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Living in New Zealand. Work for An Animal Health Care provider. Love mixing it up daily.

  • Why wont this site let us comment on the latiest news?

    Its pretty crap that we only get to comment on old news. To PC and all articles you get to comment on are crap topics that have very little to no bearing on local society.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Solar Panelling made mandatory?

    Why has the government not taken a stronger stance in implementing solar panelling into residential sectors?

    They pay for themselves after 8 years, mine come with a 15 year warranty and have a life expectancy of 30 years. I do not draw any energy from the power grid but am conencted to it and sell back power to the main grid at $10-15 a month this is stored excess I have.

    With the way water is becoming more scarce isnt about time our politicians wised up to the money hungry corporations and said enough is enough?

    9 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Greenpeace NZ been critisized for its tactics recently over boarding coal ship?

    NZ police have critisized greenpeaces actions into protesting against a coal ship in lyttleton harbour as the protest had depleted police in Christchurch.

    My first question is why so many police were needed at a greenpeace protest. Greenpeace were protesting against carbon emissions from coal and that the usage of coal should be phased out because of global impacting of carbon emissions. 4 greenpeace people were arrested during the protest.

    From the publics point of view the police should not have used so many resources in one place, that was a bit of a over kill as its greenpeace for starters and the likelihood of extreme conflict going to be minimal 30 police needed, sounds as if a lot went just for a gander.

    A lady rang 111 to get assistance for a grievience bodily harm but there was no one to respond to her call due to lack of police that were at the protest 30 cops.

    Whos to blame?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Pricing for a wave maker?

    Im looking at maybe building a swimming pool with a wave maker, not sure on size yet as dependant on price. maybe around 100mtr wide by 200mtr long. Would like to know if anyone knows off a price or website for pricing. Soemthing that can make a wave about 3-5ft high, I know largely this depends on the output off force fromt he wave maker and the angle of accent in shallow water. Just need the pricing side first everything else seems relatively irrelevant

    2 AnswersSurfing1 decade ago
  • I have been asked to train to go pro?

    I am 31 and just joined a golf club for the very first time, and have put in my first 6 cards for a 9 handicap rating. I have always just gone out for a smack teaching myself to play by trial and error, our club pro has booked time with me at no expense as he thinks I could go pro in 1-2 years easily. Im not to keen on the idea as I do not like public spot light and committement to sports but he thinks I have great natural talent. I started playing golf recreationally 3 years ago. Best card I put in was scratch when I played with the club pro 2 weeks ago, a few 3 putts let me down but had 2 eagles and a few birdies. Should I go for it? or just enjoy the sport like I have been with out the added pressure?

    It is not in my heart to compete

    10 AnswersGolf1 decade ago
  • Isnt it about time the government put laws in place to save our native kiwi?

    Wouldnt it be a good idea to stop dogs going into bush lands? the amount of pig dogs that rip kiwis up is enormous. Hunters who say there dogs dont do this are liers, Ive hunted all my life without the aid of dogs (lazy hunters use dogs) and have seen them attack kiwis. The ban off pig dogs in bush lands wouldnt stop the decrease in numbers but its a start. Feral cats, rats and stoats also have contributed to there decline as well as deforestation by money hungry corporations, the likes off Fletcher building and Carter Holt. So why do we stand for it? simple money.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Land in New Zealand?

    Should it not be the governments responsibility to sort out Maori land claims instead off making the Maori put applications through and making them pay out off there own pocket? wasnt it the european government that took this land without paying for it in the first place? why is the government not looking into this? are they hoping people forget about it so they can sell that land off to over seas investors like Queenstown, Auckland & all the other major cities are currently doind. The Maoris who are the original occupants seem to be hard done by and it is a form off suppression.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I would like to see solar panelling incorporated in residential sectors.?

    Not only would this save money to the average house hold electricity bill. Solar panelling will pay for itself after 6 years meaning anything after that is profit. It has low maintenance costs, you can sell excess back to the grid, and also you save a lot off water compared to what hydro dams use. There would be a significant decline in water usage if governments implemented.

    Your views people would it be a good idea?

    3 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago