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  • What type of guy is this.... shy, not sure of himself, or has a job abroad?

    I last saw my gorgeous male acquintance on 3rd August, 2011; then he disappeared, and was seen again on Friday, 11th May, 2012; we both know that we like each other. He kept appearing in places where I was, like at work and in my local cafe on lunchtimes.

    On the Friday he turned up outside of my local cafe, a friend of mine who works there, told me that she saw him standing outside of the cafe, looking through the display window for a while to see if I was there, but he never came into the cafe.

    Unfortunately I wasn't there that Friday, as I had the day off on holiday and went to do some shopping in the next town.

    When he was around for 9 weeks (Jan-Feb 2011), he came into the local cafe twice a week and always sat on the next table to me, everytime and we talked in a friendly, light conversation. I know he is shy, but I also know that if a guy really wants a certain woman, he'll go out of his way and have the courage to do something about it.

    All I know about him is his first name, that he lives somewhere in my vicinity and that he is single.

    How is it that I only seem to meet this guy once in a blue moon.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I wannabe...... 10 years younger!?

    The last ten years were the best years of my life, so far!

    7 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What is your favourite holiday destination?

    Got to be Corfu for me!

    7 AnswersOther - Europe9 years ago
  • It's time for a.......?

    Jam Doughnut!

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What signs do you look out for?

    I have a male friend who I've known for 32 years and was wondering what signs to look out for indicating that he wishes to be more than a friend.

    At a recent concert, he stretched out his arm and held onto my hand, when my hands were resting on top of the chair in front of me), for almost 4 minutes during the length of his favourite song; but so far nothing more has happened.

    It felt beautiful, but I haven't said of done anything as to indicate that I like him more than a friend, as he is going through a divorce at the moment, as his wife cheated on him.

    I'm totally confused.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why did he hold onto my hand?

    I have a male friend who I've known for 32 years (as an ex-work colleague and a dear respected friend out of work also); he took early retirement 4 years ago; his wife still works where I work. Everyone at work thought that they both were so happy and loved-up that they would be together forever... how wrong we all were.

    She has been having an affair for the past 2 years, and my male friend only found out about it when he caught her out in November, last year.

    He has always been more closer to me and my brother than she has ever been.

    I'm so confused as to what happened on Monday night. My mother, brother, my male friend and myself went out for the evening to see Il Divo in concert. It was a great show. My mother sat on my left, my brother sat on my right, and my male friend sat next to my brother.

    The confusion started have half through the show, when I placed both my hands on the back of the seat in front of me to rest them, and when my friend's favourite song came up, he stretched over my brother to hold onto my right hand which was still ontop of the chair in front of me, squeezing my hand tight, for the whole length of the song, then he let my hand go.

    He has never ever done that before, as he has always had the greatest respect for me as a dear friend. I can't understand what he was trying to tell me; maybe "thank you", or something else.

    My mother and brother saw this happen too.

    I asked my brother what he thought about this, and he said that what my male friend did was very dramatic.

    I must admit I have always found him very attractive, but I would never think about making a move on him because he is married. He said weeks ago that he was in the process of going to get the marriage annuled.

    I don't know what to do or how to play this.

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • If you work in a busy office...?

    Describe a recent situation when you needed to use different communication styles to get your message across and influence people.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Does a quick peck on the lips mean anything?

    I have been friends with a married couple for the past 32 years through work, and we have always been very close friends, inside and outside of work. Apparently, she has been having an affair for 2 years, but he only found out about 5 months ago. He doesn't want her back and is just getting on with his life, and she is 'loved-up' with this new guy and has been living with him since November 2011.

    I met up with my male friend in December to exchange Xmas gifts after a social afternoon out together with other friends from work; he has always respected me and has always giving me a quick peck on the cheek when saying hello or goodbye, with an embrace.

    My birthday was in February, and he and I met up in a local cafe/restaurant, as he had a birthday gift and card for me, and we had a meal and a couple of glasses of red wine to celebrate.

    The problem is, that when he gave me a lift home before I got out of his car, he hugged me and gave me a quick peck on my lips - which he has never done before. Is this normal for a man and woman who are just 'good friends'. We are both in our early 50's; I'm single and have been divorced for 19 years.

    He is rather dishy, but I have never giving him any incline or clue as to fancying him.

    Im confused! Is he trying to tell me something or could it be that the friendship is just becoming more solid?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How is it possible for a shy guy to precisionally get the timing right to bump into me?

    Where I live there is a beautiful park, near to the road side. I was walking through the park entering the exist in on the left and came out through the exit on the right.

    As I turned to take my first steps onto the road side, he was immediately walking up to me and exchanged a few words to me in a friendly manner.

    Since January this year, he has appeared hovering around my lovcal library where I work and in my local cafe; now it's the park!.

    He must have been watching me I guess to get the timing right. It's not coincidence I'm sure.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How do I contact this man?

    A builder came to refurbish part of the building in which I work in; he left our premises 2 weeks ago.

    The week before he left he was flirting non-stop with me, like keep coming into our office more often than he should and making conversation. My colleagues know for sure that he likes me, but I know he's married.

    I know where he works, but there is one problem, how do I get a message directly to him (by note/letter) without anyone knowing. I have his works telephone number and the address of where he works, which is only half an hour walking distance from my house.

    I know it was perfectly clear that there was strong chemistry between the two of us.

    There is a cleaner who I talk to where I work who says that he lives on her estate, I was wondering whether to give the letter to her to give to him, when she sees him on his own; but not sure what to do.

    I feel inside that I need to have a connection with this man somehow.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is he interested or just being friendly?

    I work in a public library, and I'm the clerical support officer for my branch. I took a fancy to one of the builders that came into the building a year ago, when he was busy working on refurbishing the gents and ladies toilets.

    Now, he has come back for possibly a months works, doing the same jobs but for the public toilets this time. He has been coming into our office 8:30 am and 2:30 pm every day this week, when before he never used to. We have a bell on the rear door to the building; he knows that door is on the latch, so he could easily push the door open; but he has been ringing the bell.

    Yesterday, when I answered the door, he said "I bet your sick of me coming in all the time?"... to which I replied "No, not at all... not at all really"; 2 of my colleagues saw him looked me up and down, when he walked past me, but I didn't see him do this, as I never looked back at him, when he walked through the other door out.

    I've noticed that when he is coming through the door that I open, our eyes are glued together as soon as the door is opened and for the time it takes for him to speak.

    Is he just being friendly or is there something there?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What do you make of a Shy Guy who disappears then reappears?

    I've known of this shy guy for 16 years; he now says "Hello" to me whenever we bump into each other. I'm sure that we both know that we admire each other.

    He lives near me and I know he is extremely shy. He has been coming into the library where I work, then where I go for a lunch break, then 5 weeks ago he bumped into me twice on a Thursday and Monday morning, as I was walking out of my street on my way to work.

    He is doing my head in as I have feelings for him and don't know what to do. I don't know his surname, so looking through the electoral directory would be a waste of time, to find out exactly where he lives.

    I have carried with me every day when I'm on my way to work a small note with my mobile number on it, in an envelope, which is kept in my handbag, so if I ever see him again, I can hand it to him. I have no other leads to go on. No-one seems to know who he is, even after giving them a description of him.

    I know for sure that there is a strong chemistry between the both of us, but can't understand why he disappears for a few months, here and there.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Why do Shy Guys disappear for a while, then suddenly reappear?

    I have fancied this Shy Guy for a long time now. His behaviour recently has doing my head in and I would love to know if anyone knows what is happening in this shy guy's mind. Here briefly, is what has been happening:

    First Thursday in January: 9:30 am walks past me on the other side of the road, as I'm walking towards work; 11:30 am hovers around the Library where I work; 1 pm in my local cafe when I'm on 1-2pm lunch break, sitting 2 seats behind me.

    He continues to be in my local cafe, sitting right behind me every time he's in, every Tues & Thurs 1-2pm for 9 weeks - then all of a sudden DISAPPEARS.

    2 months later, he happens to be walking closely past me twice on a Thursday & Monday morning, as I'm leaving my street on my way to work, and all he said to me was "Hello", the first time but the second time he couldn't look at me, so I asked him if he was keeping alright, and he said "Yes, I'm fine, I'm ok", and smiled... and now he has DISAPPEARED yet again for 5 weeks!

    I'm not sure what to make of his actions.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Il Divo - whatever has happened to them?

    For almost 2 years now there hasn't been any info on Il Divo, as to when's the new album due, whatever happened to the calendar and when are they on tour in the UK again?

    All I know is David Miller got married in December 2010 and Carlos is now divorced.

    Someone, somewhere, must know something!

    Can anyone share a light on this?

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Coincidence or Fate?... Admirer or Stalker?

    It started 15 years ago; with an rather extremely shy guy. Everytime that I have seen him, he has always been on his own.

    1. I'm on my way walking to work and this gorgeous guy who walked past me had his earphones on, so as I walked past him I said hello. He suddenly turned around to acknowledge me and smiled at me, then continued walking.

    2. Two months later (15 years ago), he crossed over the road walking towards me, but I panicked and walked quickly away from him as I thought he was so gorgeous I couldn't talk to him.

    3. He disappears for years. Then reappears in the summer of 2009, shopping in ASDA, by himself, carrying a small basket. I was with my brother at the time; this guy was only two aisles away from me and he kept looking at me, so I looked at him, for about a minute. And that was that.

    4. November 2010, I spot this guy in the busy high street in my town, as I walked past him, he stopped walking and looked at me. I continued walking as I couldn't think what he was playing at.

    5. January 2011, I'm on my 1-hour lunch break from work, and had only been sitting down in my local cafe for about 20 minutes, and guess what?... he happened to walk in and sat dead opposite me and was keep looking at me; I couldn't look at him as he was still too gorgeous looking and too close, too soon.

    6. Two days later, he actually was hovering around where I work (in the local library) at 11:30 a.m. On the same day 1 p.m. he was in my local cafe again. He came into the cafe every Tuesday and Thursday, on my lunch hour for about 9 weeks, then disappeared. He always sat behind me. I made friendly conversation with him, on the last two lunch hours, before he disappeared.

    7. After his disappearing act, now he has come back again.... and it's happened twice, so far.... last week, Thursday morning, as I'm leaving the house to go to work and walk down the street, HE walks past me and says "Hello", in passing. And this week, Monday morning, he never said anything as he was walking past me, so I asked him if he was keeping alright and he said "Yes, I'm fine, I'm ok", he was smiling so much.

    And that's that. I'm aged 49 and he looks around the age of 45-50.

    I'm wondering what his intentions are. Coincidence of Fate?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Coincidence or Fate?.... Stalker or Admirer?

    It started 15 years ago; with an rather extremely shy guy. Everytime that I have seen him, he has always been on his own.

    1. I'm on my way walking to work and this gorgeous guy who walked past me had his earphones on, so as I walked past him I said hello. He suddenly turned around to acknowledge me and smiled at me, then continued walking.

    2. Two months later (15 years ago), he crossed over the road walking towards me, but I panicked and walked quickly away from him as I thought he was so gorgeous I couldn't talk to him.

    3. He disappears for years. Then reappears in the summer of 2009, shopping in ASDA, by himself, carrying a small basket. I was with my brother at the time; this guy was only two raisles away from me and he kept looking at me, so I looked at him, for about a minute. And that was that.

    4. November 2010, I spot this guy in the busy high street in my town, as I walked past him, he stopped walking and looked at me. I continued walking as I couldn't think what he was playing at.

    5. January 2011, I'm on my 1-hour lunch break from work, and had only been sitting down in my local cafe for about 20 minutes, and guess what?... he happened to walk in and sat dead opposite me and was keep looking at me; I couldn't look at him as he was still too gorgeous looking and too close, too soon.

    6. Two days later, he actually was hovering around where I work (in the local library) at 11:30 a.m. On the same day 1 p.m. he was in my local cafe again. He came into the cafe every Tuesday and Thursday, on my lunch hour for about 9 weeks, then disappeared. He always sat behind me. I made friendly conversation with him, on the last two lunch hours, before he disappeared.

    7. After his disappearing act, now he has come back again.... and it's happened twice, so far.... last week, Thursday morning, as I'm leaving the house to go to work and walk down the street, HE walks past me and says "Hello", in passing. And this week, Monday morning, he never said anything as he was walking past me, so I asked him if he was keeping alright and he said "Yes, I'm fine, I'm ok", he was smiling so much.

    And that's that. I'm aged 49 and he looks around the age of 45-50.

    I'm wondering what his intentions are. Coincidence of Fate;

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Have I blown my chances...?

    Have I blown my chances of ever having this guy in my life. I've fancied this guy for a long time and I know he likes me too; he's just very shy. It started 15 years ago that I knew he liked me; but our paths did not cross very often.

    He started coming to my local cafe twice a week in my lunch hour; disappears for 2 months. Then appears to be walking past me on the corner of my street as I was on my way walking to work, this morning, but I was with another guy at the time (this other guy I was walking with by the way is just a friend; he's a neighbour and a friend).

    Have I blown my chances of ever being with the guy that I fancy? And why is he suddenly appearing where I live; as I've never seen him around my home area before in all 15 years.

    Could it be fate that I'm bumping into him or just coinsidence.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What was the last DVD Film/Music Video, you watched?

    I watched Avatar last night.... it was great!

    16 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Name the song that you can never get out of your head?

    Mine's 'Xanadu'.... no matter what I do ... it's always there.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When you were a child what was your favourite toy?

    Mine was a teddy called Panda.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago