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Lv 32,495 points

PhoenixFlame- was HOH (RA) (DA)

Favorite Answers10%
  • Translating a Russian Newspaper Article?

    Could someone please translate this Soviet newspaper article from Russian to English for me? I actually need it for a school project, so if you could tell me me how I can credit you for the translation, that'd be nice.

    Here is the link:

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Summer Projects Help?

    I have got summer project and I need some help for it. I have two questions, and even if you know the answer to any one, please reply.

    1 What do you mean by appreciation? I know the meaning of the word but what do you write if you are asked to write an appreciation for a history project. Just in case you need to know the topic, there are two of them: Indus Valley Cities and Vedic System of Education. You need not give me the contents but just a basic idea on what I should write.

    2 Another project is "Sunderbans: A Case Study". What do you do in a case study?Its supposed to be around 10 pages long.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What if I write a book and claim that it is the word of God?

    Not that I plan to do so, but will you believe me? Why or why not? And what makes it different from believing in Bible, Koran or any other holy book for that matter? Saying that you know the particular holy book is actually the word of God, is not what I am finding. If you say so, please tell me what exactly makes you believe what the holy books say and not what my book says?

    And if your answer is Jesus Christ said so, or Muhammad said so or whatever, well ultimately the holy book in question is the only evidence of that.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can the concept of God and freewill (or any concept which says we have control over what we do) co-exist?

    God knows exactly what will happen in future ( since he is all-knowing). So actually everything is decided. For example if God knows I will be a non-believer, then no matter what you or anyone does to make me a believer, I simply can't believe in God because that is what God knows my future is, and since God doesn't make mistakes, I am bound not to convert. So it will just look like I have free will, but actually it is what God know will happen, and God can't be wrong.

    That means either God doesn't know everything ( seems weird for the supernatural being who created the Universe, space and time to not know something)


    We are not responsible for the sins we commit because that is what God knows will happen! In short, my beliefs, my actions and whether I am going to hell or heaven is decided, or rather known by God even before I can exist!

    So please tell me how can both the concepts co-exist? Don't tell me that they just do or 'divine matters' are too complicated for me to understand.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Harry Potter Fans: some questions for you?

    Two question to begin with :

    What happened to the 1st December rebellion?

    Any idea when the encyclopedia is coming up?

    Creativity corner

    Write a Daily Prophet report about Hermione discovering/ inventing some new magical stuff ( anything you like).


    Who dances better?

    Harry or Ron

    Umbridge or Dudley

    Trelawny or Luna

    Hermione or Draco

    Who sings better

    same options:

    Harry or Ron

    Umbridge or Dudley

    Trelawny or Luna

    Hermione or Draco

    Star if you like

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Harry Potter Fans: Did you in any way, besides celebrating Halloween, celebrate the anniversary of ...?

    Harry's first escape from Lord Voldemort.

    Unfortunately, I didn't.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Weather in Thailand:?

    I will be going to Thailand in about two days and I need to know the weather there. Please be specific.

    4 AnswersThailand1 decade ago
  • Harry Potter fans: give me some HP wizarding world proverbs:?

    For eg:

    If a Slytherin is not proud enough to boast the fact that he is a Slytherin, he isn't one.

    Any more?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If you could invent a word, what would it be and what would it mean?

    I know this is not supposed to be in B&A but I want B&A users to answer it so I put it here. Lets see how long it is before it is deleted?

    24 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Harry Potter Fans: Hogwarts Lesson: Unofficial?

    Soon we would be celebrating the day when Harry escaped Voldemort the first time ( and Halloween, of course). So in honor of that, I have something interesting for us to do:

    Hogwarts Lesson: nothing formal, everyone welcome to answer, most creative answer gets BA

    Potions : Invent a Potion, it's purpose, name and the method it is brewed.

    Transfiguration: You cannot raise the dead but Transfigure inanimate objects into animate object. Explain this.

    Defense against the Dark Arts: DO you think that Defense can actually be taught as a school subject? Why or why not?

    Charms: Invent a theory to explain activities inside the wand which cause a spell to be cast.

    History of Magic: Free Period

    Herbology: Free Period

    Astronomy: Write 3-5 sentences of FACTS about 1 planet ( besides earth), and 1 star ( besides Sun)


    Do not try to cheat...all examiners will be interrogated after giving them veritaserum .

    Expecting all of you'll to get O's

    So that this is a valid question: What book should I read?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • BA: help me design my Profile page?


    My profile page is ..well I don't like it. SO any idea what I can change to. I know I am in the wrong category but I hope B&A will help m,e again with its creativity.

    Well most of my contacts know what I am like (or I think so) ... Harry Potter fan, Twi-hater (please don't comment on this...I don't want to argue). So any ideas?

    Useless stuff, but I saw one of the earliest questions I asked written in truncating.

    Dumb me thought it was cool to write in truncated text that time. The question was like "r u lyk I am?".

    PSS: Though the text was stupid, the content was true.Here's it if you want it.;%E2%80%A6

    This question was categorized wrongly previously so I deleted that

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • BA (readers): were you ever accused of being boring because you always had a book in your hand?

    My answer: Many times by my class mates, not-so-much-of-a reader cousins and quite many other people. What about you?

    20 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hello B&A: Harry Potter fans?

    Have you ever had moments in your life when you were proud to be a HP fan? If yes, which were they?

    PS: check it out:

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you want to make a Y!A B&A story?

    Hello B&A,

    I was just wondering how would you like to make a Y!A story. If you would like to do so, here is how it goes.

    I will start with a line and then the first answerer will continue and then the next and next. The only rule is that you don't have to write anything that offends users and your line has to introduce at least one B&A regular into the story and be a continuation from the last answer...

    MY LINE: Phoenix Flame was walking down a street in the City of Books and Authors in the Country of Y!A, when he met t ï m.

    (continue from here)

    To keep this B&A ish: Which is your favorite author?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • BA: Do you find it funny when :?

    Questions like "HP or Twilight? get 60 answers despite being asked 1000 of times before and it is even funnier when 50% of answers are "use the search bar".

    And half of the rest go for "HP- this question is asked a million times" and the other half of the rest "twilight- because its got Edward". And sometimes 1% of the answerers say " both suck- (some other book ) is better.

    Don't you find all this amusing?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hello B&A: Harry Potter fans: DA and RA?

    Does it annoy you when people who claim to be the BIGGEST HP FANs turn out to be those who haven't read the books and know nothing about it and their claim is based on them having seen the movies multiple times?

    (I was Headmaster of Hogwarts {RA} {DA} earlier. )


    Umbridge or Wormtail?

    Poll:If given the opportunity would you like to join a Hogwarts group to which you only have to come at the most thrice in a week? Honest answer, please.

    26 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • HOH is finally back...and he wants to know and share stuff!?!? ( A HP question too)?

    Hi, I am back way before my scheduled return but I couldn't resist Y! hello everyone.


    So what's new in Y!A B&A? I have seen many role players. What do you think of them?

    And why are their less interesting HP question. Every question I see is either repeated or is full or role players...


    I have finally read Twilight and my opinion about it, if possible, got even worse. Now I know what I am ranting about. Bella's so annoying. I will read the sequels after my exams are over on Sep. 1.

    All the lesson I was organising won't go on any more because Y!A or other users who don't want us to have fun keep reporting/ removing it. I might keep some new events or something.

    HP question:( actually activity)

    Invent and name a new flying broom stick and make an advertisement for it that will ONLY list its features. Refer to advertisements of Firebolt.

    PS: Don't forget to say an "hello" to me.

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Happy B'day Jo and Harry!?

    I know I had already bid goodbye but one question..urgh...I couldn't resist it.

    So what will you say to Harry and J.K. Rowling today?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • HPers: HOH (me) bids goodbye unti Sep. 1. A HP question inside too.?

    Yes, I'll be taking a little break from B&A until the Sep1. So good bye fellow wizards until we meet on the Sep 1. The fact is that my exams are beginning.

    A VERY HAPPY B'Day to Neville Longbottom (30th July), Harry and JO (31 July).

    BTW, there will be no Hogwarts lesson for a month. After that I will just post random subject- questions but nothing official and no points will be recorded. ( reason: violation stuff and the blog thing I introduced did not work well.)


    Draco Malfoy?

    define in 1 word. please girls don't say "HOT", or if you do, give some other word too.

    ACTIVITY: continue this fan fiction. The fifteenth person to answer should end the fan fiction. The first answerer starts. 2-3 lines per person.

    BTW< this question will be closed after I get 15 answers.

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago

    Seeing that not many enrolled students are answering, many others want top join, and it is difficult to manage such a thing on Y!A, i have decided that everyone is free to answer. For all answerers I will keep points and at the end of 3 months, I will declare the "winner" i.e. the person with maximum points. Lastly I must apologise, for the lateness.

    The people who had enrolled and participated in lesson 1 will have a privilege: They can skip to answer any subject (for the coming 5 lessons ONLY inc. this one) and yet be given the highest acheivedpoints for the particular subject. THE STUDENTS:

    The Fifth Marauder <3

    Apple Frost [RA/DA]


    qaiys A


    Arianna Shadows

    xxx Nargles are Real xxx


    Kreacher the House Elf

    Ronil Wazlib

    Lynne Lovegood

    Our Headmistresses will also get the privilege.

    Demetria Desiree Arch~!! and ☆K☆

    History of Magic: Which decision of the Ministry has led to the worst consequences? Choosing Dementors to guard Azkaban ? Not illegalising the enslavement of house elves? Or driving out Giants? (Chose only out of these)


    Potions: "Potion making has been practised since so many years and yet, no one ever thought of making the improvements one single person (Snape) made during his life as student" What do you think about this?

    Transfiguration: What is the difference between an Animagus changing into an animal and a non-Animagus changing into an animal.


    IF DELETD WILL BE POSTED AS: Harry Potter help 2 part 2?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago