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  • Song Lyric Help. "I've done a bad thing it's okay"?

    It has a slow feel with a Sara Barellies feel.

    "I've done a bad thing, it's okay. I'm going down to the river today." Then another line is "when I meet the lord so kind. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."

    I have this on my ipod as track 2 and i don't know what it is or who she is.

    2 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • I need a better way to phrase my thesis sentence. Any Suggestions?

    Here is my opening paragraph. The thesis statement is the last sentence.

    Love in the novel Sula, is not the love that one automatically thinks of. It isn’t the love of fairytales or romance novels but true love that is seen in real life. Due to her own lack of boundaries, Sula is rejected by most in the novel. However, through it all she has found bonds of love that are stronger than the suns rays. Love in this novel is seen through the relationships of Sula, and Nel; Sula, and Ajax; and between Eva and her children.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.



  • What are the raised numbers used to cite in papers called and how do you do make them in word?

    What are the raised numbers used to cite in papers called and how do you do make them in word?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help with Flannery O'Connor's revelation?

    Does anyone know what time period it was meant to be in? It was obviously after slaves were freed but before they were socially accepted. What would I properly call this time period?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to recover from a 2yr relationship?

    Me and my boyfriend were approaching the 2yr mark. We had just graduated I was looking forward to my free summer with him and all of a sudden he whips out the i dont want to date in college card. I asked him why and he said " If you would have asked me this a month ago I would have without a doubt said yes but lately i've been thinking and i wont have a car and i'm already jealous as it is( jealous part was paraphrased) and i think that with every new guy you put in your phone or add on facebook i'll slowly begin to hate you and I do not want that. THese past few years have been the best years of my life and i want to remember them like that." I asked him if he'd be willing to try to make it work and he said he'll think about it. He had to leave the next morning to go to FL and he comes back next week. The last thing he said to me before he left me to my shambles was "I still love you"

    What kind of closure is that? I want to meet with him when he comes back but he is one of those people who when they make up their mind it's set even if it's something they really don't want to do. He told me it wasn't either he said he didnt want to but felt it necessary that doesn't make sense to me.

    What should i do i've been going crazy the past few weeks but only on the inside. I am a great pretender =/

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the lyrics to temper tantrum tilly?

    I learned this song in kindergarden and now i am graduating and my class wants to play it at graduation. Since we've been together since kindergarden.

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • How to work six Chemistry Questions?

    1)What is the atomic mass of one mole of C?

    2) Assume 3 moles of molecules of Fe react according to the following

    3Fe + 4H2O = Fe3O4 + 4H2

    What is the ratio of Fe to H2O?

    How many hydrogen molecules are involved?

    3. At STP conditions, 0.25 moles oc CO2(g), H2(g), NH3(g)

    will A. contain the same # of molecules

    B. contain the same # of atoms

    C. occupy the same volume

    D will have the same molecular weight.

    4. 29g of a NaCl (g.f.w = 58 g/mol) in 0.030 liters what is the molarity?

    5. When 10 mL of the 0.5M solution dilute to 100ml as shown, what is the new concentration>

    6. What would be the total volume of the new solution when it is changed from0.2 M to 0.04M?

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • How should i conclude my research paper on Psych?

    This is what i have so far but i dont necessarily like it

    Psychology or counseling , is a field with great honors. These honors mostly go unnoticed but it is the little things that count such as being there to listen. Psychology, the study of the mind and behavior, is still a field that I am highly interested in. After researching psychology I have decided I still want to pursue the field. Psychology is a occupation that can make a difference. It is not only the study of the mind and behavior, but it helps cultivate the maturing process in one's life.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • How should i conclude my research paper on Psych?

    This is what i have so far but i dont necessarily like it

    Psychology or counseling , is a field with great honors. These honors mostly go unnoticed but it is the little things that count such as being there to listen. Psychology, the study of the mind and behavior, is still a field that I am highly interested in. After researching psychology I have decided I still want to pursue the field. Psychology is a occupation that can make a difference. It is not only the study of the mind and behavior, but it helps cultivate the maturing process in one's life.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Why does yahoo have a fantasy sports category and not Cheerleading? Come on!?

    I mean fantasy sports? That's online and come one it is isn't a sport!

    Cheerleading at least requires athletic ability. I don't want hate mail on Cheerleading. I just want to know why they have a fantasy sports category.

    7 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • What epic occurrence took place in the hearts and minds of the Corinthian People?

    I'm writing a Bible paper and I've read 1st Corinthians but I've yet to find and epic moment of conversion.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Persona 4 Help. Shadow Teddy?

    I can get him down to very little healthy the he just keeps doing mind charge and then mabufula repeatedly. If you don't guard the turn before he does mabufula then your dead. If I heal I die. If I guard I die.

    So any tips for the very end of the battle?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I want to start a blog any suggestions?

    Whats the best website?

    Is is organized? Can you do private and public blogs?

    I don't really care if people read it so much I just want the site to be easy to navigate and straight forward.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I really need Chem help?

    Okay I am given:

    sodium- 1s^2 2s^2 2p^2 3s^1

    magnesium - 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2

    aluminum- 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^1

    What is the electron configuration when the valence electrons are removed from each of the previous elements?

    What is a neutral atom? I need to find one has the electron configuration 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6

    If valence electrons were removed from Na, Mg, Al what would be the ionic charge?

    When Group II A lose their valence electron the remaining electron configuration are they the same for what family of elements?( what does this even mean?)

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What is your thoughts on the pervading them in The Scarlet Letter?

    Alienation? The Nature of sin? Sin and Knowledge? Punishment? Denial? There are so many. What do you think?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is the grammar correct in this paragragh and does it make sense to you?

    4. The only color appropriate for The Scarlet Letter is of course red. Red represents Love, Hate, Passion, Lust, and Redemption. Roses outside the jail, Fire in Chillingsworth ‘s eyes, lust between the two forbidden lovers, Passion Dimmesdale has for the Church, the love Hester somehow has for pearl, the redeeming blood of Jesus that washes away our sins are all components of the story. They all somehow link back to the color red. Somehow every aspect of the story reminds the reader of something red. At least that is my perspective of the story.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Feminine Odor suggestions?

    Lately my discharge has smelled. I know what healthy and unhealthy is but it is a really strong odor. I can just smell it sitting down. Even when its not there the smell lingers. I thought this was something you kinda grew out of since im almost 18...any suggestions?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Would you say this is a corret was to symbolize the scarlet letter?

    It is a symbol of her self-pride, because she knows that she is right in the eyes of God and nature. Its the theme that pervades throught Hawthorne's works...He felt guilty because his grandfather condemed witches in salem, so he spent his life writing novels featuring characters that foi l rigidity and immory hypocrisy of the Puritan society. Hester is one such character; the scarlet letter which she made intentionally flashy and attractive sets her apart from the Puritans and attenuates her with nature.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • The Scarlet Letter and Taylor Swift?

    So I sneak out to the garden to see you.

    We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.

    So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.

    'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,

    Why does she refer to herself as a Symbol of shame and adultery? It makes no sense to me unless she is completely dense.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago