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  • Help!! Graduating Sunday but I'm feeling super bloated.... tips?

    So I am graduating from college on Sunday (May 12 ) and these past few days I am feeling extremely bloated and I'm worried my dress won't be comfortable. I'm also worrued that I won't be able to sit through the ceremony in comfort.

    I'm not due for my period so I know that's not a factor for this weekend.

    Any tips to reduce bloating by saturday night pretty much would be extremely helpful. I drink large amounts of water and green tea daily and I generally don't eat fast food and I'm not much of a drinker of alcholic beverages.

    Thanks in advance for any and all tips!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • How serious is this? All advice appreciated.?

    So I went out over the weekend, and drank more than my body was used to. I ended up going to my car (I had a DD so no worries about that.) and I simply fell asleep in the passenger seat waiting for the night to end and everyone to get out and my DD to get to my car. I find out the following night, Saturday night to be exact, that one of the people who were there posted a picture of me as a meme with a quote that really is not funny on facebook. I sent this person a text message asking them to remove this image and it was done. But the damage has been done. I feel completely disrespected and a little embarrassing. I have a few people on my side with this, however I want him to learn his lesson.

    Should I go to the police with this? What can I expect from them if I do bring it up?

    I know I can forget about expecting a real apology from this person, they are now as good as dead to me. I intend on confronting him as well in person, what can I say to him so that he sees that what he did is not funny and in fact is something that should have consequences.

    I refuse to let images like that go public, and he needs to deal with the consequences. So any advice is highly appreciated and a thank you is given in advance.

    I have no been able to sleep, I saw the image and have been livid since. I have had my closest friends on my case trying to calm me down, and the calm I am in is not a good calm. I have many thoughts of possibilities for revenge in my mind but I want to do this the right way.

    Thanks again.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • I have no idea what is going on. Help?

    So I am on the pill. Have been on it for over a year now. I've never had any issues with spotting or anything so I am freaking out a little bit.

    The Saturday before I started my last week of the pack for this month of birth control I was with my bf and we fooled around. He was inside of me but we didn't really have sex because he didn't have a condom at all so he pulled out. And he used his fingers. Now I don't know if this is because he was a little rough or whatever the reason could be but I had my period as normal and this week was the first week of a fresh pack of both control. And I'm spotting. I don't think I could be pregnant because I am on the pill and we didn't have sex.

    Should I be worried or not? I'm really just trying to figure out why I would be spotting a days after my period ended which was Sunday.

    Any information and advice is helpful. And much thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • 02 Sonata and smoke coming from under the hood. help!!?

    I've had this car since basically January and have had no problems. On Saturday night I was driving home and as I turned something popped near the steering wheel and it got hard to turn and I had smoke coming from under the Hood. I had my dad and my friend(both mechanics) look at it and they found where the smoke was coming from. Came from the back of the engine near the rest of the car. I also lost liquid that worked with the power steering (I think that's what it is). My dad tried to start the car and it was making a clicking noise and not starting at all. My lights were out and everything. Got the car a jump and got it to our garage. My dad replaced the cracked pipe and I drove it to work today, not too far and I had smoke coming out again.I know he told me that there is a part that needs to be replaced as well as my brakes but I want to know what could be causing the smoke this time around. Any information is helpful and I thank you all in advance.

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • Is my body not liking this birth control?

    I recently switched the brand of birth control that I am on due to price and I had some issues at the pharmacy. I was originally placed on Loestrin Fe and after a gyno visit my doctor placed me on Sprintec because its more affordable for me as a college student. This month was my first pack of Sprintec. I got my period on the sugar pills as usual and I got really bad cramps as well as a very heavy flow. The second day was painful as well and the flow was still heavy but not like the day before. Today is the third day and tomorrow is the last pill of the pack.

    What I want to know is if my body is not liking the Sprintec or if those symptoms are similar to what it is like when switching birth control.

    I don't want a heavy flow and horrible cramps because that's what I had before going on birth control plus my job requires me to swim and teach lessons and be on duty (lifeguard) for an hour or so at a time so wearing pads isn't something I can do on a regular basis. This week I didn't mind it because it was our week break from lessons but next month I have to be in the water and I'm afraid this kind of flow won't allow me to wear the tampons I usually use.

    Any advice is appreciated and all info about switching birth control and the side affects of doing that. And thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why do my nails keep breaking and what to do to make them stronger?

    I am a lifeguard, I work indoors at the moment. My nails are usually very strong but lately regardless of the length, they will break. It won't be a clean break either and it usually hurts. This time it happened on short nails, I filed them down a couple days ago. It happened while putting a book in my bookbag. I don't wear fake nails often, last time I did was before the summer ended.

    What can I do to make my nails strong again?? I really do not like having uneven nails and then having the find ways to not break a nail further, this time I superglued the end that broke because filing it down would mean that the top half would basically be gone or super uneven.

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Follow up to a previously posted question. Is there still something to worry about?

    I posted a similar question a while ago but I realized that I didn't exactly explain the situation as well as it should have been.

    In December of 2010, my bf and I had sex. Now, I had taken the first placebo pill of the pack earlier that day. He had a condom on, and then the condom ended up slipping off and getting stuck inside me. He finished inside, thinking the condom was on.

    After getting the condom, I cleaned myself up like should be done, and didn't think too much of it. I got my period the next day so I think everything should be fine. The following month I took the birth control as usual (I have never missed a day since starting bc) and got my period that month as well. This month, while continuing my birth control, I decided to take a pregnancy test to have some piece of mind. Got a clear 'not pregnant' that morning that I took the test. Waited about a week and a half and did it again, receiving the 'not pregnant' notification on the digital screen.

    I keep taking the birth control as I always do, not missing a day. Should I still have something to worry about even though I got two negatives? I am going to the doctor this upcoming week, the last appointment had to get rescheduled. I will be explaining this to my doctor as well but I just want to know if there is still that chance or not.

    Thanks to all who comment

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Following up on a previous question. Should I still have something to worry about?

    I recently posted a question about whether or not there is a chance of my being pregnant. The case was that I had taken the first placebo pill of my birth control and later that day had sex with my bf. I got my period the next day and the following month due to the birth control.

    Now with that said, I bought a Walgreen's brand pregnancy test that had a digital reading, and did one test one morning and then another one about 5 days later. Both stated clearly 'not pregnant.'

    Now, should that be enough to tell me that I am not pregnant or is there still something I need to worry about? I have a doctors appointment in the next week, and I am pretty sure there will be blood drawn (its the first visit with a new doctor).

    I will be telling the doctor about the incident as well, but until I do go for the appointment, I want to have a little piece of mind because I have school and work to focus on obviously.

    All responses are appreciated as always, except for those with answers that just make no sense whatsoever. And a great thanks in advance to all that answer.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is it possible with the first placebo pill of birth control?

    I have been on birth control since about August 2010, and in December 2010, the same day I took the first placebo/sugar pill of the pack, I had intercourse with my bf. He wore a condom, however, it ended up slipping off, and we do not know exactly when it slipped, but he did finish inside. I was able to retrieve the condom from inside me after trying for about 15 minutes. I also got my period the next day. Now I know that sperm can live up to about a week inside a woman's body, but I am wondering if it is even close to possible that I might be pregnant. I had gotten my period for the following month, obviously due to the birth control.

    I have been consistent with the birth control since I have started, taking it everyday. It may not be at the same time every morning but at a remotely similar time, usually never more than a half hour off than the day before. I have never missed a pill either. I am on the Loestrin24 birth control also.

    It has just been on my mind since it happened, and we did not go to get plan B because of the birth control.

    And I know that to be sure, I should take an at home pregnancy test, but that is another question I also have. When would be a good time to take the test to get an accurate reading, knowing that I am on the pill? Also, which test would be recommended, since I have bought a test before and it came out with the wrong answer, positive when it really was negative.

    All answers are appreciated, but if you are going to be telling me that I am too young, don't bother because I am old enough obviously, and I did do some research and all say the same thing I just need to see it from a different source.

    Thank you to all in advance.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have a question about the plates of my car.?

    I currently have a car that had an accident a few weeks ago. The damage is more than the car is worth so we are no longer going to fix the car, and the insurance will take it and crush it or junk it, whatever it is they do with the cars. However, I am looking for a new car, and I was wondering that since I will be told to remove the plates prior to towing, would I still be able to use those plates once I purchase the new car?

    If so, what do I have to do in order to make sure the transition goes smoothly, as a city sticker is obviously involved as well.

    I live in Chicago if that helps in any way.

    Thank you to all in advance.

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Planning on buying a car soon, but I have questions that my parents aren't explaining to me. Help?

    So my car has finally decided to start crapping out, which is fine because it gives me all the more reason to go and buy a newer one. Now what I am really confused about is the whole down payment issue. How does that work? Like how much is a good enough minimum to give when purchasing a car for say ten grand? Whats the minimum that can be put down in order for me to be approved for credit and such as that? I want to buy a car for around that price so that I can pay it off and build my credit but I want to know as much as I can before I go to the dealer and then I get confused even more because my questions aren't being answered and my parents are there putting different thoughts in my mind.

    I'm 20 years old, so its not like I am buying my first set of wheels because I just got my license. I just want to know what is a really good amount to give for a down payment that will not necessarily pay the car off faster but that will give me the grasp of me actually being able to purchase a car and get approved for a loan or whatever is available.

    All advice is greatly appreciated, and please provide with as much information as possible.

    I know that I can get someone to co sign with me but my parents are out of the question on this, their credit is shot entirely, so I would be going solo on all of this I guess.

    Thank you soo much in advance.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • My laptop is acting up again. What could be wrong this time?

    I have a Dell inspiron 1525, which I received as a graduation gift in 2008 so it has been a good two years that I have owned this laptop. The last issue that I had with it was that it was plugged in and not charging. I had my brother have his friend (who works with computers) to check it out and he said that it could be the battery. So my brother ordered a new, extended battery for it. Works great and held its charge for a solid 4 hours or so. Now today, I am using my laptop for a school assignment and I noticed that the battery meter was showing a low battery. So I went to plug it in and let it charge while I am using it and it says yet once again "plugged in, not charging." Now I have no idea what it could be, I don't know if it is the problem of the charger now or the battery again or is my computer just being stupid and acting old and useless.

    I can't buy a new laptop right now, this one hasn't crashed (knock on wood that it doesn't) and I can't quite afford to spend the money on a new one.

    What could be wrong with my laptop??

    What can I do to fix it, I don't take it to school often so its fine staying home and being plugged in but in the case that I do need to take it to a lecture, I may be screwed.

    Please help me figure this out!!!

    All helpful responses are appreciated and thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I need ideas for explaining why i want this tattoo, help?

    So, first off, I am 20 years old, and I know I am old enough to go ahead and get a tattoo without having to have my parents sign anything. But, here's the thing, I still live at home (no intention of moving out yet, still in school working hard on a degree to make the money to move out), and my parents are super strict and conservative. And when I say strict, I mean they do not really like it when I go out and am not home by like 2am. Weird but I've accepted it so its whatever. However, due to recent financial events that have occurred in my family, I have been using a two word phrase to somehow keep myself going and not giving up and such. "Always believe" is the quote I want but it'd be in Latin of course. I am still making sure of the phrasing, I don't want the wrong translation on my body. I've already figured out where I want to place it, my left wrist, so that I can see it everyday and never forget the phrase. Plus it'd show that me and my parents pulled through and made it. So its not like its a distasteful tattoo, its got a real meaning behind why I want to get it. I'm actually thinking of whether it would be better on my right inner wrist because I am right-handed, I don't know yet but inner wrist for sure.

    Back to the issue though, my parents are really against things like this (i.e. piercings and tattoos and going crazy with hair colors and stuff like that), and they were really mad when I added second piercings to my ears at the age of 18. I still plan on getting third and then a tragus but those will come much later. They threatened to kick me out of the house when I got my belly-button pierced a few days after I turned 19. Its healed fine so there weren't any issues, just that my mom hates seeing it, which she doesn't often because I do not show my stomach off. So I want to get this tattoo and I want them to approve of it, I actually even want my mother to choose the font style. I just have no idea on how to explain to them that I really want this and that it would mean so much if they agreed to the idea. I know placement would be an issue, apparently to my career path (high school teacher) but I feel it'd be a motivating story to tell my students in the future. Plus I can hide it with a thicker bracelet if anything comes up.

    Any ideas on how to explain this to them, money would not be an issue, I'd definitely pay for it myself, as I did the piercings. And taking care of it would not be an issue, I know what to do. Its just getting them to agree to it within the next year or so and not looking at me like I'm going to go and do something more drastic (I prefer small tasteful tattoos, not body covering ones, on my body).

    I just need a good list of reasons other than what I already have and ways to get them to say the ok and then not mind looking at it in the future before I move out of my house.

    Thanks in advance to all. :)

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my puppy? She is more clingy than usual.?

    I have a 2 yr old miniature pinscher mix. She is usually the kind to cuddle and be happy and hyper. But for some reason, today she seems really quiet and out of it. I walked in the house after school today and she was happy to see me jumping on me and all, which is normal, but my dad said she was panting funny for a little while and she never wants to leave his side. Now she is sitting on my lap, and I noticed that her ears are really warm, as is her whole body/ Her nose is wet but its a little warm, and she panted a few times when I didn't want to pick her up. I did in the end but I really want to know what could be wrong with her. I think she may have an upset stomach because she was playing with a foam ball my dad gave her and she bit it up and may have swallowed a few pieces but I am not sure that is what is causing her sudden lack of energy and sudden want to be near someone and in someone's arms the whole time.

    Any advice is apprieciated, and I know that if she isnt better tomorrow I am taking her to the vet.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why isn't my internet working right?

    I have a Dell inspiron 1525 laptop, have had it a few months over a year now and I use it all the time. Lately the past few days, I would go into my homepage (Yahoo) and I will type something in the search box, for example on two occasions, I tried to go onto an auto auction website for my father( do not ask why) and it loaded the possible sites but when I tried to open the link I needed it wouldn't budge and it seems like the web page just froze. Then just now, I was trying to find a website with some examples of latin dance dresses(i am considering returning to this sport and was looking for dress ideas) and the same happened, I typed in the phrase I wanted to search and hit the search button and when everything loaded I wanted to press on the link and it wouldn't do anything, would not go onto the web page or let me close the page out, nothing at all. I had to so control- alt-delete just to close the pages each time, and this happened a few times with each attempt.

    What is going on, and how do I fix this, I can't send it out anywhere, costs obviously, and I am a college student so I depend on my laptop and internet access to get what I need to be prepared for class. Also I have a lot of stuff on my laptop, I am waiting to be able to back everything up onto an external portable hard-drive but I want to know what is wrong with my internet and what I can do to fix this problem, as it is getting really irritating.

    thanks in advance, and ALL help is greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Other reasons for period to be missed or late?

    My last period came on time, and as I counted it, I should have gotten it last friday. Its been a week and still nothing. Although I am getting the symptoms of pms, sensitivity and bloating. I know for a fact I am not pregnant, as the last guy I was with we stopped because it was hurting both of us and we didn't want the condom to break. (both of us are active so its not like it was our first time). Would financial reasons have anything to do with me possibly missing my period? I guess thats a reason I could be stressing out but I just don't know what to do anymore. Help!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Who has some really really good inspirational quotes?

    Ok, so I am a sophomore in college and well the first year didn't go so hot. First semester went fine but I wound up academic probation after the second semester. No, no partying or anything like that, I was the normal student, going to class and working, plus I commuted to and from school so I wasn't in a dorm room. I wanted to this year but due to financial issues and problems where loans are not possible, I am at home yet once again, but me and my parents talked it out (with some arguing of course) and they said they will help in making the home more of an environment for me to study (meaning no arguing and basically leaving me the hell alone when I am in dire need of studying and such). Anyways, I live in a decently sized house, lucky enough to get my brother's old room (the whole attic upstairs) its all nicely remodeled. While my father pretty much created this apartment style living for then my brother (minus the kitchen and separate entrance, which sadly would have been awesome had it been done) a bunch of walls were put up. Every wall has something by it or on it, whether it is furniture or posters or even a calendar. One wall somehow managed to stay blank. Its in a good spot, perfect for a quote that I want to paint on. My thinking was since I have a really light almond color for my walls, I was going to buy gold paint and stencil out a really good inspiring quote, or I might just do it in black and put a little design by it. What I am looking for, and can't seem to really find, is the quote that would inspire me to go through everyday and make something of myself. So if you guys have any really good quotes, whether it is your own or by someone famous in either history or the present (if so please include the name, I would like to have the quote recognized by who said it) please share it. Or even any websites with really good inspiring and motivational quotes and phrases would be very helpful. Also, any ideas to make this quote pop out and be more appealing to the eye would also be greatly apprieciated.

    I was watching "A Cinderella Story" the other day and I got the idea from the scene in the diner with "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game- Babe Ruth(?)"

    I just think it'd be a really good idea to do this, because I pass by this wall everyday a bunch of times a day, so I would see and read it a lot, and it might help me reach my goals.

    Thanks to all in advance!!

    9 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • I just got by navel pierced a few hours ago... advice on aftercare?

    So I just got my bellybutton pierced. Legally, I'm 19. The guy who pierced it told me to clean it with Dial Anitbacterial Soap. Does it matter if it is liquid or bar? I bought the Walgreens brand of liquid antibacterial soap. is that ok? Also, I have First Aid Antiseptic Spray. Can I use that too?

    How do I properly clean it? All advice is greatly apprieciated.

    Also, I don't know how this is relevant, but after I got the piercing, I stood up to go look at it in the mirror, and my friend went with me, so she gave me my coat so I could put it on, and I passed out. Could this have been an adrenaline rush of some sort? I argued with my parents before hand when I told them i was getting it done and they yelled at me, like usual. Anger maybe, or that fact that I waited so long to get it done?

    Anyways, All advice is Greatly apprieciated. Thanks in Advance.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I'm standing in a wedding, and I am MOH, help!!!?

    My brother is getting married in June of 2009, and his fiance asked me to be the maid of honor. I accepted gladly, but this is the first wedding I am standing in, and I am pretty much totally lost as to what my job is. I know that I will have a speech to prepare, and I have known my sister in law for quite a while, way before they got engaged. What should my speech be like, and what are my duties. I'm 18, and I know that the bachelorrete party is not going to be my job as her bff wants to do. I am ok with that. I also would like to know what I should get as a gift for the newlyweds.

    all help is greatly apprieciated, along with any websites that will help me. Thank You in advance.

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Tmobile, Blackberry curve titanium, sidekick, or sidekick LX?

    I'm currently with UScellular, and I just recently updated my plan so I have to wait 2 years to switch companies or pay the cancelation fee, which I may do if I am able to save enough money. Ive decided to switch to Tmobile, and I thought that I was going to get the new sidekick with the interchangable plates. My brother has the blackberry curve, and he said that he is very satisfied with it. Now my dilema is which phone do I want, both have the functions I want and need. Both have the qwerty keyboard which Im used to through my current phone(LG Rumor, it freezes on me though).

    Basically, I'd like to hear your experiences with these phones, sidekick LX and blackberry curve. I know that I still have time to decide, but if I can save up for the phone plus a few other expenses, Im switching sooner than I expect to. I just can't decide on what to get, blackberry curve or sidekick, and if sidekick, then which one, LX or the one with the interchangable plates.

    All input is greatly apprieciated.

    thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago