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  • Is it ok to start talking to a girl like this...?

    I have this girl in my drawing class and she keeps smiling at me but i'm very shy and am not good at approaching girls. So today I heard the teacher call her name today and looked her up on Facebook and found her and I want to message her to break the ice. However I have not talked to her in person we just smile. I don't have class again for a week and don't want to wait that long.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Girl pretending we are in a relationship?

    Alright so theres this girl at my work who is pretty shy and doesn t talk much but today we were talking and joking around and she said that i m her boyfriend. We started playing along with it but she still didn t talk much I don t know if she was embarrassed or something. Does this mean she s actually interested in me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to deal with my girlfriend's depression?

    This might sound a bit selfish but I am sick of my girlfriend being depressed, why can't everyone just be happy in life. It's effecting our relationship because she barely wants to see my anymore and rarely kisses me or tells me she loves me. How can I get her out of this mood? I really need help on this because I have lost 2 other girlfriends in the past due to their depression and I don't want to lose another one.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What do you think of this quote?

    There is no good or evil, there are only actions and consequences.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Are school administrators required to tell you the reason for having a detention/punishment?

    One of my friends got a detention one of the assistant principals told her she had a detention she asked why and he simply said "thats classified" is this perfectly allowed? She got called in again today and he still wouldnt tell her the reason why. She said well im not going until I know and he just made her have double detention now... Students should have the right to know why they are being punished.. I am putting this under the law category because if this is illegal it would greatly help to have a link to any documents about this. thank you

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Are school administrators/teachers required to tell you the reason for having a detention?

    One of my friends got a detention one of the assistant principals told her she had a detention she asked why and he simply said "thats classified" is this perfectly allowed? Students should have the right to know why they are being punished..

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • How to apply for a restaurant that is currently under construction?

    I want to apply to a brand new Chick Fil A that will be completed in January, and there will be a lot of competition to get a job there so i want to apply early. I already tried on their website, but it says to contact the manager at which one you want to work at.

    2 AnswersSmall Business6 years ago
  • Why believe in god, if there are many other crazy beliefs?

    If christians are crazy enough to believe there is some all mighty god, why won't you believe in Zeus, Thor, Ra, Allah or any other deities? Whats so special about this god and why would you choose crazy fairy tales like his instead of greek mythology or something else? It's all fake people open your eyes

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why, do we humans, claim to know how the universe was created?

    Think about this with an open mind, compare our size and relevance to the universe. We are nothing and insignificant to it. Lets start on a look at the atheist side of things, one of their best theories, the big bang. Indeed scientists have much proof of this about how matter formed galaxies and planets, but there is still one thing that they can't answer.... how the singularity of existence came in the first place. How did the matter that started it all even get there? Now to the theist side of things... I'll choose christians since they are the most common. How do you know god created everything? Well of course you are going to answer the bible tells you everything, but the bible was written AFTER humans were settled! This means there were other religions already before christianity and they had their own deity(s). This "god" has no proof that he truly created everything and certainly cannot prove it by a simple book written by humans. Humans do not deserve the right to claim how the universe came to be, aliens and other worldly beings do not, not even this "god" or other deity. It is unknowable and we have to just accept that don't we?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do people assume they know how everything was made?

    Scientists have their Big Bang Theory, Christians believe god created everything, but how do they actually know this? THEY DON'T. It is most likely that humans will never know how the universe was created because it is simply not possible to have real proof of the creation. Why can't we just accept that we will never know? We are nothing compared to the universe and we do not deserve to rightfully claim how it came to be

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do teenage girls never "stay" with any guy?

    Not just a relationship, My best friend was a girl and we talked every day and I was so close to her. After about 2 years she just seemed to get "sick" of me and quit talking to me altogether... despite we were extremely close. Also, relationships only last a few months at best for me and the break up is not even my fault they just quit loving me for some reason it is ridiculous! Why can't they stay committed? I have several guy friends I have known almost all my life and they have stuck with me to this day.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why is talking in person always more awkward?

    I don't get it, when I text or message a girl I can smoothly keep up a conversation, flirt well, etc.

    However in person I am shy and can hardly keep up a conversation and it is all just so awkward for me...

    Why is it so different?

    Psychology7 years ago
  • Go for my ex or this new girl?

    Me and my ex loved each other a lot, and I still have some feelings for her and the way we broke up was not a terrible thing, she could not handle a relationship because of problems she was facing

    Anyways, there is this new girl in my class who stares at me a lot and seems interested, so what should I do? Start talking to her and possibly date her or go for my ex who may still have feelings for me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Will she still be interested?

    I had a girlfriend for a while and she was VERY attracted to me and we were so happy together but she had to break up with me because she went through a huge depression and couldn't handle a relationship (lots of family problems). Anyways a few months have past and I barely talk to her once and a while but I want her back a lot... Do you think if I talk to her in a very romantic way to win her back on valentines day will work? Do you think she still has those feelings? Btw I am not friend zoned and I have not tried anything yet

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Could I get her back do you think?

    I had a girlfriend for a while and she was VERY attracted to me and we were so happy together but she had to break up with me because she went through a huge depression and couldn't handle a relationship (lots of family problems). Anyways a few months have past and I barely talk to her once and a while but I want her back a lot... Do you think if I talk to her in a very romantic way to win her back on valentines day will work? Do you think she still has those feelings? Btw I am not friend zoned and I have not tried anything yet

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to get her back?

    I had a girlfriend for a while and she was VERY attracted to me and we were so happy together but she had to break up with me because she went through a huge depression and couldn't handle a relationship (lots of family problems). Anyways a few months have past and I barely talk to her once and a while but I want her back a lot... Do you think if I talk to her in a very romantic way to win her back on valentines day will work? Do you think she still has those feelings?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is your opinion on agnostics?

    Theists and Atheists both give me your opinion on an agnostics, both of them honestly have no proof so I wonder why people pick a side if there is no absolute proof.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why am I always forgotten by people I'm close to?

    Every single time I am happy with a girlfriend, or a best friend, something changes and I'm always thrown away from their life like i'm nothing. One example, I had a best friend who I was extremely close to, her and I talked every day about everything, things were great and I was happy. Then one random day she just... stops and ignores me like we had nothing! Recently I got a great girlfriend and she loved me so much, we had so much fun together, then she just breaks up with me because she "Cant handle a relationship right now" because of family problems (I don't know if this was just a nice way to let me off or not) And now she just threw me away from her life as well even though she loved me a lot... Why must people change so much and do this to me? I feel like I don't even exist anymore

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How long till I could get back with her?

    Ok so I had a gf and her and I were very happy together for 2 months she liked me a lot. Things seemed fine but she suddenly told me she can't handle a relationship right now (she does have a lot of family problems) and I say I understand and if she would get back with me and she said ill try. It's been almost a month how long do I wait?? She never messages me

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How busy is Catching Fire going to be?

    I heard its gonna sell out. I want to go see it with my girlfriend this Friday, but I don't want it to be sold out for imax. How early should we get there? Were going to the theatre in Wichita.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago