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  • What's the best/worst situation you've been in where you met or saw a celebrity?

    For me, it was after Wrestlemania 29 (WWE's biggest event). My friends and I stopped at a Burger King to pick up some food and I went to the bathroom. Someone was in the stall, I went to the urinal. I finish up and wash my hands. The guy comes out, I turn around and I'm face to face with Triple H (one of the biggest stars of the company). I'm starstruck, but I manage to shake his unwashed hand and have him sign my ticket stub. He was nice, but I'm sure he would of appreciated the situation more if it was outside a bathroom lol.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • There is still hope for Lana and Rusev only if they drop the current storyline?

    Admit it, Lana, Rusev and Ziggler are not benefiting from their storyline. Ziggler and Laba getting intimate looks awkward and Rusev is coming off as a moron when he's yelling gibberish and falling on the ground. Throwing in Summer Rae doesn't help matters either, it only makes it worse. If this continues on, we will see Ziggler leave in a few months, Lana become another bimbo diva and Rusev fall down to being a nobody a la Dallas because his character can only go so far. However, there is still hope for everyone if the current storyline is dropped. The easiest way to do that is for Rusev to go away and recover. Let him get better and come back fresh. Need be, include a character tweak and let him just be the Bulgarian Brute instead of the American-hating Russian. This allows him to move on and be capable of doing more storylines in the upper midcard. Lana can easily take another role among the divas. I don't see her becoming a wrestler anytime soon, so the best bet for her is to align herself with Paige as a feminist. Have her support Paige's causes of females having a bigger role on TV and not being seen as crazy and/or love-struck bimbos. Lana manages Paige and the upcoming NXT divas who also support the cause. This keeps Lana as a real role model for young girls instead of the Bellas (no offense) and have a more prominent role in the show rather than rehashing the boring Ziggler love interest bit that we watched so many times over the years with Vickie and AJ.

    10 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • What NXT Diva(s) are debuting tonight or within the next few weeks?

    My money is on Charlotte as a definite and Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch, but are only there for the feud.

    4 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • What's a band that went downhill after starting off good?

    Five Finger Death Punch in my opinion. Their first two albums and some of the third were great. Then the double album came in the last few years and the lyrics became very generic and their new single fits in the category too. I'm not sure if they got rich and lost their anger or what, but they're not good anymore.

    BQ: What's a band that started off bad and became good?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Now that Donald Trump is running for president, will WWE endorse him?

    He did buy Raw at one point and was involved in early Wrestlemanias, so I don't see why WWE wouldn't endorse him for his presidential run.

    BQ: Would you vote for him? (I won't.)

    5 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • How should I quit my band?

    Late last year my friend and I formed a doom metal band. I'm bassist and he's vocals. Over time, we managed to get guitarist and drummer, but all of a sudden, it stopped. I began to think that the band was no more, so I began to slack off practicing the bass. Then, my friend asked how my progress was and if I learned any songs. I told him that I basically stopped playing and he reacted like I insulted his mother. He got angry and barely talked to me for almost a month. With that, I started practicing again, but quickly lost interest when I got a few new video games as gifts for my birthday. Since then I barely touched the bass not because of the games, but because the band hasn't been mentioned at all since his outburst which happened in January. Then last week came. The guitarist quit because he joined another band and that we haven't practiced or even met each other. I told my friend about it and he went to the guitarist and egged him on until they almost fought. I wanted to quit today with it being the last day of school and have the summer for it to breeze over, but he ended up skipping his last exam. I don't want to quit through text or friend, since that's a d¡ck move, but I won't be seeing him until September. I want to quit, but I don't want to soil our friendship which formed when we were young. Any ideas on what to do? He goes to his mom's during the summer, so I won't be seeing him at all.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Who is turning on Sunday? Ambrose or Reigns?


    I see this only working in one way. Ambrose is full blown baby face right now with the crowd in his corner. Although the odds are in his favor with the stipulation and riding high off Monday, I can easily say he's not walking away champ. One way he can turn is going total apeshit. Not in a Lesnar or Owens way, but have Rollins win the title. Reigns comes down and cashes in his new MITB and wins the title off Rollins. Reigns turns around all smiles and goes over to Ambrose to show off his newly won prize. Instead of supporting his friend, Dean attacks Roman and lays him out with the dirty deeds. He lifts the title, looks at it and starts destroying it with chairs, ladders, etc until it's in several pieces. This shows he finally "snapped" and instead of going full blown heel, Ambrose becomes more of the anti-hero tweener that has the crowd in his corner, but takes the role of the heel in his feud against Reigns.


    I also see this happening in one way. Like in the Ambrose situation, Reigns wins the MITB, but similar to the rumble, he is met with the boos of the crowd. Later that night, Ambrose wins the ladder match and has a huge celebration. Similar to Summerslam the other year, Reigns comes out, but it appears that he's only joining in on the fun. He hugs Ambrose and after a few minutes, hits a spear on his friend out of nowhere. He cashes in, wins and hands the title over to HHH. He exits through the crowd. This can be taken as an antihero turn or heel turn.

    8 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • I'm planning on branching off my friend's band and starting my own. Have any name suggestions?

    The band I'm in currently is a post-hardcore doom metal band, but since we haven't done anything yet, I'm planning on leaving. Unless the members in the band I'm going to make have good vocals, I'll take the spot with my grunge singing style. I'm not sure what the subgenre will be, but the music will be metal/hard rock. Altogether I came up with a few possible band names, but wanted suggestions from others. I came up with Tattooed Jews and Prom Night Massacre so far. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Are there plants at every WWE televised show?

    The plants are used to start chants, see how fans are reacting to the product first person, etc.. It makes sense that they would be in the crowd and to not be recognized, they look like complete John Does wearing WWE apparel.

    BQ: If you were given the opportunity to be a plant, would you?

    4 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • American hard rock touring festival Rockstar Uproar reportedly canceled. What do you think?

    The guy behind it all explained that there aren't enough headlining rock bands out there that would take the chances of selling out arenas and/or amphitheaters. I agree in a way, but I don't see a reason for canceling the touring festival. If you think about it, 2013's tour was alternative/grunge. I'm sure if there weren't available rock bands, they could build up a good grunge lineup that would surely sell out. I can see Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains or Pearl Jam as headliners and post-grunge or other original grunge bands filling up the rest of the card. Hell, they could truly sell out arenas by getting Foo Fighters to do it. Even if that idea wouldn't work, they could turn to tours being set up in the fall/winter and assemble them to do it then instead of the late summer. I can see bands like Limp Bizkit, Ghost, Helloween, Marilyn Manson, Motörhead, Anthrax and several others that would be on board for this to support their new (or potentially new) albums. I know Uproar tends to be the radio rock festival, but if they are unable to sign up bands, they can easily look at similar genres with bands that are setting up tours or willing to do it to just get more money/publicity (KISS, for example). What do you think about all of this?

    BQ: What bands would you sign up for Uproar if you were given the chance?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Summer is almost here. What are your plans?

    I'm going to a few concerts including Rob Zombie, Mayhem Fest (headliners: Slayer and King Diamond) and ACDC. There's a chance for more, but who knows?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Is Steve Austin really going to fight Brock Lesnar at WM 32?

    It was hinted at during the podcast last night. I, personally, don't want to see SCSA die in the ring with 16-20 suplexs and several F-5s. If they are to do this, make it a similar situation to WM 23. (Obviously) have Lesnar represent Heyman and then have someone like Kevin Owens represent Steve Austin. Then Austin doesn't get hurt and at most, he can throw in a Stunner or two.

    8 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • If you had the opportunity to work for WWE, what would you do?

    Would you be a wrestler, manager, referee, creative, authorial role, or something else?

    25 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • What was the first album you bought?

    Mine was Iron Maiden's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • There is a rumor that there will be a big surprise at Elimination Chamber? What do you think it will be be?

    I believe that Reigns will be put in the main event (so we can have our match-of-the-year Shield triple threat) or someone is returning. With that being said, DBry is there on Sunday. Thats a small possibility, but I can also see it being some stupid return like Big Slow.

    8 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • Who will take Itami's place in the triple threat number one contender's match?

    I just saw that he's been pulled from Unstoppable, but he will be represented. I'll take that as someone is taking his place. Is this where Samoa Joe comes in??

    5 AnswersWrestling6 years ago