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  • Stimlus $ issued on debit card--violation of privacy?

    So I got this stupid stimlus money issued on a debit card.  Does the irs not have an obligation to keep the information I gave them name address social security number private? It seems that they would and they've gone outside of that they give me my name address social security number to third-party Bank who holds These funds and I just get a card I think it's the charge against those funds. Not to mention the inequality that some Americans got their fun straight out in the form of a check or deposit I can use a wish and if I choose to use this card I'm governed by the terms and conditions of this Bank a third party or I have to give this third-party Bank my account information so they can transfer the funds to my account. Oh but they can't do that all and one shot because there's daily limits to f****** everything on this card.

    Knowing that the IRS is picking up the phone to complain about this to. The bank must have hired a bunch of new call center wraps because they don't know what they're talking about and contradict each other from person to person. Not really worried about the money I'm still working got a solid emergency fund on top of solid savings. But it could be collecting interest in my bank accounts versus some corporate bank who lobbied the government to get this work there's some sort of fuckary going on here

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance10 months ago
  • What's better for my credit score?

    I have a credit score of 800 (or so). My oldest account is a 22 year old student loan with a balance of <$2K. I could pay it off in ful today or keep plugging away at it $60 a month fo rthe next several years. It the oldest account by far everything else on the report is less than 5 years old. Willl loosing that oldest account decrease my overall score?

    4 AnswersCredit5 years ago
  • what does LASIK surgery cost typically?

    Ballpark it

    Or what did you pay &where when

    2 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • there are 3 major credit reporting agencies but....?

    how may other agencies are there? The word major leads me to believe there are a host of these companies. I've heard of inovvis or something like that which is a credit reporter so I guess there are more. How may operate in the US? Who are they? what do they do if not effect one's FICO score etc... do lenders use them and how? Can a minor agency help or hurt my access to credit?

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • Can my sports team use the Amazon affiliate Program to Fundraise?e?

    Basically we're alway in a crunch to fund the cost of fileds, uniforms, referees, travel, etc... Everyone is paying Alto out of pocket especially for away games and those costs might be limiting our player pool. I believe we are a not for profit organization but not a 4013...(not totally sure the legality of it).

    Anyway, with our members and retired memebers we're probably 100 people if you include families, extended families and friends we might have around 500 potential people. If We can get them to do their shopping @ amazon thru an affiliate link on our page we could raise some funds alot easier than selling raffle tickets and doing bottle drives (that only bank us a few hundred dollars yearly).

    Are you familiar with the Amazon program and what do you think I should know so I can present this to my clubs governing board. Thaks.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Someone signed off an email to me with .....?

    this unstable business owner was pissed that was going to have to live up to the terms of our agreement because he was taking a slight lost (like <1k). I wasn't makng any money off our deal either but he had more risk that I....Anyway in his final correspondence where he made all kinds of erroneous statements about my character and business practices he signed off:

    "glad this over it has been the worst working relationship ever... IGINY!"


    I Can't find it as text/IM short hand or a common acronym.

    No google results or it at all.

    is it nonenglish? or possibly old old english or this this dude just totally nuts?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • why are K-pop songs using english lyrics & titles?

    Is English commonly spoken in Korea? or

    Are the producers of the songs/ groups trying to get a Western/ American audience? or

    Are the producers English speaking themselves (like I heard a Jonas Brother has a k-pop group he signed to his record company) or

    Is it a statement on how American culture has influenced the world (plain old: Cultural Imperialism)? or

    Is the world just a much smaller place now where trends/styles can travel across the globe via internet/youtube viral videos that language doesn't matter so much anymore?

    4 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • One job pays me as an employee & a second job pays me (1099) as a contractor?

    So what do I need to know?

    Do I need to pay quarterly taxes for the contractor work?

    Am I eligible to apply for heath care as self employed?

    SHould I just keep receipts and hire an accountant to sort it out?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • My dog broke a tooth yesterday...?

    I saw it happen. The patio was icy and he just lost all four feet and landed on his face. He was bugging out so I called the vet and got him there with in a 30 mins. They saw what I saw a brake in an incisor and suggested having him put under anesthesia to have the tooth removed. And have his teeth cleaned and remove another incisor that broke years ago (which hasn't bother him or become infected or killed him yet).

    He's twelve years old and the Risk of putting him under to just pull a tooth seems like a big risk to take. I made a suggestion to just pull it with a local anesthetic but the vet reacted like that would be cruel and painful for the dog. I suggested to give him a meaty bone and let him pull it out, hopefully, on his own at his own pace and pain threshold. The vet then treated me like I as a terrible person for suggesting it. She proceeded to lectured me on humane treatment of animals and got kinda kunty about it--like who was I to question her.

    But isn't it cruel to risk my elderly dogs life by putting him under. Either way there's gonna be pain and they'll give him meds for the pain and pain goes away as time goes on. Death is final and you don't recover from that.

    I'd rather make him suffer some pain while awake, have the tooth pulled and he'll Live, than make him suffer pain, have the tooth pulled and hope like heck that he recovers from being put under.

    I've had friends who put their older dogs under for a basic procedure and not wake up. I have other friends who put their older dogs under and while they awoke the dogs were never were the same after and their health just took a steep downhill after anesthesia.

    My dogs seemed shaken right after he fell but today seems normal with perky ears and a wagging tail. He wanted to play with a ball and ate all his food this morning. He's on antibiotics and doesn't seem to be suffering. It's expensive but the price isn't a factor. I'd pay thousands if I agreed surgery was required but am not so sure it is here.

    Vet offices after all are businesses and like people doctors I'm sure that vets are heavily lobbied my big Pharmacudical companies, too.

    Does anyone have advice other than agreeing with the medical paradigm of going to surgery and the prescription pad to treat health?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is health insurance even possible since it's not affordable?

    We are expecting our first child so we've been looking into how to get the little one insured once born but it seems impossible to fit an insurance premium into our budget. My wife works for a small local start up with under 20 employees and her Company doesn't offer coverage. She will max out her cobra eligibility, from her last job she left about a year ago, a few weeks after her due date. At least the birth and all the prenatal visits will be covered under that. I work 3 jobs, 2 full time and one part time, but none of that hard works pays any benefits. Together we earned around 70k in 2010 and probably right in that ball park again for tax year 2011. Basically we earn too much to receive any assistance. But from our research for a independently bought family plan here in VT the cost is at least $1,200/month with like 10k deductable. OR like 1K/month with 20K deductable.

    We just don't have a thousand dollars a month to cover the whole family (which would be ideal) and don't know that if we just covered the kid the cost would be much less.

    We're college grads who both work hard and earn what we thought was a decent middle class income. We don't drive fancy cars, have expensive hobbies or even have ipads or flat screen tv's

    6 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Should I kick my Pregnant Wife out of the House?

    Just while I'm sanding and refinishing the floors in the old office/ new nursery and while I'm painting, etc...I know floor stain can be pretty volatile and even though there's no lead paint being exposed, sanding dust and what-not can't be great for anyone especially a pregnant wife. Her folks are only like twenty minutes away, have plenty of space and would probably like the company for a few days. She's putting up a stink like I'd be putting her out blah blah blah...pregnancy hormones I guess. Am I being too cautious? I just figure better safe ....

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Which name is do you like best of these two choices?

    Conrad or Connor

    Also, could both or either be spelled with a K?

    14 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • One question I've not heard discussed about Healthcare reform (i.e. Obama care)?

    What if an individual doesn't believe in western medicine, will they potentially be required to purchase insurance or be fined if they don't if it goes against their religious/ spiritual/ individual beliefs? We have the right to religious freedom, correct? we can believe in whatever we choose even if it's not widely accepted--in aliens or vampires: creationism or Satanic verse...

    Like Christian Scientists, who feel their belief in and relationship with God controls their health and there's nothing a doctor can do to cure them because they gotta pray their ills away.

    Germ theory after all is just a theory and if it's fine for some folks to question the theory of evolution or question climate change theories, so why can't some question germ theory and modern medical practices in our society where freedom to believe is such a huge issue for many.

    I am all for a single payer heath coverage system. Let's all chip in to make sure those a little less well off can still get care and no one has to make life/death/heath decisions based on affordability. If some don't think modern hospitals and doctors are for them are they not free to hold those beliefs even if it die because of it. IDK this whole heath care thing is a huge corporate quagmire why should I shell out tens of thousands of dollars a year to a Corporation because of a government mandate, frankly I'd rather pay that in taxes so my fellow citizens can be well before another CEO makes another million...

    4 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • For a name if our baby is a Girl I'm leaning towards...?

    Louise, basically so I can call her Wheezie/weezie like George Jefferson's wife. Unless of course she has asthma or some respiratory issue but I like it because it can have multiple nicknames; Lu or Wheezie or a combo with her middle name.

    How do you feel about it?

    5 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Whether It's a boy or girl I wanna name the baby....?

    Maris. which could be mary for short. Is it too Feminine for a boy? It come from MARS the war god and was a son of ZEUS and Cassiopeia in old world that's masculine.

    6 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • if energy is not destroyed, is there any caloric content in Poop?

    When I eat a food that's 100 calories do I absorb all 100 kcal?

    I've been counting calories and wonder about this and about what happens to the energy in the food when cooked since i've seen caloric content tested my Burning the item to raise temp of water....1cm3 by 1degree.....can some one explain this?

    5 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • My dog Has IMHA, below is a msg from my VET & IDK what to do?

    The cyclosporine level, given that it was given to Logan 2 hours before the blood test (which means it should have been at peak levels) came back low. What this means is that it is possible that the Cyclosporine is not at an effective immunosuppressive dose for a long enough period during the day.

    Let's review where we are. If we look retrospecitively at the CBC's on Logan, we can see that there has been little change in the PCV, and little change inthe MCV (the size of the RBC which remains high) since I started treating Logan. So what we are doing now is adding to the side effects experienced by the patient, but not giving us a better result.

    His PCV (or HCT) have trended inthe following way 36>36>32>36, basically no change. His MCV (mean corpuscular volume, or the SIZE of the immature red cells) has trended as follows: 82>79>82>82, basically no change.

    The problem is that we do not know if the prednisone is having a positive effect on Logan, or if he would just wander along with a smouldering IMHA without drugs. We also do not know if we simply have not given the medications long enough to work properly. We veterinarians get very nervous keeping dogs on high doses of steroids for long periods of time, but in huma medicine a trialof this length (5-6 months) would be considered no where long enough to see visible positive changes.

    The enlarged liver on Logan is likely to be the result of the use of the prednisone, as it tends to cause a hepatopathy and his liver enzymes indicate that this is the case. It is possible, BUT NOT LIKELY, that something else is going on in the liver, like lymphoma, and is actually the underlying cause for the IMHA and the liver enlargement. The only way to know for sure would be to do an abdominal ultrasound and an aspiration of the liver and histopathology on the liver. This obviously would add to our expense.

    I am reluctant to try to decrease the prednisone at this point, because it is possible that it is working and is doing its job, and if we decerease it we may be faced with a fulminant re-emergence of the IMHA which originally made him so sick. As we have discussed, it is always more difficult to "recover" these dogs if they have a relapse after having been on a higher dose of prednisone.

    In my perfect world, I would do the following with my dog:

    Ultrasound and biopsy the liver

    Increase the dose of Atopica to 50mg orally twice daily on an empty stomach

    recheck the cyclosporine level in 3 weeks (2 hours after a pill)

    recheck the CBC at the same time

    keep the prednisone dose the same but split the pill and give 10mg inthe morning and 10 mgs at night

    If you tell me that the side effects of the prednisone are too egregious, or the expense of the Atopica is too high, we could begin to wean Logan off the meds and simply see what happens. There is a significant risk in that course of action, but i do not pretend to know the correct answer for this case. I have to know what you are thinking and how you think he is holding up on the medications. As you know, prednisone is not a benign drug by any means, and we live continuously under the threat of gastric ulceration, performation of the stomach and even death at these doses.

    Please let me know when you hae had a chance to review this, think about it and then lets talk. He is not an easy case.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I just repotted and trimmed my Fukien Tea...Now what?

    Got the plant in Dec, 2010 as a holiday gift (from a garden center) She has been doing well at home indoors on a landing with lots of sun. I repotted in a bonsai container today and trimmed the 5" of root mass to a smaller oval that's now not quite 3" @depth and widest. Then trimmed away like 45% of the branches that crossed and were vertical....attempting the bonsai image...and probably close to 75% of the foliage was cut back, too, but there's still plenty of leaves and two small canopies forming amongst the spacer developing growth. I like where it's @ in "the bonsai training". Guess my question is about what to expect. Water, that and have read not to feed for a month or 6 weeks...I figure wait till june and hope it lives...what's your experience with the species?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I got a collection notice out of nowhere, how do I figure out if it's real?

    I just received a collections notice in the mail, demanding I pay off a Discover Card account with a $4,000+ balance. However, I never recall ever having a discover card. The notice is from NCC...and is offering a settlement to pay 25% of the "debt" around $1,000. But I never had a discover card???

    Last fall I received my credit reports from all three agencies and there was no delinquent accounts and no listing of a Discover card on any of my reports, so should I even worry about this collection notice or could it be a scam?

    IDK what's up with this. The one possibility I could suspect is that when I was in college in the 1990's, I briefly dated a girl who was a bit of a psycho/ scammer/ druggie. She actually used my name and SS# to rent a summer apartment, after we had split up, and never paid rent there. I had to go to court and sort it all out and ended up paying something to that landlord. But that was in like 1995 and I got notice with in months that I "owed." She very well could have opened a credit card in my name but wouldn't I have heard something about this debt before now?

    Any ideas about how to approach handling this would be a big help. I am recently married and do not want my poor choices or people who took advantage of me in the past, to effect my wife's good credit. Thanks.

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Where to go, for a fun event ideally, in the Eastern US or Canada?

    I work at a University in New England and have the first or second week in March 2011 for the school's spring break. I would like to make a road trip (but could fly) somewhere (or road trip from place to place along the way) for a cool event---like a food and wine festivals or maybe a film fest, or comedy or music festival....any suggestion on things going on that would be worth while? Or sites that specialize in those kinda searches.

    While I work at a University, I would prefer try avoid the college spring break crowds...somewhere warmer than New England in March would be nice.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago