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Elizabeth Becket
Don't feel good from alchohol or weed anymore.?
3 AnswersOther - Health4 years agoPC audio playing through both headphones and internal speakers?
I have just formatted my PC and had to reinstall the drivers but when I installed the audio drivers the PC sound started to come out of both the speakers and whatever headphones I put into it. This happens when I insert them into either the front or back jack sockets. I've tried disabling the internal speaker but can't figure out how and my sound driver has no audio manager.
PC6 years agoE.U. Resident but U.K. Citizen looking to study in the U.K. finance conditions?
So as it sais I'm a British citizen but have been living in Italy for the past 6 years. In 2016 I plan on going to study an undergraduate degree back in the UK.
The thing is that all the information on student finance and so on refers to "If you come from the E.U." or "If you come from England" and I'm not sure if this means whether I'm supposed to be an E.U. citizen or an English citizen.
Also could the SAAs cover my tuition fees if I study in Scotland because I lived in the E.U. or do I have to be an E.U. citizen to be eligible for that?
2 AnswersStudying Abroad7 years ago17 year old travelling the the US alone?
I am currently 17 and a UK citizen but an Italian resident, I am thinking about going to Oregon in June to stay with a Penpal I've known for quite some time. I know that it is possible to fly alone and I won't need a visa because I'm a British citizen, but what would the procedures be for a 17 year old to go and stay with the family of someone who isn't part of their own family? And who won't have a lot of spending money apart from enough for the flight and a bit more for myself seeming as my pen friend said he will cover most of the costs of my stay there. I know that they have to assure you have enough money for your stay there don't they. How much would I have to have in my case?
3 AnswersOther - United States7 years agoEsercizio semplice sul funzione di trasferimento?
Dato questo circuito.
Con un generatore in continua e l'altro in alternata e con 5 resistenze, 3 in parallelo e 2 in serie. Calcolare la funzione di trasferimento (utilizando le formule e non i valori)
Capisco piu o meno come si calcola la funzione di trasferimento ma sono un po confuso con questo esercizio.
5 stelle e miglior risposta per chi mi svolge questo.
1 AnswerIngegneria7 years agoQuestions on doing University in the UK coming from Italy?
I'm a British citizen who has been living in Italy for 6 years. I will finish Italian secondary school when I'm 19 in a few years and want to go back to Britain for university but I have a few questions I still am unsure about.
-What are the processes for applying to a university if I was coming from an Italian secondary school but was still a British citizen? Would I be treated like an Italian or like the ordinary British student?
-On one university course it said on the International Baccalaureate you needed 35 points overall, with 6,6,6 in Higher Level subjects, including Mathematics.
I honestly don't know anything about an International Baccalaureate. Is it a separate test I have to take if I want to study there? And which are the Higher level subjects?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agoIs there a way to set my phone to use internet only on Wi-Fi?
My phone is still using pay as you go. And it costs a fortune to connect to the internet through the SD card. I want it to only use the internet when and only when it's connected to a Wi-Fi. Is that possible?
The phone is an LG L5 II
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years agoWhy doesn't this simple ANSI C program work?
I've written this C program to determine whether two numbers are co prime and for some reason when Dev C++ runs it, it always tells me that they're co prime no matter what. I'm pretty sure the basic algorithm is correct seeming as I've tested it on several tracing tables and they've all come out correct.
Does anyone see what's wrong with it?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int A, B, min, i;
int prime = 1;
printf ("\n Insert A: ");
scanf ("%d", &A);
printf ("\n Insert B: ");
scanf ("%d", &B);
if (A<=B) {
min = A;}
else {
min = B;}
while ((i<=min)&&(prime=1)){
if ((A%i==0)&&(B%i==0)){
prime = 0;}
if (prime==1) {
printf ("\n Coprime. \n");}
else {
printf ("\n Not coprime. \n");}
In case you don't know Coprime numbers are those which are prime to EACH OTHER! Lets take an example:-
Say 12 and 18, are these co-prime? No because they are divisible by numbers like 2,3,6 .
But if we take 21 and 8 they ARE co-prime. because THEY HAVE NO COMMON DIVISORS.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years agoA few questions about the movie Elysium?
I've watched the movie and there a lot of things in it that I don't understand.
1. Why would earth's inhabitants insist on breaching Elysium, despite the fact that each time they attempt to do so they are shot down in space before reaching or just get deported back again.
2. Why did Max even attempt to fix the jam that was holding up the chamber door at the plant where he worked, knowing fully well the doors would close as soon as he did and he would be irradiated.
3. Why did they irradiate droids anyway?
4. Why did nothing happen to Kruger after he got the exosuit cerebral connection ripped out of his head? Surely all those wires in there would have mangled a lot on their way out.
5. Did they actually just screw the exosuit on to Maxes body? Because that looked like what they were doing. If they actually did to that then he would have suffered serious muscle damage and blood loss from it seeming as those screws were pretty damned big.
1 AnswerMovies8 years agoAnyone else think death is the perfect state of being?
I've always thought death was perfect. Of course you only get to live once so I have no plans of rushing to it. But does anyone else like the idea of being in a state of being in which you can never be sad, angry, disappointing, frustrated or so on and be in just like a never ending sleep. You'd miss out on being happy and so on but I honestly think it would be worth it.
Am I alone on this one?
6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoDoes the Bible even teach about Heaven and Hell?
I've been told that the concepts of heaven and hell were never mentioned in the Bible and were just lies formulated to try and get more people to convert to Christianity.
Is this true?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoIs it OK to use Dog Tick spray on Humans?
I found a tick on my leg after going for a walk earlier today and decided to use the tick killing spray that I use on my dog against it. I think the tick is dead because it isn't growing in size or moving at all but it's still attached to me and I'm starting to wonder whether it was a good idea. Should I try to remove it with tweezers or leave it to drop out and should I use the dog tick spray next time I get one?
2 AnswersFirst Aid8 years agoOsama Bin Laden was more Anti-Capitalist than he was Jihadist?
A friend of mine told me that Osama Bin Laden did what he did more because of his hate of Capitalism than his hate of non Muslims and only used the principles of Jihad to justify what he was doing and attain more followers to his cause to slay the infidels when he in fact just wanted to slay Capitalists.
Do you think there could be any truth behind this?
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years agoWhen will religion die out?
It seems very possible, and the Atheist movement is steadily growing day by day with all the new Scientific and Philosophical developments we have now in modern day substituting most questions which were once answered with religion. If you had to predict, imagining that Atheism continues to grow the way it is now, how many years do you think it will be until mankind finally becomes almost completely Atheist?
I'm gonna personally say about 500 years, but I'm probably far off.
Also, Religious Fanatics please **** off. Your preachy **** about "noone can turn away from the might of God" and so on won't get best answer.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoDo most people agree Islam is in the worst state it has ever been right now?
During the middle ages the Muslim world was one of the few sources of technological advancement and enlightenment in the world however today Muslim countries are among some of the worst out there. Still clinging to barbaric ideologies like Shariah and constantly preventing women from having any forms of equal rights and still endorsing fanatical militant groups like Al Qaeda?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoDeath really isn't fair is it?
We're given life and allowed to experience all it's wonders only in the end to have it taken away from you no matter what you've done and condemned to an eternity of inexistence.
I sometimes think it would have been better never to have been born than be forced to face this reality.
8 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoDoes philosophizing cause unhappiness?
I'm was reading a book by Nietzsche and I came to a section where it says the last words of Socrates: "Crito, we ought to offer a cock to Asclepsius. See to it, and don't forget."
According to Nietzsche, Asclepius was the Greek god of healing and you would traditionally sacrifice a cock to him after you had overcome an illness. To him this meant that Socrates saw life as the passing of a bad sickness, and that now he was happy it was over.
Nietzsche thought that most philosophers considered life as a curse and a burden because philosophizing makes the person truly see how dark and wrong life is.
I'm sure there are the odd exceptions like Epicurus but would you agree that most great philosophers had unhappy lives because of what they did and that being more reflective of life causes you to discover the worst of it?
11 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago