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I am a mother of two boys ages 12 & 4. I have been in a commited relationship with my highschool best friend for 12 yrs. .So I think I have some life experience. My favorite things are cooking(especially for a crowd),going to concerts/listening to music,doing for others. I concider myself a "jack of all trades,master of nothing".I like learning new things.full of useless information.

  • if i had a dui in 2002, in nh, first dui offense but had a bad driving record prior, and had license suspended?

    no here's my dilemma, it's been 8 years, i took the class, and failed it, but that was shortly after the offense, is there any statute of limitations on the requirements for reinstatement in New Hampshire, or would i still have to take the class or one of the other things they wanted me to do?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What is time? who thought of how to define it? and when & why?

    Been debating this with friends. What do you all think?.

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • boyfriend help?

    It's been awhile since i've asked, but I need help. How do I get the attention I want? Not sexually but appreciativly? We've been togeher 10 yrs. The sex is GREAT when it happens. I want him to say "HI" when he gets home, cozy up when we are in bed? Maybe even say Thank You when I really do something nice. (like get him sold out concert tickets for tomorrow)

    I don't expect to be thanked for taking care or our 2 kids (10 &2). or Working a full time job. or Keeping the house clean.or Laundry,or Dinner,or Everything!!!!!

    I just want it to be acknowledged when I am trying to make him feel special and have a guys night out!

    I am really fiesty right now cause I have lost 20 lbs. & feel great . I want to be treated how I feel! He has not once told me that I look good! Everyone else has noticiced! I didn't have much to lose anyway! BUT I FEEL GREAT!!!!!

    He is also the love of my life and what the hell is going through his mind?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • weight loss & periods?

    I've only been doing weight watchers for 4 weeks, but my priod is 3 weeks late? I know what you all are thinking, I had my tubes tied after my 2nd child. That isn't even possible, so what's up?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • weight watchers help!?

    I recently started WW & still haven't quite got the hang of the points system. All I need to know is when you have something like a 6" italian sub how do you figure out the points? I calculated everything seperately and wholly cow like 12 pts.

    Is there an easier way? If I make spaghetti for my family I need to keep my portions seperate in order to calculate them? How about somethimg like a one pan meal where your not quite sure how much of each item you are really getting?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Weight Watchers?

    I just started last night. Wondering if anyone has any tips, advice or success stories that might help me out.

    The only area that I see having difficulty in is getting my dairy. Most dairy is worth 3-4 points and isn't a whole serving. I don't want to use all my points trying to get 2 servings in a day!

    Also will it get easier to figure out portion sizes and point value.I'm finding that alot of what I normally eat isn't a whole serving and I'm cutting the points in half.

    Any advice would be of great help!!!!

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Give Me Peace!?

    I am in need of religious help? I have no specific religion. Recenly I was at my Grams services and John 14:6 was recited. I do have a BIBLE and this is a very powerful scripture.

    I have tried to gain some biblical knowledge and unfortunately there is not a religion I can 100% dedicate myself too.

    I want to make myself a better person, I very much believe in JESUS and our holy CREATOR. Matthews Sermon on he mount is one of my favorite scriptures.

    I want the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!!!

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My mans asleep?

    Best way to to wake him up?

    28 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • 1/2 a good night???

    Me and my old man have been out 3 times together since our 2 year old was born. Tonight being one of the 3. We went out just the two of us for the first time tonight. We went out to a bar to have a bite to eat and play a couple rounds of KENO and have a couple beers. We get home about 10 pm (like thats late) he watches the rest of the b-ball game that's on and falls asleep!

    Did I mention that we have NO KIDS for the whole night!!! Any other friday night we'd be up till at least midnight! So people what should I do????

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is my relationship in trouble?

    I've been with my man for 10 1/2 years, we have 2 boys. One is mine from a previous relationship ,but we've been together since I was pregnant. The other is ours.We have had some rough patches that we have survived, things have mostly been awesome for the last 3 years.

    For the past couple of months I've noticed that he has stopped doing all the nice things that he usually does. Like texting me xoxoxo for no reason, helping with the kids after work, cleaning when I'm out doing errands on the weekends ect....I don't like to keep track of things but it has been 2 mos since he has said I love you without me saying it first, and for 2 wks I haven't said it and neither has he??

    Guys how do I go about asking whats up without seeming naggy or accusitory? Ladies am I wrong for wanting to know if everything is ok between us? Advice please????

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Finish these sentences?

    1. When life hands you lemons ................?

    2.The grass is always greener .................?

    3. Life is like ............?

    4. My glass is always .........?

    My answers:

    When life hand you lemons pass me a bottle of tequila and some salt.

    The grass is always greener when your neighbors wife is HOT!!!

    Life is like a box of half bitten chocolates.

    My glass is half empty, fill'er up!!!

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do I deal????

    My mom thinks she has got a heart of gold, but can just be a miserable B****. I swear she never has anything nice to say about anyone.She is very greedy. Constantly complains.My poor father & brother have to deal with her at home. I am a grown woman & live in my own home with my man and 2 boys.

    She manages to make everyone miserable all the time. Unless you are doing something for her you are a jerk. Not to mention no one is ever doing enough. You can't ask her for anything without her wanting something in return. I thought that families helped each other out without keeping tabs of who did for who.

    She is a hypacrit, she will talk about you & then be your best friend if you offer to take her out to dinner or something.She assumes & invites heself over all the time.She doesn't ask,she tells you what you are doing.For example my brother is turning 19 next weekend.I was told that we are having his party at my house.

    I could go on, how do I stop her from doing these things?

    16 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Horrible, Miserable,Sad week?

    Can anyone cheer me up????

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Haddock ??????

    I have 1 1/2 lbs of fresh haddock fillets w/ skin on. I usually bake at 350 for about 20 mins. I spread with thin layer of mayo, then top with buttered cracker crumbs. Sprinkled with a little old bay seasoning.Or bake in tinfoil layed on slices of onion and topped w/ lemon slices.

    Would love some other ideas to try??? Thanks!!!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Lingering cough.?

    I was sick with a cold 2 wks ago. By day 6 I got the cough. The kind that tickles,and makes you sound wheezy when you breath deep.It gets worse at night befor bed. How do I make it go away?????????

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Yahoo mail????

    For some reason it is not telling me when I have new mail. Usually on my yahoo home page as well as on my yahoo toolbar it would say ( 4new ect.). Now it doesn't, but if I go into my mail there are new ones. I have allready gone to my mail options but see nothing about being notified of new mail. Help???????

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Did y'all have a rough weekend????

    Everyone seems to be asking lame questions compared to what you P&S ers ask at the end of the week! Come on people wake up!!!!!!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Anything Ironic happen to you this week? or ever?

    I just started a job as a bus driver, the state cleared me for a clean driving record. I've been driving for 14 yrs. last time I was even pulled over I was 3 yrs ago. 2 days into job I get my first parking ticket ever! 10 mins late putting $ in meter!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you go.......?


    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Venison Help?

    I have a rump roast and a shoulder in my freezer. I was planning on using them instead of beef in a stew or like pot roast..I figure they are best slow cooked in a crock pot.

    Any other yummy ideas on how best to cook them? As well what they are best seasoned with and/or cooked with???

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago