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  • Is this harassment?

    If you blow up someones phone, they reply to you a few times, ask you to stop, you continue but they continue talking to you as well?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Is this harassment?

    So my friend is blowing up her ex boyfriends phone, but he answers all of her text messages and a few of her phone calls. He has asked her to stop, but he continues to have long conversations with her. He blocked her, so she downloaded a texting app and he has replied to her. They both say horrible things to each other about their family and each other.

    She never showed up to his apt or sent him anything or followed him anywhere.

    Would this be considered harassment/stalking?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Would this be considered defamation in Michigan?

    So my ex bf and I broke up and it was nasty.

    He told me a few girls he slept with over a phone call, told me their names, and that they had boyfriends.

    I messaged them (the two girls and theu boyfriends) on fb and told them that he was telling people that he had slept with them.

    He then called me and said I knew he was lying about sleeping with them (I did not know that) and that he could sue me for defecation.

    I was passing on information that I thought to be true, no one should be dating a cheater.

    He says I have no proof, because he said he slept with them over a phone call.

    So could he get me in trouble for defamation?

    Law & Ethics4 years ago
  • Would this be defamation in Michigan?

    So my ex bf and I broke up and it was nasty.

    He told me a few girls he slept with over a phone call, told me their names, and that they had boyfriends.

    I messaged them (the two girls and theu boyfriends) on fb and told them that he was telling people that he had slept with them.

    He then called me and said I knew he was lying about sleeping with them (I did not know that) and that he could sue me for defecation.

    I was passing on information that I thought to be true, no one should be dating a cheater.

    He says I have no proof, because he said he slept with them over a phone call.

    So could he get me in trouble for defamation?

    Law & Ethics4 years ago
  • Would this be defamation in Michigan?

    So my ex bf and I broke up and it was nasty.

    He told me a few girls he slept with over a phone call, told me their names, and that they had boyfriends.

    I messaged them (the two girls and theu boyfriends) on fb and told them that he was telling people that he had slept with them.

    He then called me and said I knew he was lying about sleeping with them (I did not know that) and that he could sue me for defecation.

    I was passing on information that I thought to be true, no one should be dating a cheater.

    He says I have no proof, because he said he slept with them over a phone call.

    So could he get me in trouble for defamation?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • What would you do if you were me? (relationship advice)?

    So I have been dating my boyfriend for six months now. In the beginning he told me that he had slept with 16 other women. I was a virgin when I met him and that is who I lost my virginity to, which he told me he broke his heart that I was not his first and that it would mean more to me than it would to him. Then about two months into our relationship he told me that he has slept with a hooker before (he is adopted and his biological mom was a hooker, so this was a little strange). I think it's gross but this relationship is different than any other relationship I've ever had, so I decided not to judge him by his past.

    Then the other night I couldn't sleep, so I decided I would go look at his phone. I don't really care to look at people's phone but I couldn't sleep. Now at this point we have been dating for six months. I decided to read messages from his best friend. About a month ago he was telling him that he loved me and was scared of getting his heart broken. Great right? Continuing back he was telling his friend not to tell me about his orgy or the milfs he has had sex with. Then I got back to about month three in our relationship and he was talking about how he had dreams about his girl friend and how maybe he wanted to be with her instead of me, but that was three months ago but we were dating then.

    So I guess what I'm asking is would you be able to put up with his past sexual experiences? I don't want to judge him on it because it was before he met me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • My friend literally hates me after our first argument. What should I do?

    I have known my friend for almost two years. We got in our first argument two days ago. She was good friends with my ex boyfriend a year ago, we met him at the same time. Recently she has been skyping and talking to him a lot, and she asked me if it would be okay is her visited this upcoming weekend (valentines day), as weird as that was I said I'd be okay because I knew they were good friends. I went home this weekend (we're in college) and when I come home I found out that she hung out with him this weekend and when I asked her about it she started screaming at me (I never scream because my parents have screamed at me one to many times that I don't want others to feel that way) and she went every which way, how he only dated me because he couldn't have her and how if she got the chance she would kiss him (even though she previously said they were only friends and that she can be friends with anyone that she wants to be), and she went on to tell me that I had no friends, . and all I wanted to know was why she didn't tell me they were hanging out? We're friends, and this dude was my first boyfriend every, girl code, obviously it would hurt me if she was flirting with him. And she knew I was ok with them hanging out as friends, so why go behind my back?


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How does he feel about me?

    I met this guy a few months ago at work and he would talk to me a few times and then school ended and we both went home for the summer.

    I added him on facebook and he messaged me and we started talking and then he gave me his phone number and we texted a few times throughout the summer.

    When the semester started we began talking more and then we met up and hung out twice, but he didn't go for a hug when we said goodbye. Then on halloween he came over to my place and we made out and he went down (we didn't go all the way and he was like "I don't want to hurt you") and then he stayed the night and we cuddled and stuff and he left at like eleven the next morning.

    I don't know how he feels about me. Do you think he really likes me or no?

    I am pretty sure he is moving states in two months though, so if we really like each other should I go for it or no? I don't know I am so confused.

    Help me!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • why did he break up with me?

    I broke up with my bf of 5 months and my guy friend found out and he was very comforting and like a week later told me he had liked me since the day that he met me and still wanted to go out with my after like 5 months of knowing me and being friends.

    So three weeks after my breakup we started dating. He said he hadnt felt like how he felt about me with any other girl before. But about a month into our relationship he would only hang out with me once a week, we go to the same college, he would take hours to reply to my texts, and just seemed uninterested. He would also never invite me anywhere, he is in a frat.

    In the past two weeks he cancelled plans with me three times and gave me no reason. So a few days ago he had his frat formal, I wanted to know the plans were so I called him and he didnt answer. At this point I am annoyed and I keep calling and he is ignoring my calls. He wont reply to my texts either. I tell him i dont want to go to his formal and all he replies with is gotcha, he didnt try to make me come. I asked why he wasnt answering my calls and he said us dating isnt working anymore. So that night I walked to his frat to talk to him because he wouldnt answer my calls. He said he doesnt have fun with me and I am always complaining and we arent perfect and we wouldnt last the summer break, and he agreed that he didnt make time for me. I told him he was a frat douche and he said thank you. He didnt care at all. We broke up and I dont know after all that why?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why did he break up with me?

    I broke up with my bf of 5 months and my guy friend found out and he was very comforting and like a week later told me he had liked me since the day that he met me and still wanted to go out with my after like 5 months of knowing me and being friends.

    So three weeks after my breakup we started dating. He said he hadnt felt like how he felt about me with any other girl before. But about a month into our relationship he would only hang out with me once a week, we go to the same college, he would take hours to reply to my texts, and just seemed uninterested. He would also never invite me anywhere, he is in a frat.

    In the past two weeks he cancelled plans with me three times and gave me no reason. So a few days ago he had his frat formal, I wanted to know the plans were so I called him and he didnt answer. At this point I am annoyed and I keep calling and he is ignoring my calls. He wont reply to my texts either. I tell him i dont want to go to his formal and all he replies with is gotcha, he didnt try to make me come. I asked why he wasnt answering my calls and he said us dating isnt working anymore. So that night I walked to his frat to talk to him because he wouldnt answer my calls. He said he doesnt have fun with me and I am always complaining and we arent perfect and we wouldnt last the summer break, and he agreed that he didnt make time for me. I told him he was a frat douche and he said thank you. He didnt care at all. We broke up and I dont know after all that why?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • should I break up with him?

    I am 19 and this is my first boyfriend and the first boy i ever even kissed. We met on the first day of college and apparently right away he liked me, which he told my friend who told me, and sometimes I feel like I had to like him because he liked me, but now I realize I do really like him.

    But anyways we have been dating for 3 months and apparently he already loves me, but I don't love him yet. Sometimes I don't feel like holding his hand or doing sexual things with him. Is this because he is my first boyfriend? He is also immature, he doesn't like meeting new people and refuses to, he has a bad gpa in college, he doesn't brush his teeth everyday or shower everyday, he gets overdraft fees at the bank all the time. Doesn't this seem immature for a 19 year old and he has never had like a part time job before and so we got one together and he acts like he knows more about it than me and I have been working since I was 15. I wake him up for his class and his job. He also wears the same pair of pants like 4 days in a row. Am I being unreasonable or does he really need to grow up?

    I do like him but since he is my first boyfriend I don't know what I am looking for in a guy. And he always wants to be around me. He lives on the same floor as me, we have a class together and work at the same job and I need some alone space and girl time and he doesn't get that.

    He also has no guy friends here so he only hangs out with my friends and I.

    I do like him a lot but he needs to get his **** together.

    I don't know if I should meet other guys and see what I want sine he is my first boyfriend ever.

    I have been thinking of breaking up with him. If you were me what would you do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I break up with my boyfriend?

    I am 19 and this is my first boyfriend and the first boy i ever even kissed. We met on the first day of college and apparently right away he liked me, which he told my friend who told me, and sometimes I feel like I had to like him because he liked me, but now I realize I do really like him.

    But anyways we have been dating for 3 months and apparently he already loves me, but I don't love him yet. Sometimes I don't feel like holding his hand or doing sexual things with him. Is this because he is my first boyfriend? He is also immature, he doesn't like meeting new people and refuses to, he has a bad gpa in college, he doesn't brush his teeth everyday or shower everyday, he gets overdraft fees at the bank all the time. Doesn't this seem immature for a 19 year old and he has never had like a part time job before and so we got one together and he acts like he knows more about it than me and I have been working since I was 15. I wake him up for his class and his job. He also wears the same pair of pants like 4 days in a row. Am I being unreasonable or does he really need to grow up?

    I do like him but since he is my first boyfriend I don't know what I am looking for in a guy. And he always wants to be around me. He lives on the same floor as me, we have a class together and work at the same job and I need some alone space and girl time and he doesn't get that.

    He also has no guy friends here so he only hangs out with my friends and I.

    I do like him a lot but he needs to get his **** together.

    I don't know if I should meet other guys and see what I want sine he is my first boyfriend ever.

    I have been thinking of breaking up with him. If you were me what would you do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • He says he likes me, but I think he likes my friend?

    So I met this guy about a month ago, and he has been hanging out with my friends and I. He says he likes me, like he has told me, and we have been hanging out and cuddling and stuff, and we kissed once, but sometimes I feel like he likes my friend more than me.

    So let me explain to you about my friend Sarah. She is a lesbian who has been with this girl for over a year. We are at college and he girlfriend is still in high school, but hey skype everyday. Everyone asks if we are sisters because we look very similar. She is cute and stuff. So yeah.

    Anyways so me and my friends were all hanging out in my room and I was like my back hurts I need a back massage and nothing and then sarah goes me to and he rushes over to give her one. then we were singing in our room one day and he was playing guitar and i dont sing because I am bad at it, and he doesnt like singing, but sarah started singing and he sang a bunch of songs with her, and he was staring and smiling at her when they were singing. i asked him to sing me a song and he wouldnt and he said he didnt know why he wanted to sing with sarah cause normally he doesnt sing. And then we were in a dark room, and I was like this is scary. and then sarah goes I'm scared and he helps her walk acorss the room, but not me. He always talks about her and brings her up. He says he likes me (we aren't dating yet) but I feel like he likes her. my friend says they are just good friends, but I dont buy it.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I don't know how to feel about my father beating me up?

    This happened for the last time about 3 and a half years ago when I was 14 years old, over winter break my freshman year. I was in my sisters room and was using her camera to take pictures, which my parents told me not to do because it was not mine, but I did it anyways because I am a kid and well what would they expect.

    They got really mad and well my dad basically beat me up. He choked me and slammed my head into the wall, and I fell to the ground and was kicking me as hard as he could. I was literally crying and screaming on the floor. My mother had to stop him. I wanted to call the police but my mom said if I did that I would never come back to live in their home, so I just went upstairs to my room. I had fingerprint bruises around my neck, and a couple on my back.

    My dad probably did that to me 3 previous times for stupid things like that.

    After three years I finally told my friends about this, and I just don't know what to feel right now. All I want to do is cry. I don't hate my dad, but I don't ever talk to him about anything, and our relationship isn't that good. All my 4 siblings were there when this happened, and they all ignored me when this happened.

    I'm away at college now, and I was just thinking about this, and told my new friends about this.

    Do you think that was right of him to do? I don't know what to think.

    10 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Is 7 too many ear piercings?

    Right now I have 5, my doubles and then one cartilagge.

    I want to have two cartilage and my doubles on my left ear and my double and tragus on my right ear. Is that to many?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • My mother wont let me get contacts?

    I just graduated high school and will be going to college in the fall and I HATE wearing glasses (I was worn them for 6 years) and I really want contacts. My mother says they are to exspensive, but when I offer to pay for them myself she says no (I work 40 hours a week over the summer and 25 during school year)

    my dad wont say yes unless my mother says yes.

    How do I get her to get me them? I move in in three weeks and would like them before that.

    I really hate wearing contacts so much.

    my mother cants wear contacts cause she has bifocals so I thinks thats part f the reason, she cant so i cant.

    if i cant convince her can i get them myself? how much would that be at cosco?

    1 AnswerOptical8 years ago
  • Was he just using me? (long)?

    So there is this new guy at work, well he started a month ago which is when this all started, and he knew my friend that I work with and he was telling her how he though I was really cute and she was telling him just to talk to me. So he messaged me on facebook wanting to talk so I gave him my number. The second day we were texting he sent me a 7 page long text message about what he wants in a girl with thing like how a meaningful kiss means more to him than a bj and how he likes holding hands and stuff like that, it was kind of weird to be honest and we had only talked in person for a half hour at work on a break.

    So we texted for like a week straight literally like all day, and then I finally hinted at a date and basically told him that I wanted to go on one and how he had to ask me out, so he did over text but then I had to plan the whole thing (dinner and a movie) and I told him he should plan it and he was like no.

    when we were texting about our date he was like we should sit in the top row at the movies so we can make out (he said that like five times) and then he was like we should eat before the movie unless you are worried about bad breath, and stuff like that.

    So onto our date, he said he had never been on a real date before, he picked me up, met my father for 2 seconds, and then we left. he didnt say I looked nice until I told him that he did. dinner was good, we had a few jokes, a few getting to know each other questions, it was good, he paid. then we went to the movies, he paid to, and let me pick the seats, so I picked the third row down from the top, I was expecting him to play some moves but nothing. then he drove me home, I hugged him and he did a little shimmey thing as he hugged me, I don't know but it was cute.

    I stupidely told him I thought the night was awkward... fail on my part.

    after the date he texted me and he was like do you even like me? I said I wanted to get to know him more, because we had barely talked in person and he got mad and was like you seemed like you wanted to go home the whole time and called me awkward, and I said I didn't really mean it was awkward, if you knew me I say stupid things like that.

    he was getting mad so I told his I would rather talk about this in person and not over text, which he took to meaning I didnt want him to text me at all anymore, so he just stopped.

    the didnt text me for like a week so then I went to his hockey game and he said thanks for coming and he hugged me. i told him to text me and when he did he was like "you told me to text you."

    i told him we should hang out, and he was like okay so we were going to hang out one night and he was like you should wear those yoga pants you wore the other day and I was like oh I don't know maybe, and he got mad because I didn't say yes.

    and then he wanted to sext me but im not really into that like sexting is stupid, and he kept saying how horny he was, and he got mad cause i am bad at it (and when I keep saying he got mad, i dont really know because we only text)

    so then when it came for us to hang out he never showed up, and when i texted him he said he was at home doing nothing, and I just didn't reply to him. I told him the day before what time to come over, I isn;t think I needed to remind him. we haven't talked in like two weeks, and I saw him at work once and all he said was hi.

    I am so confused. help me!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does my daughter have aspergers?

    I have 5 children, and my youngest son, who is 14 years old was dagnosed about a year ago.

    I have a daughter who is 18.

    She likes to fit in, looks nice every day, does her hair, paint her nails a new color every week, ect.

    She has maybe two friends, and she ever hangs out with them. She has never been on a date before either.

    When she is at home she spends all of her time in her room on the computer.

    I recenlty went on college orientation with her and she has trouble talking with other people. When she talks to one of her two friends at school she always interupts them and changes the subject to herself. when she is talking to me (her mother) she never makes eye contact.

    She likes breaking the rules and when I talk to her (she says I yell and ***** not talk) she looks like she is not listening and does not care and does not make eye contact.

    her grades were not that good all four years of high school, like 2.8, but she was super competitive in band class which she had to be the best at.

    she cant keep her room clean, clothes all on the ground, food wrappers.

    does it sounds like she has aspergers?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Where should I go to college?

    I got a 19 on the act and my gpa is a 2.7

    I got accepted to western michigan and Iove it there.

    I also got accepted to eastern Michigan and I got a scholarship. If I went to eastern I would live at home and come out with no debt at all. I would live at home and keep my job at a grocery store.

    What would you do?