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Alexanders and Katherines mama

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  • Lemonade recipes please?

    I have lemons and some pink grapefruit and I want to make "lemonade" with them. I don't know the ratio of lemon to grapefruit and water and sugar. So any help would be awesome.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • I wonder if anyone else has done this?

    Have you ever picked up something hot and not noticed/it didn't hurt until you looked? Last night I picked the cookie sheet out of the oven with my bare hand to put a pizza in. I usually have the oven mitt on my left and open the oven with my right. I had the oven mitt on my right hand. I put the pizza in closed the door and remembered "Hey I forgot the cookie sheet" thinking I had just moved it to the other rack. I then look at the counter to see if I had sat it there and noticed I'm holding it with my bare hand. I dropped it and stuck my hand under the tap. I managed to burn my palm and thumb pretty bad. I have two tiny blisters on my ring and pinkie fingers. I was playing a game with my daughter prior and was planning on checking what my son was banging outside and was generally distracted at the time. Another time when I was distracted I was stirring pasta with a tiny fork, and didn't notice I had my thumb in the water the whole time. It didn't hurt until I noticed my thumb was wet and bright red.

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Strep throat or tonsilitis?

    I've had tonsillitis when I was a teenager and I remember being really ill. I'm a 35 now and I had a raging fever and sore throat just on the one side that started Saturday night. Yesterday the fever was really bad but the tylenol brought it down and I was still able to mostly function. Today I don't have the fever since it broke sometime this morning but my throat was slimy feeling and really sore on both sides. I don't have a runny nose, other than some leftover mucus from the last cold I had about two weeks ago. What I was wondering is should I wait a day or two and see what happens? Is this possibly step or is tonsillitis again? I don't have white or yellow patches on my tonsils but they are red and inflamed. And since I always get sore throats and ear aches can I request to get my damn tonsils out? I would rather they be removed before I got older and it causes more problems due to my age.

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Broken bone and swelling and tingling?

    I broke my fibula about a week and a half ago. The hospital didn't cast the foot just a tensor bandage. My foot/ankle are still swollen and I'm off it 95% of the day. I only get up to use the computer or go to the bathroom. I have it elevated slightly. Not above my head but on the recliner part of the couch. I don't know if this is normal or what. The last bone I broke was when I was a kid.

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • Thyroid issues? Can anyone help me figure this out or have some advice?

    I had my son 8 years ago and quickly lost the weight afterwards. Then I went on the depo shot and gained 30 pounds pretty quickly and was all crazy and hormonal. I stopped the shot went on b.c for about 2 years. Was crazy hormonal on that too. Got a IUD with no hormones was fine but still unable to lose the weight. I had a pretty physically demanding job too and I didn't lose any weight. I didn't gain any but I've been stuck at the same weight for those past 8 years. No diet changes or amount of activity brought any changes. I had my daughter and lost 10 pounds after her birth and then went on the pill and gained it back and am now stuck at that weight again. I have dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails. I just look and feel dull. My periods are heavy but short. They come whenever. There has been no set time to them. I used to be able to know when it was coming as it used to be super regular. Now it can be a week late or twice a month or none at all for some months. I feel sad and anxious over the littlest problem. I don't feel like me and its been getting worse. I have a aunt that had her thyroid removed and my older brother is on thyroid medications. He also had a pituitary tumour removed twice and one that was "removed" with radiation. Could I have thyroid issues too? I'm going to the doctor next week but I wanted to ask on here for some advice first.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Weird dreams/lucid dreams?

    I was laying in bed last night and I was asleep. But I was having a "dream that I wasn't asleep and that if I didn't fall asleep soon I was going to get up. I then bit down on my tongue very hard and was jolted out of sleep. If my eyes hadn't flown open and having the sensation of being jostled out of sleep I would have sworn I was awake through it all. I've had these dreams a couple times this past week. I'm asleep but thinking I'm not. The other night my own snoring was keeping me up. I could hear it and was bothered by it. Its like being in a coma and your mind is still active but your body is asleep. I'm sleeping enough and being in a deep sleep all night long but I'm not rested when I get up. Its driving me nuts to sleep but not feel rested. Anyone else have these?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Could sleeves be added to this dress without making it look silly?

    Im going to a wedding at the end of April. I don't like to wear sleeveless anything. And April's too early (I think) for sleeveless. There is a awesome seamstress down the street from me who can do it. The question is will it look silly or will it ruin the look of the dress. Its not a perfect dress but I'm on a tight budget and it'll do. :)

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set does it work?

    I have dance central for Kinect I love to dance to that and like that even after 20 minutes some of my muscles hurt. Especially those flabbity stretched out from having kids tummy ones. I don't like to exercise if it feels like Im exercising. I would much rather have fun and get exercise at the same time. So do these video's work? Is it worth the investment? I heard zumba for the kinect is terrible so I'm looking into this instead. Anyone lose weight using this?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Possible ulcer? Anyone have this?

    Is it possible that I have a ulcer? My stomach has sharp stabby or sometimes just aches. It usually happens when I get mad or irritated. Like when I get stressed or pissed off. I have heartburn or gas when this happen also. Even minor irritations have me sore, I'm going to see the doctor in 2 weeks, I'm just wondering.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Stomach pains and stress/upset.?

    When ever something upsets or bothers me or I worry etc I get stomach pains. Sometimes they are stabbing and sometimes persistent and achy. I have heartburn lately and am taking zantac for it. I plan to go see the doctor. Just wondering if anyone else had this.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Yeast infections? Any advice?

    Ive been having issues with these since the birth of my daughter 20 months ago Its not constant. I get one treat it and a few months later it pops up again. I want to treat to have my husband treat it as well. So we don't pass it back and forth. He's had no symptoms but still I would rather not take a chance.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Dyslexia in 7 (almost 8) year old boy? Or possibly something else?

    My son is having trouble learning at school. He makes his numbers and occasionally letters backwards. He's unaware he's done it until its pointed out. When reading he'll throw out words that make no sense to what he's reading. Except that it starts with the same letter. Saying Place instead of Pig. He hates reading. He can read well sometimes but he doesn't grasp what he's read. If I read him a book a couple times he can read it back to me. But he won't be able to tell me what he's read about if I ask a question. He loses stuff all the time. He just can remember where he put it. He's eager to please at school but is far behind his class. They took blood to test for fragile x and its scared me to death. He was a early walker and talker. And very talkative. He loves to talk just for the sake of talking sometimes and is very social. Im sad for him. He struggles so hard to be close to his classmates.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Dyslexia in 7 (almost 8) year old boy? Or possibly something else?

    My son is having trouble learning at school. He makes his numbers and occasionally letters backwards. He's unaware he's done it until its pointed out. When reading he'll throw out words that make no sense to what he's reading. Except that it starts with the same letter. Saying Place instead of Pig. He hates reading. He can read well sometimes but he doesn't grasp what he's read. If I read him a book a couple times he can read it back to me. But he won't be able to tell me what he's read about if I ask a question. He loses stuff all the time. He just can remember where he put it. He's eager to please at school but is far behind his class. They took blood to test for fragile x and its scared me to death. He was a early walker and talker. And very talkative. He loves to talk just for the sake of talking sometimes and is very social. Im sad for him. He struggles so hard to be close to his classmates.

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Cooking a stew in the oven?

    I lent my Mom the only big pot I have so I need to make my stew in the oven. I have no idea how to go about this. Other than that it makes a good stew. I have a roasting pan and lid to cook it in. I want to make the same kind of stew I'd get if done on the stove top. I don't want one with tomato's I want a stew with a gravy. Nothing too complicated. Any idea's?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Best dog for asthmatics?

    My son really really wants a dog. I want to give him one. I wondered what dog is best for people with asthma. My husband (who is the asthmatic) wants to get a mini doberman. I think its too small for a family with young kids. Especially considering one is under 2. But she was/is good with the cat and my Mom's dog. Basically bc she is indifferent to their existence. :)

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My 13 month old daughter calls me Dada and Im her Mom?

    Did anyone else's baby do this? She calls me Dada and her dad Da-dee. Im not concerned I think its funny, but its odd. For months I thought she was calling for her Dad and she was calling me. My son called us by the right names. I tell her that Mama doing this or Mama's going to do that. But to her Im Dada.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Stubborn 7 year old? Anyone else dealt with this?

    For the past month Ive been having problems with my son going to school. At home he is wonderful. He does everything I ask him. He has his stubborn moments where I have had to crack down on him at home too but for the most part I couldn't ask for a nicer kid. Ive asked him if there is a bully and he said no. I asked if the work is too hard, he said no. He's have trouble reading but has help and is making progress there. But when I take him I have to practically drag him into the school yard. He follows me as I leave. He tells me he isn't going. Ive had to drag him and throw him in the front door and restrain him bc he was going to leave and run home. Im scared to drop him off bc I don't know if he's going to take off and Im scared to stay bc that gives him a reason to cling to me and cause a scene. He has a year od sister and never has shown any jealousy off her ever. He's very good with her. Ive taken toys, his computer time, t.v everything from him. Today was supposed to be his first communion and he raised such a stink about doing it we had to drag him out of church and bring him home. Ive taken the t.v out of his room and taken all his toys off him. I don't know what else to do. Nothing is working. If something is bothering him he won't tell me what it is. If I ask him "does this bother you?" He will say yes. It could be anything. I could ask if the blue sky is the reason for him acting out and he'd say yes. Im seriously thinking of taking him to a therapist.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Period question? Anyone else have this happen?

    I haven't had a period since the end of December. I had just come off ortho tri-cyclen lo. This past weekend I had some bleeding, and passed a weird thick brownish pink discharge. It wasn't enough to get onto a pad I only noticed when I wiped. It stopped completely after a day. Lots of cramps on that day. I haven't seen anything that weird since the "period" before I confirmed pregnancy with my daughter. And that was a month after that "period" happened. I took a test the week (possibly 2) before this happened and it was negative. My husband has had a vasectomy in October but he hasn't had his sperm checked to make sure it worked 100% yet. So anyone else have a period like this?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • A vasectomy question?

    I came off the pill in December. He had a vasectomy October 9th. He was supposed to get his sperm checked in December/january-ish. He hasn't been able to get the time of work to get it tested. I came off the pill bc I was miserable and cranky and making everyone around me miserable too. I was stupidly under the assumption that by the time the pills were out of my system he would be "sterile." Now I haven't had a period since december. Is it possible that he still had "active" sperm 4 months later? It was like I said stupid. But I guess we were both tempting fate. We wanted to stop at 2. But if we did end up with at least one more, at least we half assed tried to stop it. :) Well learned men of the y.a men's health board whats your take on this?

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Missed 2 periods coming off b.c?

    I haven't had a period since the end of december. My husband had a vasectomy in october. He hasn't had his sperm checked to make sure it worked. I came off the pill bc I was a total miserable monster. Has anyone else missed 2 periods coming off the pill? I was on ortho tricyclen lo. I missed one when I came off them before but never 2.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago