tape worms in my body? I am so scared. Thank you.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Birthmark problems, what to do?

    I have had a large mole on my back since I was born, I was told its just a birthmark. It is about the size of a dime or a penny. It is very dark and raised. It never gave me problems until the past few years it has been itching and today when I scratched it some pieces came off. I plan on going to the dermatologist as soon as they can make me an appointment. I was wondering if this is normal? Should I ask about removing it or leaving it alone? Does the removal process hurt? And will it leave a bad scar? Sorry if this is gross I am just concerned. I have always been picked on because of it so whatever negative comments you have to say I've already heard them. Please only helpful answers, thank you for your time.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • What will help my sick puppy?

    Almost a week ago my 17 week old mini doxie (dachshund) woke up with crusty eyes and hacking. I took him to the vet Monday, she diagnosed him with an upper respiratory infection and gave him antibiotics and eye ointment. Today she called to check on him and he isn't doing any better or any worse. He is barely eating and won't drink water unless we force him by scooping it in our hands and putting it towards his mouth. He hacks and nothing comes up (he swallows it) but earlier he puked up some yellow mucus. My vet told us to give him some children's cough syrup to ease the hacking, I am going to buy some tomorrow for him. Has this happened to your dog before? Does anyone know what to do to make him eat and drink? What are some remedies that you know of to help him? I was told it takes the antibiotics a few days to kick in but he is just so miserable I can't stand it. Thank you for your time.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What is the best way to relieve heartburn?

    I am a type 1 diabetic and have heartburn literally every night. I took Zantac for a while and it helped but now it doesn't. I don't even eat foods that could trigger it. What is the best way to relieve it? Certain medicine or a home remedy?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Zantac 75 side effects questions?

    I am a type 1 diabetic and suffer from frequent night time heartburn so my regular doctor prescribed me Zantac 75 and I took one today and noticed I felt a little dizzy, my heart beat sped up and I was itchy on my arms and legs. After about an hour I was fine but still felt weird when I walked around. Is this normal with this medication? Does this happen at first and go away over time or should I be worried? If the answer is to stop taking it what other medicines would you recommend because my heartburn is unbearable. Thank you for your time.

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Heartburn at night, help?

    I'm a 17 year old type 1 diabetic. For the past month or so I have been having horrible heartburn at night. I haven't changed my eating habits or anything of that nature. But when I lay down to go to sleep I get very nauseous, belch a lot and feel sick to my stomach. Any idea what could be wrong and how to fix it? I take Pepto Bismol sometimes and it helps but not always. What medicines could help me and what foods should I avoid to prevent this? Thank you for your time.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • How to nurture a sick kitten?

    My cat had six kittens on the 30th of last month (June) Since then we have lost one due to an illness. The kittens eye stayed matted shut, it would breathe really hard, wouldn't eat and would just lie there. The next day we went to the vet to get its shots and it died before we got home. Now there is a 2nd kitten doing the same thing but we gave her a shot yesterday and she has to take 2 more in the next 2 days but I am so afraid that she won't make it through the series of shots. I have her wrapped in a towel lying next to me and have been feeding her watered down milk through a syringe. Is there anything else I can do to make sure she makes it through. I cried so hard when the 1st one passed and I don't wanna go through that again. I don't know if she is using the bathroom or not but she hasn't since I have been holding her so she may be constipated as well. Help please? ):

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • How to lose weight with diabetes?

    I am 17 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in March of this year. Before I became sick I weighed 128 pounds but then my pancreas shut down, my sugar stayed high and I dropped to 111. (I'm 5'3 btw) Now that I have had my sugar under control I'm back up to 129 and I seem to be climbing. My doctor was glad that I gained some back but warned me not to go any further than my original weight. I am not eating a lot only 2 meals a day with healthy snacks in between and I exercise at the gym 3 times a week. Are there any types of weight loss drinks, patches, plans and foods that I should start using. Any tips out there? Please and thank you.

    42 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • How to make my hair grow faster?

    First off I am a diabetic and anemic. That may be why my hair refuses to grow. Secondly I have been taking Biotin pills for over 2 months now and I am seeing no results except my hair is falling out! Literally when I wake up in them morning I'm surrounded by small piles of hair. When I run my fingers through it I usually have about 5-8 strands in my hand. Brushing my hair is a nightmare because afterwards my floor and clothes are covered. Am I taking the pills wrong? They are 1,000 mcg and I'm taking 5 a day as it is recommended on the bottle. Is this a side affect? What other remedies are there for hair growth other than Biotin that is safe for me to practice?

    5 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • women and girls only?

    I am 16 years old. I am sexually active and on birth control pills. I always take my pill at the same time everyday and I've never skipped a pill. I recently started feeling a itching and burning sensation down there followed by a dark colored discharge. Now I'm spotting. Is this a regular yeast infection? UTI? Pregnancy? Help?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Sudden change in vision?

    2 weeks ago I came down with a head cold. I experienced a sore throat, congestion, sneezing and coughing but no fever. About 3 days after I got sick my vision changed, distant objects became more blurry and I started getting scared because I have perfect vision. I have trouble reading the signs on the side of the road now, words written on the bored are blurry now and they weren't before. But now I'm over my cold but my vision still hasn't turned back to normal. Should I worry or does this happen to a lot of people? My father thinks I'm lacking a vitamin in my body but I'm not sure. Help?

    3 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • How to make my breasts bigger naturally?

    I recently lost a bunch of weight and i've noticed that my boobs went with it. I don't wanna gain the weight back because I feel better with it off. But i miss my boobs. They went from a 36D to a 34C. Not a huge difference but a lot for me. Is there any type of foods, exercises, vitamins, topical solutions or anything I can use to increase the size again? (Please don't say pushup bra, i have a boyfriend already. lol) Please and thank you (:

    13 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • What is the best shampoo for color treated hair?

    I have naturally dark brown hair, but over the summer I bleached the top half blonde. It damaged my hair really bad so I did some deep conditioning treatments and dyed it black. (I dye it myself from the box) It always turns out great but I find that it fades kinda fast where what I dyed over was so blonde. I need to know what is the best shampoo and conditioner for dark color treated hair, that isnt very expensive?

    5 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • I cut the side of my vagina shaving?

    I was in the shower shaving with a brand new razor (I just opened it before I got in) and i accidentally cut myself shaving, I guess it was where the blade was so sharp. It bled pretty bad but stopped after about 5 minutes. Also I started my period today and I'm afraid it will become infected. What can I do to prevent that from happening? As funny as it sounds I currently have a small band-aid over the cut. But seriously, no stupid answers. What should I do?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • my dad left and now we are helpless?

    so he does this about once or twice a year because he is a depressed alcoholic, but this time my mom nor the rest of my family can put up with him anymore. my parents aren't married and he gets a check of $2,000 a month because he got his leg cut off in the coal mines. therefore i receive a check of $800 off of him. but thats not enough to support me, my mom and my brother who is autistic and only receives a check of $400. we don't have a car because he took the only one we had so my mother can't go find a job or get there and back, and we won't be able to pay all of our bills. does anyone have any ideas as to what we can do? please don't be a smart *** and down my situation or my family, i need real advice. ):

    8 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • I need some hair dye help?

    For about a year or so I have been dying my hair bleach blonde on top and black underneath. I've been told it suits me well and I like it. But I had let my roots get a bit too unmanageable and long (i'm naturally black headed) so when I put my usual bleach kit on there today and let it set for around 1 hour and a half my roots turned bright orange. That has never happened before but I guess it was where I let them go too long without bleaching them it just didn't take good. So now I am upset (pretty much crying) and I am thinking about just dying my whole head black. Should I? If so how long should I wait to put the dye on there? Will the black take good on the bleach blonde part? I need some help ):

    1 AnswerHair10 years ago