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Would this be acceptable?

At the moment, I am creating a chord progression in the key of F. Could I begin this progression with a different chord instead of the tonic chord?

I had in mind IV (Bb major) / I (Fmaj7) / IV (Bb major) / I (Fmaj7).

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    This is absolutely fine. If it sounds good, it is good! All I would say, is that this progression, by itself, will sound like you're in Bb major. In Bb major, this progression will be I-V-I-V.

    To reinforce you're in F major, you might want to consider using a C major chord at some point.

    Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    Of course you can! I would recommend possibly inverting the first chord to first inversion if you're worried about losing the tonal center. But absolutely--you're really not breaking any rules.

    Besides, all of the rules have been thrown out the window, anyways.

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