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In the heat of composition I find that I have inadvertently allowed myself to assume the form of a large centipede...

  • Are there strategy games of this kind?

    Usually in strategies the player is able to see and control all of his lands and armies at the same time, which is a bit unrealistic. So, are there games where you are limited to one location, and have to send orders/receive reports from all others and rely on your functionaries there? The reports and orders take some time to be delivered, they can be inaccurate or misleading or fake, your servants can be corrupt or unskilled or malevolent and so on. Is there anything like this?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Do they write Utopias now?

    I mean U-topia, not Dys-topia. A society better than ours, with people better than ourselves and the protagonist(s) protecting the existing order, not trying to destroy it. And by "now" I mean the last decade or so. Can you give me names, or titles, or links, or something? I can't find anything of this sort at all :(

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Egyptian word for "crocodile"?

    As far as I know there are a few dialects of the Arabic language, so, how are Egyptian crocodiles called in Egypt? And please transliterate it, I won't understand otherwise.

    1 AnswerEgypt8 years ago
  • Aircrafts: is there a common name for moving parts of the wing?

    I mean ailerons, slats, flaps and spoilers. Is there a word that describes them all together?

    7 AnswersAircraft9 years ago
  • German literature after world wars 1 and 2?

    I want to know what it was like. Please recommend me some books written and set in Germany during early 20s or late 40s. The books' plot and idea don't really matter, but they need to have as few fictious elements as possible and to be written in German by actual Germans. All I want is the atmosphere; I want to look at the situation through someone's affected and biased eyes, so please don't recommend me any history courses.

    Thank you :)

    1 AnswerOther - Germany9 years ago
  • Russians of Yahoo, who's your favourite poet?

    Just wondering :)

    7 AnswersRussia9 years ago
  • Russian protesters and their supporters: what election results would satisfy them?

    I mean these 'for fair elections' demonstrations. What result of the upcoming presidential elections the protesters would consider real, genuine and unbiased, what result would make them stop protesting 'for fair elections'? If possible, please give me

    5 surnames and percents for the first tour (approximately, of course),

    2 for the second (if needed)

    and the winner,

    as the opposition believes should be if the elections are absolutely and perfectly fair, and people vote (or don't vote) as they naturally do.

    If there are some candidates who matter, but don't participate, please add them and compose another list with more names in the first tour and, again, the winner.

    9 AnswersRussia9 years ago
  • A question to native German speakers?

    In this video

    is the language really German, or does it have a distinct foreign accent?

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • If it was neither evolution, nor creation, then what was it?

    I often hear that there are only 2 possible explanations for the diversity of life: intelligent creation and evolution, thus 'disproving' one automatically means 'proving' the other. But really, there must be other theories about how life has become what it now, not dependent on the 2 'main' ones. Are there? Can you name some?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If atheists prove that God doesn't exist after all, what would happen?

    Christians so often ask us to prove that their God isn't real..what would they do if we prove it after all?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question about a Japanese hieroglyph?

    It's been mentioned somewhere that there is a Japanese character that means 30 (thirty), looks similar to Cyrillic letter Ж and its name is 'sandzu' (?). Google translator failed to find anything of this kind, there really such a character?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Are there sites or books that prove some particular gods exist?

    If there are, please share the links. I'm just curious: almost all the 'proofs' are about some faceless and nameless 'uncaused causes' and 'intelligent creators', and almost no religious sources bother to explain why this supernatural something is their god and not anything else. I believe if such proofs exist, they are about Abrahamic gods, even if not - please share.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Darwinism is a shamanistic religion which has adopted nature as a deity!?

    Well I've found this article

    Among other things, it states:

    + Darwinism is a religion of nature-worship; it describes nature as an entity with “mythical and mysterious powers.”

    + Evolutionists claim that everything performed by the “idol of chance” is actually based on pragmatic calculations. In their view, this idol is able to consider everything and calculate in advance every step it will take.

    + Evolutionists believe ... that matter once assembled itself into a living cell and that one organism can give rise to another, entirely different one.

    + Darwinism is an ancient shamanistic religion, built on insane and irrational superstitions and falsehoods. This idolatrous religion has been invented to confront Islam.

    + According to the shamanistic religion of Darwinism, earth, water, rock and stone can feel, smell, hear and perceive colors.

    and so on.

    And I'd like to ask you: do you think the person who wrote that sincerely believes in it, or is it just his way to earn some money?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does "Maru" mean in Japanese?

    I don't know how to write it properly, but that's how it is pronounced.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Native English speakers, can you help me?

    'Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away'.

    What exactly does this phrase mean?

    Does it mean 'in galaxy which is far away from our own galaxy', therefore in some *other* galaxy?

    Or does it mean 'far away, in a galaxy', i.e. not outside of galaxies, and perhaps even in our own galaxy, just far from us?

    It's a petty question, but I really want to know.

    Thank you :)

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Stalin: Do you think it's possible that one doesn't need to be a psychotic sadist to do what he did?

    I believe you all know who Joseph Stalin was :)

    It is often assumed that he was a paranoid, maniac and sadist and his actions too often were illogical and unexplainable.

    But can't it be that his deeds were those of an absolutely normal regular man who quite suddenly gained absolute control over a vast country, which, in addition, wasn't his mother country?

    He just did what he wished: he needed grain to sell - so he took all he wanted from the peasants; he needed to build more than the country could built - he extracted a huge amount of cheap labor by imprisoning billions of people and using them as workers; he needed to win the war - he ordered to kill soldiers who valued their lives over that victory; and of course he destroyed people he considered dangerous or just didn't like.

    Is he just an example of what power can do to a man?

    Please, share your opinions and not facts about Russian history: I'm Russian myself, I know the facts.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Do stripy animals have stripy skin underneath their fur?

    Like, if I were to shave a tiger or a zebra, would they remain stripy or become pink?

    Just curious :)

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What will become of the US national debt?

    I'm asking for assumptions and opinions, I guess.

    The debt is huge. Will anything be done about it any time soon? Or will it continue to grow, as though it is normal? Or perhaps tomorrow they will change some internal law and declare that the US doesn't actually need to repay its debts? (I heard that the US judges the whole world by its own domestic laws, not international ones; that's why I'm asking this particular question).

    So what's your opinion, what will happen?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • To everyone who knows other languages...?

    There's a phrase, "To each his own", which consists of 4 words.

    German version is "Jedem das Seine" - 3 words.

    Russian is "Каждому своё" - 2 words.

    The question is, is there a language in which the same meaning can be transferred using 1 (one) word?

    Just curious :)

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is there an "enemy" in Islam?

    In Christianity there is Satan who is to blame for everything, but I heard that in Islam there is no such "betrayer", and Allah is master of all evil and hell is under his full control. Is it so, do Muslims really have no one to blame for their sins?

    I am an ignorant atheist, and I am just wondering..

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago