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I'm a 14 year old boy who likes manga , anime & Japanese culture. I can't stop dreaming about creating manga. And i always feeling a bit wise about something related to christianity XP
What to do when you have exreme glossophobia?
I'm sixteen now and live has just been fine all the time for me, but it's just that i don't talk much.I know for some reason when i wanna start a conversation to a person i never had a deep relationship before makes me nervous as hell.It's like my heart telling myself i'm not supposed to talk but my feeling says i wanna talk to someone ,right now.
I feel lonely sometimes , but i don't know why.I have friends, but i know that they know i'm not a very talkative person so it's gonna feel awkward when i talk like someone that was not me.
One other thing is that i'm not very good at talking, since i've been like this since i was in the first grade, yeah i was a loner.But time changes, i started thinking a lot, i need to be like everyone in terms of relationship.But then again i couldn't speak, i couldn't start a conversation and it just feel wrong to me.And even if i got to talk to someone, i never know how to keep it going, how to make it interesting to anyone i talk to.I don't like following trends that are going around if i myself have no interest in it, but everyone seemed to change around the trends and times.
One side i notice is that i feel i'm always being judged by anyone and everyone.I don't feel free being around people since i get the feeling of "judging" of any action i do, so i tend to be as passive as i don't feel that being judged feeling. It always felt wrong for me and it's gotta stop someday.
Sorry if it's too complicated , but whatever you say counts =)
2 AnswersMental Health8 years agoGave up on math.Is it a good idea?
So I've gotten to the point, where i consciously and psychologically reject math, just complex math actually.I've had it because of the reason that my mind is incapable of learning math to the next level.I wouldn't blame the teacher as i got a good enough reason to gave it all up.I'm not very good at math, my friends were better that me, why couldn't i be as good as them, and i don't have to be good at math because I've learned enough math to be able to count money, and changes and other values.I probably won't need to count the radius of my sunny side up egg breakfast.
It's bothersome for peoples like me.I'm more attracted to literature knowledge, philosophy and learning languages.
So, what do you think? Is it a very good idea?Or maybe there's a reason i shouldn't tell my math teacher i gave up on math and not to care of the bad scores he's going to give me?
3 AnswersMathematics9 years agoWhere can i find interactive themes for my nokia X5?
I wanna know, does interactive themes exist for nokia X5?And is so, where can i download it?
or at least tell me where can i find cool GIF wallpapers
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans9 years agoHow to get rid of fear , PERMANENTLY?
I hate it when i got scared and, getting my hands trembling of stuff.Is there a way to be fearless of anything in the past and the future?I'm not talking about a certain phobia.
Is there a way to do that ? or at least give me something that does something like that
7 AnswersPsychology9 years agoHow to have lucid dream?
Hiy, i'm 14 n just got to high school XD
n i can't believe how different it is from my previous school......
i can only have fun like 2 hours a day, n sometimes i got to do homeworks at that time......
my daily schedule is like this.
6am wake up
7am-2pm school, having lunch after school, not so healthy foods.....
2pm to 5-6pm taking some after school rest, or go jogging after 5pm
6pm -11pm do homework/ study / play(fat chance -.-)
sometimes i stay up to 12pm at nite to do homework
so i looked up lucid dream.i've been trying ( a little ) the past 2 months.
i can't make dream diaries despite how sleepy i am after waking up n how quick i have to prepare for school.
Everytime i sleep i have a dream.But my dream always goes like a speeding up car without anyone on the steer ( if u know what i mean ), i can't control it at all, and it goes very randomly, for example , i go outside my room and it goes to the mall..... that happens a lot and i don't even think about the stuffs that i do in my dream, if i do this then i'll do this, i can't make myself do what i want.
But i did sometimes realized that i'm in a dream a most of the times i woke up after that.But i'm pretty sure i had lucid dream once, but i can hardly control it, it's like, "oh i'm sleeping" then i say in my mind "i want you to make me a hot dog, make me a hotdog, quick make me a hot dog"(to the guy in my dream),he keeps resisting and he's not even moving. it seems i can't control it well.
so the point of my question is , how do i make myself have lucid dream a lot more?
n How do i actually control it?
please give me some advice on my daily schedule , n some methods too
5 AnswersPsychology10 years agoGimana cara masang Internet Telkomsel di Hape Nokia X5-01?
Gw baru beli hp baru nih, mereknya Nokia X5-01.
Mau pake internet di hape tapi nggak tau gw gimana cara masang internetnya buat bisa browsing,
download game ,dll
Kartu gw Telkomsel , cara masang internet nya gimana? jelasin plz
4 AnswersSelular & Operator1 decade agoKomik Higurashi no naku koro ni udah ada belum,di Indonesia?
Gw, mau bacakomik Higurashi no naku koro ni.
Udah nonton animenya, sekarang mau baca komiknya yang arc-nya nggak ada di animenya.
Ada nggak? Komiknya di Indonesia? Yang udah di translate , supaya harganya murah?
gw juga mau request komik di Elexmedia tapi bingung nih gimana.....
4 AnswersKomik dan Animasi1 decade agoJapanese learning translation program?
I wanted to learn Japanese, but i couldn't take lessons. I always forgot them for some reason(boring maybe?). On the other side. I actually learned to speak English (i'm not from America or UK)
watching a lot of cartoon when i was little, playing Playstation, and chatting with native English peoples.
But, learning Japanese is something new for me.
I bought some Japanese learning books, but i got bored reading them for now....
I just couldn't remember it easily.
But i found out that i learn faster with references on my head. Not from boring looking books
If i found some word from a conversation, i'd like to translate it automatically with the full info,
such as translation, how it read as, and the other forms for the word like it's kanji.
Is there such program?
if there's not, any other good way?
5 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoDo ecchi anime and comic sells better than comics with other genre?
Okay, first of all, i hate ecchi. It's really stupid, it's always playing innocent, it's has no real plot, and it's really annoying, cuz i always found a bunch of ecchi anime, when i'm trying to pick up a new series.
Ecchi anime are the only thing i'm not proud about Japan. It feels like all animes from Japan are ecchi.
pretty much the new animes these days are ecchi.
And , the plots are always the same
1 Guy + 100 lewd, innocent, sexy, girls that always get molested, groped, and a bunch of stuff.
If they have real romance i'd watch those, but srsly, they're using it as an excuse.
It's makes me feel like killing them.
They did it like it's nothing wrong.......
Dear God just please! Delete all the ecchi animes and manga from this world!
So my real question is,
Does ecchi animes and manga sells better than other genres?
Please use real facts
Some dude says that if i don't like it, just don't watch it....
But it all has come to a point where i can't stand it anymore. I can't believe they're watching those poison from asmodeus....
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoHow to be a great manga artist?
Hi, i'm a fourteen year old boy who likes manga and anime.
I usually draw a lot of stuff with a writing pen when i was little, like tanks,guns, and stickmens .
I'm pretty good at drawing shaped stuff.
But i actually never draw any anime character when i was little.
I actually did it 2 times until now, but it took very long.
I noticed that it's hard for me to draw character that i made myself, and remembering the shapes
of a character. Is there any better way to practice my drawing skill? Drawing characters that other people made?
And about plot. I've been writing a storyline for quite some time now.
And i always think it's not unique. How do people made good stories that people will like?
Does it have to be unique? I like slice of life stories, but i take the serious stuff,
like murder, love, crime , action, romance, freindship, and anything meaningful.
And about being a well-known manga artist ( in Japan).
I know i should learn to speak Japanese. But , to be popular, what are the first things to do?
make a really good anime?Be friendly with a bunch of Japanese people?
I know it's very hard and takes a very long time to be a manga artist in Japan ( i don't even live in Japan). But i have a lot of time. I don't care if it takes 10 years from now (I'll be 24 years old till then). I really want to be a manga artist , even thought i probably will get another job till i become one.
I didn't wanted to become a manga artist cuz , mangas and animes r cool, but i always wanted to express myself to the world, and help a lot of people with their lives, to be a lot more meaningful.
6 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoi think flashupdaterr.exe , how do i remove it?
Recently, my computer just recovered from the BSOD that happens everytime i start my computer.
I still got the same problem before it got BSOD.
I checked my task manager, and found this task that i don't recognize.
I've never seen it there, and i think the task name is written wrongly...
I tried ending it's process tree, but it started running again after a sec.
I can't stop it.Now i think i should remove it, cuz i got this after i update.
and there's some suspicious files on my drive C
They don't have extensions , and their descriptions is just syncui.
their company is Microsoft.Their sizes are about the same.
Idk but it's very suspicious. I can't scan em because i can't run my Karpesky
(I think flashupdaterr.exe prevented it from running)
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoMy computer got BSOD after starting?
seconds after starting my computer.
*Desktop loads*
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005,0x82351922,0xF8A207B0,0xF8A204AC)
And i can't do anything.....
I can't run in safe mode .
My computer got restarted after loading SPTD.sys (if i'm not wrong)
so i can't run in safe mode.
My computer is windows XP
with service pack 3
Please help me how to fix it other than reinstalling my computer.....
Ask me anything if you need to know, to fix my comp.
1 AnswerDesktops1 decade agoVirus is decreasing my Drive C space.?
I think there's a virus on my computer. Recently , my disc space became full on itself.
If i delete something it will became full again.
I couldn't run my Kaspersky (avp.exe), it's registry value is "forbidden key" and it couldn't be deleted ( i don't really know what i'm saying , but my other antivirus said so)
The size of the disc that could be detected is not the max space my drive could hold.
So there's a lot of hidden files on my disc that i couldn't delete.I think they're caused by the virus.
Maybe tell me how to run my avp.exe?
And btw, i can't run in safe mode, i just couldn't run it for some reason
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoHELP! ATTACKED BY A VIRUS.?
Okay, this is really bad.
I can't access my task manager, my computer used space keeps increasing.
and i CAN'T access my Karpesky antivirus. And i can't access the karpesky site.
I dunno why, this virus seems to be smart.I don't know what to do. It could block some certain
How do i start my Antivirus?I just can't open it.It won't open
Or is there anything better to do to fix this?
Please!! SmyPCS!
7 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoHow to draw a pair of anime eyes?
I recently started my drawing hobby.I pretty much could draw about anything to make an
anime character, but i just couldn't draw the pair of eyes.
I could only draw one eye, but i can't draw the other one.
And i'm not drawing my character on one side(front or left/right).
It's sooooo hard.
Is there any way so i could the pair of eyes?
Maybe a sketchline(which, i don't know how should it look like)?
8 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoKenapa gw suka anime yg bunuh2 an?
Gw kalo nonton anime yang bunuh2an , kepalanya putus, darahnya berceceran
korbannya teriak2, orang yang liat nangis, kok gw rasanya mau ketawa?(bener2 loh)
gw udah nonton Higurashi no naku Koro ni, Umineko no Naku Koro ni, Elfen lied.
Kemaren2 kakak gw nonton madoka, gw nggak suka sih sama madoka
tapi pas liat scene pas Mami kepalanya di gigit lepas ama monster(gw hampir ketawa nih).
Gw jadi penasaran bener2 dah ,mau nonton.
rasanya seru banget nonton yang kayak gitu, gtw kenapa tapi seneng gw.
BQ:Anime apa yang bunuh2han, darah2an, sama horror
selain yang udah gw nonton (+ Dokuro-chan , School days)
Bukan kayak bleach ama naruto, ditebas dimana aja biar harusnya lepas tapi
nggak lepas2. (Cth, ditebas lengannya sampai bagian dada masih nempel lengannya)
BQ2:bagi yang udah nonton Umineko
, siapa karakter favorit kalian?
Gw suka ama Beatrice , dia kalo bunuh sadis2
kalo ketawa sangar muhanya.
14 AnswersKomik dan Animasi1 decade agoJika ada ajakan amal2 untuk siarin anime di Indonesia?
Di suatu hari , para penggemar anime yang berkumpul berdiskusi.
Salah satu dari mereka mengusulkan untuk mengumpulkan uang dari para penggemar anime2
dari seluruh Indonesia untuk membuat siaran Indonesia yang khusus anime.
Dan berita ini disiarkan di berita.Jadi hampir seluruh orang di Indonesia tahu tentang itu
1.Berapa yang akan kalian sumbang?
2.Kira2 berhasil nggak?
3.Kalo berhasil apa reaksi kamu?
4.Maunya disiarkan apa?
Cuma tanya2 nih XD
tapi kalo benar2 kejadian syukur dah
7 AnswersKomik dan Animasi1 decade agoAyok, lawan setan2 pengganggu hati orang Islam dan Kristen?
coba liat kategori agama dan kepercayaan
Sekarang ada orang2 yang dengan hati yang terkuasai setan berpikir jika agama2
yang kita anut itu jelek, busuk, dan macam2.
Gara2 itu lebih baik kita lapor aja Jawaban dan pertanyaan yang memprovokasi.
Gw udah lapor 4 pertanyaan yang benar2 memprovokasi.
tolong bantu juga, kita orang beragama, bukan orang yang kuasai setan
Olok2an dan ejek2an adalah rayuan setan, percaya aj deh,
lu bakal nyesal kalo sampai ngejek satu sama lain....
Ini gw sarankan untuk yang beragama apapun
3 AnswersAgama & Kepercayaan1 decade agoWhat the heck is up with my bamboo pen & photoshop?
About 3 months ago i bought a Wacom Bamboo pen tablet. I installed it, and it seems the active screen is only active on the corner left of my screen on a small area. Then i update the driver, everything seems to work perfectly, but after some time later, when i turned on my computer.
The mouse won't move even when the tablet light turns on when i used the pen.I have to reinstall the driver to make it work again.
So,i ignored the problem for 3 months, i have to reinstall the driver everytime i'm going to draw. Then a new driver come up, i downloaded and installed it, but the problem still exist. What the hell am i suppose to do?
And earlier (just a moment ago) my computer hanged when i use the tablet pen (i haven't installed the driver again ).It's really irritating.Should i return the product? btw, it's actually made in China...... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- aherm. So what should i do ? Can it be fixed? Or should i return it?
And i have a bit of problem with Adobe Photoshop CS3, how can i make my brush sharp at the start and the end? I tried everything i know, i've set the hardness to 100%, but it's always round.
And another problem, that sometimes happen. I don't know what have i done. Whenever i used my brush, and any color i use, it always turn out to be pale gray (almost invisible).What should i do to fix it?
2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoPlease tell me the title of this asian movie!I want to watch it so bad :(?
So there's this asian movie( which i'm unsure it's Japanese or Korean, but, i'm a little bit sure that it's Japanese cuz i remember that one of the actor's name is Japanese), that i can't find, neither remember what's the title f that movie.
But i remember some of the story at the beginning, which goes like this:
So there's a guy(the protagonist), going in an airplane to some place (most likely his hometown) because he was sent by his boss ( i can hardly remember what's his job, but i remember that it's something bad, spy maybe?),
he landed there , noticed that something's strange, and he saw a boy , tying his shoes, and remembered, that the little boy is him, so he said "It's me!", then the little boy ran (idk he looked like a little bit pissed). the he got really confused, then he met the other passenger that went with in the same airplane, they talked, and also getting confused why did he end up in the past(there's actually 2 more persons with the same problem, 1 is a guy, 2 is an old woman).
and something , something. then he went to meet himself(which is still a little boy) and stayed at his house(the little boy's)
So there was his sister ( which actually plays an important role) , the lil' kid actually had a crush with his sister(not to mention the protagonist), but the sister's always gloomy , she teaches her lil' brother how to play violin(which she's very great at), but the lil bro could hardly play it.
and some plots later....
the guy who ended up in the place as the protagonist talked to him (Protagonist) at the beach, he stabbed him, and notice it didn't do anything (It didn't hurt neither damage the guy's body), and tell that he and the protagonist couldn't die (or damaged).
the reason that those 4 persons came back to past, is that the actually died (cuz the airplane actually crushed) , and have regrets over things in the past. the guy who stabbed the protagonist didn't know who had given him birth, it was actually an kindergarten teacher, who's raped by someone bad, and got pregnant, thus giving him birth, He talked to her own mother, and realized it
,then he disappears after saying "take good care of me" . and so does the other two passengers.
moving on, the protagonist , sister actually had a disease, which must take operation to heal or she will die...
, there's a chance that it will fail, and if it succeed her legs will get paralyzed. She was despairing, and chooses not to take the operation (which is death to her).On the protagonist's past, where there's only the real him( the lil' kid) the sister actually died, and that "him" becomes the one in the past
the protagonist and his lil' self went to an orchestra performance which his big sis supposed to be anticipating, but she greatly refuses to go there. the protagonist convinced her, and then she plays the violin while crying (which is the most saddest part of the movie T-T), it gave her a hopeful feeling,
and so the protagonist have no more regrets, and disappears.
years after that, she became a violin teacher after taking the operation and succeeds, on the big screen in the big building which is on a big road, there's a news that the protagonist and the passengers have died in a plane crash).and so the sister went home, carrying oranges, she dropped it, and pick those oranges at the floor painstakingly ( cuz her leg is paralyzed),
and a little while after that , The end. (it almost made me cry ;_;)
Sorry if i wrote too much (and if there's typo), but this is what i would write at the time( i actually still remember some parts, but i pretty much already covered the main storyline).
I watched this movie in the "Celestial Movies" channel some time around 2008-2009.
it was an premier movie.
So please tell me if anyone could remember what's the title of this movie.
I really wanna watch it so baaaaaddddd DX
1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago