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  • potty issues with my dog?

    so we have 2 dogs and one of my dog is a terrior/basenji mix who is almost a year old. she has always potty outside very easy but now its so hard for her to. I'll take her our four 5 times a day and i have to fight it seems to get her to poo outside she just holds it and does it in the house. we just dont know why she is doing t in the house when we take her outside any reasons why help please

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • my basenji and jack rusell mix dogs fighting?

    We have 2 8 month old girl dogs we got our jack russell terrior mixed about 2 months ago we got our newest one a basenji terrior mixed 4 days ago. They sleep eat and play together really well they both get along great with other dogs. They do play fight with there toys or sometimes eachother. Sometimes it gets a little rough and i stop it when it gets alitle to intense but they still wanna keep going at eachother. Should i let them and if i shouldnt then whats the best way to get them to calm down. I know there still getting used to eachother and our newest little girl is still getting used to us im just trying to help

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Idea's on what to get my mom and aunt on my wedding day?

    I love how iv'e been at weddings and they give the mom of both the bride and groom a gift . I want to also include my aunt in this not only because she's part of it but her husband is the one giving me away. I wanted to get them something engraved but i have no idea what. Can any one give me idea's or what they themselves gave there parents that would really help thanks.

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • is it to early to look?

    my bf and i got engaged about a month ago. We aren't getting married until 2013 because that year has special meaning for us and its a fall wedding oct because that was the month it came together for us. Well no one seems to be thrilled they want me married like alot sooner and some of them get upset that im looking into some idea's right now. I'm not making any plans this year just getting some idea's. Our parents can't help us so its just us paying for everything. This year were moving into together so we wanted to concentrate on that. So is it really to soon to get idea's because we are not getting married for awhile please help

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to move on or is it selfish?

    I placed my awesome little girl 4 years ago. I was young when i had her and on my own so i did alot of the choices myself her b dad wasn't really in the picture. I choose the parents and i choose open adoption. Ari's dad was in and out of my heart and life until the begining of 09 i just couldn't deal with all of it and i needed to let him go. Since that time i now have what i didn't have in the begining. I have a great support system and bff that any person is lucky to have and i have the love of my life. I have wants and dreams and i can't wait to get my life started. My bf loves me very much and thinks i am a great mom to decided to place he has even met her and the parents and they really hit it off. What i guess bothers me more than anything is the very person i love and thats aria my girl. She is so loved and i adore her parents so time now seems to get away and i don't write or visit as much as i should. I trust them completly so i never feel the need to worry like i did back then. Am i just being really selfish with it all ive never been a birth mother so i dont know what you should feel. Has anyone else felt like that when they placed is something wrong with me. Any feedback i will take please help me.

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Just alittle bit of fun peek in and see?

    Ok i just wanted to have some fun so i'm doing alittle survey of sorts. Every dating sight ive ever been to has some crazy intersting names. Ive noticed the more creative the more responses. So for the fun iv'e pick 3 of my fav and i wanted you to pick one and tell me why you like the little sn so much ok. The first one is Boozyblondemilkshake The second is Milf and Cookies and finally we have Cherry bomb. So those are the names now remeber pick one and why and for those who want the points then have fun but be honest as to why you pick it have fun.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what to do about body hair?

    Ok so i have issue's when it comes to hair on a guy i just think it's really gross. Now my boyfriend doesn't have alot but it's there. Call me a snob i know but he says in the summer when it's warm out i could get rid of the hair on his upper torso meaning chest back and shoulders as long as it's not wax. So how besides shaving and waxing can i get rid of it. I don't wanna hurt him and shaving that much hair would take forever so does anyone know what can get rid of a guys body hair pretty good without any pain.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Old hang up's gatta love them?

    My life is nothing but full blown ironies it would be funny if it wasn't so bad. 3 years ago i gave birth to my beautiful daugther. I placed her in open adoption which means more or less i still have visits and watch her grow up. Her father played me really well. He was in and out of my life up until the end of 08. I was fully done and i wanted to move on with my life so last year i did some dating around. In oct i met the most wonerful man. He's sweet funny kind and he makes me feel really good about myself and our relationship. But his name is the same as my childs father. I just cant seem to escape this name its like its haunting me lol. I do really care for this guy but have no intention of breaking up with him. But sometime i'll catch myself calling his name shortened or using his name in a tone that i did with my ex. So naturally it gets me thinking about said ex and grrrrrrrr. Anyways i wanna know am i really being as stupid as i think i am or is this an actually issue that i have to sit down with me myself and I and just get over it. Again i know weird but still any help would be accepted.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I need advice so i can help my boyfriend ?

    Ok so ive been seeing this guy for a few months now. The relationship is really good, before me he was in a long relationship with a women and they have a little girl together. The relationship ended on a sour note so they became in a cousdy battle with one another. He wanted to share cusody she did not. Well she has made a few mistake one of them cheated so to be sure he went and did a dna test. Well turns out the little girl is not his. I dont know how to help him or what to say i really want to be there for him but have no idea how to go about it any advice ?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Needing some help please?

    Me and my bf have just started to be in a sexual relationship. Now i have always been tight but he is bigger than what i am used to. So the first time around there was tearing which is normal. We had sex last night and since we hardly get private time to do anything like that it has been a month since the first time now there was bleeding but not as much and it hurt less. Is there anything i can do to stop that or will i just have to be use to his size anything will help thanks

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Easy 10 points Best Answer?

    Ok it been awhile since i dated . My ex and I had a real bad breakup and i didn't desire to know the male gender for quite some time. I met this guy last sat we talked and a few days later we hung out. I really do like him alot he's smart funny and i click well with him. I mean i'm acting like a girl my cousin says i'm giddy which if you know me is saying a teenager always listins to his parents its not happening. From what i got he seemed to really like me as well. But for right now he wants us to get to know each other and for now kind of hang out which i'm ok with. He had a bad breakup himself so i can totally see why he wants to take it slow. I don't want this to be a fling i really want this to go somewhere. But i'm afraid that i'm really getting my hopes up and i don't know how to stop that. i only have known him for about a week and only been out with him once so what do i do. I mean how can i stop liking someone alot when i already do. Any advice i would love

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am i really weird for doing this?

    Ok i'm a birthmom to a awesome little girl she rocks. Well everyone i know seems to be getting pregnant and yeah i miss being pregnant. Not to mention i really would like to have more children someday when i'm more ready so not for awhile. Well i work in a kids store and since i had the girl i would love the chance to have a boy but there are these outfits that i just had to have very cheap for a baby boy. I bought the 2 that i really wanted but am i crazy for buying them since i have no intention of getting pregnant for awhile. I wanted them because i was afraid by the time i had my boy god willing i never see them again. So in all seriousness is that normal or am i just really crazy. For the record if i never have anymore children i woudl give them to a person that does need them.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Would you spend forever with the person you loved?

    Me and my friend had this discussion and i thought i would bring it here to y/a see what i got. She says if she could she would want to live forever with the person she loved and nothing else would matter being with them would be enough for her. I'm on the other side of the fence. While i would love to spend the rest of my life with someone that i really truly loved i couldn't give them forever. I couldn't stand everyone iv'e met in my life or will ever met in my life knowing that i will always outlive them. Even if i lived forever with the person i loved i still would be surround by so much death and i don't have the comfort of knowing that when i die there a chance i could see them again because i would never die. To me it would be a curse more than a gift. So what about you could you be like my friend and have no problem living forever with the one you loved was by your side or would you want to give as much life as you could but not live forever like me.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Clothes for my toddler?

    Hi i'm a birthmom to a 2 year old. I work in a clothing store so i get alot of clothes for my daugther and yes i do ask her a mom for permission she doesnt mind. Well i found out in Feb that aria is the max height for her age group she really is that freaking tall and wears 3 T. Now the clothes i got her are for spring and summer but i got them in 3 t cause that was just what she was getting into. I really want if all possible to last this summer so should i go with the 4t or do you think 3 t is ok. PLease help.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How to know when you have gone to far?

    I'm a birth mom to a little girl who is an open adoption. Now i'm ok that i'm not mommy to her just rachel she has a great mom i should know i picked her. My issues are more getting her things. See aria has decided she want to be a little weed a grow like you wouldn't believe so clothes for her are a nightmare. Now the department i work is a children's one and they have very cute clothes for cheap and with my discount it's a steal. Aria's a mom knows i get her clothes because for one she needs them and i always ask before i buy them for her and she has never cared. She really likes the clothes that i get her cause we have the same taste in clothes. But at the same time i'm worried that even though shes says its very ok for me to get them that she thinks i think they cant afford to. I know its silly but i don't want them to think that i think they cant take care of her because i know they can and do. I get her clothes because i get them very cheap and with the way she keeps growing she just needs lots of them. So am i going to far with getting her clothes even though i have permission to ? How do you know as a birth mom when something is ok to do and somethings are going to far? I simply don't know whats ok and whats not in that regard so please help.

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • For any adoptee in open adoption or is in reunion.?

    I have an open adoption with my little girl who is 2. I love her aparents very much and that girl is my world and i'm just happy to be apart of her life. Her Bdad feels differently i guess he has never seen her once just pictures ( his choice) he left once then came back then left again. I really don't think he wants to be in his little girl life he doesn't even try to know her iv'e encourage him to and the aparents are ok with it but he doesn't want to and i'm not going to force him to. She's going to have me in her life i'll always be there for her. From what i have seen most adoptee's want to find there birth mothers. Once they have they are more than ok with just them don't even look for there dad's unless im really wrong. Will she be ok with just me in her life or do you think she'll try to find him. I would never stop her from looking for him but it's going to hurt her so bad because he fights and see's his other children but does nothing when it comes to her my daugther is the odd one out and i don't know why. So am i enough for her or do you think she'll want to find him to.

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • People who know about Triple A?

    We used triple A last year for our trip to orlando. Well we decided on Pigeon forge this year going to dollywood and maybe gatlinburg as well. Do you know if they make packages for Tenn as well if anyone knows thanks

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Baby Boy name like it or hate it?

    I'm very anal when it comes to names i don't want run of the mill names i want rare names but they stand for something. From example my little girl is named Aria Tessa and people love how cute and unique it sounds and i want to keep that up. So for a boy i came up with Kieran Reece i think like my daugther its a rare name stand for something and has a really nice ring to it. So i figure i get as many opinions as i could on it so please tell me tell me tell me lol thanks.

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • A child's Harness for or against?

    I don't understand why people make such a big issue about children wearing those backpack harness. I mean the tugging is not good at all but that's the parents wrong doing not the harness. I work in retail in the children's department do you wanna know what i see. Parents either tugging hard on there hands that make the kids cry and they fall on the floor upset or 8 and 9 year old in strollers that are so small they have to bend there knees so there legs don't hit the floor. Toddlers like to move around whats wrong with them doing that but you know where they are at. Most of my costumers set the cart somewhere else and move almost to the other side of the room or when they have other children we have to stop them from racing there carts or climbing on our displays so they don't get hurt. I feel like there parents sometimes so i'm in full favor of the harness backpacks because my kids can run but i know where they are at and they cant go to far from me. So what about you are you for or against them and why.

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What would you do if .....?

    My little girl just turned 2 and is in open adoption. Her bdad came back in aug of this year wanting to get to know her after leaving for over a year. The agreement between he and I and the aparents went like this. He says he not ready to see her all he wants is pictures and updates on her which he gets from me everytime i make a visit. When he's ready to actually see the baby the aparents are willing to talk to him to figure out when he can see her like me. If he wants to go with me to see her then i have no problem with that. Well in nov i lost contact with him again i text him dint get anything back and i called his num the phone was disconnected. He emailed me 2 days ago saying his phone got stolen and that he doesnt know my cell which i can believe cause i'm the same way. I dont care that he wants to be in our daugthers life i encourage that but as far as my life goes i simply dont want him in my life. He did things before i lost contact with him a second time that i really cant forgive and i dont trust him to actually be there for me. Just because i want him in our childs life does he really have to be in mine? I know he going to be in some of my life but i dont want a friendship with him just be civil give him pictures updates and that be that no talking about anything other than her or hanging out with eachother. Does that make me a bad person and how can i tell him that while i want him to be in her life i dont want him to be in mine anymore than he needs to be. Any help would be awesome.

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago