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Does "Resolve" laundry detergent really get sweat stains out of clothes, or do you know another way?
I've tried everything to get sweat stain out of this shirt and nothing is working. Does resolve work like they say it does or do you have any solutions to get them out? I've already tried bleach.
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry8 years agoDoes "BB long wear gel eyeliner" stay On your waterline all day?
Does "BB long wear gel eyeliner" stay On your waterline all day?
I'm suck and tired of having raccoon eyes by the end of the day and. Instantly putting on eyeliner every 30 minutes because the eyeliner on my waterline just washes off and smudges everywhere and it looks terrible :( I use a cream pencil but in looking for something that will stay on and not smudge, will this do the trick? Thanks :)
2 AnswersMakeup8 years agoDoes "BB long wear gel eyeliner" stay On your waterline all day?
I'm suck and tired of having raccoon eyes by the end of the day and. Instantly putting on eyeliner every 30 minutes because the eyeliner on my waterline just washes off and smudges everywhere and it looks terrible :( I use a cream pencil but in looking for something that will stay on and not smudge, will this do the trick? Thanks :)
3 AnswersMakeup8 years agoGUYS please help me...? or girls i guess? :/?
Ok, im just going to say first of all, i am NOT being an attention whore and if you are too nice of a person to tell the truth you should probably not answer this because this is for completely honest tough love people only, sorry. ok, i don't think i am attractive. i keep googling different ways to make myself prettier and i just recently started hanging out with irls that are way prettier than me and it completely trashes me self confidnce, not that i had much in the first place. i have the self confidence of an obease 12 year old with acne and no friends (even though im not any of those descriptions) i cant even post a pic on facebook without editing it :( but by looking at my profile pic and these pic adresses below, i want honest opinions and ways that i could improve my looks, thanks guys.
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style8 years agoWhat's an exotic but not common last name for 'Autumn'?
I need a cool last name for an account, my names Autumn, what's a cool and exotic last name that goes with Autumn?
2 AnswersGenealogy9 years agoWhat was the movie called tht was about the guy who escaped from that huge prison?...?
ok what was that movie called that the guy goes to this maximum security prison and befriends that black guy named Red. He at one point in the movie playes a record of a lady singing over the intercom of the prison and Red is the narorator and sais " i have no idea what that lady was singing about that day...something something something" The main character gets ahold of a rock hammer and carves a tunnel out of his cell but covers the hole with a big poster of the bakini model. He escapes through the hole and crawls through the sewer and throws up because its all poop in the sewer but he makes it our and it's nighttime and raining when he gets out of the sewer pipe. He goes somewere in mexico. He told Red, his best friend, to go to an oak tree and look under a rock after he is released from prison and he looks under the rock and theres a note and $1200 the note sais to go to mexico. Red goes to mexico to go after his ecapee freind walks up on the beach up to the main character like a month later and the main character is sanding an old boat when Red walks up. the camera backs away into the sky and i think thats the end of the movie. what the hell was it called?!?!?!
5 AnswersMovies9 years agoIf you have a nose peircing for 4 months, is it possable for it to close in 1 night?
I was at the pool and my nose ring i'v had for about 4 months fell out around 5 while i was swimmimg, and at 11 in the morning the next day i tried to put one back in and it wont go in!!!! is it even possible for it to close that fast??? please help im freaking out i dont want to have to re peirce it!!!!!!!
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoHow do you measure your boobs to find your bra size with a cloth measure tape?
so i have a cloth measure tape but im not sure how to measure my boobs to find out my bra size?
4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoWhy do i sweat so much!?!?!?
So i do use antipersperant ( i use degree to be exact), but my frend has this problem to, by the time i get to work (about a half hour) my shirt is already soaked in sweat. WTF? what kind of antipersperant works well? how do i stop the sweating so much?! It makes me totally uncomfortable to hug ppl please help!!!
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agodoes working out ur upper body muscles like doing push ups and pull ups make ur boobs smaller?
jw cuz idk if it makes them smaller or what
4 AnswersWomen's Health10 years agoThis whole thing is so f*cked up nd hard to follow but i ned help nd dont know were else to go?
This whole thing is so f*cked up nd hard to follow but i need help nd dont know were else to go?
so this all happened like 7 months in the making but basically i had this friend, brittany that went out with this guy but being the b*tch she is she dumped him for no reason within the first not even a week nd he was soooo f*cked up he was going to litterally kill himself nd i txted him like every day telling him it was all gonna be ok nd he'd find someone better nd i got him to a point were i could at least make him laugh a bit, nd we had hilarious conversations they were sooo funny, but anyway we became good friends nd he started to like like me but i was clueless being the idiot i am until he asked me out nd i said ya but then the nxt day we kinda split up to say the least. we stayed friends but i didnt txt him for a while he got pissed so i kept txing himevery day but then he got pissed bout me txting him too much so i was so confused. our friendship prettymuch went down faster then if that b*stard jumped off a cliff and the one night it completely f*cking fell apart was the night i did a talent show at the school wit 2 frends he was at it nd after i asked him how we did in a txt he didnt anser so i went to my other frends bday party nd we pulled an all nighter nd so i txted him 8 hours l8r to c if he was mad at me he didnt anser so i txted him like 10 hours l8r nd he completely blew the f*ck up nd was like wtf ****** when do you not know wen to leave someone the f*ck alone so i called him a stupid dick nd i think he expected me to txt him the nxt day but i didnt. then i didnt the nxt week.then month. then it turned into 7 months. idk wat happend but for some reason i took this frend quiz online at nd it was weird cuz ta questions like matchd everything nd it told me to txt him...but i didnt. i was too pussy cuz i thot he would yell at now idk. i just dont know anymore wat to do nd i understand i turnd into a ***** wen i txtd him evry day cuz idk it like became a bad annoying habbit that i wish i didnt do cuz.....idk.i kinda wish we were frends again. idk y i cant just let it the f*ck go nd get the f*ck on with life!!! sorry this is so long :(
oh nd im absalutally sure i think he hates my f*cking guts too...
nd idk y but i get like depressed wen i think bout it cuz i lost a great f*cking frend nd it was completely my stupid f*cking fault
ik i should forget bout him but i just cant iv even tried to convince myself i hate him nd i cant
oh nd im 13 and im a girl
2 AnswersMen's Health10 years agothis whole thing is so f*cked up nd hard to follow but i ned help nd dont know were else to go?
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This whole thing is so f*cked up nd hard to follow but i need help nd dont know were else to go?
so this all happened like 7 months in the making but basically i had this friend, brittany that went out with this guy but being the b*tch she is she dumped him for no reason within the first not even a week nd he was soooo f*cked up he was going to litterally kill himself nd i txted him like every day telling him it was all gonna be ok nd he'd find someone better nd i got him to a point were i could at least make him laugh a bit, nd we had hilarious conversations they were sooo funny, but anyway we became good friends nd he started to like like me but i was clueless being the idiot i am until he asked me out nd i said ya but then the nxt day we kinda split up to say the least. we stayed friends but i didnt txt him for a while he got pissed so i kept txing himevery day but then he got pissed bout me txting him too much so i was so confused. our friendship prettymuch went down faster then if that b*stard jumped off a cliff and the one night it completely f*cking fell apart was the night i did a talent show at the school wit 2 frends he was at it nd after i asked him how we did in a txt he didnt anser so i went to my other frends bday party nd we pulled an all nighter nd so i txted him 8 hours l8r to c if he was mad at me he didnt anser so i txted him like 10 hours l8r nd he completely blew the f*ck up nd was like wtf ****** when do you not know wen to leave someone the f*ck alone so i called him a stupid dick nd i think he expected me to txt him the nxt day but i didnt. then i didnt the nxt week.then month. then it turned into 7 months. idk wat happend but for some reason i took this frend quiz online at nd it was weird cuz ta questions like matchd everything nd it told me to txt him...but i didnt. i was too pussy cuz i thot he would yell at now idk. i just dont know anymore wat to do nd i understand i turnd into a ***** wen i txtd him evry day cuz idk it like became a bad annoying habbit that i wish i didnt do cuz.....idk.i kinda wish we were frends again. idk y i cant just let it the f*ck go nd get the f*ck on with life!!! sorry this is so long :(
18 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
oh nd im absalutally sure i think he hates my f*cking guts too...
18 hours ago
sorry i keep adding details but idk y but i get like depressed wen i think bout it cuz i lost a great f*cking frend nd it was completely my stupid f*cking fault
3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years agothis whole thing is so f*cked up nd hard to follow but i need help nd dont know were else to go?
so this all happened like 7 months in the making but basically i had this friend, brittany that went out with this guy but being the b*tch she is she dumped him for no reason within the first not even a week nd he was soooo f*cked up he was going to litterally kill himself nd i txted him like every day telling him it was all gonna be ok nd he'd find someone better nd i got him to a point were i could at least make him laugh a bit, nd we had hilarious conversations they were sooo funny, but anyway we became good friends nd he started to like like me but i was clueless being the idiot i am until he asked me out nd i said ya but then the nxt day we kinda split up to say the least. we stayed friends but i didnt txt him for a while he got pissed so i kept txing himevery day but then he got pissed bout me txting him too much so i was so confused. our friendship prettymuch went down faster then if that b*stard jumped off a cliff and the one night it completely f*cking fell apart was the night i did a talent show at the school wit 2 frends he was at it nd after i asked him how we did in a txt he didnt anser so i went to my other frends bday party nd we pulled an all nighter nd so i txted him 8 hours l8r to c if he was mad at me he didnt anser so i txted him like 10 hours l8r nd he completely blew the f*ck up nd was like wtf biitch when do you not know wen to leave someone the f*ck alone so i called him a stupid dick nd i think he expected me to txt him the nxt day but i didnt. then i didnt the nxt week.then month. then it turned into 7 months. idk wat happend but for some reason i took this frend quiz online at nd it was weird cuz ta questions like matchd everything nd it told me to txt him...but i didnt. i was too pussy cuz i thot he would yell at now idk. i just dont know anymore wat to do nd i understand i turnd into a ***** wen i txtd him evry day cuz idk it like became a bad annoying habbit that i wish i didnt do cuz.....idk.i kinda wish we were frends again. idk y i cant just let it the f*ck go nd get the f*ck on with life!!! sorry this is so long :(
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop10 years agowho was the youngest man to be elected for president? and also who's 4 faces are carved in mt. rushmore?
i cant remember for the life of me
3 AnswersHistory10 years agohow do you get the song "tippin on my dick" on your ipod? i can't find the song on itunes. were else can i go?
so ya i cant get this song on my ipod but ik theres a way to cuz someone ik got it on his. we hate eachother so dont tell me to ask him. but ya plz help i love this song and cant find it on itunes. were can you find it???
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players10 years agoy is it bad to have sex underwater such as in a pool?
I was ansering some chiks question and one girls ansered saying it's bad to have sex underwater...y is it bad???
17 AnswersAdolescent1 decade agoDo you think rainbow bananas are awesome?
I'm bored so the first person 2 anser this question gets to b picked as the best answer (unless ur 2 mean)
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago