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Lv 135 points

Jess Marie

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  • period was 19 days late?

    I had my tubes cut when u had my last little girl 15 months ago. My last period was Nov. 17th to Nov. 24th. last night. The past week I have been having bad cramps but no bleeding. Today I started to bleed. It is bright red and I am having a lot of blood clots. IK that blood clots are normal during your period but I am having a lot more then I normally do. Like my pad will be filled with them every time I go to the bathroom. I have been having bad cramping today. Could this be a miscarriage? I mean I did have my tubes cut 15 years ago! If that's not it what could it be?

    (I HAVE CALLED TO MAKE AND APTT. WITH MY OBGYN and cant be seen for 2 days from today... I was just wondering if any one else has had anything like this happen to them?)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • 5 foot 6 in. and 140lbs?

    I am 24 years old. I had my 2nd baby 14 months ago. After I had her I was 175lbs. The past 6 months I have been busting my butt to lose this weight! I have cut out the junk foods and work out 30 min a day. I am now 140lbs. And now my husband keeps saying things about me being bulimic. And its not just him its his family as well. Im am so upset. I have worked hard to drop that weight. I did NOT take the easy way out and throw up what I eat! IDK what to say or do when my husband says things to me about him thinking I am bulimic....

    Was just wondering if any one else out there had gone through something like this and if they could give me some advice?

    Thanks <3

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • vogue glasses say made in china?

    So i picked up my eye glasses today only to come to find out 10 min. later i had a black like on the side of my face. From what u ask? FROM MY GLASSES! The place I got them from use a black maker to mark out "made in china" on them! So my ? is do Vogue glasses say made in china?

    Eyeglasses # is VO2648


    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • normal behavior for 4 year old?

    So today my 4 year old girl had picture day at her preschool. Her class gets out at 11am. When i got there to pick her up they just were starting pictures. I was standing there watching her the whole time and she did not see me. While standing in line waiting she was kicking a little boy that was standing in-front of her the whole time she was waiting. Then when it came time for her picture she just stood there and would not listen anyone and then fell on the the floor and would not listen me or any one else. Lets just say she never got her pics done. Then when it was time to leave she would not leave with me. It took 15 mins just to get her to walk out to the car. On the way out every other parent there was saying nothing but rude things. "U know she acts like this because what kind of mother u are." and on and on with rude things. And these other mothers have never even talk to me or anything so they can not know what kind of person or mother i am. IDK what to do! If u have any advice that u could give to me about this all plez go for it!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • child is in preschool and?

    So, my little girl just started preschool this week. My step-son goes to the same school but is in pre-k. I had to put my girl in a privet school for preschool because public schools in the city i live in do not offer preschool.

    Any ways, my step-sons mother was very VERY ummm lets say mad that me and my husband inrolled her in the same school as her son. When she found out she yelled at my husband saying, "So now you are taking away MY school? U took my bank, my zip cod, and now MY school" The only reason that we in-rolled her in this school is because its only $80 a month, if we sent her to any other school it would be at lest $150 a month and only for 2 days a week.

    She is so mad about my girl going there that she has told other mothers at this school things about me that are not even close to being true! I've never even really talked to my step-sons mother due to how she acts and I don't want to get in the middle of anything with her.

    My ? is what should i do? I mean i even hear other mothers at this school make very rude comments and say off the wall things! I mean i would change where my child goes to preschool but the year has started and i cant get her into any other place because u have to sign up so early in the year to get into any preschool in this town. I have been trying to just act like i don't hear what they are saying but its getting to the point that i just want to say something back. But i don't want to go this way by feeding into their ways.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Very light period bleeding?

    So i have my 2nd child 7 months ago. I had a c-section so i had my tubes burnt during it. I started having normal periods 2 months after having my child. I am due for my period this week. But for the past week i have been having very BAD cramps. Ive had period cramps but nothing like this! Last week i was in so much pain it reminded me of when i was going into labor with my 2nd child! Now i am having very light bleeding and its brownish in color.

    I have been having unprotected sex with my hubby due to having the tubule done.

    COULD i even be pregnant or should i just not worrie about it? Could i even get pergnate after havinga tuble???

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • married at the courthouse what happens?

    can more then just 2 witnesses be in the room? (can family be there say 10 people?) also what happens there?

    3 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • why am i still in a size 11?

    My waist is 29" and my hips are 35" but im only down to fitting in a size 11!

    Female, age 23, 155lbs, 5' 6" tall

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • is this a healthy hip to waist ratio?



    age 23

    5' 6"


    Waist 29"

    Hips 37'

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • question about child support?

    So my fiance was making 19 an hour until he changed job and is no making 11 and hour. He was paying 400 a month for one child when he was making 19 an hour. now that he has changed job and is making $8 less an hour he has try ed to get child support lowered. But it is going to take 2 months. I cant work right now due to have a 6 month old no one to babysit and im going to college. I dont see how we can pay the bills when she is getting $400 a month when he is only making $1,600 a month right now and only have 1,200 after child support is taken out. With a house payment a car payment and other bills. How can she still be getting so much when he is making so little?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • question about child support?

    So my fiance was making 19 an hour until he changed job and is no making 11 and hour. He was paying 400 a month for one child when he was making 19 an hour. now that he has changed job and is making $8 less an hour he has try ed to get child support lowered. But it is going to take 2 months. I cant work right now due to have a 6 month old no one to babysit and im going to college. I dont see how we can pay the bills when she is getting $400 a month when he is only making $1,600 a month right now and only have 1,200 after child support is taken out. With a house payment a car payment and other bills. How can she still be getting so much when he is making so little?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What do u think of this situation?

    So I have been with this guy for 2 years. We have a 4 month old together and we both have a child from a previous relationship. (ages 3&4) We have been living together for a year and a half. When he had proposed to me 2 months ago he did not make it seem heart felt. I mean i was laying in bed sick (gallbladder problems) and half way asleep when he asked. He did not say anything loving more or less just about how getting married is a legally thing. Nothing like i want to spend the rest of my life with you. He said that he does not need to married me to show that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me or anything. Also he just wants to go to the court house and get married. Am i wrong to feel that all this is not right? just by how he just wants to get married for legal reasons and just wants to go to the court house? Im staring to feel like he does not love me at all.

    What do you think of all this?

    plez no dumb answers here... just asking for someone elses point of view

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • what to wear for a job interview at walmart?

    all i have is black dress pants or blue jeans.... also a nice dress shirt

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • how fast can i loss weight by doing this?

    So I am a 23 year old female, i am 5' 6" and 168lbs. I've looked up what my calorie need in a day is to stay at the weight that I am now (2,511 calories) As of right now I am trying to only take in 1,000 to 1,500 calories a day... (all from healthy foods, no high fatty/sugary foods nor red meats) Also I am trying to keep my self moving all day even if its cleaning the house or going for a walk with my 3 year old and 5 month old. With doing all this about how long would it take me to get from 168lbs to 140lbs? Im trying to lose weight do to health issues that have come up after having my youngest child.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • why does it have to be so much more expensive to buy healthy foods? =(?

    So I am trying to change my diet from boxed frozen meals and food like that to more fresh foods. I normally spend about $200 or less every 2 weeks.... but NO! I get all fresh/healthy foods and come out paying over $350 for 2 weeks =(

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • what can i do when i have "me" time?

    Im a 23 year old mother of a 5 month old, 3 year old and a steep son that is 4 that is here every weekend.

    I had my first child at the age of 19. I dont have any friends that i hang out with anymore due to they just really stopped talking to me after i had my first child.

    I want to have some "me" due to i have not had time away from my children in over a year. But dont have any friends to go do anything with. So my ? is what is there to do by myself?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Am i wrong to want a break?

    I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old and a steepson that is 4 years old that we have every weekend.

    I am in college part time online. I do not go out at all with friends. I am home every day with my children if i go any where they are with me. Am i wrong to just want a few hours to myself? Because i am always being told that not having time away is part of being a stay at home mom. But i feel i need a little time away before i lose my mind. I dont think an hour with out kids is to much to ask for.... What do u think... and i wrong to want some me time?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • my 3 year old is acting up so bad...?

    My 3 year old little girl has been acting up so badly in the past month. I have already tired time outs. She will not stay in time out. I have tried putting her back in time out for over 3 hours but i cant keep doing this all day because i have a 5 month old that i need to care for too. I have been taking toys each time that she acts up. Now she has no toys left to take. She just yells at me all the time, telling me that she does not have to listen to me and that im not the boss. She use to be such a good child till she turned 2. (She will be 4 this oct.) I have gotten to the point that I put a child lock on her door knob so she can not open her door and leave her in her room until she stops yelling and throwing things around. IDK what to do with her any more. I dont believe in spanking a child due to i was taken from my parents at the age of 15 due to abuse that was happening to me and I dont want to chance doing to my child what was done to myself as a child.

    What else can i do?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • 5 month old is sick, does this sound bad?

    My 5 month old has had a small cough for the past few days but today it has gotten bad. Every time she coughs it shakes her and it looks like its painful. Also she is coughing up green snot. Also her nose was running clear but now its green. Should i take her into redimed (urgent care, not the ER) or does this sound like it can wait till monday?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • woke up b4 colonoscopy was done?

    So i had a colonoscopy 3 days ago. I woke up b4 they had the Scope out. I have the report of what happened during the procedure and it says i was woken up after they had the scope out. I am angry that they have lied about this! what should i do?

    Also i remember everything from the time i woke up! The last time i had this done at the age of 16 i dont remember hardly anything from that day. But this time around i remember everything from the time i woke up during it,

    2 AnswersMedicine9 years ago