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  • What are the best teething remedies for babies?

    I have four month old twin girls who have just started teething. At the moment I'm giving them some infant paracetamol when they get very upset to lower their temperature, and I was wondering what was the best gels/powders etc to use. Thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Can any experienced mums give me some advice?

    Im 32 weeks 6 days pregnant with identical twins, and I was wondering if any other mums have any sort of experience with this kind of situation and advise me on how long I'm likely to keep them in for. First off, I know this is a medical question, I'm not looking for exact dates or scientific answers, just a bit of advice would be great.

    Anyway, last Monday I was taken into hospital with a severe kidney infection, the pain of which was causing slight contractions. I was monitored for five days and had another scan whilst I was there (I'm having scans every fortnight anyway) and was told that both babies are head down and are weighing around four pounds each. I was booked in to be induced on the 13th Jan 2012, when I'll be nearly 37 weeks, but was told I was more than likely to go myself before then. I was then took back into hospital yesterday with severe back pain and told I was in early labour, as I was having regular contractions and I was 1 cm dilated. I was given steroid injections to help my babies lungs, but thankfully the contractions seemed to ease off by themselves and I was discharged later that night and told to come back if the started again. The doctor said I could go into labour at any point form now on, but he was unable to say when that was likely to be. Anyway, last night and this morning I'm having what I think is a show, I'm losing sort of big globs of blood streaked mucus (sorry for tmi) and I'm having light, but irregular tightenings in my tummy, which feel like Braxton Hicks, but they don't hurt. I don't want to go all the way back to the hospital if nothing is happening, I know you can lose your mucus plug weeks before you have your baby, and the hospital is a fair bit away and it's snowing quite badly here. If anyone else who has experienced this could tell me how long they lasted before going into established labour and advise me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance and sorry this is so long, these are my first babies and I'm kind of freaking out!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Anything I can do to ease Braxton Hicks?

    I'm 27 weeks with identical twin girls, I've been having Braxton Hicks since about 16 weeks, but they are starting to get really uncomfortable now, and quite painful as well as just feeling tight. I've spoken to my midwife, and I know both my babies are ok and this is normal, I was just wondering if there is anything I could do at home to make myself a little more comfortable? Having a warm bath helped to start with, but unfortunately now my bump is so big the water wont cover it! Will yoga, walking or maybe even sex help, or would this be too dangerous at this stage? These are my first babies, so I'm a bit clueless! Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Can anyone give me any advice on tandem pushchairs for newborn twins?

    We're expecting twin girls in January, and I really don't want to get a side by side pushchair, I'd much rather a tandem, but I'm finding it difficult to find one that is suitable for both babies from birth. Has anyone got any experiences they can share? These are my first babies, so I'm pretty clueless! I live in the UK if that helps. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Vintage maternity wear in the UK?

    Does anyone know anywhere that sells vintage 40s, 50s or 60s maternity evening wear, preferably online? I've tried googling it, but came up with nothing. I have a wedding to go to on the 31st of this month, when I'll be 26 weeks pregnant with twins, I'm pretty big already, so I'm not going to be any smaller when the time comes, and I really want to look nice, I'm so fed up of looking like a beached whale! I love old fashioned vintage and retro clothes, if anyone could help me out it would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Vintage maternity wear in the UK?

    Does anyone know anywhere that sells vintage 40s, 50s or 60s maternity evening wear, preferably online? I've tried googling it, but came up with nothing. I have a wedding to go to on the 31st of this month, when I'll be 26 weeks pregnant with twins, I'm pretty big already, so I'm not going to be any smaller when the time comes, and I really want to look nice, I'm so fed up of looking like a beached whale! I love old fashioned vintage and retro clothes, if anyone could help me out it would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How many mothers of twins have had a natural birth?

    I'm expecting identical twin girls early next year (EDD 4th Feb, but been told it's unlikely they'll let me go more that 26 weeks, so probably start of January). These are my first babies, and I'm really scared about giving birth. I really don't want a C section if I can help it, as I don't want to have to spend six weeks recovering when I have two newborns to look after. Obviously I'll do whatever is necessary to get my babies delivered safely, and I know that however I give birth depends on a lot of factors. Can anyone else whose had twins share their birthing experiences? Those who had natural deliveries, was it really difficult as there were two babies? Or mums who have had a C section, what was it like afterwards? Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • When to take maternity leave with twins?

    I was just wondering when other mums of twins took their maternity leave? I'm expecting identical twin girls, my due date is 4th Feb 2012, though I've been told it's unlikely I'll go over 36 weeks, which means they'll be here the start of January. I was planning on taking my leave at 29 weeks, as I'm already pretty uncomfortable, is this too soon? Thanks to all in advance.

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • at what stage of your pregnancy is it no longer safe to go on short haul flights?

    I live in Leicester and want to fly up to Glasgow where my family lives before my babies are born. I've arranged for a week off work starting 31st October when I will be about 26 weeks pregnant with twins. The flight is only about 40 minuets, will I be too far along by then? And does it make a difference that I'm having twins? The thought of an eight hour car journey or a 4 hour train journey when I'm that pregnant is daunting at best! Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • I'm having twins! Help!!?

    Well I had my dating scan yesterday, and it turns out I'm 13 weeks 5 days pregnant with identical twins. This has came as a huge shock to me and my partner, but obviously we're really happy and excited. These are my first babies, so can any mums of twins out there share their experiences? How hard was it having two babies instead of one? How did you cope with feeding/changing/dressing etc. Was birth harder? If anyone can tell me what it was like for them it would be very much appreciated, I'm kind of freaking out just now! Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What can I expect to happen at my first scan?

    I'm in the UK and this is my first baby. And I'm having my dating scan this afternoon and was wondering what the procedure was, how long it takes, will my partner be allowed in with me etc? I'm really excited about seeing the baby, but nervous too, in case they tell me something awful about the baby, like they can't find him, no heartbeat etc :( Can anyone share their experiences with me please? Thank you

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Is it normal to be scared before your first scan?

    I have my first scan on Wednesday, I'll be just over 13 weeks along. I'm really excited, but I can't help thinking things like, what if they say there's something wrong with the baby, or what if they can't find a heartbeat, or even that they can't find a baby, and I'm not actually pregnant at all! Has anyone else felt like this? I realise I may be being stupid or paranoid, but this is my first baby and I don't know what to expect. Any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • is it ok to take baking soda for heartburn during pregnancy?

    I have the most horrendous heartburn, it's really painful and uncomfortable, and it doesn't seem to matter what I eat, when I eat or how much I eat, I'm still crippled with it. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy related or not as I'm only 12 weeks gone and I thought heartburn wasn't an issue till later on in pregnancy? Before I got pregnant if I had heartburn I dissolved half a teaspoon of baking soda in some tepid water and drank it, which really worked, but is it same to do this when I'm pregnant? Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Is it ok for morning sickness to be drastically/suddenly reduced?

    at eight weeks? I've been having absolutely horrendous all day sickness for the last 4 weeks or so (I'm eight weeks one day) but today it started off with feeling a bit queasy in the morning, then after I ate some fruit when I started work at about 1.30pm this afternoon I've gradually been feeling better all day, to the point where I feel quite good now. Is this ok, I have heard that a sudden disappearance of sickness can mean something isn't right? Sorry if this seems a stupid question, this is my first baby, and I don't know what to expect. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • I live in England, but want to go back home to Scotland to have my baby?

    can I do that? All my friends and family are back in Scotland and I really want to go back there to give birth. I'm only seven weeks along, so I know it's early to be thinking about things like this already, but if I need to organise things I'd rather do it sooner rather than later. My partner is happy for me to go back home to have the baby, and after he's born I would stay with my parents till I'm fit to travel back to England. But with midwife appointments and health visitors etc will this be possible? Has anyone else been in a situation like this? Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Natural remedies for heartburn in pregnancy?

    I'm only seven weeks pregnant, so I'm sure it's not the baby that's causing the heartburn, I think it's because I have such bad morning sickness, I'm throwing up all day, and when I have nothing left in my tummy to throw up it's just acid. It's really uncomfortable, and I really don't need heartburn as well as extreme nausea. I've been told by the pharmacist that I'm ok to take Rennie's and Gaviscon, but no other over the counter remedies as they are unsuitable for use during pregnancy, but the awful, chalky, disgusting taste of these tablets makes the sickness even worse. Is there any natural or herbal things I could take that wouldn't harm the baby, but would get rid of the heartburn? Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How many weeks pregnant am I?

    The first day of my last period was 01.05.11, and I ovulated on 20.05.11, I got a positive pregnancy test 31.05.11 and yesterday when I done a Clear Blue Digital test it said "Pregnant, 1-2 weeks". I thought I was about two weeks pregnant, but my friend said it goes from the first day of your last period, not when you actually conceived? I'm confused, can someone clear this up for me? Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I've just found out I'm pregnant, only about two weeks gone?

    but I wont get to see my doctor or anything till I'm eight weeks gone, when I have an appointment with my midwife, apparently I wont be seeing my doctor at all. But this is my first pregnancy, and to be honest I'm terrified and a bit confused. I'm really excited, as we have been trying for about eight months, and we are really happy, but I'm really scared that something awful is going to happen to the baby, is it normal to feel like this? Also, I like to keep active, is it safe to exercise this early on in my pregnancy, and if so what sort of things can I do? Is there anyway that I can ensure that the next few weeks are ok, and my pregnancy is healthy, as I am aware that this is the most risky stage. I also live quite far away from my family, and even though my partners family are fantastic, I am feeling a little alone and homesick. Sorry this is so long, but if anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ok, so today I took a pregnancy test?

    Even though my period isn't due till Friday, I just couldn't wait lol. So I got a really strong pink line in the control band region,in the test region there is a very, very, very faint line, almost imperceptible, in fact you'd barely notice it was there if you weren't looking for it. Obviously I'm going to wait till Friday and do another test, but can I get my hopes up? Could this be a positive result?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • chances of conception, weird bleeding?

    I ovulated last friday (20th May, I had a pos ovulation test on the day), and my boyfriend and I had sex that night and also on the 23rd May. Yesterday I had some very light spotting, but if I ovulated a week ago can that that be my period? Aren't you supposed to get your period two weeks after ovulation or can it happen after only one week? I have been having stomach cramps and low back pain for the last week or so, which feels like I'm just about to get my period and I know it's too early to take a pregnancy test just now, I'm planning on waiting another week or so. I just want to know what this bleeding could be. I have endimetriosis by the way, we have been ttc for about eight months, I'm 26 and he is 30. Anyone got any advice? Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago