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I mostly post in YouTube, Men's Health and Polls & Surveys section in Y!A. I started YouTube in October 2008 and I have generated over 1.3 Million Views in total on my videos. I own 4 Popular Youtube Accounts that are all Monetized and I consider YouTube as my job. I currently earn around £100/2months with all my 4 Accounts linked to one adsense account. I know everything about YouTube and it's features. I am a nerd for YouTube.

  • What counties are near LAX airport?

    What counties are near LAX airport? Within a 30 minute drive of the airport, ideally. I live near Los Angeles and plan to move near LAX to get a job with an airline and am looking for apartments.

    Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersLos Angeles6 years ago
  • Is a chest tattoo going to look stupid on a skinny person?

    Title says it all really. I'm really skinny and thinking of getting my first tattoo on the right side of my chest next year, I want it to be quite big but nothing massive like some chest pieces. I'm kinda thinking of the chest because I don't want any tattoos where my skin would need to be shown for work.

    4 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • What song is this?

    I probably won't get the answer but it's sung by a girl from probably the 70s or 80s? She sings 'oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh' multiple times in it and my mum thought it was from susan and the banjos but I can't find anyone under that band name and she thought the song was something like hong kong girl?? Can't find it under that name either :/

    1 AnswerLyrics7 years ago
  • Enough money to move out?

    Do you think $20,000 in savings (and still employed) is enough to move out of your parents and rent alone?

    I don't actually plan on moving out yet because I have no reason to (might as well not pay rent for as long as I can take) but was just wondering. :)


    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Threat via Skype, assistance?

    Received multiple threats via Skype, he lives in Connecticut and I'm in London, UK. Who should I report it to? I have evidence.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Name change in home country (UK), USA Permanent Resident. Is it possible?

    Hoping someone can assist me with this question. I am a UK citizen and I have a green card in the USA and I am hoping to have my legal name change before my 18th birthday next year. I am wanting to change my name in the UK (by deed poll) and that's not an issue getting all my stuff in the UK changed over to my new name but when it comes to all my American stuff to change... will they do it and will they accept a legal document of a name change issued by the UK government? The DMV seems to say otherwise that the 'true full name' document must be issued by the US government or jurisdiction??

    So, will SSA, DMV and USCIS accept a foreign name change document issued in the UK?

    Really hoping for a positive response because it is so much more difficult (and costs a lot more) getting my name changed in California than in the UK.

    1 AnswerImmigration7 years ago
  • Tips for showering with a brand new helix piercing?


    Does anyone with experience have any tips on showering with a brand new helix piercing? It's my first cartilage piercing, have 4 other lobe piercings though (I assume cartilage will hurt more under running water & shampoo?) :)

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Sort of confused with US taxes with my current situation?

    I'm 16 (17 in June), I'm a Chief Operating Officer (as of Jan 2014) of a company incorporated in Ireland but I entirely work from home, here in the US and since it's based in Ireland they aren't going to withhold any tax for me.. so under law am I self-employed or would I be considered employed? Do I have anything to worry about? My salary goes only into my US bank account. I'm not exactly earning a lot of money but I would suspect my net earnings to be around $15,000 - $20,000 in 2014.

    I have a CPA but was just wondering for future reference when the time comes for 2014 tax return.

    Many thanks. :)

    3 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • Will it be impossible to get a lease after just turning 18?

    Can anyone help with this?

    I'm going to turn 18 next year and obviously won't have any credit history but I'd be interested in leasing a pre-owned car (possibly a BMW or Audi), would it be possible to for me to do that and be able to make payments myself? I could put a down payment of probably $15k.

    I would have my father lease it but he has a lease on a Porsche 911 and doesn't want to have a second lease. Would my dad have to co-sign? And if he does have to co-sign, does it affect his own credit score?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • Really expensive insurance for new 16yo driver?


    I'm 16 years old and I passed my driving test on Jan 23, 2014. I want to get insured asap and be added onto my fathers policy. Our insurance guy told us it would be around a MASSIVE $400 a month at the CHEAPEST!! Near $2,000 per 6 months, this can't be serious can it? Is our insurance referral ripping us off? My friend said it should be around $150 a month.

    ALSO.. Is it possible to get my own policy on my own at 16 and not be added to my dad's policy?

    I live in a SMALL town, Palm Springs in California. It's not like I'm in LA..

    12 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Is the process of legally changing your first name difficult?

    I have always been called Gabriel by my own family all my life but my legal name at birth was rushed and they decided to make Theo my legal name. I've been wanting to change my name legally to Gabriel for ages, I turn 18 next year. I have a couple of questions:

    1) I am a UK born citizen and I am a legal resident of the United States (I have a green card). Do I need to change my name legally in BOTH countries?

    2) Is it difficult to fill out the required forms and can it be done without legal counsel? Money isn't a issue though, just want it to be as simple as possible.

    3) Is it hard to have my SSN, Drivers license, bank accounts, etc. changed once my name is legally changed and is there a required amount of time before or after changing my name?

    I live in the state of California.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • When do you drive away after a car accident?


    Could anyone tell me in the case of a car accident, when is it appropriate to leave the scene? Do the police tell you when it's OK to leave?

    8 AnswersSafety7 years ago
  • Can a parent of an under 18 sign an NDA on behalf of the minor?

    Is this possible to do under law? (mainly looking for Californian laws)

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How to get sleep pattern back?

    I stayed up until 5:50am one night to watch something important and since then I haven't had ONE good night sleep.. It takes me around 2-3 hours to go to sleep.. Please give me some tips, ideas and help to get it back on track, it use to take me around 15-30 minutes to fall asleep. Thanks in advance

    *writing this at 5:34am here... :/

    I've had this problem since the very end of may

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Can you fly alone unaccompanied without a flight attendant at 15?

    I will be flying with my dad to LA around September but I will be returning to London again ALONE which will be in around March 2013 and will always be going to the US alone after continusy every 6 months and I KNOW I can travel but can I travel alone alone, without a flight attendant guiding me through to the gate and immigration.


    Probably flying Virgin Atlantic.

    International flight - London (LHR) - Los Angeles (LAX)

    5 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • Never been to a school, tips and ideas?

    Does any of you know any good programs for people who have no education? (home-schooled)

    I'm ideally looking for those living in the states, I'm English but will have my permanent residence toward the end of 2012.. not looking to go to any college or anything for a few years (14 ATM) but was just wondering, is there such programs? they have them in the UK so maybe?

    2 AnswersOther - Education9 years ago
  • What could happen if you lie in a licence agreement?

    what 'COULD' happen if they find out that you have lied on a TV licening agreement so called

    "NON EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AGREEMENT" They are asking me to give out my Telephone number which I don't really want to put and also what could happen if you lie or put false info on a licensing agreement. It's for Channel 4, huge British TV programme.

    They said when I got their email: could you please read, sign and return the attached license agreement. Once this has been signed we are legally allowed to use the video.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Advice for only being able to breathe through one nostril?

    Is there anything I could get to sort it out? I've had it all my life.. it's quite hard to breathe when I'm running too. Thanks in advance. (Age: 14)

    5 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago