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  • URGENT and complicated, do I need emergency contraception?

    I am on the pill and never miss them, but yesterday something I ate made me vomit. This happened about 30 minutes- 1 hour after I took my daily pill. Then today I had protected sex, but there was a serious mishap with the condom. Do I need to find emergency contraception or should I still be protected by my regular pills?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Are precocious 3 year olds too big for building blocks?

    I'm trying to find a holiday gift for my 3 year old cousin. She's really smart and she loves making people laugh. He parents are my favorite relatives, and they are both very intellectual. It's kind of a tradition for me to give their kids sort of silly, fun, geeky gifts. Last year I gave their son a shirt that lights up to music, and gave the little girl a rubber coated, indestructible MP3 player made specifically for toddlers and small children. I have plenty of ideas for what to give the boy, but I'm stumped on gifts for the girl. One thing I found are wooden building blocks that have the Periodic Table of the elements on them. There is another set that are alphabet blocks, but with really long scientific words.

    I know it would make her parents laugh, but would a 3 year old have fun with wooden building blocks? (they live far away and I only see them once or twice a year so I don't know what kind of toys she normally likes)

    If you think these wouldn't be fun for her, what kind of gifts would you suggest for a very smart, bubbly, 3 years old who has a flair for the dramatic and often says remarkably insightful things for someone her age?

    Thanks for any advice!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Pot-luck recipes? Please help?

    On Saturday morning I will be attending a pot luck event. Guests are supposed to bring a side dish. I would use one of my usual crowd-pleaser recipes, but this situation is a little different.

    I will have little to no time for cooking on Saturday morning before the event, as I will have to leave very early to get there. It will be about a 2 hour drive, and the event is being held in a park.

    I need a recipe that could be prepped on Friday night, and then still be appetizing after the car ride on Saturday morning.

    Can anyone give me good suggestions please? I really appreciate any advice.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • I could really use some shaving advice please, ladies?

    I've been having some health problems recently and my skin has been reacting strangely. Particularly when I shave my legs, underarms, etc.

    Anywhere I shave gets terribly itchy, no matter what kind of shaving products I use.

    This was never a problem for me before, so I never really learned what kind of products are good for this.

    I was wondering if anyone could give me suggestions for products, techniques or remedies that might be of help?

    Thank you very much for your time.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Good audition songs for a contralto voice?

    In May I have an audition for a theater company that I've never worked with before.

    I'm pretty nervous and I want to start preparing now.

    I usually sing a high alto through a high bass. It's hard to find really good songs for a voice like mine, so many of the greatest songs are written for sopranos.

    So first of all, I'd like to know if anyone has suggestions for good songs that could help me impress the directors.

    Second, I would like to ask if anyone thinks "There are worse things I could do" from Grease has become trite or overdone for altos?

    It's one I know well and can sing, but I'd really like to avoid using a song that everyone has just heard way too many songs. I want to try to stand out.

    Thank you for your time.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on catered buffets at weddings?

    I've always wanted to have a very nice, catered buffet at my wedding.

    My family and friends have many dietary restrictions and food allergies, so I want to provide a lot of options that everyone could mix and match.

    I once attended a wedding where the sit-down dinner was two options, no vegetarian, no substitutions. Everyone said the food was great, but both options included things I am allergic to, so I wasn't able to eat anything that night except the one dinner roll provided to me.

    I really don't want to do that to anyone at my wedding, it's very important to me that everyone gets to enjoy a fantastic dinner.

    I'm only posting this because I've heard some people recently say they don't like wedding buffets.

    People have said buffets seem cheap, tacky, or low-class.

    One person even said they think it's rude and tacky to make your guests carry their plates, even if you have serving staff at the buffet stations.

    So, what do you think about buffets, taking my situation into consideration?

    Is it a good idea, or a bad one?

    Thanks for your time. :)

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I need to find the perfect bridesmaid dress, please help?

    I'm a bridesmaid for a good friend of mine. She's a total sweetheart, but she has VERY specific taste. I've been looking everywhere for a bridesmaid dress she'll approve of, and I could use some help.

    Here's a list of her requirements:

    ~Must be relatively modest. (church wedding)

    ~Calf length/tea length


    ~No silk

    ~No low/plunging necklines

    ~Preferably a square neckline

    ~Preferably a retro/vintage style

    ~Preferably with sleeves

    ~Preferably with lace

    Colors can be black, navy, or dark red.

    To anyone who actually has any ideas or takes the time to help, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Am I being too clingy to my boyfriend?

    I used to spend a few days at my boyfriend's house every week or so, and sometimes he's spend a few days at my house. He was at my house last week but we haven't seen each other since then, we'd both been busy.

    I asked if I could maybe spend this coming weekend with him.

    He just said "How about next week?"

    I told him I couldn't that week and he said something about doing it after that. But he knows I'm spending time with my family for the holiday after that, and then leaving for a trip and will be gone for about a month.

    I was trying to get some more time with him before being gone for so long.

    Usually he'll go out of his way to spend time with me.

    I'm feeling kind of rejected, like it doesn't much matter to him that we'll barely see each other at all until around New Year.

    Am I being irrational?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A father's rights to a child in foster care?

    A good friend of mine got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 19. They decided to marry and keep the baby. When their daughter (we'll call her K) was just a few months old, her mother's sister called CPS and made a false charge of abuse, hoping that she would get custody of K.

    Well, they were investigated and the mother was found to be neglectful.

    My friend (the father) was found to be perfectly competent, but not financially stable enough to raise her on his own.

    K was placed in the temporary custody of her godmother, a close friend who is a good mother.

    Well, it's been a few years and my friend has not been able to get his daughter back for financial reasons.

    He doesn't want to take her away from her godmother, he knows she has a loving home there and is well cared for.

    BUT in recent months the godmother moved, changed her phone number, and deleted him from all er online contacts.

    She has not told him where she is or how to contact her. He got in touch with a mutual friend who outright REFUSED to give him any information on his daughter whereabouts.

    He's done his best to keep regular contact through the years, and send money and gifts whenever he can. But now the godmother won't respond to any of his emails, and like I said he now has no idea where she has taken his daughter.

    OH and he is no longer married to K's mother, who is totally out of the picture. as far as we know, no one has even heard from her in about 2 years.

    He just wants to know his baby girl is safe, and be able to stay in touch with her.

    What can he do, and how can I help?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Inviting certain people, not others?

    I'm trying to decide who to invite to my wedding. I'm very close with one of the groomsmen and his sister and mother. However, his father and I don't get along at all. It's no secret that we don't really like each other much. It's mostly just a personality clash, but there are certain reasons why I REALLY don't want him at my wedding. First of all, every time he sees me he has to make some kind of insulting comment disguised as a joke. Second, he has a tendency to be crass and mean to his daughter (who is mentally disabled).

    I realize it might sound rude, but I really want to avoid having him there, as I don't know what he might do or say and I don't need that kind of negativity at my wedding.

    How do I invite the rest of his family without inviting him?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago