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Improvements? Suggestions? Tips? Advice?

My name is Steven, and I am a pianist. I have played the piano for nearly six years.

Back in high school, I used to write songs with a fellow friend of mine. I stopped, and I was on hiatus for nearly four years. I was recently inspired to write lyrics again, and I have several ideas at the moment. One of the ideas is on a piece of paper as of now.

My song is called "Together We'll Make A Difference," and the song revolves around harmony and unity in the world. Simple verse/chorus/verse/chorus structure. Below, is what I wrote. Please leave your feedback, and I would like to hear some suggestions (if necessary).


Let us stand up and unite the world.

Life is rough as it seems.

Sorrow and anger lingers in the world.

Why should we live this way?

Day after day, the news is just the same.

War is cold and many lives are lost.

Hunger and famine strike a powerful blow.

Let us strive for peace and unity.


Together we'll make a difference.

Spread the word throughout the world.

We'll sing amongst joy and prosperity.

One day the light'll shine through the clouds.


Let us stand up and unite the world.

Life is rough as it seems.

Sorrow and Anger lingers in the world.

Why should we live this way?

Some cannot grasp opportunities.

Tears of sadness come from the eyes.

People fall off the ladder too soon.

Now is the chance for us to move forward.


Together we'll make a difference.

Spread the word throughout the world.

We'll sing amongst joy and prosperity.

One day the light'll shine through the clouds.


Lyrics by myself (Steven Gerraro) C. Nov. 2012

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    So far I think they're pretty good! If you are looking for technical constructive feedback on your songwriting you should check out There are other writers there that will offer you feedback on the composition along with helping you create the perfect melody to help you develop this further.

  • 9 years ago

    needs more cowbell

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