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Favorite Answers3%
  • Should I start over somewhere new?

    A quick bio: I am a 22 year old female with an bachelor's degree, working on a graduate certificate program and wanting to go into the nonprofit field. I am currently living in the southeastern region of the US. My family is distant and my friends are kind of living life all over the place. A job I was chasing didn't end up working out. I have no romantic connections, and just live with my dog.

    I have long desired to just pack up and leave everything behind. I don't know where I would choose to go, but some places I've considered are LA, Seattle, Phoenix, Portland, NYC, and Nashville (approx. 4 hours from where I currently live). Weather doesn't really bother me one way or the other, so that isn't a concern--just looking for a more vibrant lifestyle with a lot of big job opportunities. I have good experience and I am a very hard worker, so I don't fear my ability to find a job and get on my feet. I plan to have around $10-15k saved up beforehand.

    I feel that I do not belong where I am and I want the chance to have a good adventure before life slips by. To anyone who's been in a similar situation to me-- What would you recommend? Do I pack up and go? If so, where would you recommend and why? Is there anything you feel I should be considering more in-depth? I feel like I'm losing my youth waiting for things that can't seem to be found, so I'm feeling inspired to take a chance.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture3 years ago
  • Are my eyes damaged from the eclipse?

    I looked at the eclipse WITH proper NASA-approved glasses on, but my eyes hurt after glancing at for a few seconds. I might just be extremely paranoid and tricking myself. How do I know if my eyes are truly damaged? Should I not look again?

    My friend was wearing the exact same kind and said her eyes are not in any pain.

    3 AnswersOptical4 years ago
  • Advice for moving across the country?

    I'm a female college student in Kentucky. I'm single and don't have much family. It's just me and my dog right now. Next year after graduation I want to move far away from here and just kind of start over. I'm thinking Colorado, Arizona, or maybe Washington.

    Obviously moving thousands of miles away by myself is nerve wracking, but I know this will be good for me and is ultimately everything I want. Anyone with a similar experience have advice, or peace of mind to offer?

    5 AnswersOther - United States4 years ago
  • What should I name my dog?

    I'm getting a dog in a few months, specifically a Cavachon. I want something uncommon, and I like a lot of older names. Out of the ones chosen, which are the best and why?










    13 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Best friend DEMANDS I get a spray tan for her wedding?

    My best friend and I have been close for practically our entire lives- around 20 years. She is in a long term relationship and will more than likely be engaged and married in 3-4 years. We were messing around earlier today, looking at wedding gowns and decorations and such online, discussing everything hypothetically and all just for fun.

    At one point we got on the subject of her bridesmaids. I, of course, would be one of them. She started looking at dresses and making rude comments, basically saying she doesn't care if her bridesmaids are uncomfortable or don't feel confident in the dresses she chooses for them. She wants them to look plain and doesn't care if we don't like it. Then, she turns to me and says, "Oh, and I'm making you get a spray tan."

    I thought she was joking at first and I just said "That would absolutely never happen." And then I realized she definitely wasn't kidding- she is absolutely demanding it.

    Over the years she's suggested to me many times that she thinks I'm ugly, and it's definitely bothered me for quite a few years. But this feels like the comment that's finally drawing the line. I was born pale, and I have spent years trying to accept myself for who I am. I would love to have naturally tan skin, but this is the skin I was born with and I don't see any point in trying to change that. I don't want to be orange, and I don't want to spray nasty chemicals on to my body.

    Am I overreacting? What should I say going forward?

    27 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Names from my lists?

    Not pregnant, just obsessed with names! What are your favorite first/middle name combinations you can make from my lists?

    Also, does anyone have any boy name suggestions that would fit my style based off the ones I have listed? I love so many girl names, and never many boy names and it bothers me.


    Alexander (Alex), Blake, Benjamin (Ben), Carter, Collin, Ethan, Gavin, Henry, Isaiah, Jack, James, Klaus, Mason, Nicholas (Nick), Nathaniel (Nate), Noah, Peter, Rylan, Travis, William (Liam)


    Avery, Alethea, Alexis, Ava, Blair, Cecilia, Carmen, Emma, Everly, Eloise, Elaine, Faith, Francesca, Grace, Hope, Jade, Jacqueline, Katherine (Kate), Lauren, Lucille (Lucy), Maria, Maya, Penelope, Regan, Sienna, Sabrina, Savannah, Tegan, Tessa, Tiffany

    13 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • What should I name my guinea pig?

    I have a female guinea pig named Cleo, and I'm getting another girl very soon. Which of the following sounds best with Cleo?








    Any other 4-letter Greek suggestions welcome!

    15 AnswersRodents5 years ago
  • How to get free (or very low-cost) mental health care?

    About three months ago I was diagnosed (by a physician) with PSTD from childhood trauma. I have been seeking a counseling, and am having a lot of trouble with finding it for various reasons. I am an undergraduate college student, and my family's insurance isn't accepted anywhere in the city I go to school in. I have attempted seeking free counseling from a local church, but they turned me away because they felt my condition was too serious and I needed to see someone more highly trained.

    I spoke with my physician about the matter and she was only able to recommend counseling centers that charge on an income-based sliding scale, which doesn't help me because my parents' income is over their need-based amount, but my parents are the cause of much of my mental health issues- my father believes he's done nothing wrong, tells me to snap out of it, and doesn't know about my diagnoses, and my mother is at the will of my father and feels she can't give me much money to spend on treatments without him knowing.

    I told my mother I felt my only option left was to get a part-time job to cover the expenses of therapy, but with my schoolwork and involvement in clubs and such it's nearly impossible for me to find the time. On top of that, just doing the bare minimum is a daily uphill battle for me, and my condition only grows worse with time. Is there some sort of national program to get free or low-cost mental health care, given my situation?

    5 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Ways to manage my intense anxiety?

    So I'm 19 years old and have been dealing with anxiety/depression for about as long as I can remember. Recently, however, I've developed horrible pain on the upper left portion of my body. There is a sharp pain from my left shoulder blade through the left side of my chest, my shoulder and neck are sore, and my arm is sort of numb. Thinking this was something very serious, I saw a doctor last week and got it checked out. He checked my vitals and asked some general questions, quickly concluding that all of this is because of anxiety. He recommended I take it easy and set up an appointment to discuss getting anxiety medication and/or therapy, which I did- but I can't get in for about a month.

    Within two days of visiting the doctor, my pain was pretty much entirely gone (at the very least, incredibly less severe than it was when I was worried sick wondering what could be wrong). My mom told me to drink some chamomile and lavender tea to calm myself down whenever I get particularly anxious, and while I do think it's helped a bit, I'm beginning to get rather tense once again and the pain is returning. I've tried just about everything, but does anyone have experience with this kind of situation that can offer some advice? Or any ways you've worked to overcome this?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • How should I handle student loan debt?

    I'm only a college sophomore right now, and due to some unfortunate circumstances that I'd rather not go into right now, I have no money saved. I do work, and have been since I was 16, but money has had to go towards things that sadly don't include my education. Starting very soon however, I want to do what it takes to change this.

    When I graduate in three years, my student loan debt will be somewhere around $70,000. The thought of that is enough to make me cry basically every day because it is so overwhelming- which is why I know it's time to come up with a plan for how to pay this off as quickly as possible. My goal is to be debt-free within four years of graduation. Ideally, I'll be able to pay for a year of college per every year after graduation.

    Problems I might face include my anticipated area of work. I will be in the retail, business, and communications field and will very likely move to New York as soon as I'm out of college. I'll be on my own, so money will probably be pretty tight anyway. Within a few years of being there, I also plan on going to graduate school at FIT and the program I want will cost me somewhere around $20,000 to my knowledge.

    Does anyone have any advice on paying off this massive amount of debt in a timely fashion? What are some creative ways I can make money to save up for this? I've already looked into selling my organs and it is quite unfortunately illegal, so that's out. All serious help is very appreciated!

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • Advice on working full time while going to school full time?

    As of this fall, I will be a sophomore in college. My school is approximately a 1 hour 30 minute drive away from my parents' house, so I have no choice but to live in an apartment at school. To keep things short, my parents and I have never been on good terms and I believe they have a very negative influence on my life. They often threaten to cut me off, and then get scared that I'll never come back (which is what's happening after this summer), and tell me they'll support me for "as long as I need."

    I would like to step up for myself and become financially independent in case they decide to ever truly pull the plug on me, and to do so I believe I need to be saving a little over $1,000 per month, which for me calculates to approximately $8 per hour and 40-hour work weeks, all while maintaining my GPA and extra-curricular involvement.

    If anyone who sees this has been through my situation or could maybe just offer me some kind parental guidance, I would be very appreciative. I don't really have an adult to help me along with this process and to be blunt, I am very nervous about it and have really been feeling down on my luck lately.

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • What to write in a blank Mother's Day card?

    So, for the artwork on the outside of it, I bought a Mother's Day card. I didn't realize until I got home and opened the packaging around it that the card is blank, so I need to write something in it. Here is my dilemma:

    While my mother and I are on good terms, we have in no way the perfect, friendly relationship that many young women do with their mothers. My mom allowed me to suffer through many awful circumstances as a child and does not care to validate my depression and feelings of inadequacy in everything I do. I am not one to sugar-coat things, meaning I don't want to write "I look up to you" or "Thanks for teaching me everything I needed to know" because these typical sayings just simply are not the case for me.

    I want to be realistic in whatever I write to her. I refuse to say something that I don't mean. However, I don't want to be too brutally honest. What is a generic, not too cutesy saying I can write in her card?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    9 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • College algebra functions & average rate of change problems?

    I asked a similar question earlier and still am just having trouble with this topic, so I'm trying to do more as practice. If anyone could show me their work and help me figure out the answers for these, I would be so thankful!

    1. Let f(x)= (x-2)^2. Find the average rate of change of f(x) with respect to x from x= 8 to x= 8 + h if h does not equal 0. Simplify your answer as much as possible.

    2. If V(x)= x^3 - 1, compute the average rate of change of V from 7 to 7 + h.

    Thank you in advance for any help!

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • College algebra questions- functions, average rate of change?

    I am absolutely terrible with math and have three homework problems that I'm completely stumped on. If anyone could help me find the answers to these (with work shown, preferably!) I would really appreciate it! It's due tonight and I've been trying to figure them out for a couple days, so I'm kind of freaking out!

    1. Find the average rate of change of the function f over the given interval. f(x)= (x^2 - 2) / (4x - 8) from x=5 to x=6

    2. Let f(x)= (x-3)^2. Find the average rate of change of f(x) with respect to x from x=7 to x= 7+ h if h does not equal 0. Simplify your answer as much as possible.

    3. If V(x) = x^3 - 1, compute the average rate of change of V from 6 to 6 + h.

    Thank you in advance for any help!

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • College algebra systems of equations problem?

    Solve the following system of equations using the substation method.



    What are x and y? There can be multiple answers. If you could show how you got your answer, that would be great, because I really need to figure out how to do this!

    3 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Cartesian Coordinate System (Algebra/Pre-Calc) Help?

    A question on my homework states "Which of the following points are on the graph of xy=x?"

    You can choose multiple answers, and they are as follows:

    (-2, 2)

    (-3, sqrt20)

    (0, sqrt10)

    (1, 0.5)

    (0, 17)

    (1, 1)

    (0.5, 1)

    If you can help me with this problem, please explain how you came to your conclusion! My exam is next week and I need to know how to be able to solve through these things.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Help with quadratic equations?

    I have a homework assignment tonight that is basically all quadratic equations, but my teacher is extremely unhelpful and I m struggling with math a lot. This is my first problem. Can someone please explain exactly how to do this? I would really appreciate it!


    so I know this goes to


    but I m not sure where to go from here!

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Pre-Calculus Help?

    I am trying to find the absolute value of (sqrt 7) - 7. If you tell me the answer, please explain how you came to your conclusion!

    Help is really appreciated, thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Best spelling for this baby name?

    I have become extremely fond of this somewhat old-fashion Greek girl name with the sweet and simple meaning of "truth." It is very unpopular, at least in the US, and I like that about it. I also like that it sounds very timeless and feminine.

    Before getting any further, I pronounce it (ah-lay-thee-ah). The name could be spelled:

    Aletheia (original spelling)

    Alethea (seemingly most common spelling)

    Alythea (women's clothing brand spelling)

    I'm really not big on anything trendy when it comes to names- my other female favorites are Katherine, Lauren, Maria, etc. However, the clothing brand is one I really happen to like, and I adore the spelling of it because it just seems a little offbeat. Alythea. But I normally am a bigger fan of the classic, original spellings. So then comes Aletheia. I'm not really a huge fan of the other option.

    Which spelling do you think is best? Do you think people would pronounce it correctly? What kind of personality do you envision matching this name?

    8 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Baby Name Game!?

    1. You're having a son! His initials have to be the same as your grandfather on your father's side.

    2. Twin girls are on the way! Their middle names must be nature-related and their first names have to begin with the same letter as your first name.

    3. A set of triplets! If you have brown eyes, it's three boys. If you have blue eyes, it's three girls. If you have green eyes, two boys and one girl. If you have hazel eyes, two girls and one boy. Whichever scenario, their initials must be TR, IP, and LE.

    4. Two more sons! If you have blonde hair, they must have the initials AB and BA. If you have brown or black hair, CD and DC. If you have red hair, EF and FE.

    5. And another girl! Her middle name should be your mother's middle name. Her first name should be your favorite girl name.

    Have fun! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting6 years ago