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I'm 18 and live in Delaware. I LOVE dogs. they are my life. any questions about them, ask, PLEASE!! lol

  • i found a tick on my dog..?

    Today while i was petting my dog i looked on her neck and found a tick. she IS on a monthly flea and tick preventative My mom had always told me to use nail polish remover so i did. unfortunately, it started bleeding more and dug deeper in so i grabbed it with tweezers before it went all the way in. Deer ticks are very common around here so i didn't want it to get any further then that so i pulled it out. my dog isn't tired or acting differently.

    My ultimate question is, do you think i need to take her to the vet and have her looked at? shes a Cairn Terrior and they are known for being allergic to fleas and ticks, even though she isnt showing signs. any input?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • do you think my birth control is at work?

    me and my boyfriend have been going out for quite a while. ive been on birth control for over a year but last month i decide to not take it. but i started again this month. i go on my white pills next week. last week we had sex with no condom. i tild him that that can NOT happen again until im ready to have kids and i was emotionally uncomfortable with it after. this morning we did it again WITH a condom and it broke. do you think that my birth control will follow through and not let me get pregnant even though i was off it last month?

    i get super parinoid about these things.

    im 19 years old and my boyfriend is 22 if that helps at all

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • within the next 2 years, do you think i could be ready?

    I am 19 years old and he is 22. ive been with my boyfriend for almost a year. we have talked about getting married someday. i really want to have kids with him. he is an upstanding guy, very truthful, great family. i am in college now and im looking for a job that offers benifits. im moving into my own place in the next year and hes moving in with me.

    do you think that within the next two years, it would be okay to attempt to get pregnant or do you think we should be older and started on a REAL live outside of living with our parents before we bring a baby into the world?

    i understand the responsibilities of having babies. i practically raised my sisters son from the time he was born till he was about 18 months.

    just opinions please? and thank you!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend wants to join the air national guard?

    Recently my boyfriend of a year has told me he wasn't to be in the ANG. Personally, i don't want him to do that. My dad was in the Air Force and was in Vietnam. He had told me some brutal stories and, honestly, i don't want my boyfriend doing that.

    ultimately it is his choice and i WILL support his decision no matter what it may be.

    what i want to know is what will it be like for him when hes in basic training? or what if he gets deployed? what are his chances of being deployed? i just want to know what to expect and how long its going to be. its been taring me up and i don't know how to respond when hes talking about it with me. help please?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • why has my rat just started biting me?

    My pet rat delilah died recently and her cage mate was very sad. Ive been trying to comfort her, and i tried to get some advice from on here regarding wether i should get another rat to keep her company and the majority said no.

    i opened the top of the cage and i tried to pet her (no she wasnt asleep, and no she didnt back into a corner. if that were the case, i wouldnt be on here asking) and she just bit me!

    is she angry at me? do you think i should give her to the SPCA? what should i do? she was never as social as my other rats and is kind of the odd ball out.but i dont want to seem mean and give her away. but she wont let me touch her anymore..

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • question about my dog in heat?

    My dog is about 10 months old. I was planning on getting her spayed before she went into heat, but i came across some hard times and i was unable to do that. (I intend on having it done ASAP)

    I put a doggy pad on her so she can come inside and not mess up the carpet, but now she thinks it is there for her to urinate in.

    She would usually go to a door to let us know she needs to be brought out, but instead she just stands and pees, and we don't notice until it has leaked past the pad and the cloth and got all over the furnature.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I have an inclosed back porch she is on during the day when no one is home, and when we are here, we bring her in and she stays in my bed at night. I just dont want to leave her out there for the durration of her heat cycle.

    Thanks for the help!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • my rat died... need advice?

    i had to have my pet rat humanely euthanized today..

    i knew she was getting bad for a while but i figured it would be gone.. like a common cold

    but saw her today and she would not walk.. and wouldnt get up.. so i took her out of her cage and she had no balance..

    the vet said she had dried blood in her nose and eyes.. and we could have exrays done and put her on antibiotics but there is no gaurentee she would make it through the night..

    so i had her put down.

    her sister is all alone now. what should i do? buy a new rat for her? or give myself time before going out to get a new one?

    8 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • rats hands bleeding... need help please?

    i didn't much notice this before, but when i picked my rat up today, she had a sort or red tint to her neck, like someone lightly spray painted her. so i thought about it and looked at her hands. the bottoms of her hands are all red and bloody. i don't know what could have caused it!! i clean he cage at LEAST 3X a week.

    do you think her pee is still to acidic and is bothering her?

    nothing is swollen so i dint think she hurt her bone or anything. i just don't want her little feet to hurt.

    i cant afford to go to a vet. im in a bit of a financial struggle at the moment due to college and gas prices. and home remedies would be perfect!

    if its anything TOO serious, ill buck up and take her to the vets, but i would really rather that not be my first plan of attack

    and suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!!

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • i found an injured baby bunny..

    i was over a friend house and i saw a cat chasing a baby bunny down and we chased the cat away and the bunny got away for the moment.

    a little while later we saw the cat with it in its mouth.

    it wasn't dead. it was like.. screaming

    so we chased the cat away and it dropped the baby. i got the baby and fixed up all its cuts and gashes..

    it wasnt terrible.

    but the baby was scared. do you think it would be ok to nurse it back to health and release it when its better? i cant turn it loose now because its hurt pretty bad.

    but im afraid that if it gets attatched to me, it could be bad. now, i do have room for it, but i dont condone keeping a wild animal caged.

    since its a baby, it could learn to be indoors, but i dont have it in me to take away the wilderness from it.

    and advice? please??

    20 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • im pretty upset by this

    i recently started going out with this guy and he has 3 dogs. they are all labs in all 3 colors. 2 of the dogs are REALLY sweet and i like them a lot, but the youngest one, the chocolate lab and me didnt seem to hit it off too well.

    the other day i went over to his house and his mom told me to just come one in, and she was holding onto the dog that doesnt like me too much.

    i walked in and the dog had gotten away from her and lunged at my face so i held my arm up to block it from me. he clamped down a bit but didnt break any skin. i got him off and he kept jumping at me and barking. i was alright and everything.. just a little scared.

    i LOVEEE dogs. ive had a rottie, german shepherd, cairn terrier and a jack russel. i voul. at the local SPCA. i get along fine with dogs on a daily basis. and personally, i looove pits.

    i just dont understand this one. i think the dog has scared me from dogs.. i found myself trying to be left alone by my cairn all day today. i dont want to feel like this but in all honesty, it REALLY scared me..

    i dont know what to do..

    im afraid to go back over there now. next time it could be worse..


    any suggestions?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • matting on my puppys legs?

    my puppy is starting to matt on her legs. its not really bad yet but i can feel it. she wont let me brush it out or anything. i brush her on a daily basis and the way she lays down tangles it. its not terrible but id like to get it before it gets really bad.

    should i have her groomed and cut off? and can i cut it myself if it need be?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • introducing my new baby rat to my adult who thinks she is a princess?

    I bought a rat in october after my dog died. it was a spur of the moment thing and i bought all these books and read up on it online ALL the time.

    my parents said i could only have one rat but the more sites i went to, the more and more it said i should have two because she will get lonely. Mind you she now is in control of my house and thinks she owns everrything and everyone and acording to her, she has no boundries. but is VERY sweet at the same time.

    Yesterday i decided i was going to get her a new friend. Me and my sister went out and bought a baby that to my luck had only been in the pet store a few hours. CUTEST little thing i ever saw. she is a tan color but she had a missing toe. looked like a birth defect. but i got her anyway because she was soo sweet. i bring her home to try to introduce them and my older rat grabbed her head and started chewing on it and swatting at her. so i seperated them and got on here. is whatever is happeneing normal

    i dont want my baby jealous


    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago