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  • Ladies has this ever happened to you on your period?

    So this usually only happens when I'm on my period and I have no idea why but its very scary. Anyway if I get up from sitting down or if I'm sometimes just standing up all of a sudden out of nowhere I get extremly light headed, my whole body gets hot and I get really nauseous (but I never puke), I black out and faint. I lose a lot of blood when I'm on my period so naybe that's why, its happened when I'm not on my period as well but more when I'm on it. Yes, I've gone to the doctor and explained this all to her and she doesn't know what's wrong with me. I know this isn't normal at all, I'm just lucky my boyfriend has been with me when I've fainted otherwise I could of really hurt myself. :/ this has been going on for a about years though but the fainting part didn't start until about two years ago. :(

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • How to hard reset HUAWEI-M835 (MetroPCS)?

    So I cannot factory reset it because I dont know the password but I know a hard reset is possible...I already tried to do one multiple times and it doesn't work, can someone help me out? This phone is very slow and apps crash like crazy.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Pulled off part of fingernail and I ripped to much off and it started bleeding?

    I know this is a dumb question but I have the habit of ripping off my nails when they grow a lot instead of clipping them with a nailclipper...I accidently ripped off to much and it hur like a ***** and it started bleeding. Will I get an infection? And how should I clean it? Thanks for the answers.

    3 AnswersFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Is it possible to get a qwerty keyboard on a phone replaced?

    I bought my friends used alcatel tribe (pink) from long lines wireless and she's had the phone for a few years and all of the lets on it are warn off and you can't evem see any of them (but I know where they all are) but my question is, can I get them replaced? Every single key needs replacing...and how much would it cost?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • A little TMI (sorry) but I only poop every four days or so...what's wrong with me?

    So I only poop every four days or so (I eat regurarly) and today I finally went after a couple of days and I've had diereah twice since I woke up and my stomach hurts and it feels hard...I'm scared that I have a tumar or something. :'( it kinda feels like its pulsating...

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • If I get married will it effect my SSI check?

    My boyfriend keeps telling me if we get married I won't get my SSI benefits anymore or they will be but down a lot because it'll be baisted on mone and his income... Is this true?

    2 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Straight Talk phone says no service?

    So my sister has a straight talk slide out keyboard phone, its not an android...they took the Verizon tower out of my town and replaced it with AT&T, ever since then straight talk won't work...but I heard it can work if you call them and see if they can update the service? Someone please tell me if this is possible or she is going to sell her phone.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How do I apply for Title19 for my sister?

    I have custady of my sister and she's 16, I wanna get her title19 health do I apply for her? I live in Iowa.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Forgot password on Android? Help!?

    Okay so I use my sisters old phone to download apps and play on it because my android software is 1.5 and it sucks because you can't get a lot of apps...anyway I was gonna factory reset it and I can't. The lock code is off but it says I have to enter there anyway I can factory reset it without it? I have a METROPCS android phone, not sure the name though but its a Hawuel (or however you spell it.)

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • So what is so special about rooting your android?

    I have heard it is something just like jailbreaking for Apple products. Is it illegal and could it slow down your phone? I have an android that's running on 1.5 (Cupcake), would rooting it allow me to update it? I hate this software, its really slow and the app store sucks! Five points for best answer!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • SMZ/TMP DS TAB 800-160 for yeast infection side effects?

    So I'm taking this medication for my uti and I'm just wondering what are the side effects?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Am I the only one that gets like this when I'm on my period?

    So I was just standing up talking to my boyfriend and all of a sudden I got naucious and dizzy, then I blacked out and told him I'm gonna faint, I did and I don't remember it...I only remember waking up, I thought I died. This only happens if I'm on my period though, sorry for to much info but its really heavy...and it even happens if I stand up to quickly, but I was already standing up for a good five minutes. Why does this happen to me? It scares me...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I owe my old phone company a lot of money?

    And I have heard that not paying it can ruin your credit badly...but I have not received a letter for not paying or anything. But the reason for me not paying is one day I forgot to pay it and they shut it off, I then payed it the nect morning and i owe $90 ($30 reactivation for each line, I had my mom and her bf on it as well)...then another time they just randomly shut all the phones off and they were not sapossed to, I paid the bill that week. Now I owe US Celluler $700...I font have that kind of money. Is it possible to set up a payment plan and pay it off? Like $50/month? If that is possible I will do that and then. Someone please help me out, I don't wanna have bad credit forever...I signed up for the contract in early April 2012 amf stopped paying it November 2012...I then owed them a lot of money for all the reactivation fees twice plus the current bill and it keeps racking up.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Just curious, how much levels is there on Y Answers?

    I'm almost to level two, can someone tell me how I can get more points? I already know the best answer and what not...but how can I get more? Thanks. :)

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • How do I learn to cook?

    So people might bash me but I don't know how to cook anything (oven and stove wise) my mom always cooked for me and I live with my boyfriend now and I get hungry when he is at work. I have bad vision in my right eye and I'm blind out of my left eye. I can not see the numbers and such on the stove, it makes me feel worthless.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Can't log into my Yahoo, says account is locked and need to log in on a computer?

    I tried logging into my Yahoo account on my mobile phone but I forgot my password, and it won't let me reset it, it says my account is locked and the only way I can restore it is on a computer, which I don't have. Same thing with my Windows Live, I tried to reset my password on my phone and it says enter the characters below and there's nothing there, as if the whole page did not load...I tried to refresh it and that does nothing. Is there any way I can contact them and have them reset my passwords?

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In8 years ago
  • Do questions and answers get posted to my Facebook account?

    I'm using Yahoo Answers on my phone through logging in with my Facebook account. Do my questions and answers get posted to my account? I don't want them to be.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • How can i gain weight?

    I am 19 about 5'2 and weigh 93lbs. I eat a lot and dont gaib any weight at can i gain weight?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I have genital warts...?

    I have genital warts and ive heard they can go away on their own if u have a strong immune can i make it strong? Also does anyine know how bad it hurts by getting them removed by a doctor with liquid nitrogen???

    4 AnswersSTDs8 years ago
  • When do kittens grow out of the stage where they bite and scratch?

    I have 2 kittens that are both 3 months old and they tend to bite and scratch. When will they break out of this stage?

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago