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    My study desk broke and I can't afford a new one any time soon so I need to cover it up. It looked like the image below but now the three drawers have broken completely so all that's left is a big gap, no shelves or anything.

    Please help, I'll really appreciate it. I've looked everywhere but I can't find anything. Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Share meaningful short lines of philosophical poetry?

    It can be your own pieces or something you heard or read from somewhere. You don't have to state whether it is your own or not. Thank you in advance :)

    9 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Poll: Would you prefer for time to go too fast or too slow?

    And there isn't any in-between options, which one would you choose, too fast or too slow?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Can you give me some reasons on why I should stop self harming?

    I'm 14, a girl, and I want to stop cutting myself. I know its the wrong section, but i want a lot of different answers and this is the busiest, best part of y!a. Anyways, i dont want any answers like family or friends because no one cares about me so why should i stop for them? I also dont want anything about damaging myself, because i don't care about myself either, I'll do whatever i can to kill myself, as I'm suicidal. I'm sorry if this is depressing, its just that i really want help. I want to stop self harming, but i just don't know why i want to stop. Please help me, and thank you in advance :)

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Can you give me some reasons on why I should stop self harming?

    I tried asking my learning mentor at school, and she just said 'There are loads of reasons' but she didn't give me any, which makes me doubt there are any real ones. I'm 14 years old, a girl, and I'm trying to stop self harm, but I don't have a motivation, and I feel a reason to stop self harming will offer me a motivation, which will make things easier. Please don't say things like family or friends, I don't have any real friends and I'm not close enough with my family for them to be a reason to stop self harming. People don't care about me, so don't say that either. And I know it normally does harm to your skin and blood and stuff, but I don't cut deep enough to do that, so that can't be a reason to stop self harming.

    But please, if you have any other reasons why I should stop self harming, please share them with me. I desperately want to stop, I just don't know why i want to, and that's why i always relapse, because I really can't think of any reasons to stop.

    Thank you in advance! :)

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Poll: What was the nicest thing that happened to you this week?

    I wanna see something that will make me smile, so, what was the nicest thing that happened to you this week?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What makes life meaningful?

    I want philosophical answers please! What makes your life meaningful? Do you know your purpose in life, or do you simply live life taking each day as it comes? I want to get inspired! In general, what do you believe makes someone's life meaningful? How can i live my life well and live it to the fullest? I'm 14, a girl, 15 in April, and I'm kind of lost right now, so I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me about your experience of making your life as meaningful as possible. Thanks in advance :)

    14 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Poll: How are you feeling today?

    BQ: If you're not feeling the best today, what has put you down or could make you feel better?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • When will Santa come?

    I've been good this year, and its very late, and I've left some cookies and a glass of milk for him, but he doesnt seem to be coming. Where is he?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How can I stop relying on others for my happiness?

    This is my new years resolution, but I don't know how to do it. I'm a 14 year old girl, and Im a recovering self harmer and I attempted suicide once, but Im getting help. I got help, and they concluded that I'm desperate for the love and approval of older men, because my dad was never really there for me. I got rejected by an older man I fell in love with, and this broke me.I relied on him for my happiness, but he broke me instead. So I want to stop relying on my family, friends and guys for my happiness. I want to make my own happiness. But how can I?

    6 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Rejection! Help! My heart is killing me!?

    Okay. So, I'm a 14 year old girl suffering from random bouts of depression. One day, I went all suicidal, and I told guidance counsellors in my school about my depression and what causes it. I told them about a man called Tony. I love him, but he has a son and he takes drugs and his wife left him. He also lied about is age to me, because he keeps changing it whenever I ask him- he started off by saying he's 21, then 22, then 23. I went to his house loads of times. The counsellors banned me from seeing him, because they think he's child-grooming me, and I kind of believe them because why else would someone lie about their age?

    But that doesn't stop me from loving him. Today, I was feeling depressed in school, so I snuck out and went to his house. We talked some, and then I asked him to walk me back to school. He agreed and we walked and talked more and then when we got near my school, he stopped and said 'Okay, you go to school now,' and I said,'Where are you gonna go?' and he replied 'Bookies.' I dunno what snapped in me, then. I just lost it. I realised that I was in trouble anyway, so there was no point in going to school when I could be with Tony. So, I called out for him to wait, and he did, and we walked some more, but my heart was beating so fast and I wasn't thinking straight, and I waited until we were hidden behind a van, and I asked him to stop, and just grabbed onto his sleeve. He asked me if I was alright. I said I wasn't. I said I didn't want to go to school. And he said ,'Okay, go home. Go to my house and wait for me. I'll come straight back.' And my heart just melted. I didn't expect him to say this, so nicely, like he cared for me. And I leant in to kiss him. But he pulled back. 'don't kiss me', he said and then walked away. I didn't go back to his house, because I was embarrassed, I went to school instead.

    But then, after school, I saw him, and I called out to him, but he ignored me. I know he heard me, but he chose to ignore me. I feel terrible. I never planned for this to happen. It was just a spur of the moment. I get that I'm a kid compared to him, and i regret what I did so badly! But now I feel like I've lost him. Is there any way that I can maybe apologise and we can just forget all this?

    Please help me! This is the first time I was rejected by someone, so I feel terrible, and I feel it's worse because I love Tony and I'm not ready to lose him. Any advice out there?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Need help!! 10 points for best answer!?

    I feel so stupid! I made a huge mistake of telling Learning Mentors in my school (sort of like personal guidance counselors) about my depression and how I get suicidal thoughts and how I go to this man's house at lunch and afterschool and how he makes me happy but also led me to completely full-on planning my suicide when he ignored me. I told them about how he takes drugs and yet is soo nice and friendly. And he has a 7 year old son, even though he says he's 21 and he lives with his mum, dad, sister-in-law and brother and their kids and how his wife left him.

    I'm 14, in year 10. I just went to the Learning Mentors because I wanted help. I just wanted someone to talk to- I have no real friends and there's a language barrier between my parents and me, and my older sister is completely locked up in her room with college stuff. Plus, that day, when I told them about my problems, the man (his name is Tony) ignored me,which made me really depressed, which led me to proper considering suicide. All I needed was some advice and someone to talk to so I could sort my head out for once.

    But no. What do they do? They called my parents in and told them that I was seeing and going to older men's houses, even though I knew the risks. And then they talked to me for hours about child exploitation and sexual harrassment and 'child grooming', saying I'm in the very early stages of this. They are not helping me with what I came to them for. I don't really care if Tony rapes me and tortures me or whatever- I'm completely, obsessively in love with him, or it wouldn't be rape, because I'd give him my body. I know that makes me sound like some messed up kid, but I'm suicidal, no matter how painful and torturous the death is. I want to die. If Tony kills me, I'd die loving him. And I still want to meet him like mad.

    Why aren't the Learning Mentors helping me with my depression? Can you help me instead? Tell me how I can stop being so miserable.

    I can't put a finger on exactly what causes my depression meltdowns, but I have to say it's mostly because I have no one to talk to so I can't let my worries and troubles and thoughts out, so it builds and builds until it becomes way too overwhelming for me in my mind. Tony is someone I can talk to. This is one of the reasons why I'm so obsessed with him.

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why does everyone hate muslims?

    I understand that that stupid terrorist muslim killed an innocent soldier and that practically every terrorist in the world is a muslim, but not every muslim is a terrorist, and majority of them are against it, because it's a sin in Islam.

    50 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does anyone know a good luxury car hire place/website for prom?

    It needs to be quite cheap, about £100 maximum, and we need a chauffeur to take us there and back as well.

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • 10 points to whoever makes me feel best!?

    Okay, so I have random bouts of depression but I'm only 14 years old so I really want it to stop and I want to be happy for once. Plus, it's the stupidest things that make me depressed, and it's mostly what people say that starts it, so is there any way to just ignore them and don't let their words get under my skin?

    Education also puts me down, for example, whenever I get bad grades in tests, I feel like it's the end of the world, and what makes it worse is that I revise soo hard for science but I'm doing doubles when I really want to do triple like my sister. It's not because I want to be a doctor or anything, it's just that I've always wanted to be the best.

    Plus, I'm not like normal 14 year olds that love holidays and look forward to them and everything- it's the opposite for me, actually, I dread them. I hate my family because basically I can't talk to them. Literally can't. My parents don't talk english and I don't talk bengali. So we hardly ever communicate but because I don't talk to them, they call me 'dumb' in bengali. They don't understand levels in school, all they know is A*, so I can't tell them what I got in tests and they can't be proud of me.

    I can talk to my sister, but she's really hard to talk to because she's got her GCSEs coming up so she's really stressful and probably doesn't care about my problems anyways, and when I used to try to talk to her, she always made me feel worse because she doesn't actually understand me. At school, I don't have proper friends because I always feel excluded around them, like they don't want me to talk to them. It wasn't like this last year, but over the summer holidays, something changed. Last year, I had 2 best friends, but I took 2 weeks leave early for a holiday, and in that time they broke up and made friends with other people in 2 different groups, but none of those groups really welcome me. Now I spend every break in the library and I come home for lunch, which is just as depressing.

    So are there any words of encouragement out there? I really need some because during this half term I've been feeling really suicidal, with no one to talk to or anything. And I'm soo bored- the highlight of my day is How I Met Your Mother and books.

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How can I help my sister with her revision?

    My sister's in year 11 and she's doing her GCSEs. She's got triple science, English Literature, RE, history, Media, and I think there's more, but in total she's got 14 exams in May and June. But I feel really useless and I want to help her revise. So how can I?

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Could David Irving have been right about anything he said about the Holocaust?

    I'm not saying I want him to be right, but it's for my homework!

    5 AnswersHistory8 years ago