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Favorite Answers33%
  • Can I have an open conversation with this girl I know about our friendship?

    I work with a girl I know, and we ve known each other for several years now. I find her to be pretty, and I like her for who she is. I wanted to get to know her better as a friend, but I had a difficult time at first, but I just started to socialize with her a bit more outside of work this year. I deal with social anxiety and am learning to overcome it, and she is aware of it. She told me it is something everyone deals with, and that is something not to be ashamed of, and she additionally went on to say I should never be embarassed of myself in social situations. She found me to be a good guy and considers me as a friend and would be there for me if I ever felt down, but yet I feel so insecure around her at times. Insecure, because I can t even talk to her in person a lot of times, because I get nervous.

    I wanted to talk to her about our friendship, but I feel a bit hesistant to do so, thinking she wil see me in a different way.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerFriends3 years ago
  • Does this girl like me as a friend?

    I've known a girl that I work with for 3 years. I like her and want to know her a little bit better as a friend. We don't see each other much, but, when we see each other, we have a handful of small conversations. Other than those, small talk, really.

    I've noticed she likes to share laughs and have good conversations with others, but I have sometimes received the impression that maybe she isn't interested in me as a friend. Not quite sure, but I don't want to be judgmental. I will admit that I am usually shy and nervous around girls I like, so I am not sure if that may be a reason.

    Any advice or tips can be helpful. Thank you.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Is it ideal to purchase a used Lincoln Towncar with high mileage?

    Lincoln Towncar vehicles are commonly used as limousines, so high mileage is evident.

    I'm interested in purchasing a used one (ideally a 2011 model), and it is hard to find one below 100,000 miles.

    I've been doing research on my own for a while, and I have heard that these vehicles are still reliable after 100K miles and are recommended to purchase for everyday usage? How true is this?

    Can anyone chime in?

    2 AnswersLincoln6 years ago
  • Would this be acceptable?

    At the moment, I am creating a chord progression in the key of F. Could I begin this progression with a different chord instead of the tonic chord?

    I had in mind IV (Bb major) / I (Fmaj7) / IV (Bb major) / I (Fmaj7).

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Help with chord progression?

    At the moment, I am writing my own song.

    I played with the chords in Eb major, and I have established a chord progression that to me sounds quite nice; however, it does not follow a common chord progression formula (such as 1, 4, and 5). I am not exactly sure if I am supposed to follow a formula to create a chord progression. Below, is my chord progression.

    Ebmaj...Gmin7...Fmin7...Abmaj7 (with Bb octave in left hand).

    Any advice? Tips? Improvements?

    4 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Improvements? Suggestions? Tips? Advice?

    My name is Steven, and I am a pianist. I have played the piano for nearly six years.

    Back in high school, I used to write songs with a fellow friend of mine. I stopped, and I was on hiatus for nearly four years. I was recently inspired to write lyrics again, and I have several ideas at the moment. One of the ideas is on a piece of paper as of now.

    My song is called "Together We'll Make A Difference," and the song revolves around harmony and unity in the world. Simple verse/chorus/verse/chorus structure. Below, is what I wrote. Please leave your feedback, and I would like to hear some suggestions (if necessary).


    Let us stand up and unite the world.

    Life is rough as it seems.

    Sorrow and anger lingers in the world.

    Why should we live this way?

    Day after day, the news is just the same.

    War is cold and many lives are lost.

    Hunger and famine strike a powerful blow.

    Let us strive for peace and unity.


    Together we'll make a difference.

    Spread the word throughout the world.

    We'll sing amongst joy and prosperity.

    One day the light'll shine through the clouds.


    Let us stand up and unite the world.

    Life is rough as it seems.

    Sorrow and Anger lingers in the world.

    Why should we live this way?

    Some cannot grasp opportunities.

    Tears of sadness come from the eyes.

    People fall off the ladder too soon.

    Now is the chance for us to move forward.


    Together we'll make a difference.

    Spread the word throughout the world.

    We'll sing amongst joy and prosperity.

    One day the light'll shine through the clouds.


    Lyrics by myself (Steven Gerraro) C. Nov. 2012

    2 AnswersLyrics9 years ago