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Professional Wildlife Cinematographer, Photographer, & Naturalist - 36 years. Director Of Photography of Special Visual Effects. X-Animal Keeper @ a prominent zoo. World traveler.

  • "4" Elect. Wall OUTLETS are "out" at the same time?

    Awhile ago, four electrical outlets in the wall, "including" the wall outlets on the opposite walls as well, all STOPPED functioning.  I can get no electricity from them.

    I have replaced all the double-socket (3 prong) outlets, thinking one of them (in line) might be faulty.

    Did NO good.  They're still out.

    I've checked the circuit breakers and all are in the on position, etc.

    How can I trace down the problem?

    If it is "within" the walls, I'll have a real problem cutting holes.  The wife will not like that AT ALL.  :)

    Any help or advise would be appreciated.



    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 months ago
  • Do true-blood Native Americans have pubic hair?

    I have an interest in Anthropology and native cultures, including their physical attributes, etc. Therefore, the following question.

    Since true-blooded Native American men do not have facial hair or hair on their chests, are they also missing hair on their under-arms and genital areas? Does this apply to the women as well?

    Are their other native cultures around the world, such as the Indians in the tropical jungles of the Amazon River in South America, that also share these characteristics?

    I'd very much appreciate an educated answer.

    Thanks for your time.


    5 AnswersAnthropology7 years ago
  • Movie about a White Woman who married a Native African Warrior ?

    A few years back a movie was made that was a true story, about a white woman (I believe American or British) who went to Africa and married a Native Tribal Warrior and, I believe, lived in Africa with him.

    If anyone knows the name of this movie, please let me know, because I would very much like to rent the DVD and watch it.

    Thanks for your time.


    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • "Star Trek TV" episode where they age very fast ?

    In the old "Star Trek TV" series, with Shatner and Nimoy, there was an episode where they went down on this planet to help somebody, or something, and they caught some kind of virus or whatever that made them age really fast. The whole episode was dedicated to Bones trying to discover a way to cure them as they got older and older, etc. Their acting was great!

    Does anyone happen to remember the "name" of that particular episode? I was hoping their might be some Trekkies out there that would know. ;)

    I haven't seen it for years, and was hoping to rent it and watch it again.


    1 AnswerDrama8 years ago
  • Which clears small pond faster - Cartridge Filter or Sand Filter ?

    We need a pump/filter set up for approximately 500 gallons of water. This is for photographic purposes and must crystal clear the tank in about 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, we are wasting time.

    I found two different types of filters on the internet which may do the trick. They sell for about $100.oo each. One's a cartridge filter pushing through 2500 gph, and the other is a sand filter pushing 880 gph.

    I need to know which one will crystal clear the water the fastest, and which is easier to clean. The water will be quite dirty each time the filter is turned on so it will need cleaning frequently.

    Sand is usually a better filter medium, but the other one pushing 2500 GPH is impressive as well.

    We currently use 2 XL Vortex Diatom Aquarium filters, but they are much too slow and often take overnight, which is unacceptable. But, they do get the water super-clear. Another problem is, they are an incredible hassle to clean and start up again.

    If you would be kind enough to tell me which of these two filters you think might work best for our purposes, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, brand and model recommendations would be nice as well.

    Thanks for your time.


    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Which clears water faster - a Cartridge Filter or a Sand Filter ?

    We need a pump/filter set up for approximately 500 gallons of water. This is for photographic purposes and must crystal clear the tank in about 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, we are wasting time.

    I found two different types of filters on the internet which may do the trick. They sell for about $100.oo each. One's a cartridge filter pushing through 2500 gph, and the other is a sand filter pushing 880 gph.

    I need to know which one will crystal clear the water the fastest, and which is easier to clean. The water will be quite dirty each time the filter is turned on so it will need cleaning frequently.

    Sand is usually a better filter medium, but the other one pushing 2500 GPH is impressive as well.

    We currently use 2 XL Vortex Diatom Aquarium filters, but they are much too slow and often take overnight, which is unacceptable. But, they do get the water super-clear. Another problem is, they are an incredible hassle to clean and start up again.

    If you would be kind enough to tell me which of these two filters you think might work best for our purposes, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, brand and model recommendations would be nice as well.

    Thanks for your time.


    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • How do I remove a follower off my Facebook?

    I have this Facebook follower/user/advertiser that somehow got on to my Facebook page. They are a group that puts up some very interest things at times, and I really do like what they are trying to do and say, but I'm getting tired of them because they are just too "in your face". They almost dominate my Facebook.

    I have tried everything to un-friend them, remove them, etc, etc, but just am unable to get them to stop posting their stuff on my Facebook. I can't figure out why they are so hard to remove.

    Does anyone know of a way or a technique of removing things like that. It is almost like a series of ads that are endless.

    If you know of anything I could try, I'd really appreciate it. And, please explain in detail if you can, since I am not a computer expert.

    Thanks much!


    Facebook8 years ago
  • Can lens be removed from the Panasonic LCD TV Projector PT-AX100U ?

    I have a Panasonic LCD Television Projector PT-AX100U, that we just love. It has developed some kind of dark blotchy spots on the left side of the screen, mostly visible in the red channel.

    Since we live in a humid area, I believe it could be mold building up on the "back" of the projection lens. The rear lens element is not accessible as far as I can tell, and the lens will not unscrew.

    Is there any way I can remove the lens to clean it? Or, at least access it from the inside?

    Any help or advise is appreciated.



    1 AnswerHome Theater8 years ago
  • How do I get in contact with Yahoo to report a CHILD MOLESTER on their website?

    It has come to my attention that one of the people frequenting the YahooAnswers website is a CHILD MOLESTER.

    How do I get in touch with Yahoo and the police to report him so the authorities can track him down before he continues to menace our children and do it again?

    I have tried reporting his question as abuse, but it has done no good. Something needs to be done. Yahoo knows his email address and his real name, etc, so "they" are the ones that need to pursue this. I need an email or phone number to Yahoo to make this official and hopefully get him arrested.

    This IS a serious situation, and action MUST be taken.


    4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Movie about Cave Men searching for FIRE, starring Ray Dong Chong & Ron Pearlman ?

    I saw a movie many years ago about cave men. If I remember right, it starred Ron Pearlman and Ray Dong Cong. It was a quest to find a source for fire after their fire went out. It took place before man discovered the way to "make" fire.

    I would be most appreciative if someone could tell me the title of this movie, and if it is available on DVD.



    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Where can I buy some Giant Water Bugs?

    We have a photo project coming up that involves living adult Giant Water Bugs.

    If you can collect them and would like to sell some to us, or know a source where we can get them, please let me know.

    If you collect them yourself out of your pond or lake, be careful, they have a terrible bite.

    You can either give me your email address or contact me via this website.



    1 AnswerZoology9 years ago
  • What's the name of old B&W movie w/Joseph Cotton as a banker that steals money, then returns it?

    I saw an old black and white movie on TCM a few months ago, starring Joseph Cotton, where he is a banker and he steals money from his bank on a Friday and runs with it, only to change his mind and return it before the bank opens again on Monday morning. Very suspenseful and exciting.

    Does anyone know the name of this movie, and maybe the year it was made?



    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Why can't I get Microsoft Works 8 to work in my Windows 7 PC.?

    I have the installation CD for Microsoft Works 8, but it just will not work properly in my Windows 7 64bit PC.

    The most important thing to me, is that when I use the Word Processor and type some info, then save it, and access it later, all I get are a conglomeration of letters and numbers with no meaning, etc. This is not the way this program works in my Windows XP PC.

    According to the internet, Microsoft 8 is "SUPPOSED" to be compatible with Windows 7, but if that is the case, why is this happening? I have re-installed the program 5 times with the same result. It makes no difference whether I change the compatibility in Properties or not.

    If anyone knows what this problem is and how to solve it, I would be most grateful for a solution.

    Thanks for your time.


    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • What is the smallest computer monitor that's Widescreen, 1080p, with HDMI input?

    I'm looking for a new, refurbished, or used computer monitor in the range of 13" to 19" that is widescreen, 1080p, and has an HDMI input. I have searched the internet for two days now and cannot find one. It cannot be a TV monitor, but one designed for computers.

    I was hoping to get one in the $100.oo+/- range, but at this point, any price will do.

    This monitor will be used for a special application and not connected to a computer, but it MUST be widescreen 1080p, and with an HDMI input port.

    If you know of any brands, or models, or sources, I would be most grateful.



    4 AnswersMonitors9 years ago

    For those of you who have pet frogs, specifically Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens), how much and how often do you feed it to maintain proper health?

    I have just purchased a big Leopard Frog and feed it live adult Crickets, but am not sure how much and how often to feed it. I don't want to feed it too much or too little. It's been a long time since I worked in a Zoo, and I just don't remember the feeding schedule.

    Knowledgeable answers are appreciated.



    1 AnswerZoology10 years ago
  • How do I find a Yahoo Answers member ?

    I saw an answer to a question on this forum, and lost track of it later. I'd like to find the member details of that person, but all I have is their YahooAnswers nick name. How do I see the details of that person?

    3 AnswersYahoo Search10 years ago
  • Would you pose NUDE for your husband's photography?

    If your husband was a professional photographer, or serious amateur, would you pose nude for him? Or, in sexy nighties? Not for publication. Not for anything serious. Just for fun? And, the photos would be just for him and you alone in a private collection.

    It would be a way of improving his skills, enjoying looking at you, help build your self consciousness, and maybe even instigating love making. It would also be a way of you teasing and tantalizing him, especially if you've been married for a long time and your love life needed freshening up.

    Would you still do it if you had been married for many years?


    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Professional Photographer - Will your wife pose NUDE for you?

    As a professional, or serious amateur photographer, is your wife willing to pose nude for you? Not for publication. Not for anything serious. Just for fun?

    It would be a way of improving your skills, enjoying looking at your wife, helping to build her self consciousness, and maybe even instigating love making. It would also be a way of her teasing and tantalizing her husband, especially if you've been married for a long time the your love life needed freshening up.

    I would be especially interested in those that have been married for many years.


    6 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Placing Pump & Filter for a fish pond?

    When hooking up a pump (non-submersible) and a filter for a fish pond, is it best to have the pump pull the water from the pond then into the filter and back to the pond, OR should the water be drawn from the pond through the filter first, then to the pump and back to the pond.

    In other words, should the pump come first or the filter, when drawing water from the pond?



    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Women ONLY. Shaving pubic hair. A poll.?

    I am doing a "social trend" poll investigating what may be in the future for women's fashions, beauty, etc. Please answer the following questions anonymously. Just put in the number with the letter indicting the answer that pertains to you, or your friends. Y = yes, N = no. Thanks.

    1 - Age:

    2 - Do you shave your pubic hair? Y or N

    3 - Do you shave the outside of your arms? Y or N

    4 - Do you have a tattoo? Y or N

    5 - Do you have any piercings? Y or N

    6 - Do you like it if "men" shave their pubic hair? Y or N

    7 - Do you prefer all-natural and do not shave anywhere? Y or N

    8 - Do you firmly believe women in the future should be hairless, except for their heads? Y or N

    9 - Do you think women shaving pubic hair was created by men, and therefore the trend will die? Y or N

    10 - Do you think having pubic hair is filthy and disgusting? Y or N Why?

    11 - If you shave your pubic hair, do you use a blade or an electric razor? B or R

    12 - If you shave your pubic hair, how often?

    Thanks for your time.


    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago