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  • A way to prevent elderly parent from constantly resetting login information?

    My MIL is not great with technology and is most likely in the early stages of dementia, and we have tried everything to help her remember her login for sites, emails, etc by writing it down in a notebook.

    The problem is that she will lose the notebook and reset her password and username so she can access her account, and will then forget it again and reset it again, so that when she has a problem, we re unable to get in and see what the issue is. Half of the time she doesn t even tell us and will lie about it or claim to forget that she did it. We have tried setting Chrome to remember her login information but she ignores the prompt and resets it anyway. Even going so far as to call her doctor s office and ask them to change it for her.

    She primarily browses the web on her ipad using the Chrome app. Is there a way to prevent her from constantly resetting her information? Perhaps something that will prompt for a master password which only my SO will know so he can manage it? I thought there might be some sort of child-proofing plug-in or app we could use that would do what we need it to.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers6 years ago
  • What is the type of foam used in soft disposable ear plugs?

    I'm making a project and need to know what the exact type of foam is used to manufacture soft ear plugs such as these:

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Hyoid bone randomly popping, will neck stretches alleviate this?

    This started last week, where I will go to unconsciously swallow saliva and I feel a popping sensation from the ligaments/cartilage around the left side of my hyoid. I am a life-long bruxer but this is the first time I've had an issue with the hyoid.

    It doesn't happen when I swallow food, and I can tilt my head back slightly and swallow and it won't pop. What might have caused this? It seems to have come out of nowhere. Will stretching the omohyoid muscle help get rid of the popping sensation? It's not painful, just annoying. Now I'm very conscious of when I swallow anything.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Have you ever experienced a thermogenic effect from food?

    Thermogenesis is the term for the body heat generated by digesting certain kinds of food. Since pure protein is the most thermogenic-inducing macronutrient (carbs second, fats third), if you haven't experienced this phenomenon do you wonder if you're getting enough (or the right kinds) of protein in your diet? Vegetarian sources of protein are all plant-based (unless you eat eggs) and have a high carb to protein ratio than meat, eggs or whey.

    More info here:

    You'd have to eat 1.5 cups of lentils to get the same protein as a 3oz. piece of steak (26g protein). Yet with the lentils you're also eating 60g of carbohydrates which may not match the thermic effect in comparison to digesting animal-derived protein.

    I ask out of curiosity because while I eat meat and eggs, I have (and currently am) experiencing thermogenesis on a regular basis, but only when I eat lower to moderate carb (~100g carbs/day). I am not overweight (some people say I'm too thin), nor do I intentionally restrict carbs or even bother to count calories, and wondered if those on plant-based diets, with their higher carbohydrate to protein intake ratio, have ever felt warm for hours (sometimes a full day) after they've eaten.

    Personally, I love it. I don't have to wear my slippers around the house because my feet and hands are putting off so much heat.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Lenscrafters' Featherwates Classic?

    Is LC marketing their own in-house lens design or are they just re-branding Essilor's Natural & Ovation lenses?

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • How can I wear this 50s/60s day dress?

    I got this dress for $30 and it fits me perfectly. I want to raise the hemline a few inches so it falls just at my knee (I'm short). But where/how could I wear it without looking like a costume-y Stepford wife?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Tenant's box fell off of shelf and switched of a/c switch, who pays the trip fee?

    My tenant rents out a condo unit from me, and called me saying that neither the heat nor a/c was working. So I called my a/c guys to have a look, and they told me that a Christmas tree box had fallen off of a shelf and knocked off the relay switch.

    In the lease, I'm responsible for maintaining the a/c, and the tenant is responsible for paying out of pocket for maintenance and repairs under $100.

    So since there was nothing wrong with the a/c who should pay the $80 trip fee?

    The unit is in FL, by the way.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Do you think the government should allow junk food to be purchased with food stamps?

    Several states are trying to pass legislation that would restrict the kinds of food people can buy with food stamps. Food such as carbonated beverages, candy, cookies, etc.

    Some folks say that if this were enacted, that they wouldn't be able to buy their child a birthday cake. Others say that it's not the government's job to provide luxuries such as cake and ice cream. If you're only given $50 a week to spend, the money spent on that cake could have gone to much healthier food and a cake could be paid for with your own money.

    Alcohol and cigarettes can't be purchased with food stamps, should junk food be placed in that category as well?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Do raw eaters have it all wrong?

    This can go for both the raw meat eaters and the raw vegans/fruitarians.

    It's been shown that while cooking food destroys some nutrients (mainly Vitamin C, although the amount left in the food depends upon how long it's been cooked), the heat also allows foods to be digested better and thus, allow for more energy to be derived from the food.

    While I wouldn't go so far as to say, "Everything should be cooked", to base one's diet off of completely raw fruits, vegetables and nuts is basically making your body work harder than it should in order to extract the energy it needs to function and be healthy.


    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Do you find yourselves eating a larger volume of food?

    Plant foods are pretty low in calories. Do you find yourself eating a larger quantity of food via larger portions or eating more frequently, in order to stay full? How long can you go between meals before you start getting hungry again?

    Genuinely curious.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Tender breast, no lumps & not PMSing?

    During my last PMS (3rd week of November) my right breast became very tender to where I couldn't touch it. I've experienced some breast tenderness before but this was the worst. It took two weeks to subside, yet when I press up on the breast I can still feel some tenderness in the milk duct area, almost like it's bruised. I've stopped wearing a bra (which I think only made the pain worse) and am an A cup so my breasts are not heavy. I have a routine pap & physical scheduled on the 20th, but wanted to get an idea of what it could be.

    I'm not running a fever and am in my luteal phase. Breast cancer does not run in either side of my family. I also have a tendency to lay on my boob a bit when I lay on my right side, could it just be sore from that?

    I think it's getting better since I've stopped wearing a bra, but my increasing paranoia has me prodding my boob throughout the day and I'm probably not helping the sore tissues by doing that, lol.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Going bra-less and using nipple tape?

    I wear an A cup and have decided to go bra-less 24/7. I got tired of having tender breasts from bras (even wire-free ones would do this). To deal with the nipple issue I've been using a strip of athletic tape to smooth out the nips, which I take off when I get home from work.

    This is the 3rd day and I feel awesome. Aside from minor skin irritation, are there any risks to taping your nipples every day? I figure that putting on some hydrocortizone cream around the area after I remove the tape will help until my skin becomes accustomed to it.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Teen veg*ns with unsupportive parents...another perspective?

    Often parents will outright deny or deride the various phases that their teens go through until they move out of the house. Taking up the cause of championing animal rights is a noble one, and the decision to go vegetarian generally follows suit.

    What I'd like to know is, are you teens fully aware of the costs involved in buying separate foods for one person in a household? What if your family is on the brink of foreclosure, can barely make ends meet, and have to live paycheck to paycheck just to keep you and your siblings fed? Also, most teens agree wholeheartedly that yes, they'll be more responsible, take care of the new puppy they begged their parents for, and do their own cooking of vegetarian dishes. Yet in the end, mom or dad is often left holding the bag--having to feed the dog and clean up after it, doing the dishes dirtied from cooking up last night's dinner of lentils and greens, etc.

    Can you understand why they might not be very supportive of this lifestyle you've chosen for yourself, especially one which involves a bit more work and planning? Unless you can pay for it out of your own pocket, or agree to take on extra chores in exchange for mom and dad fronting up the extra money at the grocery store, why should a parent treat their newly vegetarian teen as anything more serious than an emo or punk rocker phase?

    Only time will tell if these newly found morals will last into adulthood. That's why you hear your parents groan in dismay when you burst out of your room one day in tears from watching slaughterhouse videos, saying, "I'll never eat meat again!"

    And I know that not everyone's parents are like this. Some parents are cool with it, even going veg along with you. Others don't care because they can afford it. Then, some teens hold part-time jobs and pay for their own food so all of my examples are moot.

    This is directed at the ones who come on here and complain, expecting everything in life to be handed to them. That's not how the world works.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Gingivitis--Am I doing it right?

    I have gingivitis and have been trying several things to heal my gums. I went to my dentist and got a debridement and polishing, and the hygienist said that aside from my gums, my teeth look great. I also need to work on re-mineralizing my front teeth from having had braces 10 years ago.

    So here's what I'm doing so far--

    * Cutting back on the sugars, aiming for 30g or less a day.

    * Every morning and night I first use a Waterpik to clean out my gum pockets (it's most pronounced around my molars)

    * I brush with tea tree oil/calcium carbonate toothpaste (am trying to avoid products with glycerin as it leaves a coating on the teeth)

    * I rinse with an antiseptic mouth wash.

    * I floss before going to bed at night

    * Started taking a CoQ10 supplement

    * Trying to ensure I get enough Vitamin C

    Is there anything else I should be doing? Should I use an electric toothbrush instead of a regular one?

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • Small claims case--we've just paid off our bill in full?

    As a small business, we'd racked up a bit of debt with a vendor from out of state, and owed them about $3K. Last month we'd been contacted by a local attorney about a small claims case, stating we needed to resolve this balance and blah blah blah. Who knows if these people were legit or what? So instead we waited it out for a few more weeks until we got enough money to pay off our balance in full, bypassed the attorney and mailed the vendor a check just last week.

    Is it our responsibility to contact the small claims attorney and tell them there is no longer a balance, or does that fall on the shoulders of the vendor who filed the claim? We haven't been summoned to a hearing or anything, so far we've just gotten numerous phone calls & emails about the case and "We're going to hold this to your personal record" etc. Do these threats of legal action hold any weight now?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Will my budgies get enough vitamin D if they're outside in the shade?

    I live in Florida and have been having a couple of hens laying soft-shelled eggs out of season. Supplementing with calcium + D3 (Calcivet) hasn't quite corrected the problem, so I thought bringing them out to the shaded porch to get fresh air for a few hours over the weekend would be good for them.

    Since the sun is so brutal this far south, I had them in the shade the whole time. Will they still get some vitamin D even though they weren't in direct sunlight?

    1 AnswerBirds10 years ago
  • Occlusal splint: Teeth ache?

    I'm a bruxer and was just fitted with an acrylic occlusal split today. I'm wearing it before I go to bed so I can get used to it, but it seems as though a couple of my front teeth are already sore from fitting into the split (it's fitted to my upper teeth). Is this normal? Or will I have to go back and have it adjusted? Or is it something I will get used to? I can bite down normally, it's just these two teeth that kind of ache when I wear it.

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Wheat, corn and soy are used to fatten cows before they're slaughtered...?

    ...and yet the vegan food pyramid is BASED on these same fattening foods. And it's supposed to be healthier? Please explain the logic.

    Shouldn't any diet be based on fresh fruits, plants, and vegetables? Getting your essential amino acids by combining foods doesn't mean a whole lot when you eat cheap and easy to prep starchy foods--rice, potatoes, corn, pasta, quinoa, yams-- which cause your insulin to spike and increase inflammation throughout the body. Chronic inflammation is what causes heart disease, athersclerosis (hardening of arterial walls), cancers, & muscle loss (among other things).

    Grains such as corn, barley, oatmeal, rice, wheat, spelt, rye and amaranth and legumes (all peas, beans, & lentils) have an acidifying effect on the body which also contributes to inflammation. Since those foods form the basis of your diet, you'd have to eat a LOT of alkalizing fruits and vegetables in order to counteract that acidifying effect.

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How much food do you waste?

    The UN reported that approximately 1.3 billion tons of food are thrown out each year. That's 1/3 of all the food produced for human consumption.

    Now, waste is not the same as loss. Food that is ruined during production is inevitable. This is how much edible food is being thrown away by consumers and retailers. Yikes.

    The main things I end up throwing out are produce and leftovers. The produce often comes in such a large quantity (like a giant bag of turnip greens) that I can't use it all before it goes bad. I wish that stuff came in smaller quantities!!! With the leftovers, I might forget they're in the fridge and not get around to eating them. I try not to buy food for the whole week, as I feel that I end up wasting more that way. I go when I need something.

    So, can you estimate how many of your groceries ultimately end up in the bin? Was there something you were going to use in a recipe and never got around to it before the food went bad?

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Magnesium RDA & Coffee?

    Coffee and tea are both high in magnesium, but consuming caffeine (amount unspecified) causes magnesium loss.

    How much coffee/tea can one consume and still reap the benefit of magnesium intake? At what point (mg in caffeine) does one start to have a net-loss of magnesium?

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago