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Superior Whites built the modern world, leaving the inferiors desperately envious. ..Isn't it ironic when a disgruntled inferior uses White technology & a White created language to try to deny that fact..

  • How much more help do they need?

    I can see why most people prefer to live around White people, and why White-built countries are far more appealing to everyone,

    and it's totally understandable why most non-White ethnic groups don't want to live around their own people in their own countries. 

    I can't blame them because I too don't want to live near them, nor anywhere near their poor little countries. No one does.

    But people are wondering how much more help do non-Whites need from Whites in order to be able to build their own countries to be worth living in.

    Whites built the modern world with no help, after all - With no one to look up to, and no one to help.   Non-Whites can't even manage WITH help.

    How much more money & help do they need to be given in order to be able to cope without depending on Whites?

    It's getting to the point now where Whites are willing to pay the uninvited dependants to go to their own lands - but, of course, many would still rather live in White built nations than their own, even if you pay them..

    As we all know, non-Whites have absolutely nothing to offer Whites aside from more disease & crime, as they can only do jobs in industries created by Whites, and they cannot create.

    How much more help do they need in order to be able to get by without depending on parasitizing from superior people & nations..

    I don't think they'll ever be capable but hope they can one day prove me wrong.

  • Why do some people choose to be "oppressed"?

    Why do so many non-White people choose to live in White-built countries and then complain about being "oppressed"?

    One professor of psychology explained that it's a known tactic to shift responsibility of their own peoples failures onto others.

    That makes complete sense, but I'd also like to hear the opinions of the inferior specimens who opt to live in White-built countries, for understandable reasons, but then beg to be considered as 'equals'.

    Gender Studies5 days ago
  • Can Americans claim to be patriots if they disagree with the Founding Fathers & the fundamental principles?

    In the 'Naturalization Act of 1790' it states that citizenship should be restricted to "free white person(s) ... of good character".

    If someone disagrees with that fundamental principle & think they know better than the founding fathers, do you think they can reasonably argue that they are patriotic?

    4 AnswersPolitics5 days ago
  • Do you mind being made to become a minority?

    Dear White people,  how do you feel about being made to become a minority in your own ancestral homelands while other people are allowed to retain their own countries & cultures for their own people, and celebrate them, while not offering you equal rights within them?  What some people call 'equality'..

    For example:

    White Americans will be a minority by 2040's

    Brits will be a minority by 2060's

    France will be a predominantly muslim country, with nukes, by 2060.

    Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2060's.

    Same for most European countries, minority by 2060's.

    Same with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, nearly all White countries. 

    Notice it is only happening in White countries while any other people are allowed to have their own countries.

    Does it bother you that only White people are told they are 'bad' for wanting their own country for their own people, as everyone else does?

    Do you think it will be a good or bad thing when your people have given their homelands away and people from different cultures have altered it to suit themselves?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups3 weeks ago