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Lv 2605 points

The Virtual Luddite

Favorite Answers24%

HI my name is Ken. I'm 52 years old. I'm a heavy goods vehicle driver on sojourn at present. I've lived in the UK all of my life. I love Animals. I've got a realistic overview of the inhuman race. You don't need to know anything else about me..

  • Will KIM in the SOCIAL SCIENCE>PSYCHOLOGY section ever forgive me for not answering her?


    A couple've days ago I tried to answer a question in the psychology section I could'nt answer the question fully or satisfactorily in one go? And had intended to continue answering the question later on? I offered the questioner to contact me via answers and mail as I thought that a pro-active Q & A with this yahoo user would be an even better way to give this lady the support that I think that she needs?. However? I had'nt reckoned with yahoo's total inability to send a working link between A,erer & Q,er into my ymailbox!! This has really upset me as I am genuinely worried about this lovely lady who I was trying to help with my answers etc? I am unable to contact her via the broken link? And after browsing about 500 questions in search of her original question so that I could re-contact her? I now know that I am unable to find a way of finishing my answer to her? KIM in PSYCHOLOGY..

    If you read this? Please forgive me I have been trying my damnedest to get in touch with you ok? Yahoo have fubar here it is'nt my doing I promise you. I really want to help you my sweet. I truly do!!

    I really am crap at this technology crap and am unsure of how I can send you my primary email address,without going global with it? Perhaps if you highlight our communique so far to them? And ask them to forward my email add to you they will? They can email me for permission if they wish that is'nt a problem ok? KIM PLEASE READ THIS QUESTION I HOPE THAT YOU DO? xxKenDxx

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Yahoo prize award/attempted phishing attempt.?

    I have recently received an email that to all intents & purposes?appears,when received and opened,to be a genuine yahoo communique? However? After further reading it becomes obvious that it is an attempt to steal your identity and the contents of your bank account?

    Can anyone furnish me with the relevant yahoo address that might deal with this type of issue?

    I have read yahoo's T&C's as well as their digital data content disclaimer etc? But I think that because this email does appear & alledges to originate from an official yahoo site? That yahoo corp may be a tad annoyed by a blatent attempted criminal act using their good name etc? If there are any moderators reading this please help because I am genuinely worried that it may dupe a yahoo user and cause them a whole world of worry and pain.. Please help to stop this criminal 'Phishing'(I think that's what it is called?) and advise me of the yahoo address relevant to cyber crime?As well as the metropolitan police email address for the same?

    Thank you. Love and care for your human brothers and sisters. Because no matter the colour of the skin that we live in? Or the name of the God that we may worship? We all bleed red when we are cut. And we all hurt inside when we are deceived or betrayed? One World

    One Family

    One Future

    Unite as One

  • Which questions have I been voted 'Best Answers' for answering?

    How do I find out which questions I have answered and received a'Best Answer'for?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Is it illegal in the uk to fly an RC airplane without joining a club?

    Hi, I'm building a 4stroke petrol engined Cessna 172 scale replica airplane. its wingspan is approx 5 & a half ft, I have decided to modify my plane by fitting replica floats to it, thus making it an amphibious Cessna. My main reason for this is because I live very near the River Thames. Which means that I have an absolutely huge runway!! The land that I will be overflying with my Cessna (model plane) is public, but rarely visited! If I do not join an rc club or use their fly zone and go it alone? Would I be breaking any laws? Incidentally? Aircraft heading for or leaving from (depending upon wind direction?)The London City Airport pass within a mile downstream of my proposed flyzone but they are up at around a 1000ft and I dont think that my plane will have the range or height to cause problems? I can always move upstream a mile or so (can anyone tell me the laws about this?) as I know that the pigs that can fly get a tad agitated if anything comes within half a mile of their copper chopper? I'm sorry but to me a near miss is half a metre!! Half a mile is more reaction time than is needed? (15 seconds at 200mph) please answer!,

    1 AnswerAir Travel8 years ago
  • Is the present government guilty of high treason against the indigenous british people?

    Since coming to power.the coalition government has acted through the use of new laws,bills,tax increases,the subtle deconstruction of both civilian and military infrastructure,the introduction of new socially sensitive policies that have already been proved as detrimental to the public good i.e.the relaxation of gambling rules and regulations leading to an explosion of casinos,slots,card dens and other betting establishments. The selling off of military and civilian hardware and technology to foriegn nations that are considered as being hostile to the western world. The selling off of various british patents and intellectual properties pertaining to technological british 'firsts'.the introduction of policies and relaxation of a great many laws and policies that has led to the vastly greater rise in the cost of living in the uk compared with the eu etc and the flood of a great many,many immigrants into the uk who may alledgedly be anti british.also border controls have been remade into a positively inviting open door for thousands of eastern europeans with hundreds of thousands more poised to descend upon an already over strained health and benifit systems. These few issues are but a few of the many others that have been slipped under the fence? Considering that this latest government has thus far done sfa to benifit the uk or its people? I think that it is a far greater threat to our soveriegn nation than the nazis ever were or that al queda will ever be? Are they guilty of crimes against the british people? Brittania used to rule the waves!! I doubt if our navy could fill an average sized lake at present. THIS IS NOT A RANT!! IT IS THE TRUTH. THE PROOF OF WHICH IS ONLINE..

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • To Jesus the Christ your Lord GOD!!!?

    Even if you did exist? I still would'nt pray for help from you or your bosom buddy, Mohamed!! If you consider all of the suffering,the pain,the conflict,the death and destruction that The Catholic Christian Church and Islamic Faith have caused over the centuries? I think that this planet and its people are far better off without a belief system that requires blind faith in an apparenty? all loving,all caring,compassionate and merciful being that created the entire universe but who can't stop the 11 million murders that were committed in the Catholic backed attempt at the genocide of his 'chosen people'!! Ha I think not?? And before any Christians or Muslims want to complain about this statement? Why do'nt you try to look into your own respective churches histories,infrastructures and finances etc? You really wo'nt believe just how much money your Holy Houses make from the weapons industry?? It is'nt the word of god that religions preach? Its the words of the pope,the cardinals.the archbishops,the ayatollahs,immans and other church leaders. The word of God is Love!! Ha yeah ok?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do you get a book you have written published in either digital or paper format?

    Hi. I am in the final stage of authoring a work of fiction. Which I would like to try to get published in either paper or ebook (possibly both?) formats!. Are there any authors,publishers or people versed in these matters,that would be able to advise me about my legal rights and responsibilities,actions I need to take to legally copyright my book,how to avoid being ripped off by less than honest publishing 'houses'. And how to get the best publishing deal for myself?

    I will be really grateful for any advice or info given? Many thanks.. TVL

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do you get a book you have written published in either digital or paper format?

    Hi. I am in the final stage of authoring a work of fiction. Which I would like to try to get published in either paper or ebook (possibly both?) formats!. Are there any authors,publishers or people versed in these matters,that would be able to advise me about my legal rights and responsibilities,actions I need to take to legally copyright my book,how to avoid being ripped off by less than honest publishing 'houses'. And how to get the best publishing deal for myself?

    I will be really grateful for any advice or info given? Many thanks.. TVL

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How long my little christian sheep do you think?


    If as the Bible inferrs? there really is a God in Heaven? And our souls ascend there if we've made the grade? When we die? If your soul is indeed allowed to ask God just 1 question as is also inferred in the Bible? How long do you think the Omnipotent one would take to answer me? if I were to simply ask why? But why meant in every possible context and frame of reference and about every single possible subject in the entire universe i.e. An infinite number of events and an infinite number of reasons infinite objects,lives,deaths,births ad infinitum? You hopefully get the idea of infinite answers to the infinite meanings that can be included as reasons for asking why? Thanks T.V.L. :-)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are there any genuine,honest and open folk who have an encounter of the 1st,2nd or 3rd kind?

    Hi I myself am a believer in the saying "We are not alone" And Several years ago whilst walking my dog? Myself and a fellow dog walker both spotted 2 brilliant,almost dazzlingly bright metallic red spheres closely intereacting with each other very low in the sky approxiamately 1 third of a mile away from us! I am no expert in aerial phenomena but I know for sure that whatever these objects were? They definately did not hold with any Newtonian laws of physics and the way that they were zipping about? Made 'top gun' look silly!! They moved silently so I feel that I must label my sighting as unexplained aerial phenomenon! In my mind though? Their motion was guided not random! Also my life partner who was born and bred up north in Leeds. So she don't readily take 't flights of fancy or beleive in ufos before new years day 2011 at around 20:15 hrs whilst walking the dogs she was 'stalked' by a bright shining orange sphere that came like a streak of light from a south westerly direction to halt and hover silently directly above her and the dogs(who glanced up and then carried on with their canine duties sniffing and weeing etc) she says that she stood still looking up at it (and felt like it was looking at her) for 3 to 5 mins at which time it moved off smoothly on a north easterly heading. Slowly,silently accelerating when it was joined by another 2 identical objects and they all flew off in a triangular formation. I really do know my missus and know beyond doubt that she does'nt lie and would'nt fabricate a story about u.a.p or ufos either? So there are two seperate incidents of ufo activity. On Youtube there ard thousands of alledged ufo sightings many are laughably fake but there are many that are plausible too? The main theme seems to be a massive increase in validated sightings many of which have been officially verified!! Now mw question is how many people reading this can truthfully admit that they have had an encounter of the off world kind? I am only trying to verify Youtubes claims? So please only genuinely honest people answer this question as I'm trying to discover the truth and try to guage whether or not mankind is in danger? Please be honest Thanks.. T.V.L.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are there any genuine,honest and open folk who have an encounter of the 1st,2nd or 3rd kind?

    Hi I myself am a believer in the saying "We are not alone" And Several years ago whilst walking my dog? Myself and a fellow dog walker both spotted 2 brilliant,almost dazzlingly bright metallic red spheres closely intereacting with each other very low in the sky approxiamately 1 third of a mile away from us! I am no expert in aerial phenomena but I know for sure that whatever these objects were? They definately did not hold with any Newtonian laws of physics and the way that they were zipping about? Made 'top gun' look silly!! They moved silently so I feel that I must label my sighting as unexplained aerial phenomenon! In my mind though? Their motion was guided not random! Also my life partner who was born and bred up north in Leeds. So she don't readily take 't flights of fancy or beleive in ufos before new years day 2011 at around 20:15 hrs whilst walking the dogs she was 'stalked' by a bright shining orange sphere that came like a streak of light from a south westerly direction to halt and hover silently directly above her and the dogs(who glanced up and then carried on with their canine duties sniffing and weeing etc) she says that she stood still looking up at it (and felt like it was looking at her) for 3 to 5 mins at which time it moved off smoothly on a north easterly heading. Slowly,silently accelerating when it was joined by another 2 identical objects and they all flew off in a triangular formation. I really do know my missus and know beyond doubt that she does'nt lie and would'nt fabricate a story about u.a.p or ufos either? So there are two seperate incidents of ufo activity. On Youtube there ard thousands of alledged ufo sightings many are laughably fake but there are many that are plausible too? The main theme seems to be a massive increase in validated sightings many of which have been officially verified!! Now mw question is how many people reading this can truthfully admit that they have had an encounter of the off world kind? I am only trying to verify Youtubes claims? So please only genuinely honest people answer this question as I'm trying to discover the truth and try to guage whether or not mankind is in danger? Please be honest Thanks.. T.V.L.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What,why,where and when?

    What is the problem with humanity? Why can't we? As a species,as a world,as nations,as states,counties.boroughs,cities,towns,villages,communities,creeds,cultures,families and as individuals? Get on with each other? Why can't we live in peace together? We are all one family! No matter what colour our skin? We are all the same colour inside! Religion,language,ethos,nationality whatever real or imagined differences there are? When it all boils down to it? Nothing is worth the hatred the fights the wars the genocides the slaughter the intolerance or dumbass stupidity that the human race practices on a seemingly daily basis? Because we all live on an infinitessimally microscopic mote of rock that we all call home that is floating in a universe that is both so mind boggingly vast and unbelievably ancient that the human mind can't really take it all in,in anyway that means anything we can fully comprehend in any sane kind of way? Oh yeah here we are the top species on this planet we think that we are the best thing since the big bang! Yet all it takes is a lump of space rock moving at inter planetary speed to hit our world and then that's it man! Game over! Planetary extinction #4 Mankind gone forever. Why can't we as a species see how very small our problems are compared to the probability of being slam dunked into oblivion by something from outside our sphere of influence? If we carry on as a species like we are? Where will we be on the path of life? When will we realise that we are stronger together as a species than we are apart? Together as a race we continue to rise if we continue to keep hnlding ourselves apart? We fall!! We as individuals need to join hands together globally and say no to the warmongers to the arms manufacturers and to the governments who live in the financiers pockets lets put our planet and our humanity before profit and greed lets put education before alienation Please? For our survivals sake!!

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Can any "Techies" out there help me with my N95 8gb's operating system problems please?

    Hi, I've got a Nokia N95 8gb that was 'born' on 23 07 08. It was originally locked to the 02 network but had been unlocked before I purchased it 'pre-owned' in 09 & it's been on T-Mobile since then. It's running with a v30.0.018 o.s. & has the Nokia 95 (94-01) RM3.20 designation numbers. Basically the issues that my mobile have are as follow?The Javascript/ECMA is apparently Inop in the browser? Because when I'm browsing I keep being asked to enable my Javascript etc settings to view the HTML Rich content of various websites, including Nokia & t-mobile. Sometimes I get sent to the Adobe site because of having an outdated flashplayer version! But after going through the free player upgrade process?Adobe kindly inform me that the upgrade cannot continue because my system is not supported by them & I get promptly dumped off of the site. I have downloaded various compatible apps & other softwares but when I try tn open them? They either are not on my device? they cannot be opened wrong file type!, software not recognised by device.or they appear as white circular symbols with a question mark inside them? in the jad or jar files, & if I attempt to open them? I'm advised that the format is unsupported cannot open file. The device will not allow any of googles software or services to function! I can download them?but cannot even open them? There are no error,warning or expainatory messages displayed at any time? Just a total inability to make use of anything 'Google'! I have no virtual memory shown on the device at all my device memory has 18% available for use & 4gb on mass memory. My device is also unable to access ethernet,wlan or wefi networks!! & Apart from an occassional white,black screen lockout event? Or total system crash which is fun!! The phone functions well!! Finally I have tried several times to try & reinstall the present o.s. From via PC Suite Nokia Suite & Nokia Ovi Suit,as well as via the phones own detice updater all to no avail? Please understand that I don.t speak Java,Symbian,Unicode,windows 1258 or even binary? I'm about as tech minded as a Luddite with a sledgehammer! So please be gentle? And please,please.please, don't be inane and come up with "Just buy a new phone!!' because I can assure you? If I had the money? I would'nt be writing this? I'd be trying to figure out how to use my new Lumia or Omnia ok? Thanks. ??

    3 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Does anyone else in the U.K. think the same as me about the terrestrial t.v. Channels dropping Frankie Boyle?

    Personally I think that the brilliantly original, outrageously funny but for the moment? apparently abducted by aliens,comedian who is,Or should that be Was? Frankie Boyle was like a breath of fresh air to comedy on t.v. Which, lets face it? Has become just a tad steadfast, static,samey,stupid,sad,bovinely boring and an altogether very unfunny joke!! Yes ok? Frankie Boyles sense of humour is rather brutal,cutting and very,very direct!! but so fkn what? He is a man who was man enough to vocalise publicly about the kind've things that the majority of the u.k's population (who still have a pulse left) think about anyway!! The british sense of humour is world renowned for being exactly like the fantastically funny Frankie Boyle's self styled sense of humour is? i.e. Dry,sarcastic,brutally direct,hurtfully truthful,cringeingly sharp and painfully honest! So whats the problem? The guy just speaks his (and most of ours) mind! But in a side splittingly funny way!! He says it as he see's it from his own uniquely amusing and genuinely talented viewpoint!! He has a huge fanbase on the stand up circuit. Which blows against the way that the t.v. machine usually operates? As they usually snap up anyone with the merest hint of talent!! So being as our Mr Boyle swimming in true talent? methinks that the 3 peice suited moguls of media have gone all p.c. By listening to the whining minority of 2.5 sunday car washing morons,the t-towel wearing western world haters,every one that feels persecuted and has a chip on their shoulder? And probably every theiving barsteward that we keep baa haa haa lindly voting in to mislead the nation? So please every Frankie Boyle fan follower amused by or just likes him people who read this? Email the u.k. t.v. Stations and tell them to put frankie back on the box!! Lets make people power work for once? Every email is a fight against politically correct banality.. Thank you KD

    1 AnswerDrama10 years ago
  • Hi does anyone on this n/w know of a Mk 1 Ford Escort Van for sale at a reasonable price?

    I'm looking for a 1300 Mk one Ford Escort Van for sale fairly cheap preferably still running as a 1st restoration project as I liked the old round headlight vans and would enjoy giving a new lease of life to one of the old girls.. would be grateful if anyone can point me towards one? Thanks... Ken

    5 AnswersFord10 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me what on earth happened to the democratic process and free speech in Great Britain? ?

    Also when did it become legal for knobs like cameron and his Criminal companions to blatently steal from the British public to help his banker buddies out and also to decomission top quality military ships and aircraft from the this nations armed forces only to sell them off on the qt to nations that have openly declared their hatred for the western world? He should'nt be leading this country the traitorous s.o.b should be hanging from a gibbet in the tower of London

    3 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • Hello, does any body know if the 2.0dti Vauxhall Vectra (Y reg)suffers from any inherant electrical faults ?

    for my sins I drive the above mentioned vehicle and its got an electrical fault that is causing a 'dead short' that is draining the battery overnight. Does any one know if there is an inherant fault with the Vectra that would cause this issue?

    1 AnswerVauxhall Opel10 years ago
  • Where in the south of England is the least expensive retailer of R.T.F r.c. Scale model aircraft ?

    Hi I'm unemployed due to disability and am on what the government laughingly call benifits! So what with the prices of everything going thru the roof and the cost of living being generally better suited for the aristocracy,landed gentry and our grossly overpaid parliamentary members etc? Basically I'm a bit short of dosh! Along with the best of us I guess? Anyway can anybody in southern england advise me of any reasonably inexpensive suppliers of R.T.F. or A.R.T.F. Radio Controlled scale model flying aircraft? Single or multi engined and also related equipment,spare parts etc? I'd be truly grateful for any helpful answers thanks...

    3 AnswersAircraft10 years ago
  • Is there anyone out there in this Y.A. bit of the tridoubleU Who knows who was foolish enuf to invent P.C.?

    I'd like 2no who it was who managed to think up the absurdity that is P.C.(Political correctness) Cos to any1 wiv half a brain it's obvious that P.C.ness is a cleverly disguised tool to limit freespeech

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago