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Lv 59,233 points

God's Father

Favorite Answers9%

In a universe made by a god who made 'everything' - then 'everything' is god's fault. Of course, if he didn't create everything, then I can't completely blame the old chap.

  • Does God create the attitude and desires of souls as he wants them, or does he create them randomly?

    ie: If someone has a so called 'bad soul', that wants to choose to do bad things, is because God made it that way, or because he used a random soul generator, and God had no idea how the soul would turn out before he created it?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Did God create anything bad?

    If not, how is possible for anything 'good' to go 'bad', under God's watch?

    What force, outside God makes things 'bad', that used to be good?

    And was that 'force' created by God, or was it created by some other god?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Can complex and intelligent things (like God) only come from a creator?

    If you think God doesn't need a creator but the universe does, would you say that God is more complex and intelligent than anything in the universe?

    If so, does that mean that a very complex and intelligent thing doesn't require a creator, but something less complex and less intelligent does require a creator?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Did God exist forever before making the universe?

    Or was it a finite amount of time?

    ps: If you think God is somehow 'outside of time', then don't claim he has always (or forever) been around. Saying 'always' or 'forever' implies time is involved.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is God complex enough to have required a creator of him...?

    ...or do complex things not need a creator at all, and the idea that they do, is absurd?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians, what is more important to God: The free will of a murderer, to allow him to murder someone...?

    ...or the free will of the person being murdered, to allow them to avoid being murdered in such a situation?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, what does God's love actually achieve for unbelievers?

    Whenever you say 'God loves you' or 'God loves everyone' to unbelievers, what do you actually mean by that?

    When a human loves another human, the feeling of 'love' can cause them to do favourable things to this person, to look after them, to do things that help and make them happy etc.

    When an unbeliever is being abused, tortured, raped, killed, or suffering in any way, then what is God's love actually achieving in these situations?

    When you say 'God loves you/everyone', are you simply saying that whilst an unbeliever is going through theses things, God is simply watching, and feeling a pleasant feeling of 'love' for the abused/suffering unbeliever, with a smile on his face?

    When he's watching unbelievers suffering and being abused, do you think he's saying to others in heaven 'I really love this person, it's a shame they have to go through this, I wish things could have been different'.

    Or if he's watching an unbeliever get murdered, does he say to others in heaven 'it's sad, but there's nothing we can do about it, and it's more important we give free will to the murderer, than stop the unbeliever being murdered'.?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, if God came down, turned himself into human form, and raped some people...?

    ...would you say that this is good?

    If he said 'I'm allowed to do this, because I'm God, and thus this isn't a sin for me to do this - it's good', would you agree that it is good?

    Would you tell one of his victims that what had happened to her was good?

    And before you moan about this question, don't forget how many millions your god has killed. Don't have double standards by having no problems with your god killing people, but having problems with me even asking this question.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Theists, does your God respect other faiths?

    We need to know if your God doesn't respect faiths and god's he doesn't believe in, so we can apply the same moral standards as him.

    Be honest, if you think God treats unfavourably, those who believe in faiths and gods that he doesn't.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • To Christians who claim that atheists 'wouldn't believe, however much proof they had'.....?

    .....are you claiming God is not omnipotent, and is unable to convince everyone of his existence?

    Or did you not actually think about that when you thought or said it, and were instead trying to make the point that God seems to have made people in a way that they can't believe he exists, no matter what evidence he supplies?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, if you heard a voice claiming to be Allah...?

    ...and telling you Islam was the correct religion, would you assume that:

    A: you were hearing things that weren't there?

    B: Someone was tricking you by pretending to be Allah?

    C: Allah is real, and Islam is correct?

    If you saw someone claiming to be a prophet of Allah, and given some of his divine powers, and you watched him perform seemingly magic tricks, and seemingly heal a few people, would you assume that:

    A: This 'prophet' was lying, and just doing illusions like any magician, and was using stooges to 'heal'?

    B: The prophet was genuine, and Allah is real?

    If you are Muslim, then you can answer the same question by swapping anything Christian related above, with anything Islam related. If you follow any other can replace anything Christian related above with your own religion.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, did God create the desires in beings to choose to use their free will to do bad things...?

    ....or things that God wouldn't like?

    Or did he not create EVERYTHING?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • To theists that believe that belief is a choice.......?

    Are you saying you didn't just believe from the evidence that was presented to you?

    You basically didn't believe one minute, and then you said to yourself 'I'm going to choose to make myself believe!' and then you believed?

    Are you saying the only way you can believe in your God is by telling yourself to believe he's real?

    Or can you not HELP but believe he's real due to the evidence, and you're being hypocrites, KNOWING YOURSELVES that god is real, without doubt, yet saying that unbelievers should somehow magically make a 'choice' to believe he exists, when really, you know deep down they are unable to do so, and you haven't had to go through this 'choosing' process?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does your God want everyone to genuinely believe he exists?

    I'm not asking whether he wants everyone to follow and worship him - I'm asking whether he wants everyone to know he exists - to be as sure as YOU are that he exists.

    If he does want this, then why does he not make more effort to let unbelievers know he exists (or create them in a way that they'll believe he exists)? He's omnipotent enough to make his existence realised to unbelievers is he not, despite how 'blind' to him they might currently be?

    Can anyone who can see, truly deny they believe the moon is real, for example? Can they truly believe there aren't rapists and murderers in this world, however much they may not WANT them to exist?

    If he DOESN'T want everyone to believe he exists, then what steps has he taken to enable that some people will be unbelievers? ie: Not providing enough evidence? Or making some people too intelligent to blindly believe in him without proof, etc?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • To Christians who think that belief is a choice...?

    ...did you choose to believe, because you already believed?

    Or did you choose to believe, despite NOT believing? ie: Did your brain think 'I don't think there's a god, but I'm going to choose to believe that Christian God is real, even though nothing is convincing me', and suddenly you believed?

    And how do you think people choose to not believe? That can only be possible, using your magic method, IF unbelievers already believed, and then made the choice to not believe. But why would someone who believed, make the choice not to believe?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, does God lack free will because he always desires to choose to do the right thing?

    If not, then why not create all humans in a way that they always desire to use their free will to choose to do the right thing?

    How is it fair to create beings that fall short of you, and then blame them for falling short of you?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, why do you think we need to have desires to do bad, to have free will?

    How would you not be free to do 'what you want' (assuming we could physically do it), if God had made us all want to do good things?

    God gives SOME of us desires to choose to do bad things over good - so you say they have free will when they choose to do bad things.

    God gives SOME of us desires to choose to do good things over bad - so you say they have free will when they choose to good things.

    God gives ALL of us desires to choose to do good things over bad - and suddenly you claim we don't have free will if we were all to choose to do good things.

    You're not making any sense. Either in all three examples you can claim we'd have free will - or you have to accept we don't have free will in any of them.

    You can't say 'if 50% of us desire to do good over bad, that means we all have free will, but if 100% of us desire to do good over bad, then none of us have free will'.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why does God make bad souls that desire to use their free will to choose to do the wrong things?

    Couldn't he make all souls good, so they'd desire to use their free will to choose to do good things?

    Being free to do 'what we want', doesn't really absolve God, considering he's the one that created 'what we want'.

    If he created all souls with desires to do good, then we could still be free to do 'what we want', we would just happen to want to do good things, and would use our free will to choose to do what we want - ie: good things.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago