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Favorite Answers53%
  • Medicaid length of stay residency requirements - federal regulation name/number?

    I'm having difficulty with my Medicaid application for pregnancy. Online I keep finding the statement that "federal law prohibits states from imposing length of stay residency requirements." That would greatly help my case, but for the life of me I can't find the name/number of the federal regulation in which this is stated. Can anyone help me out? I think it would make it harder for my case worker to dispute if I could tell her that she only needs to look in Federal Code XYZ, §135a (just an example) to see that how long I'm in the state is irrelevant as long as I can prove residency (which I can).

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • UN response to torture death of Shidane Arone (Somali) in 1993?

    I've tried searching for the press release(s), as I'm sure they exist, but I wasn't able to find anything either on Google or on the UN's website. Can anyone give me a link to the UN's official response to Arone's death? Bonus points if you can also find me the official response to Ahmed Arush's death.

    1 AnswerInternational Organizations10 years ago
  • Wo gibt es ein Deutsch-Deutsch Wörterbuch online?

    Um ein paar deutsche Begriffe besser verstehen zu können (zB den genauen Unterschied zwischen Strafvollzug und Maßregelvollzug), möchte ich sie online nachschauen können. Im Englischen gibt es lauter solche Webseiten (, zB), aber für die deutsche Sprache finde ich keine - überall sind nur zweisprachige Wörterbücher (Deutsch-Englisch zB). Hat jemand ein Tipp?

    6 AnswersSonstiges - Internet1 decade ago
  • Redearchiv von EU Ratspräsidenten?

    Für eine Arbeit suche ich gerade händeringend nach einem Archiv, das die Reden der jeweiligen EU Ratspräsidenten ins Netz zur Verfügung stellt. Hat jemand ein Tipp?

    Ich habe schon auf den einzelnen Seiten (, etc) geschaut, aber nur Luxemburg, Österreich, Finnland, Deutschland, Portugal und Spanien haben die Webseiten aktiv gehalten bzw. ein solches Archiv aufbewahrt. Ich brauche aber alles für den Zeitraum von der zweiten Hälfte 2001 bis Ende 2008.

    Wäre sehr dankbar, wenn jemand mir weiterhelfen kann!

    1 AnswerInternationale Organisationen1 decade ago
  • Speech archives for Council of the EU presidents?

    I'm working on my MA thesis and am searching desparately for an archive of speeches given by Presidents of the Council of the EU. I've found individual archives for Luxemburg, Austria, Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia, but I need all of the presidents from the second half of 2001 until the end of 2008 (so I'm missing Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, the UK, Finland, and France).

    Does anyone know of a common archive? I'm usually good at googling but am coming up with nothing on this one.

    1 AnswerInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Theories on group vs. individual decision-making?

    I'm working on my MA thesis in political science and am looking for a theory on group vs. individual decision making. Since we don't get a lot of sociology / psychology in our poli sci degrees, I thought I would ask here if anyone knew of any applicable theories.

    What I'm looking for specifically is a theory that says that group decision-making based on consensus tends to produce rhetoric and action that align with the decision made (the members of the group won't want to say anything that goes against the decision for fear of getting flak from the other members and possibly having problems reaching a consensus in future negotiations). An individual decision-maker, however, has the freedom to say one thing and do another because he or she doesn't have to worry about maintaining a consensus.

    Any tips??

    3 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Theories on group vs. individual decision-making?

    I'm working on my MA thesis in political science and am looking for a theory on group vs. individual decision making. Since we don't get a lot of sociology / psychology in our poli sci degrees, I thought I would ask here if anyone knew of any applicable theories.

    What I'm looking for specifically is a theory that says that group decision-making based on consensus tends to produce rhetoric and action that align with the decision made (the members of the group won't want to say anything that goes against the decision for fear of getting flak from the other members and possibly having problems reaching a consensus in future negotiations). An individual decision-maker, however, has the freedom to say one thing and do another because he or she doesn't have to worry about maintaining a consensus.

    Any tips??

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • On knitting yarn in Germany: What is 3 - 3.5 for an American?

    I started knitting in the US and am now in Germany. I got some yarn that the woman at the store said was "3.0-3.5" but am not sure what that is in English. I had started a project with yarn from the US that was medium weight 4 ply yarn (I'm a beginner, so I don't know if I'm giving the right information, but that is what is written on the yarn label). Does anyone know what I would need in Europe? The 3.0-3.5 is thinner than my US yarn.

    9 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Wo kann ich Stricknadeln kaufen?

    Ich komme aus den USA und möchte auch hier in Deutschland stricken. Wenn ich keine Lust habe, alles online zu bestellen, in welchem Laden könnte ich Stricknadeln und andere Zubehör kaufen? Ich habe bisher in Marktkauf und Real nichts gesehen. Ich wohne in Tübingen, falls jemand ein besonderes Geschäft hier kennt...

    4 AnswersHobbys1 decade ago
  • Haftbefehl gegen al-Bashir auf Deutsch?

    Weiß jemand, wo ich den Haftbefehl des internationalen Strafgerichtshofes gegen al-Bashir auf Deutsch finden kann? Die englische Version habe ich, aber ein Bekannter von mir möchte ihn auf Deutsch lesen. Bevor ich mir die Mühe mache, ihn zu übersetzen, wollte ich fragen, ob es schon eine Übersetzung gibt. Danke!

    1 AnswerInternationale Organisationen1 decade ago
  • Was bedeutet das NSGMM?

    Ich arbeite an einer Übersetzung (Deutsch-Englisch), und bin über einen Begriff gestolpert, den ich nicht kenne und nicht im Netz findet. Es geht um Prozessmanagement und Prozessorientierung (also Business English), und es heißt "das NSGMM." Wofür steht das und weiß jemand, wie es auf Englisch heißt??

    1 AnswerFirmen1 decade ago
  • First speech after 2001 on Iraq as a security threat?

    I'm having problems finding the first speech given after the 9/11 attacks in which Iraq was represented as being a security threat for the United States. Bush's first big speech was Oct 7, 2002, but Cheney had already given interviews before then, and of course Bush had mentioned it in his "Axis of Evil" in the State of the Union in Jan 2002. Was that the first time? Or had he discussed Iraq as a security threat before then?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I have had my naval piercing for 8 years now and want to remove it. Can I just take it out?

    I feel like my "phase" of having a naval piercing is over and would like to remove it. Is it ok to just take it out and go on with life? Or do I have to clean the hole regularly or do anything else to make sure it doesn't get infected while it's closing? And does anyone know about how long it will take to close?

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago