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Favorite Answers23%
  • Random earlobe issue?

    Okay so I have a lump-like ball thing in between my head and my earlobe on the bottom of my right ear. You can't really see it unless the ear is stretched out but you can definitely feel it when touched. It doesn't really hurt unless I touch it for a while (I have a habit with playing with it when nervous) It's been there for about three months that I've noticed but I don't think it's growing or anything... Any clue what it is? Thanks (:

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • I have height concerns...?

    Ian five feet and 15, already had my growth spurt and all of my friends, family, teachers, etc laugh at my height.

    I haven't made sports teams because I am short ( yes they tell me to my face that is the reason why I dot make it) and I am sick of it. Even an inch or two of growing would help, so is it truly possible to "make yourself grow"?

    Pretty soon the kids I babysit for are going to be taller then me! And please don't say wear heels because I can't wear heels on a soccer field or volleyball court lol

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • I really need to know this before tomorrow?!?

    I am from Chicago and am going to the outer banks, hatteras north Carolina tomorrow. Will the cricket phone plan get reception there??! Are there any websites that show where cricket gets reception?

    (best answer gets ten points obviously) thanks so much!

    2 AnswersOther - United States10 years ago
  • Am I unhealthy or okay?

    I am 5'1 and 113.. But I look at myself and I'm not fat-looking? I feel like it's too much to weigh though. I do have a lot of muscle though, so is this okay or what should I do if not? ( I play 5 sports and run everyday as well as abs workouts)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • I some of your opinions?

    Okay so this really bothers me: last year I tried out for the highschool volleyball team. They told me I was good but I am too "vertically challenged to make the team" (i am five feet, but I am VERY athletic!!) And I have been playing for 4 years and people say I am good! Can they do this? What are your opinions?

    2 AnswersVolleyball10 years ago
  • How much do hamsters cost?

    Hi I need an exact or close to exact price of hamsters, their supplies, food, toys, and cage. Any good links of websites would be great! And any other info about them! Thanks y'all very much

    10 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • I really want a pet!?

    Okay so I have been begging my parents for a pet for at least 11 years now, and have been obsessed with animals since I was like 4. They always say no and I've tried pretty much EVERYTHING. ( made t- charts, wrote letters, begged for hours, hunger strike, prayed upon hours, cried, yelled, emailed, got literally on hands and knees pleading, a lot!)

    My mom was STARTING to soften up last week then said to stop nagging her and my dad just always says no. I have pet sit a lot, am responsible, and very good with animals and want a prt for all the right reasons. ( adopt to save it's life, learn more responsibility, and I'm always bored and a bit lonely because my friends are uber busy and my sisters are both going off to college)

    They don't understand that I just really want/need a pet in my life BESIDES the lame fish my dad is obsessed with... Any help?! Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • What are the Peace Corps?

    I've heard a lot o peoPle talk about the Peace Corps And I was wondering what are their purpose and what do they do?

    2 AnswersCommunity Service10 years ago
  • Benefits of yoga workouts?

    So I see now at a lot of fitness places that yoga is the new hot thing. I was just wondering what the effects are? (like lots of muscle build up or weight loss??)

    Also, are there any websites or videos that instruct a quality yoga work out?

    Thanks a bunch!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What do I need for girls rugby?

    I might start doing rugby this fall, and I was wondering hat equipment is needed for girls rugby and any other info about it or websites I can check out tht are helpful? Thanks so much!

    5 AnswersRugby10 years ago
  • What do you need to do to be a physical therapist? ?

    Heyy I really want to be a physical therapist. How many years of education do I need and do you have any suggestions for good colleges to attend for it? Also are there any high school classes I ought to take as well? Thanks!

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • How can I get into unc?

    Hey I really want to get into unc chapel hill and I have a couple years though. I play lacrosse, do cross country, and I am in culinary club. I have a 4.0 gap and am going into honors English. Would this be good for UNC acceptors? What do I need to do to get in and possibly get a good scholarship from out if state? What do they look for? And how much does it cost per year? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • What pet is good and live only a few years?

    Hi! My mom is going to let me get a SMALL pet (no dogs cat or birds) and since I'll be going to college in three years it can only live for about that long. No fish please I really don't like them! Please help and much appreciated!!

    10 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Where is a good place to buy a turtle or tortoise?

    I see all of these pet stores like petland, petco, petsmart... Do they sell turtles and tortoises there? (if so, good, healthy ones?) I don't know anything about buying or owning one so any info will help! Thanks! (:D

    4 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • What kind of pets are suitable for me?

    My mom is finally pushing over to let me get a pet BESIDES fish. It has to be small, easy to take care of and live for 4 years more or less. No birds and preferably no fur in her "rules" but if the furry ones are small maybe it could slide! Please help thankssss!

    7 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Which type of turtle is easiest to care for?

    I really want to get a turtle and am trying to convince my mom. It needs to be small and easy to take care of. However, I want to be able to play with it, too... any suggestions on what to get and how to get started?

    7 AnswersReptiles10 years ago