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Lv 611,145 points

Captain Munnerlyn

Favorite Answers32%
  • why do you think i am such a loser.?

    i frequently steal my roomates chair so i can feel as cool as he does and then i pretend to be him by dressing up in his clothes. what do you think i should do about that???

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you got locked out of your room?

    im locked out of my room what would you do i need help!!

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What should I buy with my Ebay bucks?

    I have something like 2.38 in Ebay bucks and I can't really decide what to spend it on. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost to advertise in prime time on TV?

    I'm wondering how much it costs on average to run a 30 second commercial in prime time. I've been trying to look at Nielson, but I'm not finding a whole lot. We're not talking about producing and then running it, just running the commercial. Any answers and sources would be greatly appreciated.

  • Where is a good place to look up recent court cases? (Defamation cases)?

    I'm trying to find some recent defamation cases and my Google search has been miserable so far. I'm wondering if there is any site that people know of that has recent news regarding cases...preferably defamation, but it doesn't have to be strictly that. I'll continue to look on Google, but I'll definitely award a best answer if it's a good site. Thanks!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • New roommate issue...any help is appreciated?

    So we had a new roommate move in about a month ago. He is a nice enough kid, little weird at times, but easy enough to live with. The one issue we have noticed is that this kid uses so much toilet paper. He is constantly in the bathroom and literally has gone through an entire roll overnight (without any of the other 3 of us using it). We've estimated that he literally uses 3 rolls to every one that all 3 of us used to use. We have to buy our own toilet paper so it can get pricey with this guy going to town on it. How would you suggest discussing this issue with him?

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is an interesting current intercultural issue?

    It doesn't have to be a physical conflict or anything like that, but what conflicting groups would be really interesting to research? I have a few ideas, but I'm not exactly enthusiastic about them. The conflict does not have to involve America at all, but it can. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerSociology1 decade ago
  • How would you spell the noise you make when you mucus snot back into your nose?

    Just for fun...everybody has had the sniffles when they have a cold...but how do you spell the noise you make when you suck it all back up?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Why are women such horrible drivers?

    I've just happened to notice a lot of problem with women drivers recently. Really not trying to be sexist, but stats are really starting to show that teenage girls especially are involved in more accidents than males. Just lookin for opinions...

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do the flat rate boxes at USPS apply to Alaska?

    I am selling an item on ebay and I have a potential buyer asking if we would ship to Alaska. I was just wondering if the "flat rate anywhere in the country" counts Alaska because I know sometimes they make exclusions in those things. Thanks

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Will a Roth IRA now hurt a 401k later in life?

    I am currently 19 years old and looking to get into investing. I have a part-time job when I am not away at school, but that obviously won't help in getting a 401k. I have been reading up on investing in the stock market and came across the Roth IRA, which seems pretty attractive for what I am looking to do.

    However, I do plan on entering into a more legitimate position coming out of college, and would hope that my employer offers a 401k plan. I've read that you can have both a Roth IRA and 401k, but there were limitations based on your earnings. Granted these numbers were pushing triple digits, and it would be a while before I would reach that, but just looking to the future I don't want to mess up the chance of a 401k since employers often match investments into those.

    Basically my question is, would a Roth IRA be a wise investment now even if I am looking to seriously invest into a 401k later in life?

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Phrases that use the words "The Wall"?

    I'm looking for a short phrase involving the words "The Wall"


    A hole in the wall

    A fly on the wall

    Balls to the wall

    Writing on the wall

    Looking for short phrases that can be a convenient url like aholeinthewal or any of the others mentioned. Best answer will receive 10 points.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Horizontal motion/inertia question?

    Okay so the example is a ball is rolling on a friction free surface across the ground and then up the friction-free incline of a driveway. What would the motion look like is basically the question.

    My logic is that if there was no incline it would move forever because there is no friction, but since gravity is acting, wouldn't it slow up the incline? Basically my question is would it keep moving at its constant rate even with the slope or would it slow?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Do painted wine glasses last?

    I was thinking about buying my friend a painted wine glass for Christmas. It looks really awesome, but I was just wondering how long they would be expected to last. The description says the paint used is meant to last, but it also says use delicate washing to preserve it so I just wonder about them. Anybody have experience?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Fun Question of the Day: You have 24 hours to live, what do you do?

    My fun question for the day is what would you do if you had only 24 hours to live. You can travel anywhere and do anything, but just for fun...what would you try doing? Assume you are able to get by the shock/sadness.

    I think I would probably fly to Italy and try to see everything there was and do something crazy like skydiving. I would probably bring the ones I loved and just see if I can't live it up.

    Also, the serious question of the day focuses on universities: good or out of control.

    Give an opinion if interested.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with universities these days?

    Continuing with my serious question of the day trend, today the question is, what is your opinion on colleges/universities today?

    My personal opinion is that they are overpriced, claim to help those that cannot afford them to get in when they really never do, and really provide you with nothing more than something that looks good on an application. Many people waste the time and just choose to party for 40 grand or more a year, but even those of us who do care really only get a diploma.

    Once you hit the workforce you will learn on the job and really graze the basics of what you learned. Just my opinion, but I think there needs to be a regulation on pricing since what people get in return is not worth it. Some people never make it out of debt, others settle for jobs they could have had with a high school diploma. Yes some get very good jobs, but that's not a guarantee.

    So what are your thoughts? 10 Points will be awarded sometime tomorrow. Also check out the fun question of the day in the more details section.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Poll: Remembering the 90's?

    For a fun question of the day I just wanted to go back to the 90's. I was a child of the 90's and every time I hear music or see one of the shows it brings back good memories.

    So I ask what was your favorite (in the 90s):



    For me personally it was Boy Meets World and Third Eye. Pretty simple, but good memories.

    Also, my serious question of the day involving the drinking age in America is

    Feel free to give thoughts on that too. Thanks!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Anybody else find it funny/sad that America has the highest drinking age and the biggest problem?

    My serious question of the day is, what are your thoughts on the current drinking age in America? Good, bad, or indifferent?

    (Reading the rest is not important for anybody that may be turned off by large amounts of text)

    Many foreign countries have a drinking age of 18 and all the kids there that come over really don't see drinking as a big deal. They have much less problems with drinking in those countries and meanwhile here college kids are running wild. Granted most of the people that argue to lower the drinking age already drink almost every weekend, but their argument of "Why can you die for your country at 18 but not take a sip of alcohol til you're 21?" has some validity. It is a double standard, and for some reason we have this false sense that the higher drinking age protects us.

    My personal thought is that it should be lowered to 18 on college campuses so that kids would not have to go out elsewhere to get intoxicated and be able to stay away from cars. Also, my fun question of the day will be posted shortly if you are interested.

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Poll:If you were granted only one wish, what would you wish for?

    Just a fun question for the day. The situation is that you get one wish, you can wish for anything at all except for any way to get more wishes (so no genies that will let you bend the rules or magic muffins, etc). I honestly do not know what my one wish would be, but I just wanted to make a fun question for the day. 10 points will be awarded.

    Also, if interested, check out my serious question of the day:;_ylt=AsB_2...

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • (Why) Is America becoming such an anti-intellectual society?

    Just kind of a food for thought question of the day. My personal opinion is that America is becoming severely anti-intellectual to the point that we are running ourselves into the ground slowly. So my serious question for the day is what are your thoughts on the issue? Is there even an issue?

    Here's my logic (you really don't have to read it lol):

    Growing up, the smart kid in grade school is the kid that everybody makes fun of, and that trend continues all the way until high school when people finally start to grow up a little.

    I'm currently at a University that is ranked 7th in New England, but I have witness some of the dumbest people in my lifetime...asking questions like "Does this paper (for a midterm) need to be typed?" and saying "I've never used a graphing calculator before" in a class that was extremely basic for college level.

    Other than that...just look at our role models. Paris Hilton will probably lift off if she loses any more weight with all the air in her head. Britney Spears and K-Fed speak for themselves. And half the athletes talk like, "Ya I think we played real good today, played da football right and we did good."

    I just think it's embarrassing, especially in comparison to foreign countries where they fluently speak at least 2 languages and are smarter than us in almost everything.

    10 Points will be awarded. Also check out my fun question of the day: (coming soon)

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago