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Favorite Answers17%
  • Chasidic Jews question?

    I don't mean to offend with this question, I'm a Catholic and know very little about the jewish faith.

    If Chasidic jews are supposed to stay away from things that are "frivilous", why is it I see jewish women with designer purses and shoes? Especially in NYC. They have coach and really expensive bags and other accessories. To me at least, that seems a little frivilous.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A little help from my friends..?

    I wanted to know if I could enlist your help in a problem myself and a few other people I know are having in the Theater/Acting section.

    It's mostly with kids who are too young to be in this forum asking how they can get on the disney channel or how to get an agent. I answer these questions and share as much as I can but there's simply not one answer to these questions. It comes with hard work and dedication. I understand I can come off harsh or mean sometimes and I apologize. These people report people who's answers they don't agree with or don't like and it's not fair to me and my fellow professionals who share our knowledge here.

    9 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Are you a professional actor?

    I just wanted to find out how many people on here are professional working actors that have either gone to school and studied or have actual careers and aren't kids trying to get on the disney channel because I'm sick of them.

    6 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Why do you think you can be an actor?

    Why do people post questions on here like "How can I be famous?" and crap like that? Do you really think someone will have the answer? there isn't one. What is stopping you from doing some research and reading some books and plays? Please give me a good answer and don't say it's your dream, cause I went to school for a long time to learn what I learned about acting and you need to decide to make it a reality and stop waiting for things to just happen.

    5 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • A Headshot Photographer Ripped Me Off..?

    I went to a headshot photographer who said I would get 4 looks from the shoot photoshoped and ready to go. That was in Feb. Since then I've only gotten 1 of the looks, I've emailed and called about a billion times and gotten nothing back. Should I notify the police or Equity or is there something better to do?

    6 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • How do I politely tell someone they aren't invited to my wedding?

    I'm planning my wedding and I want to invite some people from the school I'm about to graduate from but there are also a lot of people I don't want to invite. I've tried to keep everything as quiet as possible but people always talk. I don't want to be rude in telling someone they aren't invited when they ask me (Which I find rude anyway).

    19 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What type of Wedding Ceremony is appropriate?

    My fiance and I are not very religous, he's never been baptised, the first time he was in a church was for my grandmother's funeral in sept. I was raised catholic but have not been active in the church for a long time. We both would like to have a spriitual ceremony. Someone suggested a Buddhist ceremony but i don't know if it would be appropriate since both of us have no knowledge of the religion and we wouldn't want to offend anyone.

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago