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I'm not telling you anything you swines... I'll never talk... never I tell you!!!!!
My dog keeps chasing people on bikes........?
.... should I take his stabilisers away?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoThis morning I sustained a terrible injury to my privates...............?
I was in the local Tesco store and wanted to turn the contents of my piggy bank into notes (used, of course, for security) and I misread the sign on the machine because I had left my specs in my secret laboratory.
I didn't realise that the instruction was to insert PENNIES in the slot and after some nastiness involving my todger and the inner workings of the machine I was finally freed by the Fire Brigade.
It's not all bad news though as now I have two lovely ten pound notes and my willy has now been pulled out to 12 inches.
Should send a stiff letter to Tescos or should I go back tomorrow with some more coins?
8 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoWhat should I wear then????
My driving instructor kept telling me today that I was in the wrong gear.
Don't you think he should keep his fashion advice to himself.
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoIs it possible to buy shop soiled underpants?
1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade agoI keep jerking off and upsetting my lady friend.......?
should I get the clutch on my horseless carriage adjusted by those cheeky chappies at Kwik Fit so that pulling away from the kerb is smoother?
7 AnswersFriends1 decade agoIs it true that if I stand too near the edge of the platform at the train station....?
I could get sucked off?
12 AnswersRail1 decade agoI have just swallowed £5 worth of coins in a freak monetary accident.?
Should I go to the hospital now or should I wait and see if there is any change tomorrow?
14 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoThunderbirds episodes..............?
is it me or is the acting in Thunderbirds a bit wooden?
3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoYesterday I was chased out of my local B and Q...........?
and all I had done was asked the young lady assistant if she could show me her large knockers then she hit me with a hammer and called the manager.
Now what should I do - should I just buy a doorbell?
3 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade agoGreggs the Bakers................?
This morning in Greggs I asked the lady behind the counter if I could give her baps a good hard squeeze to test them.
She hit me with a baguette and chased me from the store - what is the world coming to?
16 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoMy particle accelerator is playing up.......?
This morning the knob on my particle accelerator came off in my hand after I jiggled about a bit too much and now I've misplaced the pesky thing somewhere in my underground base.
Does anyone know if B and Q stock parts for secret labs as my plans to punch a hole in reality are scuppered without it?
Oh, and does anyone have a chimpanzee going spare?
7 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoFan commits suicide after Arsenal defeat.........?
Can you say that you are this committed to your team?
Or is this taking it a bit too far?
26 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade agoSo Gordon Clown has been made to look like the fool he is...?
over his shamefu attempted betrayal of the Gurkhas. Is this country finally waking up to this joke of a Prime Minister?
6 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhat size tank do I need?
I am taking delivery of a mating pair of hippos next week. Does anyone know what size tank I will need and if they get along with guinea pigs?
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWho would win in a fight to the death?
Mahatma Gandhi or Jean-Paul Sartre?
8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade agoInsurance for my dog......?
What's best for him?
He drives an old Ford Escort XR3i and has insisted on having a body kit and wide wheels fitted and one of those noisy exhausts.
Should he go fully comp or will third party do?
I worry because I hear all the time that dogs have no road sense - what should I do?
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy dog keeps doing his business.......? the middle of my living room.
It's very off putting having him constantly on the phone buying and selling shares and ordering stationery supplies for his company.
Should I stop him?
Or should I form a partnership with him?
4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoInvisibility...............?
If I painted myself in ultraviolet paint from head to foot do you think I would become invisible or should I just hide behind things?
This is for my hobby of hiding in ladies toilets.
32 AnswersSociology1 decade agoThe police........................?
With all the questions I have recently asked about those scamps (the police) and their homicidal and violent ways should I now fear for my safety?
I wouldn't want to get accidentally murdered a bit by one of them and then discover that I was asking for it.
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoVideoing the police in the UK?
Don't you think it's unfair that the police aren't allowed to assault and kill innocent people without some pesky so and so videoing them in the act? Especially when they have gone to all that effort to lie about their actions and squash any CCTV footage.
I personally would happily let them beat the crap out of me as it would probably be for my own safety and security.
7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago