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  • Grrrr....?

    Sometimes I hate yahoo answers. People never answer your questions.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Is this true about angry exes?

    I was told that if 2 ppl were in a relationship that went sour and the person is so angry that they refuse to talk to or make eye contact with the ex for them to get that mad, they must have really liked the person and they will eventually make up or is that just a myth?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Needing a man's perspective: Is there more or less to this attraction?

    I met a guy about a year ago, he came off as extremely cocky and full of himself. He is very handsome, popular and a ladies man. Normally guys like him turn me off but Iam slightly drawn to him. Anyway, he got n2 a real bad accident and has a few facial scars. I looked out for him while he was injured as well as many other females but when he got better, he reached out a few times to express his appreciation. We talked about having sex before and after his accident, we flirt, we text and call but as soon as I give him the green light for sex he says maybe we should just be friends, he don't want to mess up what we have. When I ignore him, he rings my phone but when I succumb to his advances, he acts disinterested. What is with this dude?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • does this guy like me or is he giving mixed signals?

    I have this friend that occasionally flirts with me, has asked to come over to my house or hints he wants to get physical but then when I flirt back or reciprocate being physical he backs off. when he asked to come over my house I brushed him off but one part of me is interested in having some fun with him. he calls and texts a lot but I cant tell what it is he's wanting from me. he called me 2nite and stayed on the phone with me for 3 hrs...I cant figure him out. is he just toying with my head?

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • is this guy afraid to lose me because he's insecure or because our communication is limited?

    I'm seeing a guy for about a month now. we kissed once. we haven't had time to go out on any dates because our schedules conflict and he's more busier than me. I got frustrated & told him I don't think I can do this, well he called me & we talked but 1 of the things he said to me was "he didn't want to lose me to any other guy".i have given him no reason to say this but now i'm confused. he talks with so much confidence and doesn't show any signs of self esteem issues. but by his question, does he sound insecure? and btw...we have not had sex yet.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is my ex faking how he really feels?

    don't get me wrong, I really could care less, I'm just curious. every morning my ex texts me good morning. something he would do most mornings when we were 2gether but not every morning. but now that we're broken up, its everyday religiously I would receive his text. so today, we were texting about if we would care if the other person was 2 start seeing someone else. and he started in on me with no I wouldn't care. we're over . lets just be comfortable being friends. mind u, this is coming from the same guy that said if u take me back, i'll be here cuz I will always care 4u. so in response, I had to let him know, dude, I don't want u no more than u want me. it was just a question cuz u were so quick to tell me u met someone but then 4 days later u claim oh no..she just wanted 2 talk. I personally feel he wanted 2c if I would get jealous but I didn't & in a round about way inquired if got any new #'s.i did but I didn't tell him cuz it was none of his business. so in a nutshell, do u guys & gals feel he's trying to save face or just being the usual donkey he's been being even when were so called 2gether?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • can i please get some perspective on a potential guy i might want to date?

    Great guy, military background, hard worker, has nice assets like myself but i don't go out of my way nor does he to communicate or interact as much. Last i spoke to him was 2 saturday's ago & I haven't bothered to reach out until yesterday & that was only because he texted me saying u act real funny towards me. After asking him to explain, he replied saying i haven't heard from u. My thing is, u have my #, if u wanna reach out then do so. Y do i have to be the one doing the chasing. Isn't he supposed to chase me? Now i'm not playing games, i just feel i can take him or leave him. He is my supervisor to be exact so he monitors everything i do but lies about how he gets knowledge of my whereabouts even though he's at another division. Does this guy like me or does he just want to be chased? I cant figure him out.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • do you think this guy is full of bologna?

    i work with a man that is my supervisor. i think he likes me but i'm not sure. we exchanged phone numbers but he doesn't call at all. he does send an occasional text, but even then, there's a gap in the conversation. so i said "to hell with it". i stopped calling or texting him. then the other day, he snook up on me while i was working & made a "call me gesture". he was the furthest thing from my mind. so when i texted him, i asked him "how did he know i was working at that location"?, and he replied " i looked u up in the computer". then in mid text he started telling me how he loved my lips, he's dying to kiss me, and he also dreamed he kissed me. so he asked me out, and aggressively enough he stuck his tongue down my throat. i dont get it, does he like me or is he playing games?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I for 1 think it is so wrong to cheat but what should i do?

    I'm in a relationship and we don't get along very well. i don't want to dump him at least not yet but i'm trying to do right by him. we barely have sex and i mean barely, but when we do it only lasts about 4 minutes. i want to cheat so bad but i know it's wrong. i've seen 3 potential candidates that i wouldn't mind having an encounter with. i will only choose 1 of course but what do i do? i don't want to break up, i don't want to hurt him but i need a good hard pounding. what do i do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • why do u have to look like a beauty queen or have a tramp track record before u can find a husband?

    i want to get married so bad. i dont want to be free. i wanted to be married ever since i was 22 but yet i have no luck with men. i've dated for 2 years in almost every relationship yet it only goes as far as that. i'm tired of people telling me to ask God to find me a mate. i tried that and still nothing. i'm 34 years old and still single and lonely. i have a boyfriend but i would have to be out of my mind to marry his selfish conniving a$$. I seen a guy i've liked for 3 years but i cant have him because he's married. he works, i see him mowing the grass, buying groceries, doing what a husband should do. i want that. why the heck can i not find it? it seems like everybody is married but me. even females that were tramps growing up have husbands. and no i'm far from ugly but it's like i'm not good enough for anybody. it's so freaking frustrating. do i need to have hair like mariah carey a body like j lo and a face like halle berry to get hitched. for real?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what to think of this man?

    i have been in crush with a guy 4 three years now. he's not very friendly but i take that as a challenge. one day, i said good morning, he answered. the 2nd time he ignored me. the 3rd time of briefly conversing i asked him was he available?, he said no. and then 1 day he passed me and made eye contact but said nothing. does that mean i have a chance with him or was he giving me the "what the hell you looking at?" look. or is this all in my head?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • i broke up with my man but i have mixed feelings, why?

    I've complained about my "now ex" many times b4 on yahoo answers & I just now decided to end it because he's always running late for plans, being selfish, half texting and not calling at all. We barely have sex & most of the time i don't want & his excuse is "he's getting 2 old". He claims he likes me but his actions showed different. He said he wasn't calling because all we do is argue, which is true. After 3 weeks of not seeing each other which I felt was too long ,but we do have crazy work schedules, I asked him to come over and enjoy the warm weather and meet up b4 the sun goes down. I fixed my hair, wore a nice pretty dress just he didn't beat the sun set. I was extremely livid so I lost it, mostly because he's done this b4. I asked for a simple request and he couldn't even show up on time. Really? He told me at 7:40 he was on his way which should have been 20 to 30 minutes from the location he was departing from, & he was over an hr. late & still hadn't arrived. How could a person not get mad? So he texted me, he wishes me the best, he don't hate me, then asked me to call him when I calm down and I replied "hell no". His response was "ok then, deuces". I said some harsh things that i apologized this morning 4 saying but i knew it was the right decision. Why do i feel like i'm going to miss him? We were 2gether 4 two years. I'm only telling a brief version of our relationship. Why do i feel this way? and do you think i was wrong 4 apologizing on his voice mail?, i didn't' want 2 talk 2 him. or do u feel I should have left it alone?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • could there be something after all?

    There is a guy iam majorly crushing on. He comes to my work site, never speaks, & gives me the dirtiest looks. That doesn't bother me, so 1 day i said "good morning". he answered. The next day i said it again, he got mad & refused to respond. Another time it was just the 2 of us at the site, so i decided to ask him did he have a girlfriend? He said yes. That was the end of it. A week later i am transferred to a next site. Now it's been a year. I'm back on my old site, & i see this gentleman again. He gives me the same evil glare so i don't say anything to him. BUT, as he approaches my work site, he gives me eye contact & sits near me. His eye contact stated the usual " WHAT THE HELL U LOOKING AT STARE but it was unusual for him cause he generally sits away from me.Yes he is still in a relationship cause i happen to see the lady one day. Anyway, do you think there's an attraction after all, or it's all in my head?

  • Was I being pettty or was he?

    I have low self esteem. Not as much as I used to but at times it can get the best of me. So anyway, I was on facebook and I ran across a woman that once dated a man I was dating. The gentleman I was dating told me I didn't look better than her and she was so much prettier than me and I took it to heart as well as disagreeing with him. Iam presently dating someone else and I told him about the past conversation and the finding of the facebook picture. He then started accusing me of searching for my ex boyfriend's exes ( which was not the case) it's a longer story but i"ll spare u. and then asked me did i still have feelings for my ex. Me and my ex have been over for years....All i asked my boyfriend was did he think she looked better and he refused to answer causing me to get angry. My 2 other friiends got a good laugh out of it, so I figured so would he but he blew it all out of proportion.I held that comment my ex said to me for years cause I was looking gorgeous that day. I just wanted to feel good about myself. Was I being petty? And was he being jealous or crazy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is this relationship dead?

    Me and my boyfriend argue A LOT. He is also 10 years older than me so he claims his sex drive is dead. We don't have sex anymore. Every time I ask, he tells me NO. I know he has high blood pressure & takes blood pressure medicine so it can have an affect on him, but he doesn't even visit me like he used too. He claims he's still attracted to me and claims he wants to be with me but all in the sam breath he'll say "No love lost" if we break up, he doesn't care. I don't get it, does he want me or don't he? Now he's even willing to take a pill that is supposed to make him in the mood and go a long time- so i do see some effort he's trying to put forth for this relationship but it's like he's giving me mixed signals...what do you think? he even acts jealous even though he wont admit it and he even does things to make me jealous.. I just cant figure him out. HELP! Mature answers please

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My boyfriend says he wants to be with me, how can i tell if he's telling the truth?

    My boyfriend blames everything on me,he claims he wants to be with me, says he still likes me even though we argue a lot and he is upset with me because he says i say awful things to him in these arguments (don't judge-he deserves the things i say) he doesn't call or text like he used to or even spends time with me, Is he just saying he still cares and likes me to keep me quiet, doesn't want to be with me, or playing a mind game? I have suggested we go our separate ways but somehow he manages to sweet talk me into staying together. I don't get it, what do you guys/gals think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • FACEBOOK:Do you feel it's my fault or my soon to be ex-boyfriend that's causing the confusion?

    My boyfriend 42 went out on a date with a young lady 27 about 2 years ago and they both realized a relationship would not be of their best interests so they just remained friends. This of course, was b4 my time. Here I come 1 year later and we begin dating. My boyfriend who is on facebook as well as this young lady introduced me to the site and Iam now a frequent viewer. (fast forward) Every time I look around my boyfriend is commenting on her page. We've had several arguments b cuz he is constantly calling her "Beautiful".To me, it's a form of flirting and is disrespectful.. The last incident was where she wrote on her wall about having a dream and it felt so real. He writes to her "I didn't know you were still dreaming about me, beautiful", and that made me "blow a gasket". I called him every name I could think of, and told him "when the opportunity presents itself Iam going to sleep with someone else". Honestly, I only said it out of anger and I told him that. I did not apologize for the things I said to him b cuz I felt he deserved such harsh words considering the things he's said to me. We talked for hours trying to simmer the altercation, which I felt we did , even the nesxt day things were supposed to have been ok,but now he's become distant, told me he doesn't trust me, hasn't called or texted me and told me he wants to start using protection from now on. I said we might as well break up but he doesn't want too ,so what do you think is going on? Is he trying to flip it on me and make me feel bad or do you think he really wants to break up and hasn't said it yet? Or do you all think this is all my fault? All I asked him to do was stop flirting with this girl, so how did I turn out 2b the 1 looking like the villian?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • what do you think of this situation?- I REALLY NEED SOME OPINIONS?

    My man says I always lash at him & says mean things when I get upset. I do, I admit, but it's because he "takes me there". 4 instance, he told me he was spend'n the nite out one nite, & I knew he was lying but he doesn't know that I know he was. He went away on vacation claiming how he ran n2 a woman he used to sleep with, claimed girls were at the bar advertising their bodies & giving lap dances, told me if i go out 2 take a 3 pack of condoms just in case, suggested I go hang out with 1 of his friends, and when I finally reacted, he flipped it on me and said I was trying to ruin his vacation. He knows how 2 push my buttons and i'm real insecure when it comes to other women. So being that i responded, now he doesn't want to answer my calls or texts as if it's my fault. Is it? I once gave him the cold shoulder and he noticed right away and spoke up on it, acting all caring and interested. No, I don't have the strength to turn away & not look back, as least not yet. What do you think about this guy? I cant figure out what it is he wants. When I ask him "does he want it to be over"?, All he says is" I'll let you know when i do". So what gives?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • can you yahoo friends figure out my boyfriend's personality?

    Sometimes my boyfriend acts or says things like he wants out. I recently caught him in a lie when in fact he was doing the total opposite of what he claimed and it really irritated my insides cause it was an unnecessary lie. So I started giving him what he wanted. Space, distance and the cold shoulder. He noticed right away and spoke on it. The minute we got back on good terms he became vengeful. He couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to go on vacation together. Accused me of being with some one else if we're intimate or not be intimate with me at all. He once told me he should ram his (you know what) inside me. What the hell is going on with this dude? Do you guys think he's a little off , a tad bit insecure,or just plain crazy?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what d you guys think about my relationship?

    Me and my man don't always see eye to eye. Lately, he's been telling me it's not you, it's me. Allegedly, because of his finances and sometimes he hints he wants a little space. When I skip days on making myself visible, he'll begin questioning me, or if I work overtime, he'll make smart remarks about me working with my ex who just so happen to be working overtime also. Mind you. we've been borken up for 2 years now, the man is my ex for a reason. Yesterday I was going to a female friend's house to visit and my ex lives in the same neighborhood as her and my man started making remarks like " You should go visit him, he looks sad sometimes". The man is the furtherest thing from my thoughts and I don't even speak to him, so why the remarks? And when I question him on it, he dodges the question and speaks on something else. Sometimes he makes me feel like he doesn't want to be with me so what is the problem? Is he insecure, jealous or just plain crazy? And whenever I go out he starts making up stories how he's going to hang out late with friends or spend the night out somewhere and I did a little checking up on my own and his car was right in front of his house last night, but he swore this morning HE DROVE HIS CAR back from wherever he allegedly slept last night. Why does this guy do things to antagonize me or make me jealous?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago