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Lv 31,935 points

Momma of 2,1 on the way

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well... my daughter was born on 7-24-08 via c-section after 10 hours of hard labor to find out she was stuck. and i know alot of people are going to think that i spelled her name wrong but i didn't. my grandfather calls me that even though it's not my name... he spells symantha with a "y" because he always said that no girl should be called sam because sam is a boy's name!!! unique!!! i love it.

  • Depression and 6 months pregnant?

    I've delt with depression since I was 15. I was diagnosed with postpartum dep. After my daughter was born. I was able ween myself of meds after 15 months. Well my whole life has been turned upside down. I've battled a really tough divorce. I've met a wonderful man that I've now been with almost 2 years and we are expecting a baby boy. I've had to quit a job because I'm having pregnancy complications. I get hormone shots weekly. I've had to now be a stay at home mom when I've had a job since I was 16. I'm not sure how to take it all. My fiancé's mother passed 2 weeks ago and I've been the rock by his side. Now since then I've felt unloved unwanted and untouched. I've try to talk my feelings out with him but all I get in return is that I need to get over it and stop being a drama queen. I've been there for him and i can't even have a shoulder to cry on. I'm a social butterfly and have been made to quit my job and stay at home we Are broke because we lost my income and so I can't even go to the store to buy baby things. My family all lives 2-9 hours away and so I can even leave the house to see them. I'm starting to feel my depression crepe back up and I don't want to be dependent on meds to be happy. Any advice

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • I just got the phone call that i have an abnormal pap smear?

    ok i went in on august 31,2010 to have my annual and get my bc refilled. well i waited 10 business days and called lab corp. well they told me to call my to my doctor. well i get told that i have an abnormal pap. i've never had one so i started asking what did it mean and all they told me was that they just wanted to check the cells. she told me they are going to preform a colposcopy. so i got a letter in the mail 2 days later telling me that what i was diagnosed with was LSIL. ( low-grade-squamous-intraepithelial-lesio… meaning i have small changes to the size and shape of the cervical cells. so of course i called back because they scheduled my procedure for 2 weeks later, september 29, and i'm freaking out and wanting it to be sooner. well i've called for a week with questions and trying to move the appointment with no answer or returned call. i've looked up everything about LSIL and its saying in more often than not it's due to the HPV infection. well i was with my ex-husband for 3 years and i slept with 1 guy before i met my fiance. we've now been together for a year. most doctors are supposed to preform a HPV test during a pap smear. but i can't get ahold of my doctor to ask if she did or not. Has anyone ever been diagnosed with LSIL and not have HPV?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i just got the phone call that i have an abnormal pap smear?

    ok i went in on august 31,2010 to have my annual and get my bc refilled. well i waited 10 business days and called lab corp. well they told me to call my to my doctor. well i get told that i have an abnormal pap. i've never had one so i started asking what did it mean and all they told me was that they just wanted to check the cells. she told me they are going to preform a colposcopy. so i got a letter in the mail 2 days later telling me that what i was diagnosed with was LSIL. ( low-grade-squamous-intraepithelial-lesion) meaning i have small changes to the size and shape of the cervical cells. so of course i called back because they scheduled my procedure for 2 weeks later, september 29, and i'm freaking out and wanting it to be sooner. well i've called for a week with questions and trying to move the appointment with no answer or returned call. i've looked up everything about LSIL and its saying in more often than not it's due to the HPV infection. well i was with my ex-husband for 3 years and i slept with 1 guy before i met my fiance. we've now been together for a year. most doctors are supposed to preform a HPV test during a pap smear. but i can't get ahold of my doctor to ask if she did or not. Has anyone ever been diagnosed with LSIL and not have HPV?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • do you think this would be a problem or even illegal?

    do you think this would be a problem or even illegal?

    ok my daughter is 17 months and i'm driving down to my mom's in florida tonight. it's a 450 mile drive and i drive a truck. i really want her in the front because that's a very long drive. i can't reach her in the back, and i'm also able to turn the air bag off. do you think it would be a problem???? it's not illegal in 2 of the states i'm going through but it is in mine....but i only have to drive 10 miles in mine....please answer because i'm leaving in 2 hours

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • do you think this would be a problem or even illegal?

    do you think this would be a problem or even illegal?

    ok my daughter is 17 months and i'm driving down to my mom's in florida tonight. it's a 450 mile drive and i drive a truck. i really want her in the front because that's a very long drive. i can't reach her in the back, and i'm also able to turn the air bag off. do you think it would be a problem???? it's not illegal in 2 of the states i'm going through but it is in mine....but i only have to drive 10 miles in mine....please answer because i'm leaving in 2 hours

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Well, went to the doctor today and....?

    well woke up this morning and i was bleeding again....and i freaked out. just 2 months ago to the day i miscarried 6 week old twins. and we weren't trying to get pregnant that soon after-wards it just happened. well i woke up and was bleeding called the doctor on the way to work. got to work and took a pregnancy test and it was still positive. well the doctor finally called and told me to go home and come in the office. well i got there and they did an ultrasound and checked everything. then they took my quaint levels and i won't find those out until monday. the np was on call because my ob was in surgery. she did an internal exam and (tmi) cleaned out alot of clots i mean alot she filled a trashcan. and then tells me that with that much blood and clotting i've more than likely miscarried but they would check my levels and call me. so now i'm playing the waiting game. i have what they call uterine didelpyhs, which is where i have 2 uterus'. i was reading some stories online this morning while waiting for the appt. and saw a female that found out that she was pregnant literally right after it happened. her levels were very low for 6 weeks but normal for 3 weeks and so she came back 3 days later and they had tripled and they found out she was only 3 1/2 weeks pregnant. and also that she had been bleeding really bad due to losing a twin. i'm not sure what to think.i don't know how to cope with this or if i should even have a positive mind set or not or should i just think i miscarried. i just need some help from you ladies. how do i get over this and what should i think about the pregnancy?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • well, went to the doctor today and....?

    well woke up this morning and i was bleeding again....and i freaked out. just 2 months ago to the day i miscarried 6 week old twins. and we weren't trying to get pregnant that soon after-wards it just happened. well i woke up and was bleeding called the doctor on the way to work. got to work and took a pregnancy test and it was still positive. well the doctor finally called and told me to go home and come in the office. well i got there and they did an ultrasound and checked everything. then they took my quaint levels and i won't find those out until monday. the np was on call because my ob was in surgery. she did an internal exam and (tmi) cleaned out alot of clots i mean alot she filled a trashcan. and then tells me that with that much blood and clotting i've more than likely miscarried but they would check my levels and call me. so now i'm playing the waiting game. i have what they call uterine didelpyhs, which is where i have 2 uterus'. i was reading some stories online this morning while waiting for the appt. and saw a female that found out that she was pregnant literally right after it happened. her levels were very low for 6 weeks but normal for 3 weeks and so she came back 3 days later and they had tripled and they found out she was only 3 1/2 weeks pregnant. and also that she had been bleeding really bad due to losing a twin. i'm not sure what to think.i don't know how to cope with this or if i should even have a positive mind set or not or should i just think i miscarried. i just need some help from you ladies. how do i get over this and what should i think about the pregnancy?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i'm pregnant w/ my second child and wondering?

    i'm wondering when a doctor normally preforms a c-section like what week. i had a c-section with my daughter because i wouldn't dilate and she was stuck so he told me i might not be a good candidate for a vbac. i was just wondering because i'm waning to have this one on my dad's birthday which is 6-7-2010 but i'm due 6-5-2010 so i was wondering which week do they normally schedule surgery?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • hey ladies....haven't been on here in a while but i need your help!?

    well as you can see by my name now my husband and i are trying to conceive. well we did pretty easy this go around....i have uterine didelphis..i have two uterus'. well i was 5 weeks pregnant with our second on friday...woke up yesterday morning and was bleeding. called the doctor and they said it was normal as long as it didn't fill a pad in 1 hour or less. well went to work and i'm a server so i'm on my feet all day. the pain kept getting worse and as did the bleeding finally told management i needed to leave and did. went home picked up hubby and we went to the ER. had to wait 2 hours before they took me back. we took a pee test and it came out negative..they did and ultrasound...they saw a little blob...did a pelvic and confirmed that we lost the baby!!! i'm so upset...i don't know how to understand why...but i do in a way. i finally passed the baby today. it came out on my pad. and i don't know if this is weird but i took that pad and put it in a box and wrapped it up and put a note to baby in it...and buried it. i just feel so lost. any words or encouragement ladies that have gone through this?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • hey ladies...i haven't been on here in a while but need you help?

    well as you can see by my name now my husband and i are trying to conceive. well we did pretty easy this go around....i have uterine didelphis..i have two uterus'. well i was 5 weeks pregnant with our second on friday...woke up yesterday morning and was bleeding. called the doctor and they said it was normal as long as it didn't fill a pad in 1 hour or less. well went to work and i'm a server so i'm on my feet all day. the pain kept getting worse and as did the bleeding finally told management i needed to leave and did. went home picked up hubby and we went to the ER. had to wait 2 hours before they took me back. we took a pee test and it came out negative..they did and ultrasound...they saw a little blob...did a pelvic and confirmed that we lost the baby!!! i'm so upset...i don't know how to understand why...but i do in a way. i finally passed the baby today. it came out on my pad. and i don't know if this is weird but i took that pad and put it in a box and wrapped it up and put a note to baby in it...and buried it. i just feel so lost. any words or encouragement ladies that have gone through this?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Hey ladies...needing some help done research and can't find what i need?

    hey ladies. i'm 6 days late and 15 dpo and i've been having cramping on and off the last week and thought i would get my period but did not. i took a hpt 4day late 13 dpo and it was neg. sooo. i just went to the potty and when i wiped i got a light tinged mucus (tmi) sorry. and i thought i was getting my period. so i went back an hour later and it was only when i wiped that i saw it but it was darker red. so i got online and some woman experienced implantation bleeding. with my daughter i did not...we're ttc #2. well i just went back and there was nothing there when i wiped or in the pad. sooo what's going on? i was going to wait until monday to retest cause them things aren't cheap. what do you think??? implantation bleeding?

    also (tmi) i've been have really loose bms???

    not getting much help from the pregnancy section

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • hey ladies...needing some help done research and can't find what i need?

    hey ladies. i'm 6 days late and 15 dpo and i've been having cramping on and off the last week and thought i would get my period but did not. i took a hpt 4day late 13 dpo and it was neg. sooo. i just went to the potty and when i wiped i got a light tinged mucus (tmi) sorry. and i thought i was getting my period. so i went back an hour later and it was only when i wiped that i saw it but it was darker red. so i got online and some woman experienced implantation bleeding. with my daughter i did not...we're ttc #2. well i just went back and there was nothing there when i wiped or in the pad. sooo what's going on? i was going to wait until monday to retest cause them things aren't cheap. what do you think??? implantation bleeding?

    also (tmi) i've been have really loose bms???

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ok ladies i need your help...having really bad pain?

    ok. my husband and i are ttc #2. i came off bc may 22nd. and started may 25th. i ovulated on the june 11th. and now i'm 3 days late...but i'm having horrible stabbing pain in my lower right abdomen where and ovary would be. i haven't taken a preg. test yet but hubby wants me too. i'm too excited to see a neg. i'm just worried about the pain!!! i've searched the net and can't find anything. can you ladies help me out....

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • just coming off ortho evra patch....?

    Just coming off ortho evra patch...?

    i have been on the patch for 10 months now and i came off of it this last cycle. i took the patch off on may 22nd for my period week and my husband and i have decided not to get back on it. so it's almost been 2 weeks. i had my period on may25th and was off may 28th. for the last 4 days i've been having this weird brownish/pink discharge. over the 4 days it's been turning from brown to darker pink. i don't understand it. tonight it's like a light blood with a clear outline. when i went off to get pregnant with my daughter...i bleed out really bad and had to be rushed to the hospital...but this time it's different and i can't find anywhere that explains it....

    please help.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • just come ortho evra bc patch.....?

    i have been on the patch for 10 months now and i came off of it this last cycle. i took the patch off on may 22nd for my period week and my husband and i have decided not to get back on it. so it's almost been 2 weeks. i had my period on may25th and was off may 28th. for the last 4 days i've been having this weird brownish/pink discharge. over the 4 days it's been turning from brown to darker pink. i don't understand it. tonight it's like a light blood with a clear outline. when i went off to get pregnant with my daughter...i bleed out really bad and had to be rushed to the hospital...but this time it's different and i can't find anywhere that explains it....

    please help.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Possibly Pregnant AGAIN??? Please Help?

    i honestly feel like i'm pregnant. i had this feeling with my daughter who will be 10 months on sunday. i've been on birth control since she was born. when i got pregnant with her i just had this gut feeling that i was pregnant and sure enough i was...but it's been 19 months since then and i've forgotten how everything felt. my lmp ended on may 1st. and since then i've haven't gained weight but i've been soo bloated that i can barely wear my clothes. in the 2nd week after lmp, i had what felt like bubbles all over my stomach really really low, around my pelvic area. and the pressure is unbelievable!!! i look like i'm pregnant again, i've been tired, my breast are sore and i've noticed i'm getting the veins on my breast again!! i've still got 4 days before my expected period and i took a test sunday when i got home from work and i swore i saw a very very very faint line but my hubby said he didn't see anything. my cravings have been through the roof and my hunger has been worse. i've been getting really dizzy at work and almost faint. i just wish 4 days would hurry up. we weren't planning them this close together, but i've gotten over being upset and we'll be happy either way. i just need some honest opinions ladies....what do you think?

    i didn't get much yesterday

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • possibly pregnant??? please read?

    i honestly feel like i'm pregnant. i had this feeling with my daughter who will be 10 months on sunday. i've been on birth control since she was born. when i got pregnant with her i just had this gut feeling that i was pregnant and sure enough i was...but it's been 19 months since then and i've forgotten how everything felt. my lmp ended on may 1st. and since then i've haven't gained weight but i've been soo bloated that i can barely wear my clothes. in the 2nd week after lmp, i had what felt like bubbles all over my stomach really really low, around my pelvic area. and the pressure is unbelievable!!! i look like i'm pregnant again, i've been tired, my breast are sore and i've noticed i'm getting the veins on my breast again!! i've still got 4 days before my expected period and i took a test sunday when i got home from work and i swore i saw a very very very faint line but my hubby said he didn't see anything. my cravings have been through the roof and my hunger has been worse. i've been getting really dizzy at work and almost faint. i just wish 4 days would hurry up. we weren't planning them this close together, but i've gotten over being upset and we'll be happy either way. i just need some honest opinions ladies....what do you think?

    i didn't get much off the pregnancy section...

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • possibly pregnant?? please read?

    i honestly feel like i'm pregnant. i had this feeling with my daughter who will be 10 months on sunday. i've been on birth control since she was born. when i got pregnant with her i just had this gut feeling that i was pregnant and sure enough i was...but it's been 19 months since then and i've forgotten how everything felt. my lmp ended on may 1st. and since then i've haven't gained weight but i've been soo bloated that i can barely wear my clothes. in the 2nd week after lmp, i had what felt like bubbles all over my stomach really really low, around my pelvic area. and the pressure is unbelievable!!! i look like i'm pregnant again, i've been tired, my breast are sore and i've noticed i'm getting the veins on my breast again!! i've still got 4 days before my expected period and i took a test sunday when i got home from work and i swore i saw a very very very faint line but my hubby said he didn't see anything. my cravings have been through the roof and my hunger has been worse. i've been getting really dizzy at work and almost faint. i just wish 4 days would hurry up. we weren't planning them this close together, but i've gotten over being upset and we'll be happy either way. i just need some honest opinions ladies....what do you think?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • when do i change to stage 2 baby food?

    my daughter will be 6 months on the 24th and we started solid when she was 4 months and 1 week by her doctors advice...i was just wondering when do you change them to stage 2?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what do you ladies think? is this normal?

    ok this is NOT one of those "am i pregnant" questions!!! i've been having trouble with my birth control ever since i had my daughter. i'm now on the third one. instead of waiting for my period week to end to change to the patch from the pill i just put the patch on the first day of my supposed to be period week so i would have to wait a week and use back up. well that was friday and it's now monday night....and i'm wondering is the period not here because of me switching like that? i've take 2 test so i know i'm not pregnant. and even if i was i;d be ok with it because i'm pro-life so what do you ladies think?

    and also i had REALLY BAD break through bleeding for the last month on the other pill that's why i switched

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago