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Love and Peace to us all and all beings :)

  • feels like I've been lying to myself.. ?

    Dear ABI appreciate your valuable time and answer. Thank you for that. I would really like to send you my resume. since it contains lots of personal information to be shared online. I think It'd be of great help if you can direct me towards job opening instead.

    here's a snippet of my resume;

    MBA fresher (Marketing Management) passed out 2007,

    with basic computer knowledge,

    proficient in English, Hindi and Kannada.. read, write and speak

    looking for work in Bangalore, Mangalore, Mysore and anywhere

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I am too weak for this unforgiving world... ?

    I don't know if i can fight any longer. What happens to people like me who are too weak for life? Where do i go now?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • The Importance of Hindu Piligrimage?

    Hindu Theertha or Pilgrimages are these network of collective Human consciousness in sync with the Universal consciousness. for Millenniums people having been accessing this huge network spread all over the subcontinent for a number of reasons such as For spiritual development, meeting saints, fixing their minds on Gods, taking guidance from sadhus, Performing religious rites, for SELF-PURIFICATION, For purification and atonement of sins, overall for an Uplifting and Memorable Supiritual experience.

    So what are the activities that piligrims are prescribed to perform during their piligirmage. is it making pilgrimage by physically fit people by using motor vehicles and unwanted comforts and luxury and hindrance and inconsistent with the objective of a piligrimage?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • work experience on my resume.. ?

    Well after I graduated from college I didn't for any company. but I got involved in agriculture taking care of our ancestral lands. now after a few years I am applying for a job and I'd like to know what to put in the space where we show work experience

    should just say agriculture or leave that space blank? Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • I need to break bad.. ?

    I've been too naive, too judgemental. So much so I have ended up hating myself, my life. Enough to kill myself. Yes thoughts of suicide are coming up.

    Somewhere I couldn't keep up to my own high moral values and i have ended up judging myself severly enough to kill myself, not yet but the pain of hating myself is sufficating me.

    I need to break bad if I have to survive. How to get a bad boy image?

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why after all these years, so many lessons, so many Inspirations..?

    Why do people still do bad stuff and why do people still act stupid, I mean we all thousands of years of History, so many stories, so many books, so many documents and inspite of it all why do people still go the wrong way ?

    Is it Human Nature to be good and to be bad at the same time? So does it it make us Human only when we accept the bad and cherish the good? what does that mean?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • I am obsessed about women, its crippling?

    like sexually, visually. but I can barely even interact with one. that just makes me a sick person. But I just can't seem to understand what's happening. I am losing my mind with worries, depression and loneliness. I had to isolate myself because of this obsession. I am unable to share how I feel with my friends so they all thought I was creepy. now they've been gone for years now. I am all by myself.

    Living with parents, unable to get a job and was unable to hold the one I had because I was having panic attacks while on the job. Now i spend most of my time at home searching for some help online. I can't even tell anyone how I feel, I feel like a pervert. But where should I go, I am just hopelessly lost. Life seems pretty blank and I am staring at this blank screen.

    I really cannot go on like this. yesterday and day before that I was all excited about applying for a job after 6 years of break, yes I haven't worked in 6 years. I was thinking of getting into automobile sales and suddenly today I find myself having anxious thoughts and worries. I can't even Imagine approaching a consultancy and speaking the HR lady over there. I feel like a bad element.

    Its crippling and I don't know where to go?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I am so attracted to the opposite sex It's crippling?

    I just feel like a complete wierd creepy pervert. Which I am in a sense. I can't even apply for a job because I fear my obsession with women will put me into trouble. I can't even speak to a women properly, i tend to stare at inappropriate place and that just makes me so withdrawn and alone. I can't or I am unable to share how I feel, how i feel like this with my male friends and that just makes me shady and shadier.

    now all my friends they stay away from me and I can't tell them whats happening in life. I am loosing my mind while be so attracted to women at the same time incredibly cripplingly afraid of them, afraid of myself. I see no hope?

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • for how should the rechargeable batteries should be plugged in for?

    I plugged in for a half an hour but the charge only lasts for a couple of snaps on my camera!

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • How do i keep my optimisim and self confidence at a favourable level?

    So I've been feeling a little better, a little optimistic, a little courageous and all this makes me feel good. I have real hopes about life that I can't sleep. you know what I mean. I want to retain this state of positive, constructive attitude no matter what the outcomes gonna be. I so wana give things a try in life. I wana feel happy and normal like most of the people are no matter what the outcome. Not unrealitsically happy but realistic and be okey with reality, cope with it.

    I'll be applying for a job and finally making myself indepedent, make myself worthy of something in life, get over the fear of the opposite sex, stop feeling like a creep or a pervert. be a man, be respectful. I want to live, I want to feel alive.

    I need to somehow keep this feeling fueling a constructive change in my life?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I'll be applying for a job after a long long time?

    well It's been no work experiences v/s few really short work experience like for 2-months that too each one having nearly a years gap. like worked for an insurance company in 2007 then quit after three months and then another insurance company in 2008 quit after 2 months I haven't worked at all.

    now after 6 years I'll be applying for a job.

    What are my challenges? of course one might say getting a job itself is a challenge, I'll take it!

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • I'd like to accept reponsibility of my life, how?

    currently my parents are supporting at times it should have been me taking care of them. Since they are well off they can afford to take care of me. But, I know it makrs them sad that thier child has ended up so dependent as an adult on them

    since neither am i enjoying this comfort n luxury how can I start to become independent. I have no friends, no work experience, Have a degree, low self confidence, some issues like extreme shyness, obsessive thinking such stuff.

    But I really really not want to not only depend on my parents but urgently want to stop indulging myself from buying things I don't deserve that also includes self pity. How can I become independant?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • what are types of meditation techniques?

    for example being mindful or mindfulness is a meditative technique. under what category can this be put into.

    dp you think meditation is a simple generic name for various types & kinds of techniques out there?

    mindfulness verily is a meditative technique but medtation doesn't necessarily mean mindfulness does it?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • do you think a Mother influence is more on her children's social skills ?

    This could be just a guess. But I've seen children who are very social, energetic and proactive whose mother share similar traits of energy, activity and relatively better social skills.

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago