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  • PTO Retracted after it was used?

    The company my husband works for changed their policy regarding the PTO they give out. Some of it is accrued weekly, and some of it is given in lump amounts on a regular schedule. It is in no way out of the ordinary for anyone to have an additional 20 hours of PTO after a given day, especially when other people employed for the same amount of time get the same thing.

    My husband was given an additional 20 hours of PTO, and had properly scheduled (as in 2 weeks in advance request) time off based off the idea it was there. Several people had asked about the PTO, and I don't know what answers they were given to be completely honest, but my husband was under the impression that the time off was valid when his scheduled time off came.

    One of MY coworkers has a roommate (we'll call him Tim) who has worked with the company as long as my husband and had the time off scheduled as well. He got back from his time off to be told that the company made a mistake, and that while they wouldn't count it as days taken without PTO (which could have caused attendance issues), the affected employees were not being paid for the hours that were erroneously paid, and the PTO hours were taken away. This was the middle of last week.

    My husband's days off were Monday and Tuesday. As I mentioned before, the time was not spontaneous, he followed the company policy of requesting the time off two weeks in advance. His days off also fell AFTER when I know the company knew there was a problem.

    To top it off, when they were telling him about the error, my husband's supervisor admitted to knowing about the problem, but not calling him about it.

    Is there anything we can do? I understand that the company was wrong for issuing the hours and has every right to retract the hours, but at the same time they KNOWINGLY let my husband (and many other employees) take this time off without notifying them of the problem, which is to their benefit since they don't have to pay these employees for hours worked during a slow time for business.

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • putting network info on my usb drive?

    I'm trying to remember how to put network credentials onto my flash drive. I've done it for my personal network, and I'm setting up a friend's and I was going to put the info on the flash drive but I can't remember how. Anyone wanna refresh my memory?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • sour cream and chive sandwich crackers anyone?

    Ok, so I was the only person who ate them as a kid so I think I can see why I can never find them anymore, but does anyone remember those sour cream and chive sandwich crackers? Does anyone still make them?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • question about a paycheck?

    From time to time my husband has a strange occurrence on his check, and I'm hoping that someone here can help me figure it out.

    Every so often he has a line item in his earnings called "Imp Misc Tax". In the case of this week's paycheck the amount was $18.20. Then, further down in the deductions he has an item called "Tx Impt Offset" for the exact amount of $18.20.

    I tried googling it, but all I could come up with was stuff regarding back payments for taxes and child support (neither of which apply here).

    Can someone help me understand what these line items are about?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 and Neflix bandwidth is out of control!?

    For the last several months I've noted a HUGE spike of bandwidth hogging when I start a movie on the Xbox via Netflix. When I start a movie the computers connected to my network (one physically and one wirelessly) almost (but not quite) lose their internet connection for about 30-90 seconds before returning to normal.

    The issue isn't a big deal, but it does get annoying sometimes. Can anyone help me figure out what's going on and, possibly, how to fix it?

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Question about wage garnishment of income below poverty level?

    Since my son was born my husband and I have had difficulty keeping up with bills. I am currently unemployed due to personal health and I am going on 1 1/2 years of being able to work without finding a job even though I have been searching actively (I refuse to return to my previous employer because the environment contributed to my health issue, though it cannot be proven in a way that provides workman's comp).

    My husband has a solid job that earns just enough for us to pay our current bills. We do not have spare money for any extras (eating out, movies, etc.). There have been a few unexpected bills and have had to pull from his 401k to cover rent twice within the last 5 months in order to make ends meet.

    One debt collection company has taken us to court knowing that we can barely make ends meet (I have been open and honest with them about everything). They took us to court, won the judgment, and have begun garnishing my husband's wages at 25%. At this point, we will not be able to afford the next month's rent, let alone groceries or even pay our electric bill (which is past due).

    I do not have the ability to borrow money from anyone. The people I know who would be -willing- are incapable due to their own financial obligations.

    I know that in some cases those below the poverty level can have wage garnishments adjusted to a lower amount, or removed altogether. My question is: how do I do this in the state of Montana? What forms will I need and which court will I need to go to in order to do so? At this point with the reduction I won't be able to afford the next month's rent without pulling from the 401k again and I don't want to do that at all.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Determining odds of success?

    So I haven't had to think about math like this in a long time, so I can't seem to remember exactly.

    If a single lottery-type event has a 1/100 (1%) chance of winning independent of other fails/successes of the same events occurrences, how does someone determine the chances of WINNING?

    I know the odds are less and less as one goes (say, 100 tries), but I can't remember how it's determined.

    I keep thinking it's x=1/(100y) where y is the number of attempts, but I'm pretty sure it's wrong.

    HELP! =D

    4 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for a process server to mask their number this way?

    There is a process server trying to contact my former roommate. I've told him repeatedly that she no longer lives with me and that she has moved to another state a while ago. He's stopped coming to my door and, for a while, was calling from a local phone number. Now the number he calls from is spoofed (shows up on my caller id as 406406 -- it's not even a 7 digit number to call). Is it legal for him to do that?

    Also, is there a way to make him stop calling and coming to my door about her issues? I don't know her address otherwise I would have given him the info. I have given him her new phone number, but apparently he didn't even call her old cell number when it was still active.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Relation to my reactions to alcohol or caffeine?

    I've already determined that I have an intolerance or allergy of some sort to certain types of alcohol (I'm currently testing what I can and cannot have and taking notes -- I know it's not a wheat allergy for certain). After consuming 1/2 of any standard drink (straight alcohol, mixed, beer, whatever) every muscle gets that heavy feeling, I get lightheaded, and gastrointestinal sick, among other reactions that are all different from they way they feel when I'm actually able to consume enough alcohol to feel the effects that way.

    When I have caffeine lately (used to drink 2-5 coffee drinks per week, now it's rare) even a small (8-12 oz) cup of coffee causes me to get light headed, jittery, and manic with shortness of breath, super sensitive nerves and quick heartbeat.

    What I'm wondering, in the sake of figuring out the reason for either or both, is if it's possible the two reactions are similar, and if so, how? Links, resources and references would be helpful :)

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I made a gingerbread snack cake, but what kind of icing should I use?

    I happened to have a mix for the cake lying around and decided to make it for tomorrow, but when I looked at the box it doesn't make any suggestions for a frosting. Anyone here have suggestions? Super simple ingredients are preferred since I don't feel like running to the store tonight :)

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Cost to replace all but one cooling hose?

    I have a 90 acura legend that needs all of the hoses (except for the one that goes to the oil filter) replaced. Mechanic says he doesn't know the exact cost of the parts off the top of his head and that he can give me the numbers when he has a chance to do the math (I scheduled my car at the end of the day), but I was wondering if I could get an idea of what to shoot for partswise and possibly labor hours from you guys :)

    Also, bonus points for a logical, helpful tips of getting the fan fixed. Apparently it was hotwired to run constantly when the key is turned. The engine doesn't have to be on or at a certain temperature. Now the fan will turn on normally, but run anywhere from 5-20 minutes before shutting off. I understand that normally this could be caused by an air pocket in the cooling system, a faulty thermostat, or similar issues, but could that be the case since the fan isn't supposed to rely on the temperature to run? Could it be more likely that the wiring or the motor is crapping out?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Cost of fixing/replacing an axle?

    I'm considering purchasing a 89/90 210 blazer (I can't remember the exact year), the only thing wrong with it is that the front axle is cracked. I've decided that if I get this truck I will have it repaired and/or replaced, but I don't know what the cost will be. I will be calling mechanics in town to get definite answers tomorrow, but I was wondering if someone here could give me an estimate of what it would run me to get the work done :)

    Having the current owner fix it before purchase is not an option. He has stated a generously low price because of the need for repairs.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Possible debtor harassment?

    Isn't it either unethical or illegal for a debtor to continue calling asking for a total amount payment after both parties agree upon a satisfactory payment agreement that is upheld?

    If this is the case, what can be said to these people to make them stop calling?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Fresh artichoke vs canned?

    I'm looking to make some artichoke dip, but I can only find the recipes that call for canned artichoke, so I don't have any sort of comparison. How many fresh artichokes would be equivalent to about 14 oz of the canned stuff?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • About how much would it cost for these repairs?

    I've been able to narrow down leaking coolant to most likely being a cracked hose or broken seal. I am taking it to the mechanic early tomorrow morning, but I was wondering what would be the estimated cost to fix those on a 90 acura legend?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Question about cell phone batteries, mAh?

    So I ordered a replacement battery for my husbands phone and thought I was ordering the same mAh value (1000) but when the battery came it was lower (900). Is it ok to use it in his phone or should I call the seller to replace it?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • need help on pricing information for car repairs?

    So we had problems starting the car. We tried jumping it and no matter how long it was connected to another car it wouldn't start, just a single click when the key was turned.

    As we were pushing it to a parking spot so we could leave it overnight and deal with it tomorrow I had the bright idea to try starting it and it worked.

    After driving it around a bit (home, to the store, and then home again, nearly 20 min) without turning it off it started just fine.

    I've been told that because the car started when it was in motion that it was the starter, and probably specifically the solenoid.

    Does this sound right? If that's the case, what would we need to consider for the cost?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What's the law regarding the ability to repair damages in a rental?

    In a situation in which the tenant causes minor damage to a unit (say a hole in a door or wall) is it legal for the property management to demand the tenant to pay them to repair the work (plus the 10% administrative fee of course!) without giving the tenant an option to repair the damage properly themselves?

    Also, on that note, are they allowed to legally withhold information regarding walk through and maintenance reports while the tenant is still in the unit when there is a possibility of falsities on the report itself?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Property management trying to charge us for repairs on things we'd notified them of previously....?

    We have been trying to keep up with the unit and the repairs that need to be done, but unfortunately the property management and owners usually only tend to replace what's necessary by law. I have, on several occasions, notified them of a cupboard door that fell off its hinges due to prior improper repair as well as other issues, and there are some things that are a condition of the unit itself (including a hole from a doorknob on a door that doesn't have anything to stop it from hitting the wall). Some of these issues were reported to the management almost two years ago.

    Now that it's all adding up with a few things that were caused by us (a hole in a wall and a drawer face, both by my 2-year old son, both fairly recent but reported to the property management and we acknowledge that we are, in fact, responsible for those), they're trying to pin us with the bill.

    Is it possible for them to do this?

    Also, they only gave me a summary list of what needs to be repaired and also a summary breakdown of the costs (i.e. a list of things, then the cost for labor hours, cost for supplies, and a trip charge). Do I have the right to request a itemized list of what the individual charges would be?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • sour-smelling water in washing machine?

    For two or three weeks any time I washed laundry they would come out of the washer smelling like sour water (not quite moldy or musty). Once the laundry was dried (dryer or clothes line), the smell went away completely. I noticed at the same time that the water pressure for the cold water was super weak, but the hot water was fine. The smell is gone and the pressure is coming back.

    Let me also say that I'm not 100% certain that the issue was originating from the washer. We had issues with our well water shortly before this started, but it's all been fixed. I'm wondering if maybe something made its way from the well and got stuck in the washer, but I don't know for certain.

    Anyone have any ideas of what could have caused the smell?

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago