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  • Birthday party for 2 year old?

    My daughter will be 2 in August and I live in Florida so its way to hot to do things outside for very long and I can't think of anything fun for her birthday :( Any thoughts? I really want her to have a fun day!

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • How do you brush your toddlers teeth?

    My daughter is almost 2 years old and she hates it when I brush her teeth. I have to sing her songs the whole time so she won't cry. Sometimes I have to wrap her up with a towel so she can't push me. I try to make it fun and everything and I let her help but she really dislikes it. Any ideas? I am going to take her to the dentist soon and I have always brushed her teeth since way before she even had any :) Why all of a sudden does she act like I am killing her every time I brush her teeth now?

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • How do you change the swing position of a Fisher-Price Open Top Cradle Swing in Rainforest?

    I just got it from a consignment shop and I can't figure out how to turn the seat to the other position. Does anyone have one that can explain to me how to do so? Or does anyone know where I can get an owner's manual? The seat is now in the front to back swinging position.

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Should I report my apartment's management company?

    Or what do you think i should do? So the short story is that, first of all, my A/C is made for a studio apartment and we live in a 2000 square ft apt. our water heater has been broken for about a month already they come by and get it to work for a couple of days and then it goes out again. And for 2 weekends in a row we have had no hot water. By "we" I mean My Husband, my 2 small children, (the youngest is only 7 weeks old). I got the water heater just a year ago when we first moved in. And the maintenance guy told me that he told the woman in the office that she needed to order the parts but they don't have what they need. Which is a $20 part that they could go buy at any hardware store. The air conditioner is a whole different story! We have been complaining about 3 vents that are only on one side of the house. (No A/C in the kitchen, dining area, or bathroom.) And the one's that we do have well my kids room is always freezing, my room is like an oven, and the living room is a sauna. We have ridiculous electric bills because we have to run that old piece of crap AC all day! Its Florida and just as an example is was 95 degrees today okay. We have to have AC that works! Don't you think they should help us out. They never fix anything correctly. It sucks. Both bedroom closet doors are messed up, The bathroom door is messed up. My 2 year old can just walk right in there anytime. I already replaced the bedroom door in the kids room myself. I have been here for a year and I am ready to do anything to get an AC that really works or a better ventilation system!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How can I make some money from home?

    I am a stay at home Mom, and I am wondering if there are any real things I can do to make some extra cash around here :) My children are very young and I am always trying to think of ways to make some money!

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How much does your newborn eat?

    My daughter is about 2 weeks old. She is on formula. I don't need any speaches about breastfeeding thanks. So if your child is formula fed and around the same age please share how much and how often he or she is eatting. Thank You!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to soak in the bath when pregnant?

    I know its safe to take a bath if the temperature of the water isn't too hot. But my sister in law told me that its not good to take a bath if you are dilated. I have been told if your water breaks then no baths but I am 2 cm dilated and I just don't know.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Was your labor induced?

    My doctor wants to induce me next week! Pitocen only. They used Pitocen with my daughter to help move my labor along (even though I went into labor on my own). I am already 2cm dilated, and 50% effaced. But that is apparently at a stand still now. Plus the baby is still pretty high (not sure of the station). I read that there can be complications with Pitocen induction and I am just wondering if any of you moms can give me an idea of how your labor went if you had to be induced. Thank You!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What can I do to get labor started?

    I am 2cm dilated, and 50% effaced. This is my 2nd baby! My husband and I have been having sex every day! I've been walking, and bouncing on my yoga ball. Only safe ideas please! I am so ready.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is your least favorite household chore?

    I hate all of them. But I would have to say that I hate vacuuming the most.

    8 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How did you get through the first few weeks after having a baby?

    I am not really that worried about taking care of the newborn. I am on the other hand concerned with being able to care for my 2 year old daughter at the same time. Any tips on how to get through those first couple of months when a new baby takes up so much of my time, and my toddler needs as much or more attention! If I need help from family they will be around and my husband works quite a lot and it isn't an option for him to stay home, we just couldn't afford it and he doesn't get any vacation time until June! (Baby is due April 8th). Thanks just trying to get some good Mommy advice.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is the average length of time to be in labor?

    This is my 2nd child. I heard it is a lot faster the second time around. I was in labor for 18 hours with my first so what do you think I should expect this time?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does your 1 year old eat alot?

    Mine really plays with her food alot. Also she chews up and spits out most of it. I was just wondering how other 1 year olds are doing with eatting solid food. If I try to feed her the food with a spoon (after I puree it) She doesnt want to eat at all. So what do your toddlers like to eat? She likes different things on some days and not so much on others. We really feed her everything we eat ourselves. She doesn't exactly eat it though.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Eating issues with 1 year old?

    My 1 and a half year old daughter will not swallow solid food. She chews it up and spits it out. She has a mouthful of teeth. She really just doesn't want to swallow a majority of her food. Even soft food she tends to spit out. She will eat soups and mashed potatoes and she drinks all her milk and juice. But will not swallow alot of other foods. I don't even think she doesn't like the way they taste because she will continue to put it in her mouth and chew it up and then just when you think she is going to swallow it she just opens her mouth and it all falls out, then she does it again. I don't get it. HELP!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Was your baby born on time, early, or late?

    My first was born about 3 days before my due date. So I have been wondering. Will this one be on time too? What happened with your babies? Lets not tell our entire birth stories here though... just how far along were you?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How would you punish a 1 year old?

    My daughter tell me to shut up. Its very aggravating. She says it all the time. I want her to know that it isn't okay to say that. I don't think she is really old enough for time out. It doesn't seem to be sinking in that she is actually in trouble its more of a game to her to have to sit there and then she gets up and when we tell her what she did to be in the time out chair she just tells us to shut up again. It is apparently very funny to her. So I am just wondering. I try to ignore her but she just says it louder and louder and this is becoming quite a bad habit for her. I am not sure where she heard this, it could have been anybody :( It is such an ugly thing to say.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How can I help my picky eater gain weight?

    Well picky isn't really a good word for her... she is really just a testy eater. 16 months old and she basically plays with food for the most part. Somedays she hardly eats anything. I already give her pediasure everyday and add calories to her milk with things like Carnation Instant Breakfast. Snacks aren't helpful because she doesn't eat them. Cookies she throws on the floor. The only food she will eat is french fries, macaroni and cheese and icecream. This is not an ideal diet for anyone. I was told to give her high calorie and high fat foods but its not any good if she doesn't eat them. Please help. The doctors are not helping either. She has had all kinds of blood work and everything comes back normal. 17 pounds 1 oz okay! That is tiny. She does grow taller though and she has tons of energy and sleeps like a rock. I don't want to worry anymore about her weight so calling all Mommys! Someone please give me some real advice. I give her every thing we eat and it usually ends up chewed up and spit out.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the name Tarah Peyton for a girl?

    I am not going to change my choice I am just interested on people's opinions. I really like the name so say what you will.

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which is better? Tarah Emily, or Tarah Lorraine.?

    Any other ideas? I do not like the name's Hailey, Madison, or any other names on the most popular list.

    2 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What is the craziest thing your husband/wife ever did for you?

    Mine is planning on getting my name tattooed on his forearm. I told him he was nuts. My name has 9 letters! I am not getting his tattooed on me and he knows it. haha. So I was just wondering if anyone else's spouse has ever done anything for them that they thought was crazy.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago