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  • What is it like living in Sudbury?

    I'm moving to Sudbury for college and I'm wondering what it's like up there. I'm currently living in Toronto and I love the city but education is more important.

    What is the weather like? How many months of snow? Average temperature throughout the year?

    How multicultural is the city?What I love about Toronto is that you can almost visit the entire world in one city. I often go to Asian and Latin supermarkets for stuff that I honestly can't live without.

    How expensive is it to live there? I'm going to be a college student so I don't have that much money to spend. Even groceries might be a bit difficult to buy.

    Anything I should know before moving there?

    1 AnswerOther - Canada7 years ago
  • Will this lens work with my Nikon D60?

    I am looking for a lens and I came across this one. Will this one be compatible with my Nikon D60?

    3 AnswersCameras7 years ago
  • Grade 12 Data Management premutations?

    There is a concept I'm really confused by it, oh rather I don't seem to be able to see the logic behind it.

    Here is the basic concept:

    nPn= n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x 3 x 2 x 1

    What I am confused by is how the hell do you go from n minus a number to 3 , 2 , 1 etc. I don't get it. What is in between (n-3) and 3 that I don't seem to understand? Can someone explain to me? I know it's probably something simple that anyone should know but I am really confused.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • What was this movie?????????????????????

    Hi everyone I have been trying to remember what this movie was for weeks already and I just can't figure it out.

    It is a story about a family that is really distant. A family member of theirs, (I think it was the uncle) that lives a peaceful life by the beach, sends them a package. When they get it, it turns out it's a board game. Since the family memebrs don't talk to each other much they just dismiss it.

    One night they were supposed to go out to dinner (I think it was the mother's B-day) but its rains heavily or something. Point is they can't go out and have to stay at home. Since they are all bored they decide to play the game. The board gmae is not just any board game. It is a jumanji like game. The family starts playing. At one point a family member is supposed to answer a question with the truth. The family member lies and the whole family is transported to this weird place. It is tall room and each is stranded on aplatform. Underneath there is water and i think there were crocodiles. To escape the family had to work together. As long as the family works together they are fine. I know at one point the teenage sister is supposed to answer if she had had sex and for the sake of the family she answer the truth (yes). At some other point the dad is supposed to answer if their youngest daughter was planned. Afraid to hurt her he lies and says yes. Since he lied they are transported back tot he platform room. I can't remember how it ends but the family learns to work together and apreciate each other.

    *Note: I am not certain but I think Michael Seater is in that movie.

    Please help me rememebr the name of the movie.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • What should I get my friend for his B-day?

    My friend's birthday is coming up on Thursday and I honestly have no idea what to get him. My mind is blank right now. I tried simply asking him if there was anything he wanted, but even he doesn't know. Here is a bit of what i know about him:

    He is 15 (although pretty mature for his age)

    Pretty fit

    Military enthusiast (we are both army cadets but i am not that great with facts about tanks, regiments and the military)

    He likes games about shooting (what a surprise -_-)

    I am thinking of something that has to do wit the military but I don't know what. Also, I don't have a set budget but i would like to keep it under $15, $20 at the most.

    Thanks :D

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Do you think birthdays are overrated?

    Today is my birthday :/

    Most people would be super happy and joyful but I am not. I don't feel any different or special. I am still the same person as yesterday though get to add a number to my age. I find that planning a party and inviting a bunch of people is too much of a hassle. Plus since I am the one throwing it it is my job to make the guest happy...Hold on...Isn't it supposed to be the day where people should be making ME happy? I feel weird saying I don't enjoy birthdays as much as everyone else. Is that weird? What do you think? Are birthdays overrated? Why or why not?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • BB cream in Toronto????

    Hi everyone :D

    I want to buy some BB cream. I have a couple questions about it:

    1) Where should I go?

    I know some will say Korea town but I want to know specific stores and where they are

    2) I also heard western BB creams aren't as great as asian ones, is that true? Should I buy asian on western creams then?

    3)How much product is usually in a bottle and whats the cost of it?

    4)I am really pale (like REALLY pale) am I still going to be able to find BB cream for my skin tone?

    5)Anything else I should know?

    2 AnswersToronto8 years ago
  • ¿Me ayudan a recordar a una cantante?

    Hola amigos de Yahoo.

    Hace un buen me acuerdo escuchar una canción de una cantante pero no me acuerdo como se llama ni ella ni la canción. Me acuerdo mucho del video. Se que la cantante usaba usaba una blusa roja y falda negra en una de las escenas y en otra usaba un vestido negro que dejaba ver una de sus piernas. La cantante tenia pelo castaño y cara redonda. En una escena creo que se metía a como una alberca con vestido durante la noche. Creo yo que la canción decía algo como "pero cada quien/cosa tiene su lugar" antes del coro. El set del video era como una casa un poco vieja.

    No se si esto sea suficiente información. Apreciaría que me ayudaran.

    1 AnswerOtros - Música9 years ago
  • I inhaled a bit of smoke from a tiny accident in the kitchen?

    Hey guys. I had a small grease fire (Don't worry, everything is fine) and I inhaled some smoke. I had a damp towel on my mouth and nose most of the time during the accident but I still inhaled a significant amount of smoke. My throat is kinda itchy and uncomfortable. Anyone know how to solve this?

    Note: The only thing that hurst is my throat. I don't have blurry vision and I don't feel dizzy or anything. So please stick to solving the throat issue. I am pretty sure it is not bad enough that I have to go to the hospital at this point.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Why do teen (and even younger) girls wear make-up?

    I never understood it. I don't wear make up because it causes pimples, it makes our skin all dry, when its hot outside, it looks like you put cake on your face and you can't scratch when your skin gets itchy. So despite these facts, why do girls do it anyway? Its not like they need it.

    14 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • Is 90 km per hour fast? (for a roller coaster)?

    Is 90km/h fast for a roller coaster?

    What about 100km/h?

    6 AnswersAmusement Parks10 years ago
  • ¿Como es la preparatoria en Mexico???????????

    Hola amigos de Yahoo Respuestas. Verán, en uno de mis momentos de aburricion me puse a pensar: Como sera la prepa?.

    Tristemente ya no vivo en Mexico, o siquiera en un país de latinoamerica( si hago algún error gramatical o de ortografía perdonenme, en donde vivo el idioma no es español y rara vez puedo hablarlo con alguien) y donde vivo las escuelas y el estilo de vida son BASTANTE diferentes.

    Entonces, para matar el tiempo se me ocurrió preguntar: Como es la prepa en Mexico? Que materias llevan los estudiantes? Cual es un típico horario (1-clase de _____, después clase de _____, y luego lunch, etc) Como es la gente? que tanto esperan los maestros de un estudiante? Cosas como esas.

    Gracias y buen día a todos :)

    7 AnswersEncuestas y Sondeos de Opinión1 decade ago
  • ¿Película anime transmitida en nickelodeon hace unos años?

    Ok, estoy buscando el nombre de una pelicula.

    Es estilo anime.

    No recuerdo muy bien de que se trata pero recuerdo que el principo era sobre una chica que se estaba mudando y estaba platicando con sus papas en el coche, recuerdo que ella estaba hablando acerca de recivir rosas como un regalo de despedida.

    Despues, no se porque o como pero sus papas y ella ven como unos barcos con luces o no se, el punto es que la familia llega al otro lado de un rio/lago y encuentran una ciudad y ven un como restaurante o no se, algo y sus papas se ponen a comer. La chica no come nada por miedo a no se que y se va a explorar.

    Despues, la chica regresa a donde estan sus padres y los encuentra convertidos en cerdos y no se como llego pero una tipa vieja le dice que sus padres eran unos no se que y que no devieron haber comido lo que habia ahi.

    La chica termina trabajando para la vieja en un como balniario para espiritus o algo asi.La vieja le dice que ya no se llamara como lo hace ahora y le cambia el nombre, no se cual era el nombre pero creo que era de una silaba.

    La chica conoce a un chico mas o menos de su edad, el le dice que recuerde su verdadero nombre porque el olvido el suyo y no pudo regresar a casa. El creo que se convierte en un dragon blanco o algo asi.

    Despues de un tiempo los dos se dan cuenta que ya se habian conocido, supuestamente el chico era un rio en el cual la chica cuando era mas pequenia casi se ahoga y el la salvo al llevarla a la orilla.

    No se como termina pero se que la chica tiene que luchar contra un bebe gigante o no se, pero se que la vieja lo proteje mucho y creo que hasta el le ordena a la vieja.

    Me podrian ayudar? realmente quiero encontrar esta pelicula.

    4 AnswersPelículas1 decade ago
  • ¿Creen que soy rara por esto?

    Hola amigos de yahoo respuestas, en primera no vivo en latino america, solo para que quede claro.

    Pero bueno, la cosa es que entre a un programa de cadetes (para los que no sepan que son los cadetes, es entrenamiento militar pero para menores de 18, no estamos en el ejercito pero tenemos el mismo entrenamiento y además hacen de vez en cuando eventos divertidos). Me encanta ir a las juntas, sigo sin cansarme de las actividades y todo,me llevo bien con todos( bueno casi todos, hay un tipo que me cae de la @%#$%$#, pero esa es otra historia) apesar de ser la única mujer en mi tropa. Estoy en noveno grado y no me comporto como un chico (que este en cadetes no quiere decir que no siga siendo una mujer). No soy así de esas chavas que les gusta el tal Justin Beiber o Twilight o cosas así, detesto vestir rosa y odio las faldas y vestidos, y ni hablen del maquillaje. Pero sigo siendo como cualquier otra chava. Pero mi pregunta es: creen que soy rara por ser una cadete? casi nadie de la escuela sabe que lo soy,solo amistades, y solo lo saben mis amigas,ninguno de mis amigos hombres saben sobre esto, en vez de decirles :no puedo ir/hacer/asistir/etc el jueves, tengo cadetes", les digo que tengo algo que hacer ese dia y ya.

    Creen que les pueda decir sin que se alboroten o me deigan de cosas?

    26 AnswersEncuestas y Sondeos de Opinión1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Miley Cyrus?

    Hello everyone, i was a bit bored so i turned on my tv and Hanna Montana was on so i thought...ummmm what do people think of Miley Cyrus these days...

    So tell me, what do you think about her and why? is she a good role model, is she a good actress? good singer? i don't know, just asking.

    I personally think she isn't a good role model, her attitude has changed since she was filming the first episodes of Hanna Montana, she became very...i don't know... kinda trashy and other stuff i don't want to say because the list is endless and i don't like swearing that much. I still don't get how she can be so rich and popular among kinds.

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do i wake up in the middle of the night?

    Hi everyone.

    Im a bit worried about this and it annoys me.

    So here is what happens, i ALWAYS wake up at night, at around 2:30 to 3:00 in the morning. I have no nightmares and i don't have to go to the washroom, im not cold, there are no weird noises that could wake me up or anything, I simply wake up for no reason. It annoys me a lot since don't have to wake up until 6:00 or 6:30 and i cant just stay awake until its time for me to get out of bed so i just go back to sleep, and when it is time to wake up i feel SO tired it takes me like 30 or 40 minutes just to say: OK, get out of bed already!!( and actually do it). Any ideas why this happens? And if you could think about anything, how can i stop doing it?

    14 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Should i be mad at him for this?

    Hi everyone.

    So here is a quick summary of what happened:

    So i sit beside this guy , lets call him guy A, i sit behind my friend, lets call her girl B, and today my other friend that sits beside Girl B didn't come so this other guy came and sat in his sit, lets call him guy C.They all speak the same language but me.

    So today we were all there just working/ talking and having fun. Everything was laughter and we were getting along pretty well. All of the sudden Guy A or Guy C (i don't remember who it was) said something in their own language and as usual i didn't understand. When they said it Girl B had a weird face so i asked her what was that the guys said. She translated for me and from what i could understand the guys were trying to figure out my bra size. My boobs are a bit too big for my liking and im very sensitive when it comes to my body, whether people insult or even complement my body i just don't like it. Im very upset and im planing not to talk to them for as long as they can go on without making it up to me, But should i be this mad? What would u girls feel if this happened to you.

    PS: People say Guy A likes me, so if he does, why would he joke about that? (Im in grade 9 and hes in grade 10, although his b-day is in December and mine on January so we are pretty much same age)

    What do u guys think?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Thesis statement help!!!!! (grade 9)?

    First of all, Hi everyone :)

    Ok so, im supposed to write a 5 paragraph persuasive essay, well not yet, but i wanna get started as soon as possible to have more time, so anyways, we are looking at the thesis statement and im having a bit of trouble understanding, i wanna write about what influences does the media have regarding eating disorders on teen girls, what would be a good thesis statement? or can you at least explain what should a good thesis statement have and how to get there?

    Thanks :)

    12 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Worst yahoo fails?!!!?

    Hey everyone, im bored so i decided to waste some points and ask something stupid.

    What are the worst yahoo answers fails you have seen?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago